Ignoramus : comoedia

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Hic est lamerus. simul hic est undique clerus,h

Et Dinia merus quodvis non credere Verus). Hi multum Frenchum, quo possis vincere,enchum. Hic est Latinum, quo possis sumere Vinum .et

Hunc bookum amamus, simul hunc Miure probam mami non buyamus, cuncti sumus ignoramus. RDULMAN, clericus tuus,

a desca sua.

morda, eonverterint Laria ones by altering their terminations Theimager oscit, it must e confessed, is extremel foui, ut is thereade can prevat o himself to pardo that he wil recei' great pleasure hol the humour o it. In the preface to this editiono the μυ---ἀdinia, henoe .lso par of narcis sata above istaken the following etymolog and explanatio of the term mearonieis givens Quid enim sonat apud Datis Maearone, quam rusticum benepastum, stipitem, animal ad risum Hasciviam factum, fru- ges consumere natum uno verbo, qui ludicrum nescio quid prae se fert quid Macareae nisi buccellae ex rudi farina, ovis, caseo trito, quae inter mensae delicias agrestibus habentur, judice Thomamn ρε Et quid Macaroneamsi ahapsodia poetica, e variarum linguarum frag- minibus constans, in qua mores hominum derigendae exponuntur P timueras-J i. e. The character Ignoramus. undique clerus J Probabi intende to allude to Pecus and Musaeus asor Dulman is mentione is name in the nex line.

φe nctifumus ignoramus J Alludin to the origina sense an us es in term Ignaramus. ride ininra, in the Glossarr.



distaeriat niverades, quod hic est Ignoramus, oeorum hic diversities, est liber veresamous.

Uer presentes la*yeres est bonum ae legale Angliis Latmum, arrantizabo tale.

Hic sunt Statuta Regis' hic est yusinianus ti

Statuta Regis PB this appellation itis imagined weareto un derstan an indefinite collectio of the acts of paritament These, at lea sue of themas ere then inaeing, ad been a various times published butio with the ille of Statuta Regis, at least a far a Ihave been able to earn However, seme of the statutes avis individually been entille Siamtum Regis for si Will - ου--lo, in his Origines Iuridiciales, edit. 67 I, p. 57. mentions amongla writer an lain books, Statvium Regis de Iudaismos ut mithout

Iusinianus IIuinxian Ι. one of the Roman emperors. e Guriste a ut the ear of ou Lor uero, and reduced theiod of thaeivi laru into that code hic is et known at this a b his mama. h book allude to in the ex is supposu to e either his Insitations o the Novellae, a therare called, compiled by him; oe both which, as also the Pandecti mentione a se. lines below m amin his Lexiren Uniterfati, in an article so this person, has Riven the sol-lowin account. Ius civile in eum ordinem redigendum curavit. quo nunc utimur, electis ad id negotii decemviris praestantissimis, qui codice Gregorianum, Theodo numi Hermogeneum in unum contra herent, legesque per goo libb. dispersas in quinquaginta saltem compingerent, unde codex Digesorum vel Pandectarum ortus. Porro libb. Institutionum, qui textum omnium egum succincte continerent, Cod. Novellarum, quibus novas a se latas complexus erat, composuit 'Conc s. Mecum Oli habito, priorum Cone fidem confirmavit, errores damnavit, tria capitula reaeeit. Hostmam adds that he diea

in the rear 6s, in theras of his age, and om of his reign.ς Sincitor m Greges- It is conceived, thinnot ithstandingall the edition concur in his reacling, it is corrupe l that for Solieitorum Greges, e mould rea Solicisortim Leges re son for this supposition is that ascit stand a present it is no intelligibie, and we in in Inrras Laetus L p. 88, a book though it mustae admittetit is a very Iate publication, viet in x 64 , entilled Lam os attremissian Solicitora containing au the Statutes, adstud ais es, resolutions, o ij gomeris concernis them, undae varion heavi, vo a 64. It


Pandectas tibi Dris 'AE Chariam Magnam' dabo,

nems there re no improbabie eoniecture t imagine, that a similar mork, with the titte of Solisiιο-m Leges, o in Engli with thatos The La insis Solirisors, might have been publimed an inisse among .the professors of tbe la in the time of hinc me ora in Charies I;

information respectiniit, are reserred to Ho an's Lexiremari Pandecta Neverthel est it ma not be improper here to mention that the em

uriari, an discit comain the re-n why the Paadurimere gueen to the PE us ather than to any the people, it hasacen judgeo prope to insert it in his place asso. Eo tempore anno domo so ciniustis perturbatisque comitiis lacerarat ecclesiam falsus pontifex Petra Le- anis, Anaeetnus secundus nuncupatus ab sua factioneri cujus dux erat Rogerius apulia ac Siciliae comes, rogis nomine a sali pontifice do- natus. Adversus Amoletum creatus me ac solenniter fuerat Dinocenιiss .secundus, cui favebat imperator LOI arius Saxo, summa virtute atquc

prudentia prin-ps quo bellum gerente adversus Rogerium, amat bi, 'urbes Ierno proxima, quam perperam aliqui locant in Apulia ΜΑ- 'phiam cum Amriphi confundentes, inopinato reperti fuerunt Diges torum libri quos Pisani, qui classe Lothariam contra Rogerium adium vexant, praemio bene navatae operae sibi exorarunt. iam vero posti' iungam obsidionem a Castonio militiae duce strenuo expugnatis, trans lati fuere Floreatiam : ubi pro Augusta Mediceae domus magnificenti in musto magni ducis opsel aotur Hinc promiscua Pi narum et 'Morentinam apud scriptores Pandectarum appellatio. Si may ε --, in his Glassa , says that the Liura mona meatas that au-ment character, in hiel the op of the Panium, ome time in

the possession of the wams, is written, and Dr. T lar in his lement Vibe Crini La. p. o noticin the singulatit of the character in hicli it is viriuen, says that it consisti in consolidatin the


letters of two ords, where it appens, ascit sesquently does thatrthos whicli compos the inter areis laine in the former ac me cesset for instance, in ad os necem esset; and that this compendious method is practised in no other manuscrIM.that heano a. on

in the ninth ear o Henrt III, and confirme by --.I. He revi ae lissed that hinnyobn to appeast hi barons yieldea to laws orar-ticles of goveminent much like to this great charter, ut me haust,no OHerlaw tha this . See Comes scinterpreter Ichas been frequently τ limestas a volumem ttself, without any rem si statutes. ς Tabulis Duodecim- Hos man in inis axis , ari. 4Duodecim Tabulae, gives the folio in eircumstances respecting this Wois, whicli a the stem necessary o the tuustrationis the texi and woulabe materiali iniured by .an attemptri abridge them, are here relatea in his own wMd A. U. C. sa C. Terentius Aria Trib. m. Coss. L- Lucretio Trisipitinorae T. Veturio Gemino legem se promulgaturum Prο- fessus est, desumque viris legum de consulari imperio scribendarum 'causa creandis. Sed resistentibus acriter primum Patribus &iraefecto urbis Q Fabio, deinde etitam Consulibus, perlata ea non est . Verum insequenti anno, P. Volumnisin Semraio Suoitio Camerino Cosi legem Terentillam a toto collegio relatam Lim docet lib. s. cap. 9 cio Dion -

vero l. io non relatam eam hoc anno fuissse, sed collegium Tribunorum ad populum tulisse, de Decemviris legum scribendarum creandis, ex, ' quorum praescripto omnia tam privatim, quam publice gererentur. 'audio est. Certatum exin aliquot annos, inter Patriciosin pleben,

de hujus legis promulgatione, donec tandem A. etq; Spurio Tarpalo, με Etereio Coss. Senatusconsultum factum est, ut legati mitterentur ad Graecas urbes, quae sunt in Dalia D alii Athenas, qui peterent a Graecis leges optimas, instituto suo convenientissimas. ita' itaque sunt Sp. 'sthumius, Ser. Salpitius, A Manlius, quibus anno-ε tertio reversis, Tribuni l. urserunt ut legumlatores crearentur: si eiurantibus magistratum Ap. Claudio, T. Genutio, qui in se- 'quentem annum Cosi designati erant, uribunorum, Zdilium, Quaestorum agistratu aliisque ad tempus antiquatis, Comitiis cen-

'turiatis Decemviri creati sunt, qui an . o assumptis imitatis gubernaculis Remp. constituere sunt aggressi. Hi leges conscriptas 'tum ex Graecorum aure tum e patriis consuetudinibus proposuerunt in decem tabulis cognoscenda cuilibet, ferentes admoneri se a pri- vatis hominibus 8e hoc agentes, ut lege placerent omnibus : diuque

consultaverunt cum proceribus, revocantes ad exactissimum examen

ε singulas. Ubi vero visae sunt bene habere, primum senatu coacto, ε nemine contradicente, senatusconsultum de iis fecerunt deinde Centuriatis Comitiis in praesentia Pontificum, Augurum aliorumque sacerdotum, a re divina exorsi, calculos dederunt Centuriis tum plebiscito quoque confirmatas, in aereas columnas incisas, una serie proposuerunt in loco fori maxime conspicuo Sequenti anno sos cum adhuc leges quaedam deesse viderentur, ad perfectionem iuris, addi ae sunt ab iisdem Decemviris adhuc duae, ut si XII ' Tabb. numerus conficeretur. Quod magis dolendum est, earum nil

nisi fragmenta quaedam, hinc. inde in auctoribus dispersa, sup esse.


Trideeim, misi hic liber Grantae' natus Spectando ridendo rex tantum non cacatus. Quod haae sit in vera, authorem qua laudamus, Causidici odere sic satis hoc probamus. Denariis octode' hoc habeas Corpus Drisyrae capiam pro ποών, si velles emere pluris. Gemini mei gibos in in amplius laudabo: Non quaero ego bri su sed quod dixi urabo Est malum, e totum trullium, e mira via rumin nate, Iector, lawyerus adiuvet L. et seribe eum das . Gm--J The reader, it is imagined need stareel Te old, that this a the ancient name si, Cambricte, here this omed Was siri represente in the at year of king amas' reign, via anno domini i634- 3-h Denariis octode Juliis poem is no inae Aund in an of the -- nuscript which, have et sten, nor in an of the prinred editiona Prior to the third, hicli a printed in i 638 and the sum here mensetioned was probably the priee for inhic that, and in ali likelthood, thesorme editions of this comed were sold. R Corpus Iuris- ' an in his exicon art. Corpus, notices that Corpus was an appellation common to man works, hic meredigests of many paris into one, an contained many books. In justification os this sense, e produces, amongother instances, the Comu ris Civilis, and the Corpas tiris Canonici viis Oid are thesea Corpus, praeter signincatum commune, Latiati opus quoque notat, quod in multam esset digestum partes pluresque libros contineret sicut corpus animalis plura membra.-Sic Corpus Theodosum, in adice Theodosii CorpAnytisinianeum inmodice, hodieque Corpus Iuris, Ci- vilis quod Pandectis, Codiso . Desiis, quibus accessere Infitutiones, absolvitur : cui ut ruspondeat Corpus uris amniei, Gratiani De-

'gamei Novesias praesentant, quibus additae seculo XVI. Infisationes, a Malo LMeeorroinis Ausonio Cticebo -- Z-J i. e. a Dol; horis termed a noddy, bccaus heiod Wheta herihoad speah See in stula Dictiona . Iuxius, howeveri in his Et ologicum Anglicanam, edit Lue, gives the following etymoloε of the word, hich, a beta thought more authentic, is here inserte r μών, stolide ineptus. Nudi Graecis est Tardus, hebes, stupidus. Basis Nodis est spurius item stolidus fRectius fortasse S inneras, qui derivatis Norm uandia, Fatuus I l. 'obos-J To giberis to mock, Lut scin or ieer. Phulim' Dis. LEM Wmhum, c. J Alluding to the formis themath administereato a Witnes previous to his examinationi a trial a law, by which. he underiise to M spea the truth, the whoi triath, an nothingiui the truth. The concludinisen runce of aniath, itis ellanown, consist of the wor' So helpao God, and thei cante no doubi, that the lalter par of the pallage in the lux vias intende to refer totnis part of the form.


CUR. ATUM quis Musarum Caballum vidit hic Fon-J tem Caballinum ut praeterii modo, orarunt

Muste, illum ut perquirerem Hac ego quaesitum missus, illac ille, qui eum curat Equiso.

Estu Ecquid de caballo inaudivistin', puer , CUR Nihil prorsus, Equiso. Optimum est igitur, tu

ut praeconium facias.

In a coprostheirsi edition of this comedy, no in m possession. hut formeri in that of one V or . Gi ard, o his ameris o writtenincit, a to rende it very doubim for hic it a meant, the nam of the origina perfoi mers in this prologue are inserte in manuscript andare a follois Cursor, r. ComMon Musarum Caballus, via Davus Dromo, r. La,es Equiso Μr. Uon ali of hom ad alia paris assigned them in the comed iiseis. Se the isto actors, betare given This cop has likewis the names of the origines actor in the Comedy, ut in it assen again1 thei respestive charactur of the Dramatis Personae; ut ithout an Other designatio than that o the colleges to hic tha belonged. From this circumstimce, anaalso an error of Bargar o Bargrave, the person who played Torcia, Lam te to suspect that the istis actor in the comedy, and pro- bl the ames of the performers in his prologue, as transcribed Dom a manu scriptis clare Hali, Cambriare, hic the wel knowaMr Baher of St. IohUs college, Cambriage, once saw an compared, and in hic he remarhed the bove peculiarities. Se the lis ofactins in the comedy before ive in the author' life and r. hersis Collections in the ritis Musteum, vol XV, P. 4 s. But a to the par o Cursor in this prologue, the evidenee, thati mas acte by r. Compιon, oes no rest solet o the authorityo Mi . Gi arae' copy for in the prologue iistis me meet with the sol-lowinis ech, addeessed to Caersor Quodque tu surdam agas nanam: No. it appearcho the iii efore inserted that the par of Surda in ne comed was played by Μc. Compion, and rom thopassage just cite . ma rea nabi infer, that this prologue Waswritten subsequently to the nomination factor for the plar, and wit a visis that the par of Cursor hovidae performe by r. Complore.


ΕQU. Bene mones inem,- ροα - Σ' Musarum Ca-hallus aberravit modo nomine Damus Dromo, qui semia homo totus caballus est, biceps bestia, vegrandi capit 5 recalvastro, perlongis auribus, rubicundo rostro, quasi ore patulo, labris promtuentibus, juba curta subrufa, excoriato dorso, pedibus anterioribus ulcerosis, colore vario, cum rotunda macula in clune nigricante si quis eum redder aut commonstrare voluerit, gratias inierit illius, 'uotquot Voluerit equas. CUR Agite, bonus est adatissarius iste caballus . Equ. Ecce jam adest Malum: Heus puer, am

comprehendamus eum.

CUR Oh, ferox calcitro ΕQU. Compellamus illum altrinsecus in istum angulumcblande, puer Ioppysmate palpemus eum. AMBO 'Ho, o ho ho, o ho Messe, o Dave, o,

Equ. Ah nequissima bestia, in aufugere non tu Davus Dromo jam, sed dromedarius'. CUR Ergo velim hunc D-- Dromonem in asistrinum


ΕQU. Etiam morsicas λCUM . tiar calcitras λΕQU. Quaeris jam lumbifragium ρ tranquillum reddudero te, aut-ha, ha, he. Ut illum ad Musarum fontem


aquatum duxi modo, desubito cursum proripiens, sese agere dixit vella prologum hic nempe magnatum frequentiam impudens arnabat homo, quam etiam nunc Lfectat impudentior bestia.

Cu R. onstrum narras.

ΕQU. Homo fuit; sed cum homo non magis saperet

quam caballus, iratae Musae, quas vexabat indies, --tarunt eum in caballinum hominem. CABAL. Malum vos me ornatis ac si essem asinus; agam tamen prologum.

CUR Prologum ti atque Latinum etiam CABAL. Quidni ego, qui omnes linguas calleam Ἐλλη - , Latinam, Franso e stellana, Italiana, Teuis, Polasti. Equ. innit tantum bene, nihil loquitur.

CabaL-J he character of Musarum Caballus, viE. Davus Dromo, here introduced, appears most evidenti tote that of chobby-horse

asto hic it is tot observed that at the time hen thia comed and prologue ere Vritten, viz. bout the yea x6I--as, the character of ahobby-horis vias extremel familia even to the common people it waa

semetimes introduce o the stage, an allusion to it in the comedies of the time, and ome of them ha es eare's, re frequendi; ut thechange, hic the manaen os ibis munir have since undergona, having almost obliterated the remembrance of sue a character, omeexplanation Rem no necessar to render it intelligibie. The reader Is thereiare to know that in the celebration sis dav besides thes res no sed of hangin a pol Mith gariands, and osancing roundit, formeri a bo was dressedi representing maid Marian anotherile a friar, and another rodeon aiobby-horse ithielis lingling, ana Bainted streamers. Aster the Reformation toin place these latre were Iookedipon to sevour os paganism, and then maid Marian, the friar, and the hobby-hora ere turned ut of the games. See Iohusa ana Suevos subalasmare, edit. 17 8, voLII. p. 4ra. Nevertheless, tappears that maid Marian, thelobu-horse and the friar mere continueano uniformisit is true, ut somelimes inhen, and semetimes reiected, tili the year 16ai. Ibid edit. 1 78 vol. V. p. 434 since hicli theystem to have been almost,holt rejected. In the place last referreatoris also give an engravingi a Pinted glasi indoin belonging toth house furara molleι, '. at Betis in Stasso, ire. Thi Win' do contains an ancient representationi the celebration fiamday, and ΜΔ Tollet for severa reasons hicli e mentions p. 434, concludes it to have been probabi palnte in the early partis Henr theeightae time, anes fore 133s It consist of twetve comparamenis,

in the fifimwhereo is exhibite a figure of the obby-horse, horti vhich, in orde to conve to the reade fome idea fit e form dresis,


CABAL. Ipse porro a principum legatis literas accese saepius,

horis an si othera.


aaepius, quibuscxx Qui vix familiariter nam caballus licet, aballus sum politicus.

edit. 7ax, voLII col. 238. Ιt nomoni remain to enquire Whether any, and what person asintende tot represented unde the character of Davus Dromo, the

In the secondirologue tothis comedy, axweli as in the present, hecharacter o Damas Dromo is also introduced, and in that prologueare severa references to facts and passage either mentionedi allucleato in this first. From hencerit most evidenti appears that the character os Davus Dromo in both, must have been intended for the fame person, an after reading the bove passage, an observin that these ords, inussis tu es etiam illare cum regis stulto, add reised ronavus Dromo, Occur in the secon prologue, o douu canuemaintha by the character os Davus Dromo in both, the abovemention est

Bavid Droman a Si anthon Meldon ali him is more probablyhorum ad Was the person intended. inno in further confirmatio of