Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


assiStane and advaneement This poWer os urisdiction, there- fore, id in Sh Ort be n other hau an ordo institute for thepreservationis the Spiritualio ty. For thi end thoro Were fromtho buginniri judiciaries appointest in the Churches, o alie

nitions and corrections cannot tuli place Without an eXaminationos the cause heno the necessit of Some judicatur an order. Wheres ore, utiles ive ould nudis the promis of the keys, and entiret abo Sh excommunication, Solemn admonitions undevery thingis a simila Lind it is necessar to auo the Churchsome jurisdiction Let ille observed that the passage to hic hWe have reserred relates noto the generat authorit os thedoctrine to e reached by the post les, as in tho SiXteenthchapter os Mathemand the wentieth hapter of Jolin ut that the power of the anhedrim is sor the future transferrod to the Chiarch os Christ. Tin that timo the Jews ad thei omnmethod os overtament, hich, as sar a regard the pure inStitution Iesus Christ stat, si, sed in his Church, and that illi a


made to Peter respectin bindin and oosing. Ought to beWholi resurret to the ministr of tho Ord, hich when Our Lor committed to the post les, he at the sume time invested them illi the power os bindin and loosing. For halcis thesum os the gospei, ut that, ein ali flaves of in and eath, e re oosed und dolivered by the rodemption hicli is in Christ Iesus, and that hos Who neve receiVe rincknowledge Christos thei Delivere an Rodoemer, are condemne undSente nee to eterna chain. Whon tho Lor doliverod his embasSyrio his apostles, o bo conveye to ali nations in ordorto evince it to e his, an to have proceoded rom hi in hohonoured i With his remari able testimony, and that for theth particular confirmation both of the postles themselves, and of at thos to hom it was to e annOunced. t a Os


doctrine hichine ad dolivorod to thoni. On the thor hund, also, it a neceSSur that the most nequivocat testimonyshould beatven to thei hearers that the doctrine Os the gospelWas no the ordis the apostles, ut os God imself no a voice issuinis rom the euriti, ut descendet from heaven. Forthes things, the remission Os ius, the promise Os ternat se, and the message os Salvation, cannot be in the poWer Os man.

Thores ore Christia testi fio that in the preae in os thogospol, nothinibolonged to the postles, except the ministration oscit; that it wasio himself ho spoli and promised very thin by the instrumentulit of thei molith and conSequently that theremission o Sin xviiich the preached a the rue promise of God, and that tho condemnation hicli the denounce Wasthe certain udgment of God. o , his testification has eungiven to nil ageS, and remain Unal tered, to certis and assure Sali, that the word of the goSpel by homSoeverrit ma happento e reached is the ver Sentence of God himself, promulgated Dominis heavent tribunal, recorde in the book of liso rati fiud, confirmed, and fixe in heaven Thias e See, that the poWer of the keys, in these passageS i no the than the prouehingis the gospei and that, conSidere With regard O me , it is notiso much authoritative a miniSteriat for Stricti Speaking, Christhus notatuen his pomer o men, ut o his ord of hichio has appotnte men tot the miniSters. II. The ther paSSage, hich e have mentioned relativeto the o eris biudin and loosing is in the eightoonththapteros Matthew, here Christ sayS, di an brother neglect olearthe Church, et hirn e urito the a n heathen an and a publicari. Verit Iisa uiato ou What Soeverae hali indisnoarth, shal be bound in heaven ; and whatsoeverae hal looseon artii, hali e oosed in heaven. V t This passage is notallogether simila to the rSt, ut is O be undorstood in amatine someWhat disserent thougho do no concolvo thedisseretice to e so great, but that here is a considerable assinitybelmeen them. In the rs place tho ars both alitio in his respect thalaeach contain a genera declaration the Same pomeros always inding and loosing - that is by the Wordis God the sume command the Sume promise But tho dissor in his, that the forme paSSage peculiari relate to the reachin os thogospei, hicn i performe by the minister of tho ord; the lalter relatos to tho discipline, hicli is committe to the Church. Tho Church bind him hom it excommunientes no that it consign him to perpetua ruin and despuir, ut be- causo it condemn his lis an manners, an ut ready Warns hinios his sina condemnation, utiles he repent The Church


looses him hom it receives into it communion bocatis it mal e him, Scit ere, a partaker of the uni t whicli it has in Christ Josus That no man, heres ore, a contemn the udg-ment of the Church, o conside itis os titile consequene that

nication, Some times urisdiction, Some times the right os legisl tion, and Some times indulgetices. The forme paSSage theyullegerio suppor the primae of the Roman See. They are O

III. The opinion entertaine by sonae persons that theSething Were ni temporary, hile ali civi magistrates ere Stranger to the professioni Christianity, is a mistali sor antos considering thoareat distinction, and the natur of the disser- ence, bet Neen the ecclesiastical and civilio Nor Uor the Chiarchlia nouo Neris thera Nord to uni Shirrio coerce, no Ruth Orit tocompei, no priSonS, sineS, O Other punishments, ke thos inflicted by the civit magistrato. Besidos the objectis hi poWer is notthat he who has transgrosso may be punished against his illbut that he ma prosess his repontanc by a Volim tar SubmiS- Sion to hastis ment. Tho dissereno theres ore Soer great; becauS ille Chiaret cloes no assume o iself ha belongst the magistrate, nor an the magistrate execute that hich

Willi his, the laws, tho magistratu, and the civit Udgment, Will ait o satisfied though it ma happon that he Williive noSigri os repentaneo, ut Will ather murmur anu ropine against his punishment Will the Chureli si opieres Such perSon cannoth, admitte to tho aerei stippo Without dolia an injur toChris and lo his hol institution Anil rensori require S that hewho has octondo I tho Church ith an ovi example, hould


remove by a Solemn declarationis repentanee, thei nee Whichii has X ited Tho argument adduced by thos Wh espous Rcontrar Opinion, S si force. They say that Christ assigno diliis osse to the Church, heri theremus no magi Strate to Xecuteit . ut it frequently happens that the magistrate S O neg gQ iit, an Some times that he even deserves o bo hasti sed hi insoli ; hicli a tho ea se illi the emperor Theodosius. Besides the fame argument might o xtendet to tho holuministr of the ord NoW, heia, uecordin to them, paStorS

chide, to reprove to rebul for there are Christian magistrates, Whose ut it is to correct uel offences by the civi sword. But res it is the ut uer of the magistrato by punishment an de orporea coercion, o purge the Chiarch rom offencos, socii bu- hoves the minister of the ord, on his pari, o rei leve the magiStrate by preventin the multiplication Os offendors. Their

IV. And indoed whoover Will elosol eXumine the Ord os Christ, ill asil perceive that tho describo the statei and perpetua ordor, an no an temporar regulatiori, of the Church. For it is ultroasonable foris to bring an accusationbes ore a magistrate, against hos Who rem se to submit O ur

admonitions; et his ould bo necessur is tho magistrate succuedod o his ossice of the Church. What hali, say of this promise , Neril I say unt thee, linisoeverae had indon artii, hali e bound in heavense V ascit ni forino, orsor a se auari Besides, Christinere instituto nothin ne , but solio ved the custom always observe in tho ancient Chiarchos his o vn nation theret, signis ying that the spiritual jurisdiction, hicli ad beon exorcisod rom the egiimin g, was indispensabie to tho Chureli. Anil his has been confirmud by

the consentis ad ages. For hen emporor ani magiStrates began to assume the profession os Christianity the spiritualjurisdiction a no in consequenco abo Shed, ut ni regulate in such a marino a Delthoro derogato rom tho civil

interpretation, ut passi mos Severe en Sure on ad the oly


bishops Wholavo liuod sino the time os the apostles, formavingia Surpe to thenaseives, unde a sui Se preteXt, the horiour and dignit whicli bolonge torali magiStrate. V. ut On the ther ianit, it is also orth While to examine What a the triae an ancient se of tho jurisdictionis tho Cliureli, and What a reat abus oscit has besen introducod that e ma lino What ought to e abrogated, and what ought to e rosiore froni antiqui ty, is o ould verturn theruigii fontichrist, and reostablisti the rue ingdom of Christ. In tho si si place the objectato e sociare is the revention fosse rices, o the abolition os an that may have ari Sen. In thou Se of it two things require t bo considerex; rst that this Spiritua poWer o entiret separate si ona the pomer of thosWorix secondi y that it o administered, no a the leastareos ne man, ut by a legitimate assembly. Hoth thos thingsWere observe in the pure age of the Chureli. For the olybiShops neve sexercise thei authorit by fines, impri Sonmenis, O other civit punishments biit, as eca me them, emplΟyed nothinibu tho ordis the Lord For the eVereSt en geanee, the ultimato punishment of the Chiarch, is Xcommunication,

the OWer of the ordis God. In hori, the jurisdiction of the primitive Church Was no the than a practica Expositionis the description Whicli Paulinives of the spirituat authorit os pastors. Thi pomeri represent a conferred for the purpOSe of castingdo ii imaginations and ver hi gli hin that Xalloth it selfagainst the knowledg of God, and bringin into captivit everythought to the obedienco of Christ and havin in rendines toreuenge ali disobedience. ' u As his is accomptishod by thopreachin os the doctrine os Christ, ora preserve that doctrine frona fallinitiato contempt, the who proses themselves Os the


residod in tho assumbi os the olders, Whicli as in tho ChurchWhat a sentite is in a ity. Cyprian, When e mentions by Whom it Was exercise in his time, generali unites allo huclerg With the bisho'; ut in Other passages h ni So hoWs that

tion gradually degenera ted rom iis original est ut, si mont sothat in tho time of Ambroso, tho judicia administration os the Chureli as holi in the haud of the clurg os hieli ho

complains in tho solio Ninilangvage The ancient Synagogue, an asturWard the Church, ad elders, Without hos advice noth in Was dono Iano noti What negligone this praetice has Boen discontinuod eXCepi rom the indolone of the doctors, or ather rom hei pride, While the Wisti non but homsolvos, to e seen. V Ne perceive ho v indignant a that holy man, that there had been sonte deciensionis rom a bello State Os things, though tho still reta inod an orde that a at sensi tolerable. What ould h saymo IV, is he were to se tho pressent deforme druitis, hicli exhibit se arcet a Vestigo of the an iunt disce

What a complain Nouldine mali l First, in opposition to a and justico that hicli ad been ivon to the Chiarch, thubishop usurped entiret to himself his resembles the conductos a consul O president, expelling the Senate, and et Zing the sole administration Osis overtiment. Hut a tho bishol is superior to the perSon in honΟur, O the SSembi or congregation OSSesses more authorit than ne individual It was agroSS Utrage, heres ore, for ne man to trans se tomim soli allth pomer of the community, and thereb to operi a door to

VII. ut sine vi alWays produces nother, isti OpS, dis-daining this charge a unWorthy of thei attention, have delega- ted it to thors. ence the creation of om inis, o dis hargo that tity. I say nothing, at present, of the character of the person Poni assert, that the disse in no respect froni civiljudges; et they stili calici a Spiritu a jurisdiction, here allthe contention is abolit secula uisairs Though there ruere noOther evit, hat effronter must the have, to callis cour stillo litigation th judicatur os the Chiarch But it is alleged,


Is it thus that tho triste illi God Z Doe R OOr man we usum os monon Horis cited. si appear, hecis condemned astor the condemnation is e do not pay ho is admonishod astor the econ admonition the procoed O XCOmni unication. Is o do no appea to the citation, ho is admonishodo bos orthcoming iste dolay, hucis admonis ex second time, and SOon steriis excommunica ted. I ask What is there in his that bear an resemblanco to the institution os Christ the ancient HSage, o the ordor of the Church Θ It is surther allegod that this Coiar ulso correct vices. I reply that acts of fornication, laSciViousness, and runkeriness, and Simila enormities, theyno oni tolerate, but sanction an on coiirago by a kind of tacit approbation, and that not ni in the eople, ut even in theelerg thenissetves Among multitudes of offenders, the OnlySummon a se N eitheroo v Oid o flagrant an appenrance of Conni Vance, O for the purpOS Os Xtortiri money. Saynothing of the obbery the rapino the peculation the Sacrilege, connected illi his ossice Psa nothing of the character os mos of the person solo ted o discliarge it It is more hans uiscient foris that Whilo the Romanislsi ast of thei spiritualjurisdiction, it is eas to ho that nothinii more contrar tot he orde appotiato by Christi and that it has no more reSem-blane to the ancient practice, than dari nos has to tight.

Spiritua poWer arrogated by the ope and ali his hierarchy, is a tyrannica usurpation chargoable illi implous opposition Otho ordis God, and injusticorio his eoplo. Under the term spiritua pomer, inclito thoi audacit in fabricat in nerudoctrines by hicli the hau seduced the utiliappy eo plesrom tho native purit os tho ord os God tho iniqui totis traditions by hicli tho hau insnare them, and the pretende de clusiastical jurisdiction whicli the exercise by thei Suffragans, ViearS, penitentiaries, and ossiciat s. For is, allo Christinny kingdom amon iis, nil his kind os domination must immodi-ntel sal to tho ground Thu owor of tho wOrd Whicli theyalso elaim, a that is no exorci sedive conscience S, ut operateSOn Property, i irrelevant totur present subjecto though in hisalso it is orth whil to remarii that tho are alWay ConSiStent With thenaseives, an are at th greates possibi distance romtho character tho Would bo thought to suStain, a pastor os the Church. Horo Dam no consuring the particular Vices os individuals, ut the generat,ickodnes an common est of the hole order, hicii the would conside a degraded, f


consul tho authorit os Christ on his subjeci, there is no doubtilia lis in tonde to exe id the minister of his ord froni civildominion and Secular overei gnty, When e sald The ingsos the Gentiles Xereis dominion ver them; ut it hali notbe so among ou. V w Fo by these Woriis e signi sies, notoni that the office of a pastor is distinc froin the ossic os a prince, ut that the are so disserent, that the can neve beproperi unite in ne man. For though Moses held both thuso ossices at nee it a b obServed firSt, that this a the resultos a specia miracle Secondiy that it a oni a temporaryarran gemunt, ill things hould e et ter regulat ed. ut asso an a God preseribe a certain form of Overrament, Moses was est in possession of the civit administration, and Nas commande to resigii the riesthoodo his rothor and that for aver sussicient reasona sor it is boyon tho abilit os nature for ne man to e Capable os usta ining the burdon o both. Anil his has uota cares uti observe in the Church in ali agos. For a longos an rea appearance of a Chureli re mained notone os the bishops evor thought os usui ping the poWor of thes Nord so that it Was a common proverb in the time of Ambroso, That inperor rathe cove ted the riesthood, than priest theempi re for as e ster Nard observes, it a the sirin and universa opinion, That alace belonge to emperors, and chiarches o prioStS. IX. ut sincera method has been contrive so bishops toretain the ille, hono ur, an emoluments of thoi ossice illi ut an burdon o solicitude, that the might no bu est nitrolywithout occupation the poWer of the word has been givon tothem, or ather the have uSurped it to thomsolves. With, hal

to perplex themselves illi judicia prooeed ings, o assume thegoverriment os cities and provinces, an to underiali Vario usother occupatioris S incompati bie illi thoi ossico, Whicli alone would furnish thum so much labour anxemployment, that evenis the wer sentirely an assiduousi devote to it Without tholous distraction os ther avocations the would careel bos bis to dischargo iis functioni But the have the hardi hoodio boast, that this causes h Chiarchis Christ tota urish, illi a glor sui tablo to iis dignity, and at the fame time that thoy


maste the assertion. ut Sino the postles thought it notriglit for them to leave the wordi God, and serve tablos, ' a)this must consoland thos Who ure re ictant to admit, that it suo in tho poWeris the sum man to e ut the Same time a good bishop and a good prince For is they, ho by the extent of thogist with hicli ho more en duod, ere enable to Susiain farmore numerou und eighty care than any men ho have lived Since thoi time aster ali consesse thenaseives incapablo os attendin to the wor os God and the service os tables Without satiatin unde tho burdon, o Should it o possibi sor theso men, Wh area no means to e comparedo the postles, o vasti to surpas them in industryci The ver attem p hasbelrnyod the mos conSummate si ronter an preSumptuous confidoneo. et e se it has been done With What Success, is obviolis otio unauoidabie conseque ne has been the desertionos their Wia functions and intrusion in to those hic hiulongod