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THR. Vespere redito cum illico una; putare secum Volo Rationes. TRI. Narravero quidem. Numquid aliud qTHE. Eamus jam ad portum. Antoni. Meus --.Εxpedi sarcinulas . BAN. Adsum. THEI. rus DorOIMAE, Illas Muninα has uxori eius Catharinae literas :Illos atque amicos salute impertias. AN T. Fiet Vale, pater. TR i'. lacriter dixit bene est. THE. At ego te videro, Fili, navem conscendere. accum nautam lNAUT Hercle, aedepol, mediusfidius, navem mommini nimis diu. THE. Imus jam. ANT'. Ad mortem ego, nisi Tri TRIΤ. St, ne time M.
ARGuMENTUΜ. Theodorus seeurus fui eum Banacar ervo, quem ex Mahumetano Chrisianum fecerat, domum
Intrant THEODOR Us, BANA CAR. TRE. Ilius quod bene vertat ad portum abiit alaetis; In navem impositum vidi, procedere eam Longiuscule Res in urbe meas post illa plusculas Confeci ex sententia. Nunc liquido adeo animo Domum redeo. Banacar, nosti ut te ego hic acceperim, Vagum, inopem, aerum exortem omnium quod maximum, fecerim Ex impio aliumetano Christianus ut fores. BAN. Here, non vitam modo debere tibi me, sed animam quoque fateor.
Proin perstabo sedulo tuum imperium exequi. THE. I nunc intro igitur, tibi mandata ut geras L eras qui volet utibiles, rasque exerceat opere. co scitem Manimum corrumpit otium'.
ARGUMENTUM. Trico, an scapha navem secutus, Antonium reduxit. De potianda Rosabella consitum habentus essecturum promittit Trico, Cupis auxilio, ibessionis circumforane7. Decem interim aureos, quos Antonio pro itinere dedit pater, Trico accipit, properato ad vesiarium. Intrat TRICO.
Tκ1 3. ANΕ, dum circumspecto. Nemo est. Egr I I dere, inquam;
In the librar o Emanue college, Cambri e is still existing eόpy of etherar editio of this comedy, hic formeris longe toarchbissio Sancrost an appears to have been by him ollatia .iththree manuscripis, a mel as it thesi inte editio of 638. Onan unprinte page of this eopv, at the en of the secondirologue, ainserte init a pen the followin scene, hie b a manuscriet note in thesewords, ieest hie integra scena secunda : vide supra im- med. post prologum4 interposed etween the firmand secon scenes of this act, is directe to come in at this place.
SURDA TORCOL, BAIULUS. S UR. Baiule. mi ego ut maneam Curre, curre. . . TOR. Tene, tene. SUR. Perii. TOR Furea fures. SUR. Interii. Ba. ime, casu obteror. SUR. Ferte, cives, suppetia . TORQAtqui arcamin cuncta haec inspexero, ne me quid expilaveris. Quot servi, tot fures. SUR. casunt omnia. scrutare, scrutare, ut lubet TOR. En dotem uxoriam lupas, erepu dia, fistulam, Corallinum. SUR. ae meis servo liberi hellos parituram scio. TOR. ortentuines ut mula parias Ecquid amplius 3 ut eo-
ruis agmitia circumspexi di Quid ais, heres non Tris magnus lam ego λ
RNT, Tris mirificissimus. TRI. Patrem ire ad portum procul ut videbam limis, Sectari ego vos clanculum, quasi sine cauda canis. Ut abierat ille, in scapham me promo proximam, Remis velisque properans. Accessi navem.
sua. Ad missam quo bellior veniam, soleo Reare me. Vultum habeo, perinde ac aliae, iis gratiae, nec invenustum omnes pro' sceniae sumus celamus postscenia. TOR. arum admodum surripuit mihi. Sust. Non recte tibi iam suspecta videor. Tost. Demulcenda mihi est ne irata facinora vulget mea.-SUR. Aufer palpationes. Nubat hodie haud mansero. Nubam.
TOR. Triconem uxorem ducere te λSu R. Nolle me ducere innuis annon Esto si non nubam pediti, nubam forsan equiti. Ecquis scit
TOR. nico te verberabit. SUR Verberaturum me virum indicas et quam te malim. GR. Cedo tuam mihi dextram. SUR. Aliter meritus es sed tamen tenet vale. R. Signiora, Vale. Ist. Ut nunc blande salutati TOR. Vale.
SUR. Eamus, Gule. Nunc ibo ad amitam post id, si non illum,
eertum est, maritum alicubi quaesiero mihi. Vale. TOR. Tranquilla est gaudeo. Nunc iam ad Rosearitum eo so- ieite servabo hodie. Exeunt. This scene, it is to e observed has never et appeared in print, and thoughir. Sancros seem se et assure of it authenticit that he has alteres the number of the subsequent scenes in this et, to admit this a the secondore it si no means certain, ibat the Ruthor ultimatet intende this cene a a par of his comedy. It is probable that he mightoriginali design toruserit, ut areolis here represented a diimissing Surda fro his service, and et in the siκthscene of the hird adt, in orde to insul Trico, an to ste inim thathe remember his pretende courtiui to a, he when leaving the age an entering hi omnisouse, se these ord Ego ad Surdam eo nunc : numquid is mandare, signior 3 hom hic it a Pears that he had notisve then quitie him, ut a stili his servant. The editor no thinkin himself warrante inwholi omittin this scene, and et conceiving that on account of it inconsistene missi he passage here potnted ut it could no properi be admitte into the texi has iveri it in the present tam that the reade ma --
excise his udgement poesit. .ruin agmina circumspex J Virvia, Eneia, Lib. II. v. 68. Phruia asinina circumspexit.
Matrem huc cum familia fingo simul recens advenisse,
Ideoque patrem revocare te, ne frustra abeas Ita In scapha nos revecti denuo huc navis Londinum versus volat:
At quid nunc' vicinis pater' Londinum jam filius Antonius navigat Dii vertant beneu servus meus Trita, Optimus Trico, opus facit ad villam. Hic villa erit hodie,
ΑNT. Optime usque adhuc processit ratio. At quomodo nunc qua causa redii potiar RUMHuq R1. Id etiam, Ut spero, efficiet Trico.
Tai. Vidistin' me modo alloqui λANT. Nempe Libellionem istum circumforaneum. TR 1. Qui urbem circitans. ANT. Libellos clamitans venditat. TR i. Ipsissimum nomen e Cupes. At, quod haud putaram, nebulo. major est quarti ego sum ΑΜΥ. At Greo nebulo magnus est TR r. Nebuloni opponetur sesqui-nebulo, Quales ego iupes sumus. iaululum pecuniae illi.prae manu dederis, Mira faciet. ANT. ccos decem aureos' quos pro itinere Parcus dedit pater haud amplius habeo. Tai Sat est cedo mihi. His ego opem subornavero ut-Rem tibi narrabo postea Nun mihi abeundum est ad vestiarium quoque, uti pro ludo locet Ornamenta, fallaciam hanc quo exornemus splendide. Hinc tu ad amicum in angiportum proximum ibi Abdas te, ne videat pater. Tempore accedam ego. Me ride, nisi efficiam.
Effeceris. TRI. I modo. ANT. Ne vivam, nisi tibi iij. α
a quid uane, te.-J vis is here representin What account Geodorus il give to his eighboum, viz. that his son ritonias isgone to G -d, and his servant Trico no the vilia.
ANT. Eo, mi Triso . TRI Cupes se mihi operam daturum promisit hodie tomnem rem ei narravi modo. Venit ecce cum librorum sportula'.
AnouΜENTUM. Trico, Cupes technas suas meditantur, ut Cupes Torcol simulet, Causidici mentiatur servum,
cornu meminerit, si veneris Ignoramusa acceptisscto aureis,
quibus θ' uxorem morosam satis exoret se hanc rem religiose euraturum poricetur Cupes It Trieo, ut Cupi etiam uxori bus Pollae ornamenta ferat. Mane Tarco intrat UPE . .
Cur .r Ibelli, belli, belli, lepidi, novi libelli: belli, belli, libelli TUAE. Heus, libelli belli.
Introduceu, though probabi a common and wellanown one at thetinae hen his comed was ritien, is o holi at this da un-known as in his placeo require ome explanation Originalty the printers of booκ were the ni person by ho the were
sold, for there seem notuit os late rear to have existed uehis tradeas a mere vender of books. The book were nolint printe and sold, ut even ound in the ouse of the printer, and the publiemere, by the ille page, directe to the printer for the purchase of them hur a ciliis mode could not e sufficienti publico enablehim to dispos of many optes, of mali tradis specialty it appearato have been found in proces of time, necessary that the printer stould not wait for applications seo purchaser totim, ut stouldsen persona round inferent paris of the own to cry an fel lachi amplitet an other books, a Bom heir siete eremo portabie, and were ea lihely without suc assistanc tot othemia disposidos, and of this soricis the character in the text. The person thus employed ere unquestionabi distinguished, as eingis subordinate classi seo the printers, hich ast were known also by the appellation os stationers of this term the solio ing explanation is give in Iunius' Eumo leum Anglicanum, o the authorit o Mi seu and S inner. Itationers, Bibliopolae, chartapolae, fori sic dicti, quω oljm in una certa statione, seu certo vico omnes simul officinas ha- bebant; nunc autem sparsi habitant. Certe Bibliopolae coemeterii,
Cisp. o viso, mox tibi operam do. in vivam, ut pessimi sunt libelli. TRI. Quid ais λ
CUP. Haud ullum queo vendere mane paululum obsecro. TRI. Ocyus.
Cu Libelli belli Anguilla quivocationis , sis M
a te enue mentienia cum privilegio, per reverendum in dia
Producingis Moh. D. Pauli, Gad tot simul eontiguas aedes ineolente pristi huius moris aliquid etiamnum retinent. V. Ni seri, a M. Iunius sinuismosi eum Anglicanum art. Mationem But it stem much more Probabie, that this appellationes ut have beenuive them to dirutinguis them hom itinerant booksellers, the almys emaining ina fixe an determinate station, hereas the lalter inere occupie in dispersing the books in alliaris of the town, and confined themalvesto no certain pol for the exercise of thei trade. Anguina AEquivocationis, σα-J i. e. The Eel o Equivoeation the
others for the o de Plot in Iames therarae time, mentions that.' aster the conspirator had received the sacrament, a book was produeedio them, hich Wa writte no long efore the queen's Elm. ydeath. when Thomas mater inas employed into S ais, entilled a Trealis in ulmoeriton, hic was seen an alto ed by Garnei superior of the Ie in and Blae mel the archpriest o Melana Garnet, ith hisown and altere the tulerio a Treati againsi'in and fraudulent Dissimularisa though it made sor both, and Biscameli esprinkleat wit his blessinvat the end thus L Tractatus iste valde doctus Ae vere pius,in catholicus est, Certe s. Scriptarum, Patrum, Doctorum. Scholasticorum, Canon istarum, optimarum Rationum praesidiis plu- nissime firmat aequitatem Equivocationis, ideoque dignissimus est qui Typis propagetur, ad consolationem affictorum Catholicorum, et omnium piorum instructionem. Parsons, the Iefuit, a supposie tobe the author of this book. The titie of the book in the textris unquestionably, as are ais, me of the other here mentioned suppositicious Rahelais, in like manner, book II. hap. 7, givinga catalogue of the book in the librar of St. Victor, introduces into it a number of book wit humorous and satyrica tities hic are known to have neve existed. I may be Proper ho ever, o mention that in the ear 1634, a litile bookappeared, mille Ne neω ar of Ding, eo redi Ie iis under hemat o Equi eation, V vered, and i. Ovea b Henr M on, Parson M. Andrem' Underkψὶ London, ramo. 634, the titie of hichbear so stron a resemblance to a par of that in the texi, as almostio inducam suspicion, that it was suggeste by this passage. Andream β.-ebub Iohannem CFdonium-J The criton here mea cith a rea Ex amon Iohannes Cy' niui a Isuit, hocin 16io, pub-
TR i. Nemo hercle, nemo. Cu P. Vili vendam a reois fili, a trais soli, a deost o Mnses, a nutard a tin grand diabis. TRI Cupes, haben tu Asem Dominum
Cop. Fu fis Damionum ' Fusii istiusmodi liber est. sed prohibitus Quid eo faceres λTR i. Eo Fus daemonum Andream in bub daemo
niorum doemona, caederem. CVP. ut non laederes:
TRI. Quidni λCuP. Os ferreum habet Libelli belli, belli, De Mac
renendi Anguiuam quivocationis per caudam. TRI Resse per cussum potius. Mox emam.
Cup. Libelli belli. Alitior Pellis, Pellio, in pestis P.Lllo, De modo vertendi pellem, per ipsum Pellionem.
TRI. Ne tu nomines, obsecro, . .
P.ssionem , ne sicut Plauti olim, nostram vitiet fabulam: Pessimus
lime an apologninamsi formarae the afuit, hie lalter personvias executed asaeingone of the conspirator in the Powde Plot. si Daemonum-J The tra here mentione is the seeon parto on entille Magaliam Daemon tim both of them,ritten by με - κυmus Mengus, a mon of the orde of friar minor, o Laudo necnear res in Franco. The Flagellum Daemonum ha been publistea in mali octavo in is 8o, ut a republicie in is , and again in 16o8, both times it the addition of the Fusis Daemonam The titie to this alter tra is, ouiverit at length, as follows et risis Daemonum, . a Furatione formidabias, potentissimar, α caces in mali nos spiritus fugandos da oppressis corporibus humanis ex sacrae loca-θνsfonte, marisque sanctorum patram auctoritatibus hausas, complectos. Auctare R. P. F. Hiaroviso Mengo Vitellianensi ordinis Misoram Rexularis Ob mantiae. Opus sane ad maximam Exoresarem ommodi- ratem, unc in lucem edita . Veneriis, apud Omunio Magdaram.
prohibitus Jon confirmationis the assertio in the texi, that thensis Daemonam is a prohibite book, the folloining fareis relates Ahiend of the editor sis this mork in xtourwhich he latet' made throughFrance, stoppe a Calais, and visiting there the librarn longing to the Franciscans, observe at ne par of the oom a number of books placed by themselves an uiui upa wire doors. Upo enquir Wha the were, he was tol that the were prohibite books, a the arecal sed that isto say, sue a by any of the popes have been reprobatedas unia fui tote read, and theresere condemnestas sue in ome of the Indices Expurgatoria an of these book were lettered, and among thema observe one lettere Fusis Daemonam, hichris unquestionabi the book here mentioned. Pollionem-J From the ille of this supposed book, and the men-
Pessimus author Pellio cor odio sauciat. Cup. Nullus uiri. Τat Pellem ejus ut;nare haberem insertam stramento. Cis. St. tace, stramenta sanctos faciunt in Apolo gram pro Gamelo En lepidum stramen 'cl
person here meanti he word De modo vertendi pellem, stemro allude to his change of religion, and with respectio Plautus, 3cbi-onius is ne of the commentator o that author, and om at leasto his notes are inserte in rom vius' edition, ut for the merito them, haleve it a be Schionius appears o have been indebie to a manuscript elonging to G unius, rom vhichae stole, is no the notes themalves, his materiat for them. So the tractentilled ita a Parentes ais Schionir, p. 16x, and the notes e fore inserte o the secondirologue, here the passage is given. apo iam pro arario J of this book, hic is in ramo, thetiti a tengi is assillowM R. P. Andreae Eudaemon-Ioan is Odonii a Societate Iesia, ad actionem proditoriam Guardi Coqui, pologia pro R. P. Benrico Garnet Anglo, ejusdem Sρcietatis Sacerdote Coloniae Agrippinae, apud Ioannem inchium, Anno 6io. The ni particularawhic have come o ou knowledge respecting the person in hosede lance the bove apolog Was ritien, are the folio ingrimen ν me therae it a bor in i 33s, and ecam provincia of his orde in Eulanc ut o the discover of the Powderito inobos, he was apprehende an trie asine of the conspiratorsi, fortaving, a the author of the artici for him in the Dic una ire Porsatis says, traiierousi conceale the intende plot, hie disclose to hi in confession or accordinga H man, formaving actuali been oue oeit original contrivers. The prosecution. a conducted against hi by Siris a mole, then attorne generat, and with so good effect, that Garne was convicte of the crime, an execute forciti thethir of M , 16o6, in the prcsence of a multitude os spectators, who ere deseroas of secing the great esuit, a some termed him die. - Λα- characterietes him by the appellation o A equivocationum
peritissimus.' an relates that he blasphemusi applied to himseu
him, living at Stia mers, bein delirous of procuring orne of Ga etys relics, came ver into England and wit this intention ent earlyto the place of execution, hicli enable him orae a station ea Gar-ners person, here te continuectili the execution as ver, and the est of the spectators ere departeil, hen belloid, a stra te.
Posse Mnos sanctos esse spes est.
the face of a man, and we must belleve it Garnei's, was, as it Was
superstitious compariment about it, as a coronet, a rosis ad natis, more stan eve mere in the original, and this pretende miracla gave; occasion to Garmer beatification sim month after. Garnetia lamente besere his death, inach could no ex minat the churchstould wn him foris martyr, ecause nothingis eligi , ut onlypractices again the stat were lai to his inarge the pope, here- fore, id not thin prope in canonize him for a solemn faint, muchles for a martyr, ut ni to beatificat hirn, hic is by Papi saccounte the lowest degre os celestia dignit , ana et a stoma vethe commonalty or ordinar sortis such good me as are faved. Fuller's murch HUM , book X page t. o orar, in his memoirs of the reig of hinc ames, mentions that it was pretended that G-hers figies a imprinte in the straw, an adds, that Ome of tha
fpeahin oscine Powde Plot: mere, as in most conspiracies of tho composition the forme mentione priest Garnet M was a prin- cipat ingredient of hom, after his death, the reporte mondera, as that the perfect effgies of his face remairae in the stra used Odry up the blood o the scas id but at the miracle I could observe, as the prodigiousnes of the attempt who have had semel those straws in m hands, et could observe o more, than by imposing pon m imagination first prompte through ther reporth found as may be in ali straws else, the resemblance of a beard, and omething Hanc mas a that time apto ea into the mould os a face, Mitig sormeri suborned by the genera opinion : et these, o doubi are sold, and passi a this anfor reliques a Ianowahendi menty years after an he foro hol saint. Oso 's' Witiona Memoissosthereignofkiet Iamra, amon his otherworks 8 o. 673, page 683. 'han lepidum ramen-J The circumstanc here allude to has been relate in the preceding note, ut in the lingis pro Garneu before
mentioned is a very circumstantia account of this event, accompa
tahen, an a the ho 'itself is no ver common, and the relations contained incit ma he considere a more authenti than, that a vegi vena it has been judged prope to inseri them vernatim, notmith- standingaheir great tength. and the rather, as inithout suc an explicinion, a the afford, the passage in the textris tollit ly n intelligibie. Aster relatinc rara's benavis irat his execution the author Proeeed