Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


Contributions IO G




The investigations of the Haden inae sections os sonae historical collections PUNGELER HONE) and new materials of Noctu idae frona the Tibetan plateatiand the sui round ing high mountain regions have resulted in the discovery of mrther two species of the C. Sua ViX species-grou p. These twO species are the sister- species of the formet ly known taxa, the species occurring in the NE edge of Tibetis the sibi ing of C. Suciveolca while the easteria Tibetan new species is closely al-lied to C. Suavis. The descriptions of the two species, with the identification keyfor the male genitalia of the members of the C. Suci ViS SpecieS-group ure gi Ven



5 6) Vesica with a medium- long thorn- like basal cornutus: cucullus larger. with longer neck. right saccular extensi On with much stronger, more acute in nerpeak, fultura inferior larger, Stronger SUGViS6 β) Vesica without basal cornutus, cucullus smali. without well- expressed neCk in ner peak of right saccular extension Sm alter, tess acute, fultura inferiors maller clenti rerin Sp. n. Conisan in Clurn Sp. n.

Diagnosis: The new species is the sister species of C. StiGVEOlia. C. Cliaria differs frona iis sibi ing by iis much pater colouration with less intense darker irroration, especialty in basal and marginal areas. In ner half os marginal areabronder, Clear, orbicular and reni forna stigmata larger, their fili ing also paler, thesu horbicular patch is more conspicuous. In the male genitalia of the new species both plates of the fultura inferior are considerably large r. higher, the valva is broader. the neck of cucullus is significantly broader. the peak of the right saccular extension is much smallei . The aedeagus is abo ut one and the half as long asin C. Suaveolia, the dorsat arm of the vesica is narrower, bearing two smali diverticula C. Suaveolia has ora ly one), the cornuti fiet is are consisting of smallei spinille S.C. clara differs frona the members of the other lineage of the groti p. D. Suia ViX and D. dentirenia, res p., by iis generat ly lighter colouration with less variegated forewing patieria. broader, pater orbicular and renis orna stigmata and in nerpari os marginal fiet d. The major differe iace in the male genitalia, besides thes hape and si Ze of the valva. the cucullus and the saccular extension, is theprese iace of the large dorsal tooth on the carina whicli is missing in the D. Sua ViX-

ling. Descriptiori Wingspan 38 min. longili os forewing lJ min. Head and thorax pale pinkis librown. mixed with sonae violaceotis grey and blackisti. Si des of palpi, frons, edges os collar. tegulae and thoracic tu sis marked with blackish hrown. Antennae os male sinely ciliate. Fore ing elong-ated. relatively high, with apex potnted, outer margin sinely crenulate. Ground colour pale pinkish


Bionomics and distribution: The two known specimens os the species were collected along the easteria horder os the Tibetan plateati, the two localities are rather remote si ona cach other. Theholotype was collected by TANCI si at the early spring period.

Taxonomic notes. The specific identity of the syntypes of C. 'Suti viX fSuia Vestes' and C. disce stroides was state i sit stly by BEHOUNE K who made thedissection of the hest specimen os Suia vestia. The two. geographi catly weli iso-


lated populations of the species differ by the coloratiori and the intens ity of the

Conisania clenti renu Sp. n

Diagnosis The new species is closely related to C. Sutivis. differing frona it by iis longer, more potia ted fore in g, generat ly less variegated sore ing patiernwith sonaewhat stronger crossi ines, more s harply de fine l. Clearer stigmata and suborbicular patch. In the male genitalia the valva of C. dentirenti is hroader huis horter, the cucullus is much smallei , without well-expressed nec L. the in nerpeak of the right saccular is sinalter, tess acute. the fultura is S mulier, nurrowCr the vesica is without basal cornutus etc. The comparison with the other lineage of the species-group is gi Veia under the diagnos i S Of C. Cliaria Sp. n.


margin Strongly convex, Costa with a Strong. wrinkled promine iace at base of cucullus. Cucullus smali, more or less triangular, Sciet Oti Zed, apex potnted. Ventrat margin a Strong Crest, corona Shori. sui sace of cucullus denset y setoso. Sacculus large, clavus S mali. penked, Saccular processi StronglyFig. 14. Male genitalia os Coni nia Cliaria Sp. n. . paralype. Chinn


asymmetri c. large . quadrati c. peaked in artis on right fide. much smaller, tess scieroti Zed, trape Zoidal on test valva. Harpe reduced to iis basal har, pulvillus strong, rounde l. lest ampulla smali. digitis orna, right ampulla absent. Aedeagus long cylindrical, arcuate, carina willi scieroti Zed. sinooth dorsal - dorso- laterat plate. Vesica generat ly T-shaped. basal tu he s hori. with a rounded distuldiverticulum. dorsat arm long rather broad, tubular, termina ted in a hun ille os long spinus. wilh a large . elliptical diverticulum at iis base. Ventrat arm bro ad ly lubular. scobinate, terminated in ductus ejaculatorius. armed willi a long . narrow Gield os long . sine spinules at distat enit. Eo male genitalia sFig. l 3): Ovi positor shori. weak. gon apophyses s hori. Ostium bursae trapeZoidat, granulosely scici Oti Zed. ductus bursae s hori. narro . scieroti Zed. lateralty solde l. Cervix bursae long. conicat. with apicat thiril strongly scieroti Ied, cristate and solde l. mediat anil proximal paris rugose. Corpus bursae elliptical. most paris scieroti Zed. Strongly cristate. posteriore nil sol ming an acute lip. standus rounde l. membranous proximal hals willi a narrow signum-s tripe. Bionomics and distribution: The specimens were collected in the spring period. at a relative-ly high elevation in easteria Tibet.