장음표시 사용
nuti sic id consisting os long sine spinules. Bionomics and distributioii: The Tui kmeni an populations os A. dolo rati inhabit xerothermi cstuppes and shrubby biotopes at medium-high to high elevations os the Kopcl-Dagh Vls. appetii ingas a frequent hut nol common species. The specimens are strongly attracted to artificiat light. Etymology the nanae resers to the sine si ining os ille forewings.
dissers si ona n. m. mongolicti by iis signi sic antly pater greyish ground colour xv ilhsine ochi eous-bron Ze shining and sine bro unish irroration. the clark fore ving palteria is tess s harply desine l. the blackisti streat s and the dark sussu sion os ille marginal area a re conspicuous ly paler, ille hi nil ving coloration is lighler. less
Diagnosis curves STAUD INGER. l8893. a species typical os the Tien Shan massis. ls represented by two . externalty strongly dissereni geographic
area. the cros, lines are more dissu se the orbicular and renis orna stigmata a re lesss harply desine l. ille dari or sui susion os the hind wing is more expresse l. the clari spois os ille transverse line a re usu atly missing. The male gentialia os the ne vsui species silo v a series os smali dissere iaces compared lo iliose os n. c. cii vesana n. c. ii quictes . the uncus is sonae vital longe r. stronge r. ille sultura in serior is broader, almo si quadrati c. the valva is broade r. especialty at iis mediat part. thecucullus is large r. hroti de r. iis apex more acuto. ille ventral plate os the carina anuthe scieroti Zed dorsat stripe are stronge r. large r. These dissere iaces in the male genitalia os the two races os A. curves are relative ly large . accor ling to the similar
transverse lines and discat spols wide. dissu se. Male genitalia: Uncus strong. relative ly shori. curve l. legumen narro V. rather high. penicular lobes smali. Eultura inserior quadrati c. xv illi sine laterat extensions apical ly. vinculum s hori. strong. Valva large . medium-long. distat ly dilato t. venlrat margin willi sine. rounded suba picallobe. Cucullus hi oud; triangular with apex pO inlccl. corona long. Sacculus Short. CinVus narro . long . sciose siclis. harpe thic k. stationed, Stightly curvo l. apex sine ly rounded. Ampulla relative lys hort. Sirong. apicatly tapering and curve l. apex potiate i. Aedeagus f hori. lhi Ck. carina wilh l Ostrong dorso-lalcral hars. one os them terminaled in a s mali hul strong. po inlccl piale cornutus ) ventral plate large . scaphoidal. heu vi ly scieroli Zed. dentale. Vesica tubular wilh broader basal thii dimi ming a more or less conical frontal diverticulum. distat part upturne l. scobinale. Eo male genitalia: Ovi positor relative ly shori. gonapophyses long. flendor. Ostium hul sacmore or less trape Zoidal. wide and shori. granulosely scieroti Ied. Ductus bursae s hori. proximat lytapering. distat part willi stronger scobination and wrin kles. proximal pari membra notis. Cervix nursae very smali. rounde l. corpus bursae sacculis orna. xv illi itur long signum-stri pes. Bionomics and distribulion: A. c. rolituditi is ille noritici iamost known population os the species. inhabi sing dry. rocky scrvb-sioppe habituis in an arid central pari os ille Russi an Allai. The specimens ulcre colluc led in the nitu summer period.
Diagnosis A. Polor, 'ni CHRISTOPH l88 3 has relative ly wide range os variation in iis externat seaiures. The populations occurring in ille disserent paris os the Asian mounta in systems Elburs ope t-Dagh. His sar. Pamir; Tien Shan Hindui us h) are more or less separable most specimens os a certain populationc an he distinguis hed si ona illo se os the other populations hut. due to the smalleror larger overi aps in their externat morphology. ille se populations a re hard ly sep arabie by using key seatures . The population os ille Arax valle y has. howe Ver, a curioris externat appe a rance suppori ing its distinction at sub speci sic levet. A. P. hic resXovi is smaller in si Ze wingspan 33-34 m m. tengili os fore ving i5-l6mm). iis sore vings are rallier stiori bul high. The ground colour is ochi eous state-grey willi ochi eous-bron Ze si ining. The wing patieria is tess distinc t. ille postmediat crossitne is tess oblique. without stronger clark desinition at o uter fide. there-
fore the crossitne seonas as a bit arcuate, not strat glit, oblique as in ali other populations of A. Pete raeni. The streak of sub median in id is s hori. rather pale. the mediat area is narrow the ante mediat and post mediat crossi ines are fused below
sub median sold. iliis se alti re is very unu sual in this species. The orbicular an drenis orna stigmata are rounded, relative ly big. their out lines in complete. The hinclwing is sit ining slighily trans parent while. much more whit isti than usual in A. Petet Seni, the wide marginal suffusion is strong, clark, contrasty, the transverse line is rather diffuse hut present. The male genitalia of the new subspecies Figs2l 22) show no significant dissere iaces comparing willi those of the other populations of A. PEIE SUHi.
Paralypeo Male, Tapais han ina 4 sin ling. Sued - Shensi. Ca. 3000 m. l9. 8.l 936. H. HONE scoli. A M. Bonn). The abdomen os the specimen is missing.