장음표시 사용
men De M to the presenoe, and there hesdoth purioin, For, looking in the plate, he stinis Way the coinu But leaverit, scholari leaverit for tis a tangemus thingaeo steat stom corporatioris in re me of the ring. xt that in tota vie chancellor bring fore the prince, An in the face of ali the courtae maris his horserio ruce , But leave it, scholari leave it, ford e the jest didissi, Unitas o clarela a neute unde his hocte' tan. The iamsine at our orator, ad at his spe hie staris, Becaustine forcla a mord, and caird the prince inae eis Chartis e But leaverit, scholar, haverit for he did it compose That pulsa- ωwmas much sor longue Myou difflam formose. mencilies herio our comedies, and thereae doth prosea Hessa. amongaeour actor a persect dioces Aut leaverit, scholar leave it, 'tis no such witly fiction, Fori since Ioules the vicax out Iou spoli me jurisdiction. Nex that he hach oves My-horse, and with a scholar' grace, Not ablario indure in trot he bring him is his pace Bui leave it, scholar have it, foram ill hataly desit, Fine ait the ridet in the -- could hataly bring tam in it. 'Ania land ea teli, throuo hic he went a race, Andiare a sardet at his hach, ut nerer en other pares But leaverit, se lari leave it, he leam' i sto his sire,
Hhors hast east his rider and no ae means to mammus, And in the censure of our play conspires it Ignoramus ;But leave it, scholar, leave it, that calis it God knows his,
sir os Delman in iis Glomao aere. Rochaeum, thus explain re Rochetum, Indumentum eamisiae instar, ex tenui lino candidum, quo episcopi, inter tuni- eam togam, amiciuntur manica exerens inpliores, A non altra genum, porrectum. GHI Aul. oehet, dimin a Sam n et Galli autem ipso hoc nomine meant superpessicium illud lineum ex filo crassiori, quo operaris
de portatores utuntur ad vestes caeteras conservandast l. adroch dictum.'
An Account of inc ames theatrae Visit, in the Month
vice-chancellor, and the actor of the comes calle Ignoramus,
studendi had reminem, and o by theiriwn alluremenis, o persuasiono semei mei adherenis dra. them ithe to a private conferene.
there orat mi ich, hie also to prevent the vice-chancellor attendedihel coming into the castie, and then sentiac alliuin youncta nisas heia. there This the perceiving offered a disputation to the vici chancello um 3 questions, hic Were these:
Aimali blan is heredest in the origines for the questions. Iste vice-chancello told in aes e. the were is mari no a de there, Mithe had he power fio his majest to give leave for a disputation, .hic mirat ove them occasioni stay, and cause a meming of the studenis, an sociest thema hereupo the apist glorie as in the ictory that the offere to dispute, and the vice-chancellor did refuseat, and that this mirat e the helter known the writ divers optes of the questions an fastine them to bough and the ex mom-ing, a the wsn to take boat for Wi ita, the thre them Vex Magdaia collese ias, .hicli inere mught to the vice-chancellor in or the comminication et this authenti an eurious account the readerand myses are indebis to the Re ir Boriose of Pera house, Cambri a the present register, is homa amat Mise informed thatio account of thereins' fixst visit, in Maria, 16r is, is reae found in an of the many books
whereum the vire-chancello certified the hin What he had done, so the ring a ut 8 days besere his coming, notitie to the vice-chancello that at his comin is Cambri e he would have a disputation ther of thos questions. The me vice-chancello chose oun of the universi tyrio sit the disputation, hic meret Μr Roberti, Trinitatis, o RMwer.
and in Cecili, Iohannis, o moderate this in. Upon Saturdast the 13 Maii, 6xs, news asar o that his majest mouldie at Cambridge emat niphi, and that in the wayae meantio hunt a buch se at et of the cloccine schoia bell and St. Mars belis r g to est in universit together in vice hancello set the scholam towatas Spital-End the reache to the armilagri St. ann and a vestem v the wwn to Trinit college, the achelor os aris, then thegentiemen fellow-coinmoners, then the senior regenis and non-regenta,
then the doctors, horaood in Trinit college gate uset his majestyeame stomue bet ,.whither in buc led him, and where inhile hehad rested hi ea, and se came about seu of the cloch the scholar ad salute him it M Vivat rex. - mayo and his fraterni Modin the hill by the spital-house, here in mayor, inithout ister state orreverence, hen his majest came right against the place here herio ,11eppe to his coac fide, and thenaneelia down, an delivere hiam est a fair pala os perrume gloves With old laces, and the princeanother, tellinthis majesty thei corporation a mori and not able in hesto- an matre o value pon his majesty, and theresere invited sim to accepi of those, hici his majest in , an ove iam his han to risi an so he oo his horse, an rode heiare the hing smace-beare to TrinitI college; and then the mam Do his hora, and rode b ore in hing's mace-bearer, it his mace ove his stouideries the est of his Ompany leavinchim, o lachini by him .hichneedia not for he had ni et Aotmen, ire in arehel saye, it in k-velvet jacheis, and the arm that in rectoat wore at the falas seinedio them. is majest made no sta tul e came a Trinit college viaik, here him and the prince an his nobilit allotia theb coaeha an Min within Trinit college, against theor ratis, Dr. - . deput vice-chancellor, made an oration to him, ivinciam thanhasor his Iove to them, that he was pletae again se suddent to com
M Quaere, remitate p. i. e. ac yin by him, attendinthim a lachim. Spe re in his ni γRuem Book I. canto a stanga Is uses the ver To lache in the fame inanne an signification ascit is here uiso, hic is the oni instanceis itinat I no. recollect The passage is this: But, sith that he is gone irrevocabie,
is them again, an hidii extollinihi majest and virtutas the vict-ehaneel et an head Meeled .hil this spe Minas desivering and the iunginood, and prince an nobilit is him; and then, the speein
india, his majest .ent tomatas his loqua and then, a ut the mH- die allay the orator ad another oration, hic md ed the hing and prine an nobilit men to their lodonP. The the vice-α--llor too ordis for the lacing of the universit an strangere, notactor at thesis.er en of the stage, the doctora in a place neri thestam, in regent an non-regent in m. in the od of the hall, oster stranger according to thei qualities, pon the scatatast therameeend of the hall, Myond the stage, as . II reserared for the ring and prince' followers, an for the ourtiere. A ut 8 of the lac thapta binan, and ende a ut ne his majestv was muta deli ted in the plav, and laumed excredin y, and ostentimes, it hiahands, and D motas, applaude it o Suad , at 9 of the cloerither .as a sermon in St. Mares; at hias an hour in xo the langmen in Trinit chari Where he ear prayers an an anthem, mathen a clero a in visis, madet in Simbonis Trinit 'hic .sa an ur an an hau long -hic seeme to tedious to his majes , and ther ora heci .ed 1ome distata, noti in clero, for it mas elland lear vi performed, ut that he hadiso care o prevent ted-t in .earis over-night in clero endes, ther .as -- ther' anthem sun and prayers, and then his majest .entrio dinnera atra a sermon in St. moes, e re divers of the nobili aster dinis ner, a ut 4 of the eloch, his majest wen to in Bustir, init hian les the steri Aldera o Ralmere .as ex ossicious, an to umn him his ossice hesore his majestu, hie ducontentis the universitI, in vice-chancellor, po notice rium iam informeci in lora chamberlain . , rom his majestra distharged Aldered, and told himit was his majesty'soleas e M should no care himself thenis assierim orae his no r.eris auctorit in the universi , an soli sun aside, an to his place hehiud, and se inhil his majestν
mitte is Here solio. in the origina a considerable Uank so the namas of the persona, Moo degrees. JThat a ut o the vice hancellor an .hiae se te a doctore, regenis, an non-rmenta, and thos of the nobili in orderi attended the vice-chancellor is risidi college in orderi the regenta fies, canda, in state to Trinis chapes, where thenseatin the elves, and thither
In memorandum ' Mord-beare this da in and rom the aest, lord maia dene The bove aper appeare, as en homine inaceuraeie obsovabis in eas here prinred, a Domahe alterations an interlineationa in the original, is have been intende butos ararauis or soci minute, and was unquestionabiymeant in hame been intere more eorrecti in ita proper plate, ut cita vi neve done The original is militen in se execrabis in hanὸ that a, bauina,isit in assistanee o tW ver intelligent friends, though no Wit ut great dissicut , maderit ut as bove, it a thought advisable here to prinae thenaper alae th, in orde to preserve it, and as a caue to ecypher the band- .mina of Mr. bor, iis hic many volumes in the register is ossice ς
NON; inter latos gallantos & bene gaios, Est alter bookus deservat qui modo lookosii Lector friendiete, tuo : hunc buye libellum, Atque tibi mittinn, tibi estaque prurima sellam.
Theses litaec do εα oceu ire any of themam seripis Whic me ham v et seen, nor in thetin printe edition, ut ere fir inserte in thei second; and a consistingosa mixture of w ds, some of themaretis, an plother Engli with Latin terminations are properi of that species of po-oetr whichris denominated Maearonici The inventor horeo appears ιto nave been Theophilus 'levus a Benedictine mon os 1 tua, ho, in seto, unde the nam o Mertinus Coceatus, publimed a pCem com- pounded of Laris an Italian words, accommodare to the Latin ten- minations. His mork of this in have been collected into a mali volume, unde the ille o Mersini Coeeati opus Macaeronicum, an confimo fixaelogues, entille Zanisonesia describing the amoura . . Guellas and Zanisa; Phantasia, in enly one poems, treating of the acts of the magnanimous and prudent Baldus Mychea, retating the bat ile belween themies an grasthoppers and a book of Epistles and Epigrams and of this collectio there have been severa editions Theoxample os oleagus was followed by arinus Capella, ho in Isa 6, publi,edix book of mearente poetry contra Cabri Regem Gogae magog, and ambng thers, b Miltiam Drammondo Hamtho den, a