Ignoramus : comoedia

발행: 1787년

분량: 461페이지

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Ios. Quid vultis λ Hahetis inuantum cis osculando

Quid, di armis rastis bonae, W-rauri bo. hi pho. Abi tu tes es uxor diaboli . Sed dicibona fide, non ludunt hae a luva illitit eam statutin λTOR. Mihi crede, sunt illibatae signataeque Virgines. IGN. Signatae imo sunt agnate mi suilla: Maia, hel TOR. Signior, neque ego, neque illae sivinius istarum artium. Vale . IGN. Mane A iracundus es Ego tantum franginam jocum, quod debet isset apud nos, quanquam sit inpervitam hominis; a capis id in bono seriou sis iocundus. Dic mihi quomodo valet in ea meaqTOR. ob illa, quod virgo non est, nubit alii

IGN. Num dicis libesin sobria tristitia λ

Γost. Dixi: illum inescavero magis . IGN. Diable, quae est haec fraus, ovinc deceptio 3 Nonne erat Inventura facta inferries me, ut si ego darem tibi sexcentas coronas, maritarem tuam Wardani Roseis lam, hic dies appunctatus est pro solutione Non est Verum λTOR. st. IGN. Bene fac quid vis ego habeo tuam Inventuram QEbligationem salvam, solidam, tua manu aginatam, vatam e veliberatam'. Et si non dabis mihi Rosueuum s risfacies ' eam Obligationem, viz. mille coronas : Quid ais Unus rex, unus lex non te defendet mmetas linguae t

Quid ais λTOR. Putat scilicet omnia hic transigi more Angliar'. At si sexcentos aureos hodie attuleris, haud muto actum. IGN. Bene facis, nam sic fuit aggreatim, attoniatum. tonuestensum inter nos: Ergo ego veniam in persona mea hodie cum moneta, si possum; si non possum, mittam

unum ex clericis meis pro ea. TOR. Verum ego tuorum servorum novi heminem.


Iou. Nequ illi, sed est tonam unum pro eo. Ille apportabit tibi sexcentas coronas Minstrumenta, dicam illi quod habes curvum collum etiam : Quid times

a. Antonium atque aserrimum Niconem timeo,

Qui mihi, RUabiniam propter ubique insidiantur, adeo

in vix tum Caveam, cum meam maxime

Optimum itaque est, ut de signo inter nos conveniat o culto insuper

Cautelam cautelae addere cautius est. ΙGN. Quanquam non opus est, tamen si clericus meu

Dalman venit ad te, dabit tibi hoc privatum signum, capiet te per nasum sic LTOR. lacide est igitur, atqui cave nomini alii nisi illi dixeris. IGN. Putas quod sum idiota λTOR. Illam igitur duces hodie, Nam cognata mea est Milla, per deos, pudicissima.

IGN. Ouff, o dea cras Ietornabo cum illa ad Londianum sed jam quaeso, clam eam huc ad me, paululum

ejus pictere laevi visum; nam ego amo illam, hoc est longum breve. Tu ergo primip eus zmiat, scilicet amorem vi avoir- Ῥοis' intelligis tTOR. Illam actutum huc adduxero'. IGN. Nunquam fui inamoratus ante in vita mea; sed jam sum inamoratus bestialiter. Sed praesenter adducetaorpus tuta lauda um causa, inquam O, si haberem unum abaesamnis jam . a ha he, cum cogito, vado tu

Pulls him by the nose. Exit mreia a Manet 2 ramati rivo, d, ois. J i. e. fuit,eight. vado in Ombalis. J In a litile book intilled, vel Putean Co--us, sive Phaginosia Cimmeria Somnium, printexat Lomυais in t 6 hut hich from the dedication, appears o have been writte in x6o8, is the folio in passage, translated a it seems, fio Philose eratus. in hic mention is ad of Cymbals Quid reliquum Comi θι is, is sedic, sive Luxus Lasciviaque rotata, sistra, tym pana, vides : imo strepitum vocesque ab ipsa pictura audis. iam- pades sublucent quoque, unde videre, Muideri lascivientium ille

chorus potest Promiscua vero turba hominum petulanter exsilit, . mulierculae cum viris incedunt, communes soleas habent, prae terquo


ARGUMENTUM. Introducitur Rosabella Mens, cogentes iraeo ut amet Ignoramum qui illam e verbis e verssus, quantum potes, aggreditur, memoratque quam illi uno euram dabit. Creditur Rosabella cinodiae cujusdam Surdae, quin eum nihil audiat, omnia ex signis intolligit. Abii Ιν noramus pro coronis, Surda cum Rosabella manet. Manet IGNORAMUs. Intrant TORCOL. Ros ABELLA,

TOR .c,UID fles, pervicax num ego te caste iudice C eduxi, ideo

in mihi tibique adeo tuoque adversere commodo Aut huic libenter nube, aut per aqves eruet de Hos Te hinc aveham Festam iterum, ubi te aut vendam, aut prostituam. Ego tibi bene cupio. Et tu ne vis.

Responde, quid ais t

Intering to Rosabiam terque morem cinguntur Nam, mulieri Comus Inlulget vi na agere, x viro stblam induere muliebrem, muliebriterque incedere. Sed eoronae his non amplius floridae, milaritate per luxum lascivi- amque imminuta Florum enim libertas manum aversatur, omnis que contrectatione hilaritas flaccessit. Plausum etiam quendam pic- tura imitatur, cuius maxime indiget cimus Sinistram enim soror eius dextera ita ad cavum plectit stringitque, ut cymbalorum instar percussi articuli consonent. Evci Puteant Comus p. 4o; and Rabelais, book II chamet, among the supposititious books, mentions es Combages des ames; pon hich, in the ditio of that author's ork i. reuis, printe in quarto at Me dam in i 43, A the followin note Les Ombales des ames. a vie em regiee de certaines semines de qualite La 1 de Cent nomin nou serus, passant 'avantur par evant a chambre ii a femme ave le hevalter ouoyent ensem tile de cymbales. on appelle cymbales de petites sonneltes, doni on ouoit, commemn oue vjourd'hui des castagneties, o da tam bour de Baique. Cograve, in his Franchan Engii iistonav ari combale, gives the folio ing explanationo the phvase istier des umbates, Cymbale, a cymbal to μών; jouer de cymbales aulant que pati larder.' The cymbal is et known to e a musica instrument, thoughauthors have distere so much in thei account oscit, that the form fit anno no vi ascertainees an might probably, as is conjectureo, both at the time hen Rabelais an our authoc Iole, hein Common usu


Ros. Patrue, et sapis; tibi quod videbitur, aequum est id me facere.

TOR. Recte jam atque ut decet. Ros Dissimulandum amorem video, Ne ruam in pejus -Non unquam ego te, Antoni . TOR. . Hanc ego illi custodem apposui nanam, quae tres menses licet

Integros surda sit jam fidelis tamen, Atque ex signis intelligit satis'. 8u R. Recte, intelligo ut illam arcte custodiam, Neve quopiam longius abeat a foribus. TOR. Intelligiti.

SUR . Neve juvenem eam patiar alloqui. TOR. Bene 'SuR. Quamprimum ille hanc allocutus sit. introeat illico. TOR. Ra, quam cito'.

use illi omen o lem character That ome oris of mufica instruments .ere in se illi hem is certain particulari the citiern, for Ben onson, in his comed of Volpone AEt II. cene , represent Corvino a chidinchis iis Caelia, for appearing at the windo. and encouraging the mounieban Volpone by throwinchim hermandkerelites ansas invitin cher ironicali torameare acquaintance With him : Selso a citiern, ad Vanity, Andae a dealex ith the virtuous man. And in his comed of he ichems, where o Common personates the queen os ais to deceive Afri rugger, the stage directio is Des enter Uith a litern See M auhemis, Act III. cene a. In further confirmatis of this coniecture, it ma be necesiar to observe, that the ideas hic Ignoramus entertains of the se male sex, are of the grossest ines and as e evidenti appears to e whollyignorant of thei internat excellenee, his opinion canini have been Dres e scom the woi of thei sex, Latris to say, fronti omen flewὸ character. cannot close his note longos it is, ithout remarking that there appea to me, Domin transient view of the book, hic I avehu iust no seen, an circumstances in the bove litile tractis Erycius Puteanus, respectinc mus an his attendanis, particularly the tender of a cupri pranger o their entrance into his couri,

whic induce a very stron suspicion, that Milton ha at ea seenthe book, and probabi avalle himself of iis assistance in his Comus. The fac nia he orth of the enquir of an future commentator on his poems, and the nicans os investigatin it illis easil attained, a there appear tot a copy of the book in the Bodleiau library.



Su R. in secus, interininare mihi, te me verberaremini

usque ad necem.

Curabitur quod jubes. TOR. Signior', mea cognata ham summopere te supra

Omnes mortales amat.

Experire ego hinc abeo, nam mihi negotium est; At memento signi, mecuniae. lGN. Nulla erit velam. Hoc Sed tu De admittas. IUR. Fiet, inquam IGN. Ha, he ' Rofabella mea, hem, hem, hem , --

dame, vos mei magistri jurati, haec est uis super eas '. Phi, hi lingua vadit ad verba acculioniata. Puto moplacitare jam s.

Ignoramus fimpers. s Aside.

Hem, hem, hem I il latet it was the eustom mith advocate atthe bar, t mali ver fresuent se of these interiemotis, in orde togive them timeo recolluci them selver, an a the iam timerio pre-vent a visibi paus in thei speech. his artifice is most elearly alluded to in the texi, ut to the great credit of the profession is no

d res used by advocates to the Couris of Commonia , o the trial

and ou m mastcrs of the jury.' In re ore sentiti Ignoramus at ome times a talh in os pleading, at he oes here, an dis chargin thesdut o an advocates tithers, as employed in en glossan an preparin deed for execution, hicli isnowaeco me the busia es, of an altorney the author a be thoughtto have devia ed ironi the consistenc of his hara hut ethe reade toto know that the character here exhibite is no a mere creatur of ur Rugglera invention, ut as actuali drawn romone of the professon. may the refore, ea sonabi concluue, that i Mars, at lea in iis nature, a stricto conformit to the original archetype, and, consequently that Igoriamus ould nisi have been ac cis, introducedin both cupacities of an advocate vind converancer, is it ad vot Mericustomar uitli barrister at the time hen his comed was ritim, as wello eugio, an prepare deed for execution a to practis is advocates. In fui ther confiimationis his factis learne frien in- fornis me, that in the oui se of his reading, hic has hee ver extensive, e re membergo have et many years ago, ith some traces of the bove- mentione custom, thoughine cauno no aeeolle hom. Lati foviceae durived the information.


su k. Quantum deo, hic homo stultus est .

IGN. Maalam, pardona mihi, nunquam amavi antehac.

sed nunc veniam ad punctum, Mnninmmissae. Visis fa re maritagium mecum λ

In orie of the comparhments of an en graved frontispisee prefixed to book entille The Compleat Cisrh, ontaining the es Form o au't of Premdenis for Conmvances an s rances, an Orbe infrumentsmminisse aadtractice, th edit Lond. 4to. 6 r, is the folioWing cur, representin a barrister rem in hi; gown, hich, as containing an accurate delineatis of the dressos the time, is here inserted.

An here occasion is ive us to rem ark, that the gown no in se amon barrister is no that hic si properi be long to their profession for the presentisown is madem ilightitiis; or is thois who wearthem are inithin the bar, o silk an is plain, o hau inglusis pc n it, hereas the ancient gown was proba bl of cloth, and was undoubtedly, face withil ac veluci, and had on it tuses of sil k, clown the facings, and o the front of the arm s. his is stili theproper drest, an recognised a such, Di it is observable that on thebirth Ays, the ing's Counci appear at cour in o vias exastis an sisering this ast description, and this continue invariabi tolethe constant dres of an advocate, ill the eath of quce Mao, ut 6 4; at hici time the present gown was introducet a mourn rigo the occasion, an havin been Mund more convenient and esscumbers me than the ther has been since continuod . The attorney, as et a the barrister, as also anci ut distinguime Dom persons of ther cofessions by his resis and id dedali trades an occupations ere, in the fame manner, nown comcach othera the mercliant ad one sint of habit, the soldier another, a ne


Ros. Haud equidem tali me dignor honore'. IGN. Profecto, Uabella amo te plusquam Uasse LDico tibi, amor tuus fecit me legalem poetam. Vis

Versus meos λ

ει artifice a third, and the humandman a Murth ach se different

hom the thers, a lassicienti in mini ut the an of the personwho ore it In the fame manne the graduates an student in the

universities mere not ni distinguiste hom the est of the worid, hut rom ac other, by the differene of thei hahiis. The doctorsin physic music, an divinity, and also doctor of the civi lax

sons, stili continue t wear habit peculiari appropriated to the sererat faculties of hic the respective lyare; anditisneedlesito observe forno reade can e suppost to e unaequainted wit it that at theuniversities of Oxford an Cambri e the habitis a masteri aris

differs hom thati a bacheloris artet, or that that os a gentieman commone an servitor at Oxford, or os a commone an siZer a Cambri e are very far hom eing the same. In the res of the practister of the common law, a like distinction as observed the audge was resse in ne manner, the serjeant acla in another, the bar-xister in a thiro, hic uve have bove described, and the attorne infimurth. What was the ancient dres of the lalter person ina be seen froin the ut efore inserte in the author' lise, ut at this da notrace of it is rem aining amon ibat rank of the profession Habita peculiari appropriate to the professon, o rank of the parson howore them, ere originali intende an considere as an honou rabie distinctio ; ut it should appear, hom the ver rare se of them, that the are o longe deum e se, and thos person wh shal oriave heca witnesse to the manne in hich the are stili orn by compulsion a it stould Rem by the Iountstudent of both universities, would e almoit inclinc to think, that that resis, or an other distinctio which should oint a mali out toto a scholar, is regarded by the ounge par of them in generat, ather a a disgrace hau au

But o rcturn rom his digression the character intended tole exhibitu throughout his come4y, vas unquestionabi that o an advocate or council Who was the person intended has been linxeady mentionc in the iis of the aut hor, but it seem to have been Litheito mi sun dei stood by the forme editors for in the frontis--eceto at the editions, hich have an cut hucis uniformi represente Mastarcnc in the habitis an altorney, inlisad of that os a

barrister. Hatia equidem, c. - Virgil AEneid, Lib. I. v. 339. -- Idaud quidem tali me dignor honore.'


Ros. Si placet, Signior. 1 os 3 Hem, hem

VER sus legales de Ros ABELLA.

Si possem, vellem pro te, Roso, ponere pellem Quicquid tu vis, rava, habebis singula brava Et dabo gre ampla, si monstras Loves pratu dimple, Gownos, filkcoatos, kixtellos , pelticoatos,

Ignoramas produces a paper. Ignoramus reads.


Furthingaus biggos', stomacheros, & per imos,

I cani no means assent to r. atypes explanatio of the purpleseeves mentione in his passage, hichae understandsvo be purplegloves. The relatio says that the queen ad n hora fleeves offattin blach cui, and under these, purplesseeves of velvet whole thestor fleeves perhaps came o lower than the ibo , he other min Probabi extende to he wrist.

Panto os-J antome Fr a stippe to ea in a chamber sor eas an conveniunce. Philips' sire ιonar bessire referre to Re os--ym an in his Lexicon, art. Larsa, gives the following explanation of the term M usa, Tufa, idem quod Birrus, vesti mentum vel pallium caput operiens unde cosia Gai Cois, galerua - pileus nod turnus seu tegumentum capitis, quod supremam capitis partem seu cerebrum tegit. Whether the wor iis the textris nutintended, therei ore, to e rendered by the word a into et s an no by the oro Cuff, as ei a eis important particularthan a cap in emale dres, , is submitte to the reader' judgment. si vanica rusob- The formo a ruffcit et illis Devdless, it is


Bustos in foecos', tissanas, Mambris,smochos, Pii illos , parsos ad ludos ibis Mursos. aertice Beareta en Annon haec sunt bona in leges Ros Euge, optuna. ION. Ergo ad ludos ibis Mursos. Facies quicquid vis,

puella, si aliis sit mula ruris. Tene, est Maadita .

Ros. Portabo in sinu uteo'. I GN. Amas med Ros Amare quis non λION. Ais dabo tibi bonam ara tam faciam ames

ueare, edit. 1778 vol. I. p. 73, remarks that omen ancientlyha a pocket in the lare par of thei stays, in hic the not only

eteriat for needle ork In many paris of viaina. add he, the rustic damsel stili observe the fame practice, an a very ola lad inform me that si remembers when it was the fauilon to ear ver prominent Mya, it a nocles the custo for stratagem o garu lanir to dro iis literar favour within the fronti them Theaeeircumstanees Wiit, it is imagined, e thought sufficient so the explieatio of the wotas in the texi, and of the compliment hic theyare intended to conve