장음표시 사용
ANT. Asnoste me tandem, Trico. TRI . Simula, inquam, κα .ANT: Heus tu, hic me novit satis meus est. I str. Non ego, hon novi eum ego- Sine ut te nesci ist. PYR. Iam alia lingua loquitur: eamus. ANT. Trico, in me rapiant hinc t TRI. Quo placet. Ah, cum ingratum dixeris, omnia dixeris : ego abeomme PYR. Age , ambula, inaus abripite. 'ANT. IV ID Dorisen, tiam ulter undoin R. AEnrare iterum tANT. si asser die: -- , naves, visitans, re si ill
PYR Oime Quo malam fugitis Heus, redis vos, O me miserum l. A tr. Aufiigere ameli, sed quid nunc agam Veritas filia temporis proseret haec in lucem tandem resciscet pater, quem me tot malis pudet delusisse dolis atqui amoris causa invitos multa secisse scio. Sed quid cum rescierit pater 8 --jurgabit, increpabit, severe aecipiet primulum; verum iras terna non potest durare diu. At quicquid futurum est, οβ Ea minc mea est, mea erit illa salva, salva mihi omnia. nup ad amicum meum, quicum consilium capiam .
Cum ingratum, c-J his laicis bonowed stom the folio insetniam veri of Publius S usi Dixin maledicti cuncta, cum hominem ingratum dixeris.'
ARGUMENTUM Dorothea uxor Theodori, Antoniique mater, Londino jam Burdigalam venit, puerumque Antoninum eum Cassiarina Da relinquit ad portum fessos de itinere; isque in aedes mariti Theodori, secumque affert puerum 'uinam Anglicam. Intrant Do ROTHEA, VINCE, ELL, c. Do Alve, patria natalis urbs Burrigata, salveto. Nunc, Doractea demum annos post Londini exactos quindecim Threisrum virum. toniumque filium, coram licebit visere. Hos postquam bello fuisse captos inaudiveram, Nullum exinde mihi laetum affulsit tempus P caeterum haee dies Una omnes mihi eximet aegritudines. At me moror nimis, Quadriga enim ad portum mittenda est mihi, nurum huc Quae advehat citharinam; cumque ea Antonisus manet etiam In diversorio portui propinquo. amque e mari lassa est, Adeo ut vi caut ne vix possit ire pedibus. Iam illos Gersi
manu more-J rom his passage i is evident stat Dorothracia iactis scine acco anted by more attendant than have an paris assignedithem in the comedΥ.
isat one in soclo. a station mould insist ache does here,in his gentilily,
may perhapsae Memed by the readerunaccountabj singular in is steretore tote informed that servitude a not formerly regataefas dis gracesul, o considered, derogatory Dom gentilily, or meo from nobili ustis. The euda system, hicli prevalle in most paris of Europe, had se arrange the severat orders, a that the lowe were uniform*.dependent omine highers and had ove a sanction to that hin os sub- ordination hic the relation etween master an servant had introduced an implies, and whic is also recogniete in the constitutio of the Germanicaod although the empla o Rome has frem theris of Charismagne, subsiste only in idea, et in emperor is the so-vereign, and the elector are his ossicer o servants. In the severat Ungdom o Europe the like system os subordination has prevalle l. andi ou own it is suffcienti notorious, that the principat ossices of the
and many other persons of the same an are, o the da 'f the coronation, in consequence either of hereditar ossices, o asaeing possessed of particula manor or oster states, bound to perform to the foveret thos services, hicli armatister times executed by les nobi ones, and
in private families by menia servants. See San=oiala Coronation ofxini mes II. p. rao Ia9. seqq. and inub' Coronation in nucharies II. p. 188. In the histor of the merar of ouriwn counto Itheinis the fame subordination is observabde for the retinues of the hirae nobilit were madem of the sens and Mughter of thos of thelower Cardinia osse had in his train aris, barons, an Enimis. Si Wisitam Camendist the founder of the present Demo his famiIy.was his gentieman usher of his chamberri and was aftemard preferred, o the cardinars tali, to the service of hing Henr VIII by hom he was knightia. The cardinia ha at that time a retinue of goo person and amongst them in or te lotas, wh had inch of them inoat least, i no three, servant allowed them at the cardinat' cost and
mendi , p. 39, o, a cite by the auuior of the re Camenaesh, Sirmiuiam in the Biografhia Britannica Arct isto Par er' familnis recorded to have eonsiste of the out os both qualitiesu that o genasemen, and that of the plebia degrae. Si pela Lis Partim p. soa. An a stili later instanc may be produce in μην, aftematas ear of Remi, ho bein Myounge brother, ita in the forme par of his life been compellia is necessit is serve in a nobi family but was after--atas preferre to the service of queen Eliaeabes, an die in the Dar
Ind ut si Mamer Theodorus' houst thersa it is neor themtice, and that is here Psi nota an em Tic, toc' umhae Theodori aedes t
Υo descend stili Iower, Erasmus, in ne of his colloquies, entilled. Pietas Puerilis. represent Gassar, a bor giving the followin account of himself, GA. Adornata parentibus mensa, recito consecra
tionemri deinde prandentibus ministro, donec jubeor ipse prandium sumere. Actis gratiis, si quid vacat, lusu quopiam honesto laxo aninium cum sodalibus, donec hora revocat in ludum a lusu. Andin both ur universities the fame subordination is achnowledge iii that ranco studenis, hicli in the ne is denominate sieters, an in the other servitor and whose dulfit stili is in some colleses, to attendat meat o the master and fellow of their respective societies res inhichwe may add that rister, in his Chures Himo, Book VI p. 89, notices that the bible-cleres in Ruerela college in Cambriqe wattingimine Fello. at dinner) have a table by themselves, thei stomach bring set to go an his aster ali in rest sine tonoesor a gentieman-J his passage siems to me an allusion to a proverb-hic occur in r. Ram collection, edit. 678. p. 16o. andioinis ut in abilit to spein Frentatas in characteristic ota gentieman. Iachvmuld be a gentiemin f he could buti in Frenis.'which r. Ra thus interpreta his as a proverb-hen the gent muratis thei children to stea Franch. inster the conquest the firstaings endemoured to abolim the Engli clanmage, an introduce the Franch ohe reade is to recollectahat Dorothea, inlio ulter thespoech in the texi is herself, as appears fram the forme part of this scene, here me stiles Boardeau natalis urbs Burrigala. a native of
Bourdeau in France tha, at the timeo ultering the wotas in the texi, si is represented as actuali being a Bourdeaux and that it is in an Merrio Vince, ho declines leamin Franch, becaustine is content illi his mother-tongue, his naturat speech, and is a gentieman, stat me reis plies, fi his is a fine longue for a gentiemam; which, o giverit para
French here, and Fet me cannot.
What uti is m. J i. e. O What importanc are ars and longues in this counur In Shirijs comed of The Gameser. II. it is used in the same sense. at sicilis not' say one of the characters ether I beam to an mandi ving. The editor of the fifth editiono this comed of Ignoramus has, ithout an apparent aut ritrichanged the obsolet phrase, What stilis it for ears and longues in this countryd ' in the tot for a more modern ne in readscit, mo matrer for ears and longues in this counto hio, ouν, ου-J The Frenu adverb Os yes, hichets here made tostris for that partis speech, and ais to signis the sique ingis a pig. Iou'si make mater, Me. y onsieu Diciat, in his edition es abelais, L. I. c. o gives in amore the followinclines, hic he sayn
Nought but ater comes ut of that budget.'
Iunius, in his Eumologicum Anglicanum, says, Bayard proprie est equus badius, spadicet xoloris equus, vide Al. l. D. 6, ubi de badio equorum colore agitur Galli tamen ac Belgae Baordi nomen cujusvis coloris equo indideriint, quod Chaucer quoque fecisse deprehendimus.' me very learne editor of the a ve-cited edition o ne Canter γetatis, inform us, in his Glossary, stat Baor is a renes properviame, an originali signifie a ba horis, though it siue has en Med foris hors in generat. An lastir, Gigram in his renes Lictiona , edit Homeli, art. affar, notices that a ba hors isterme a barare. Burron in his anatomis Melancholm p. 377, censures in temerit ofgood wives asae term them for administering medicines, particularly Hellebore in tuo large quantities in says that r. Turne in his Herba notices that the ordinarii gaverit in powde to ii d. eight, .hicli Turner is no muta against aut, add Burion, thendo com- moni exceed, or ho so bold asilin&BVardo and prescribe it by penninorins,'inc And the fame auctor, p. 6s3, Mahing of the pa-
Dict art. Puling. A pule ther ore must mea a person in ueha condition.