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b00ii longitariod in oblivion. For tho Same PSalmist, in another place, et havin consessed ne grieVou crime, tui es occasionthene to revorto his mother' Womb, here ho ad contractodiis origina potuition no in ordo to Xtenuate his gulit by tho corruption Os his nature, ut that, accumulat in ali thesin os his liso huma sinit God the more ready Oiston to his prayer in proportion to the severit os his self-condemnation. But though the satiat domo alWays in Xpres term pra forro mission os sitis, et is, di gently Xamine thei prayers recitod in tho Scriptures, it ill asit apponi , a Passert, thattho derived thei oncouragoment O pra frOm the mere mercyos God, and o tWay began by deprecatin his displea Sure;
pollutions the should derive confidelice in prayer roin the
the orta in ope os obtaining our equosis It is indoed an apparent Contradiction, to connectin certa in considoneo os God 'ssavour illi a Sense of his righteous vengDanceri though theset o things are perfeci ly consistent, is perSon oppreSSed by thoi own uili e ncoui aged solet by the Divine goodneSS. For as e have es ore Stated that opontance and aith, fwhicli ne torrisios, and the ther Xhilaratos, re inseparablyConnected, O their union is necessar in prayer And this
oxpectation Os receiving. There is nothing, heres ore, moresultable to the natur of rnyers, than that tho b consorinodio his ille motrio rusti forward illi tomerity, ut o solio v
an familiari dis overed by the reachin Of the Ospei.
again St thee. V v I consess, induod that the operation os Suchincentive Would e satat, or it no so the Divine id ; butour mos benevolent ather, in his incomparabie mercy, hasasthrded a timet remudy that allayin ali perturbation, alleviatin ali cares, and disponin ali se ars ho might genti allureus to himself, and acilitate ur approacti olim, by the removalos iver Obstacle and ver dotibi. XIII. Anil in the sirs place, henis eirioin US O pray, the commandinent iiset implies a Charge of impio a contumacy, is, disobe it. No command an e more precise thau that in the satin ad pon me in the da os trou-ble. V re Bat solio Scripture recommend no One Os theduties of piet more frequently it is urinecessar to Ness
thi precepi, however, there is also anneXed a promise Whicli is Ver neceSSary for though ad men acknowledge obedietice tobe due t a recept yet the greater par of them Nould neglectili calis os God, si di no promis to e propitiolis to them, and Ven to duance to me et them These No positionibe ingproved, it is evident that ad thoseolio turn thei baciis onGod, o domo directly approach him, are notini guila os dis- obediene and obedion but also convicte disinbe es bucause the distriast the promises hicli is the more Orth of Ob-SerVation, Sine hypocriteS, unde the protexi os humilit an dmode Sty trea the command os God illi suci, aughty contemptis to ive no credit o his in invitation, an evende fraud in os a principat par of his orShip. For asterhavin rosia sed sacrifices, in hicli ad O nos thon appenredi Con Sist, he declares the principat and mos acceptable partos his service to bo, cassing upon him in the da os trouble.
Wheres ore, Wheni roquires liat is diae to him, nil animatesu to a cheersu obedience, there are o pretexis for disside iaceor hesitation susticienti Specio us to XCUS US. The numeroUS teXt of Scripture, heres ore, hiel et oin iis to callispon God, are a So many banners placed ei retur pyemto inspire u With confidelice It were temerit to ruSh into the presene os God, Without a revictus invitation rom hi m. He heres re pens a
that lieares player, mito theo hali ali flesti como. E ForWhat is more inlabi or attractive than or God o boar his Character, hieli SSure HS that nothinii more agree ablo toliis nature, than to grant the equest os hiulabi supplianis Hunc the salinis concludes that the way S pen, o to a
to th truthis his promises It might appea a though David mutilato his prayers by an ianseasonable introduction os suo lipaSSages; ut bellever lino by experienee, that the ardo uros devotion languishes, utilesiit be Supported by resti Supplies and theres ore a meditation on the natur and the wor os Godis sar rom uin usules in the mides of Our prayers. et Sno hesitate, then, o solio tho example os David in the introduction os topic calculate to reanimate languid ovis illi