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Ascit mas the intentionis in Rural to ridicule the pedanu of the commonda forms, and the cani and barbamus

isto gractous anne came to them again in m nexi following. What is more to beriai muchinitiis majesty s beta a Cambria , I could never learn, notwithstanding in letters and mediation to the vice- hancellor, heresereri anno promise an more in m large book.' In his large book ho mer, Viet an essitis of SD 's Chronicie, hichhe publimed in folio in 16 3x, he gives the following account ue s. the of March, the ring was royalty received into the universivos Cam-

theirenteriaiuments he camelo them again theas Ofthe fame monoe.'

See --es s Continuatio at the end of ID. Chronicis, p. rota, edit. x63x m es is mistisen in amminethat the ring went againso Cambri eth auet of the same monili, i. e. of Mareb It is true that in Cham- 1ertain, in acieiter dare 16xs, and whichir Birct mention to have hoen writte in the monti, os arct in stat ear, relates stat stelingliad appoinred the et in of the ex monili formis visit se an extrae Domati ore inserted); ut hedoes not appin is have actuali gone titIthe isti a My. For further particular of his secon visit, se an aemunt insertia in the appendix nereis. Havin no no further occasion to notice either of the hing s visita, me cannot belle concludemur account of them than is inserting the

folio ing extrins in Baher, in his manuscript collections Vol. I. p. 37, in an account of St. 'his' college, Cambriste, hic occupies the whole volume, says, eising of hinc amas, and his visit in March I6x4-Is, and again in v I 6 Is, metoo was interiained by the college, sor hic soo lib. is placeda account, besides thei proportion to the public charale; citin for this Comput. in viet the college account of the dispositionis thei fine-money an in Vol. XII. p. 33, oves rom the fame auctorit the followinventries: The Eng's emertainment, an. Paid in Vice-chan. orienteriainment of his M. I. H


phrastolog M lavem in mei common discourse, it wa. cessis that he hould mari himself acquainted wio that di lia in whic almost the best among them ere montet wriae, and even to converse; a jargon Whic could nothut be gratingand offensive to a classical ear heri resore ook more manordinam

In an extruct hom si accounts of the etarch-wardens of St. Mardi a parissi, Cambri e inserte in the same collection Vol. XVII. p. ars, and entitis Cinemne e Rationario, me Libro Censuali celsis B. Mariae, juxta Forum Cantabr. in Custodia Gardianorum ejusdem Eretriae, P. I9I, sub anno 161 , are the following chames of paymentsi l. s. M. Foraravelling the church-yata at the hinc coming or xv o Iabourers for si Mys woa, hen in hing was at


ordinary ain t aec ne acquaintia it in lachnica term of the prosession, and in mare die abus es inem. O Hl the intellige eis this hino, hic, Masa remuing, and conversation it laWvers, Ne in acquire, he has in admirabie dexterit malle himself in me character of noramus, homo oril transacts usines in Latin stat isto say, la Latia, but Moos in language of the pleas and benta'. And where ord sor his purpos have falled him, an fallium me necessarii must, he supplies the deficienc by cor



elent warrant.

rarum, Dr murder manerium, a manor acra, an acre in


emere and nrolled in the Laris linguam and this pre--iled ill the usurpatio unde Cremisia, When the languam es our record was alteria, and Latin was,holi discatata, and Engli emplayed in iis Mad. O the restoration of Aatas II the old practice was resumes, and continue in beobserves tili me in year o George II. iE. 73o, in Whichyear, unde the specious pretenc stat it was sit that the common eopleri uidie en led is understand what was assedged sori against them in me proces and semianss, and what was decide in an causei sui severati respectine them, an actis partiament passed by hic it was enadis that the proceedi sint law4hout be in Engli ; ut it beinc undinat the severes la te sisere incapsile M a transsationinto Enn , another ad os partiament was two years ster, viz. in George II. assed, enatan stat ali technical te smould continue t be sed in their origines languages, viz.eime Latini Frenis'. It is more than probabis that Latin is indebaed to the cleroso ita introductio into the profession of the law. r. Barrington, in his Observations o the Statutes, edit. 775,

P. 65, aster a very attent e perusal os, and examination into, the ancient statutes, remaris, stat suta statutes as affect the interest of the clergyrare generali in Larin whence iis uidstem stat Latin was a least bene undeinoo by the clarothan the Norman Franch, in hich the oster statutes are rit-ten. ow e find, sto incontestable eviden , stat mines the great ossices of the law have been filled by the cieru'sanda lata One' Commentaries, edit suo Vol. III p. 28. 322, 323 In the Chronii a Series, at the en o Dugiatis Origines ruriae eiales, numberles instances occur os lord hancellore, lota realarere, judges, master of the rotis, and attornies generat, ali elargymen and in the oth o Edetrua, III but Bur ear subsequent to the passing of t acta inhich Latin was introducta, one Nomas HShard in clericus, was attorney generat. Se the Chronica Series, ubi supra, sub anno 1367.

a Sir


and this presere e in their sevour Was probabi owing to theeircumstance, stat the clargy-ere at that time the ni persens possesse of any leamin a all. Si miliam Durarie, in his Origines uridiciales, p. I, edit. 671, spe in oflamen, si , at is belleved by some that we hadio many

persons, omer than of the clero, Who ere learnia in the laws fore the Noman conquest o se agesaeinis illite rate by reason of the severat inmad made ponahem by the barbarous Nortiam nations, hicli necessitate me nobili . and gent et exercise themselves in martial seus and rom

this their imorance of letters probabiecit is that the decisions of most controversies and triais, in cases civit, as se much by combat; and in criminal byssire and waterordeat. The same ignorance hic is above noticeda Siri Elam Dudiale is have prevalle among the lait besore the conquest, and by him is attributed to the inrotas made Mon themis me barbamus orther nations may et be suppost tohave equali prevalle sor a considerable period subsequent toit, during hic it appears that me besore-mentioned ossices Were requently executed by the clergy and this generat want of loarning mong the lait ma be accounte for in

the solio Μ manner:-By the seu lal system, hicli prevallediamin, Ity ver Europe, ut two distinctions mons the

chap. 7 of the fame ore speisingis Barans inn, o the cursitor inn, be remarhs, that ancienti est, o most pari, of the ossicer o ministersos the murtis chancer .ere church-men, divines, an canonists, o whicli e produces these instances the chancello was a bis ps hornaster of the rotis as an ecclesiasticia peribn either a dean or arden, o provomos seme cathedra or ollegiare chureli in mastere in chan


Iait mere admitteri viz. those of lota and vinu. The nobis held mei estates of the hing, in many instances, is milita

services and the o e seri, in many instances, hela thesis stom me nobilit by militar services liri se so that h. - was lota verim persens, a Min his tenarus, Washimself, assa to the cro . The unisor dependenca fine assa on his torvi hic this Istem os subordination stablisiad; and the militar services aue stom the one, and frequently exacted by the ther, ad give a natura direction to the purruits of the laity, and had rendererit indispen-sbi necessam stat ver man both lota an vasta, mouldhe a soldier; and should exclusive of the care os providing

sor himself in his famil an immediate subsiste e by tha

culture of stat portionis land which, though the propertres the lard was, in consideration of thos services, occupita ande ord by the assat, betata bimself to the prosessionis a sileavim iam perhaps, net e liberi' leisum, nox inclination

p. 44 findius te me di ams, an ment archers, to serve theatas, Ir H llautinant, duxinitiis inars in ramo p. o. And the eari orcheser' baron .ere ualentis und in time of - .it Maias, tosndrior ever knior fee ne horis istis arison an furniture, ostwo withoui, istin the division o Chobire and thei knighis and Deinoidem to find c siet a 4mbergeons, an desen theiraees . thes Oines dies Ibid. e. s. ne man hel his state se serjantiam inveniendi domino regi, in exercitu suo per totam ingliam sumptibus propriis, unum hominem equitem armatum, duos homines pedites.' Ih. p. s. nother held an state per serjantiam 4nveniendi quendam

servientem armatum, cum guerra evenerit, per quadraginta dies.

I. The tenura by .hich another hel his as quod inveniet

unum larvientem ad custodiam castri Ebor tempore guerrae, per xl.

diesu ad custum proprium. p. 48. noster vel M per serjantiam inveniendi quinque soldarios ad vada 'te castri de Mneminisu . 33. nother per serjantiam quod debet sequi dom regem in exer- otu suo, in avia, cum arcurae sagittis, ad custum suum proprium ροφε l. dies & postea ad eustum domini re s. p. se,


to eukivat the stud o literatum nor an aer of the arta es Mace. εὐ- is certain, incit steriait in generat could neithe write nor reta sor hic re in ascit is imagine the lain required frominem, omine exacution es a Med notthat it shoatae signia by tbem, ut stat inaniliould bile the w- of the seia' andi late a st year fas in araand his countes appea in have been natae in ritea anatheresere e cuted a Med by subscribim thei names in it, a notary-publicauiding their tands'. ad inat in lait in generat,ere thus illiterate, may be inser d stom this that thuancient te es a cliam to the benefit of the ciero, vas tha

here u ma notae amis to ante the error of thca

writers, Who, in their descriptions of the manners of regulareseri' are me invesraim against thes lagines and thela ignorance. A monastic, and even a colle Mediis, compara

tives spetitas, must meri rarisse of indolances Ietrare thera


emplomenis and occupations vitia tocli, hich, i me are sillowed with any degre es assiduit' must ver exempt such

as are devote in t om in charge of laetiness, an hardjisi to retor the censure of ig rance On thos that miserit. This ill appear by a reflectionis that period of our histo .hen religio )ouis tauristia, and the manv accounts exeant that aescribe dieir various emptorinendi stom hic Wetiam that muta es thei time mas spem in the celebrationis divine ossices, and that their vacantinoum .ere taenis in xterar pursuit an manual occupations ' that is in V, in compiling, in Latin chronicies an histories of the event of thei time in ritin in Latin alis commentaries o the scriptures, and other Woris, seme in prose and sime in verse;

Mope, ire his Memoriali, α I. p. 3s, sub anno s36, after spe ing of the iamlutionis religious Musis, temp. Hen. VIII. and of


in stuhing the classic allusio et many of Whic Merio beseund in their tings'; auid in transcribing the clarus, anaother

16sa, col. 673, inseris Bom Gavidiam, De quarto consulatu Honori V. 3or, but it ut ehinno rese re in him, the solis.incline i Mobile mutatur semper eum principe vulgusp d, es. 6 4, he expresses himselficii the solio. g te si Recolem poterant, si literas nossent, illud a LM- poeta metrica scriptum a Dignum te Caesaris ira Nudus honor daciet Bromion another auctor .hose ore maris a par of the above eouection, in his Chremean, col. 98r says, ut illud de eis vere dici posset, Unde habeas nemo quaerit, sed oportet habere.'Whie line, it the transposition ont of the word nemo, is to bes undii venia, Sat. XIV. v. o . The fame perstn, col. Ioao, inseris viso, but it ut an refere e the following verse fram Ovid, Amorum

Lib. Eleg. IV. v. I secundum quod dicitur: Nitimur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata Gemafius Dorcternensis, a ther of the auctors in the fame collection, cives in his Chronisa, col. x ao, ut inithout citinitas auctori , tho folio niline Bom Horace, Epist. Lib. I. Epist. II. v. 7 et

Coelum, non animum, mutant, qui trans mare currum

And in the following patage, sed quid non faciat auri sacra fames 'col. 433, alludes, though Wit ut referringeto it to this sine in Virgil, AEMM, Lib. III. V. s ι - Quid non mortalia pectora cogis, Auri saera fames 'An lastly the iam auctor, col. 1 33, gives, though,it a variation in the firm-ord, this t