Ignoramus : comoedia

발행: 1787년

분량: 461페이지

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ARGUMENTUM. Ignoramus fervis suis ulminis Pecus narrat, quo pacto tractarum ita in aetis steris, Et quomodomas de monachorum manibus.

, Intrant IGNORAM Us , PECUS, DULΜAN. IGN. Iabinis volet viam cum omnibus his frateribus in staterculis etiam si haberem focum, puto se rem hoc monasterium, in mente qua nunc sum; sed est elonis sputo non secarem. At ire mecum, vos magni nebulones, ab hoc monasterio ad Me monasterium'. si audetis pro ambis auribusu si capio vos ibi- ,-Du L. Quid ais num est in uno sum adhuc t Ha-νster', ego liberavi Pecus, vide. ΡΕα Spero trounsabis Torco pro hoc. Ios Trounsabis i ego fili munsatus hodie, ut puto nunquam homo it in mundo trounsatus rio hoc solo nunquam indurabo faciem Fratris neque Clerici dum vivo.

. a innia- se the Glossam herem, ari nisu. The omneu here allude toris that hic the L. term Ar , and whic consita in the willa burning of houses , and that this is elon is expressi' asserte in Comin Interpreter art. Fe v. v asta nasorium I me eo re oria. in Englarid bring heldiuere. ceperunt et avortarunt, Su.- Theseworci, when law proceedius ere in Latm, forme an essentiat partis an indi en is thest. In


y u L. Prosecto est cancellata. IGN. Volebant etiam tacere me mille res voluit unus me

Norare, Win despectu me nasi faciebat me plorare Walius mummabat nescio quid Qquicquid dicebam, erat diabolus cum illis. DUL. Quomodo dicis per illud nunc t in bona veritate hic

erat terribilissimus dies. IGN. Dies t Festum omnium Sanctorum ' praeteriit puto hodie esse Festum omnium Diabolorum. DUL. Tu convenies' cum illis uno die. Iou. Habebo illos in premunire. Du L. Fa in mendica hanc Friariam a Rege .

men against ne ho had committe a burgia , an stolen .en mund out os a cuphoard in thei se The charge of the fac is that he felonious and burgiariousty brota ope and entere in Muse of N. G. et viginti libras legalis monetae Angliae de bonis predicti N. G.

in quodam abaco in dicta domo existente inventas, tunc, ibidem felonice cepitrae asportavit, contra pacem dirue dominae reginae nunc coronam dignitatem suam.'

risum omnium Sanctorum- The east of AE aint is the firmos Isimember i ut the east of AC int is here intended to M op-

cised by Henr VIII in disposing of the estates inhieli nil into his handa


Iou. Nisi quidam Angli, inter quos seci aggreamentum, Venissent in monasterium tunc per casum, qui me noverint uniuersi, certifieabant quod non eram indiabolatus, per meam fidem, puto murderassent me.

DUL. Quomodo dicis per illud nunc t

IGN. Ita super eorum verba sinebant me ira ab argum. ΡEC. Hic est casus meus es haec est villa villanissima. IGN. Aurisaux Bourdeau in diaboli nomine, ego abibo cras; si igno Auriati semel super dorsum meum, si iterum returno ad Bourdeaux, in illis veniam geldare me. Ibo nunc ad Torco nebulonem; nisi ille mihi det coronas meas,& bonam satisfactionem, capiam illum in manum alio modo. ΡEc. Habes illum super clunem nunc pro falso imprisonamento.


Du L. Ne time, magister, ibimus cum una vindicta eamus,

nam video unum .

ARGUMENTUM. Dorotheam cum Theodoro colloquentem audiens Trico, se perditum novit, totamque periisse machinam, omnesque jam patere fraudes Dorothea Theodoro a mat, vertim Antoninum eramque Camarinam manere ad portum;

Theodorus supposititiam Cassiarinam evocat Trico se abscondis.

Intrat TRICO.TRI . Monium modo Conveni herum meum, qui mulsa -- loquens blandis ita me demulsit dictis, ne possim non ignoscere' i quid video 'd herum Theodorum amplexantem sceminam i via, he etiam senex amat hercle gaudeo. THE. Vix tandem osculando amplexandoque pausam dare queo, tantis sum in gaugiis. Do R. Non minor voluptas mihi est quam tibi, mi Graiare. TR 1'. Mi Theodore, mea animula. Ha, he. THE. Tuo ex adventu videor, Dorothea, revivistere. TRI . Dorathe, tuo adventu perii. DOR. Quo magis gaudeas, essedum, quaeso, jam ad portum mittas, nostram huc quod advehat Caesarisam, quacum una est Antoninus. THE. Modo in urbem exiit Antoninus; sed jam nunc intus citharina est.

DOR. Quin illos jam reliqui apud portum; post illa ad te

nunc venio primulum.

Seeing Trie at a distance. Exeunt omnes. Entering to himself. Intrant Theodorus and Dora bearat a distance. 4 Seein Theodorus embrace Dorothea. s fide.


ΥR1' Abi, Tris, suspende te THE. Huc evocavero illam, uti videas. DOR. Fieri non potest. TR L Malum quid non illa cervices fregit antea in itineret Dost. Ne vivan nisi e mari aegra est adeo ut vix peden


I ΗΕ 'mola, jubete huc ad me accedat Catharina. TRI' Bene te intricasti, Tris tir es ille vase & versatus vita nunc quid agis quid si huc nihil est si illuc ttantundem' nulla spes est prorsus. THc mola, Cassiarina huc ad rhe oc=us. Tκ mei mihi sed quod futurum est, viso, futurum est. TAE' Huc ad me Trico etiam, si sit intus. TRI . Trico etiam a Tris non est intus; hic me suondam prope'

ARGUMENTUM. Pressit Rosebella se esse Camarinam affirmat negante Dorothea, tandem rem totam confitetur misnatur illi Theodor Manent THEODOR Us, DOROTHEA intrat Ros ABELLA.Ros'. 0 Hat' Fursi fur sis ' HE. Dorothea, eccaui citharisam tibi.

abi, riso, α-J A similis passage occur in the Baria i

mihi apud forum Uxor tibi ducendam Pa hsse, hodie, in t

mi domum. Id mihi visus est dicere, Abi cito, M suspende te. quid, huc, α δ his passage ver much resembles the folio insin the Heautontimorumenos o Drance, Actav. Scene , quid si hoc nunc se incipiari nihil est i quid si sic tantundom


DOR Ubinam CatharinaqTHE. Blam astare vides, tamen rogitas tDOR. Falleris es haec citharina non est. Ros' Vae miserae mihi quo me vertam t ΗΕ . Quo te avertisti quid nunc ais t

DOR. Quid vis spectem, mi Vir hanc ego nec novi, nee vidi uspiam,Ros . O si nunc essem mortua mori selicis est antequam

mortem voCeth.

DOR. Mihi crede, citharina non est. THE. Quaenam igitur es tu quid non loqueris' Ros VI, ill notis m mother---law, alas, is, Lemmathe it.

TH E . Quaenam es t jam enim specimen specitur quid non respondes mihi tRos Goo ri I now not M to an er. THE. tiam taces imum dignus videor, quem sic ludos facias, impudens prostibulum 'Ros. semer Lamfr, Lam mi distines the 4pecta bear unioso matis me fortia D anmer these fas and ful

DOR. pro γοω Ἀο ηο dissem , thena misistrat for theri THE. Me ne aedes ego servere flagitiis, meque impleri deo infamiae & dedecoris patiari unquam inultum seres. Ros. Ahime' was horn in an umoriunate Mur 'DOR. Confest then, Ipothee do,



TAg. Cum nullus subest color, ad lachrymas recurritur: at te fictae non juvabunt lachrymae. Quid non distringo expio hoc scelus tmonvis fateri y nonvis fateri quae sis, impu

dica t

Ros. Da veniam, quaeso, fatebor omnia. Infelix erasum RUMHa, at pudica tamen. THE. O jam nostras est jam vera redit facies. Don. Quis te huc adduxit L age, vera loquitor.

DOR. Illum esse doleo istiusmodi. THE. Hoc illud est navi rediit, ac datoninum simulavit

sese malisque appinxit naevum nonnet

Ros Scilicet. THE. O tempori, filii cum tam secure irrideant patres lVerum tu illum in fraudem pellexisti, pellex.

Ros Pellex ego non sum ignosce, quaeso uxor sum Antonii. THE. Tu uxor uxor, ut cave dixeris, illecebra, linguam ne ego illam praecidam tibi. Ros, Quod factum est, insectum fieri nequit pro Comitate tua itaque obtestor, ut prudentia tua seras, non culpes, quod immutari non potest'. THE. At immutabo tamen, vel invitis fatis connubii vitae simul tuae divortium secero. Ros Bona mors est quae extinguit vitae mala'. THE. O Dorothea, filium nos pene perdidimus Antonium. DOR. Nullum video, in hac vita sincerum est gaudium. THE. Non censes exemplum in eam edi oportere t

auo actum est, c.- The ver same sentiment though not precisti in the fame wotas, is inserie in Burion's Anatomus Melanchost, P. 3s7. in these ord Quod fit, infectum non potest esse. Lam incline to thinh, though Burton has no referre to an authority that this passage is takendrom semelne of the classics. In the Aulularia os Plautus, Act IV. Scene ro vo xx. - meet with the following

LY. Quid vis fieri' factum est illud. Fieri infectum non potest

feras, non αθυ-J his line occur among thos of Publius S ruar Feras, non culpes, quod mutari non potest.' Bona mors, c. I his line is bonowed rem the following offablius Surus V. I. Bona homini mors est, vitae quae extinguit mala.'


Don. Censeo; sed clementer. THE. Clementerit utpote quae nobis corrupit filium, cui ditem uxorem egoin nobilem dare jam decreveram. γοη. Cuivis dolori remedium est patientia'. THE. Ignoscas mea mihi Dorothea, si minime te nunc quo decet obsequio prosequar, animus enim mihi valde perturbatus est sessam te de itinere esse scio : introeas itaque, &

te recrees paululum Bannacar etiam Maurum huc ad me meis evocato Verbis.

DOR. Faciam ut vis sed tu ne saevi nimis LTHE. O me miserum nimirum die hoc uno plus vixi quam vivendum fuit. Sed causam hanc doloris eximam ipse mihi die hoc uno non vivet illa amplius. Ros . Quid meditatur scio; sed me lubens paro .

ARGUMENTUM. Trico in inseriis Theodorus aurum Bannaca jubet ut interficiat Rosabellam nolit ille, praesertim quia jam novit illam esse Rosabellam Alphonsi iam sὸri sui, qui Fessae moriens illum reliquit liberum. Abit Trico,tit haec narret Antonio Rosabella, dolore mulis metu wicta, deliquium patitur. Manent THEODORU s, Ros ABELLA; intrat BANMACAR. TRI'. T Rodi Trieo, e latebris, quasi umbra ex omi faucibus, specta quid rerum in terris hic Theodorus agat. BAN. cquid me vis, herest THE. Quem potius, mi Banaaear 'quippe te novi fidelem servum mihi. BAN Itidem te sensi benignum herum mihi. THE. Et si sensisti meam benignitatem antehac senties

-ἀMori, α-J P. Sstri Misentiae besore cited, v. 14s. Cuivis dolori remedium est patientia.'


nunc magis magisque Bannaear, si id quod rogo haud ad

versere mihi.

BAN. Vel jube me interfici, haud subterfugiam, here. THE. Te interfici ' ne dii sinant verum alium te mihi

velim interficere TRI . Certe ne innuit. THE . En tibi, quae meas incestavit aedes magnum sa

gitium secit, uod tolli non potest, nisi illa tollitur simul;

tu itaque manu, tincta colore noctis, noctis hoc facinus

tolliin mori decet .

TRI. Aside. 3 ointinxto Rosabella. mori deeri PT this scene, hic is no in the Italian, and the episest of hic is to excite, in the highest degrae compassio for the su fering of RUabella, and indignation and reseniment against Theodorus, it ma probant te objected that to representinim in other pares of this

Comedyas a grave moral, an virtuous man, an here surging the eommission o an aest, at in bare thought of whic human nature recolis, is a manifest inconsistencri an lest ther ore this censure mouldhe hastil passe on it 'it,ill be necessary here minutes to investigate this par of the character of Theodorus But first it must be observed that

in the scene no- bes eras e se a manis confessialy good inclinations and propensities betrayed an humed by an excessis anger, an animpetuosit os reseniment, into a resolution, an an attempt in consequence of suc resolation, o sacrifice to his ram an innocent imm; an in se Oing to commitis crime, on hic in his cooler mor aenisti refleEt wit in ulmo abhorrence an detestation. The min ofina cannot in any instance be imagines, while his reason maintalus harprope ascendant, si corrupi a miliussy, cataly, and deliberalely, tomata choice of evil ut a longos resion preserves her due auth vi , ill naturali rerum to any temptation, speciali to the commission o suc a crime a this e re us, a similis ansine to that whic Bannaear oves a litue lower Quemquamne ut interimam ego Christianus P aliter hinc didici. The light of reason man weveriwe ali nom, he obscured, and in some cases, almost for the time, ouit ea tinguished by the passions, hic mill sorbetimes lead me into ne reare crimes, an at thera deceive them into an opinio that the cist the are a ut to commicis notis crimetu an est o justice.

O the truth of this positio Every an' experiene wil furnish him .im proos Mahali heresere Arbeis to avat myses of thos instanees Whic histor Muid afford in suppor of the assertion and shali content m et mith remataing, that ali ur best dramati poets have thought the instruction, as ei a the enteriaininent of Seir auditors, an essentialpar of thei duty an have righil conceived that his ould no behetae effecte than by Mnesti inculcatin the frand precept of



TRI . Volabo, ut haec renunciem ad antonium, quo illam ac me fi possit, servet miseros . THE. Quid te, Bannaear, retrahis quid non respondes

mihi t

ligion and moraliv, b exemplisying on the stage the natura tenden a vice, and thesili consequences of indulging the appetites and yiel dingis the dictates of the passions and by Warning their auditor tote onthei mare against in temptations hic thes hold ut, ni is exertagainst them stat degre of resstanc inhic is necessam to themi proper subjection. his as unquestionabi the intentionis rata orare, in his character of thello, tam e represent as endoinedinit man nobi and generous qualities solli, by the suggestion o a villain his latent jeat se Mawakened, and his reason Min clouded by this passion, hecis induce to bellave that his inise s dimonest is abundanu proves in consequence of whic opinion, he determine to saerifice herias a viaim to his justice. That these are his sentimenis cannot be doubtes for in that scene, Acts Scene et in hieli hedestroys heri and whichiso one o any Resing eve rea inithout thegrevest emotion, after De emona has dente the giving to Casso a tori Whatoer, Othello says, B M.'n Psa. mylerchie in his hand. o periur' inomai thou dost stone in heari, Andisin'st me cali inhald intendri do, A mutaer, hic Pthought a sacrifice. The provocations Pon .hicli Theodore acts in the texi are the dingraee hic his famn would incur rom his son' marriage mitti a personis mea an lo--ondition, and of no fortune an his inndissippianiment in findinihi so thus anted When he had in vieinfor him a inise of a nobi and opulent family and these provocationsare aggravated by his fury, in proportion to his sense of the reputation, which, as a very wealthy me hant, he holas in the worid, and his love Rr his son, and the anxiet for his etfare, hic he manifest throughout the play. These considerations induce him o viein Rosabellasmarriam init his son a a crime on her pari, hicli caninin intonedfo by her death, an heri resore resolves on her Math as an aest os iustice. In the scene o. unde consideration, it a b very fairly andreasonabi contende that Μr, Rurale had ali a simila viein and ' ought by this method, to impres omine mi s of his auditor this important truth, that he who in ne instanc glyes may in his passions, and submits to theirauidance, knows no imo What crimes the m hur inima an to demonstrate that icis both incumbent on, and thotrue interest os, ver indi idual, to res Wit ali his tot me very firmatineri os metae at ollae so subile, se potent, and is destrubive.