Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


The host plant of C. Stimui; is not known with certainty. Most of the mem-hers of this genus live on different ArtemiSiti species. Severat ArtemiSiti speciesare present in the collecting Sites; thus the possibili ty that this plant genus as thehost of C. Stimui cannot be exclude l. Comments. Concerning the morphological delatis; this species is very similar to C. X lendonS hut differs in the smaller number of the dorsal plates. having9-segmented antennae and twice longer tubular ducis.


l Antennae 9- segmented 2Dorsal plates in f rows. number of setae on plates maximum f




The oribat id species

describe d by Berte se

MAHUNKA S. and L. MAHUNKA-PAPPThe authors had the opportunity for years to study the Oribalid Species described by Berlese currently deposited in the Istituto Sperimentale per la Zoologia Agraria at floreiace. The resulis of this series of studies are summariZed in this Volume. The volume begins with an essay- like Introduction heavily re-lying on subjectiVe opinion S discussing the generat questions os Oribaiology. The following section lisis Berlese's species placed in the modern System helping the speciali sis with morphological notes and many dra ings: here at So the Condition of the specimensis discus sed and lectotypes are deSignate i. The thii d. large section is the catalogue proper, Where in ali the species are listed in the systematic order together with their combi nation and Synonymic name S. Here orae may find ali the literature data, usually missing frona ordinary workS, with referetice to De-SCription and Taxonomy, Distribution with special emphasis onCatalogues whose refere iaces are part ly uni eliable. Where it was dee med necessary fui ther information are ad ted under the hea lingos Remai ks. The Volume closes with a Very det alled list os lit

erat Ut C.




This is ille sit si in a series of papers describing new species os Eumaei ni 'hali streak buitersites . Lycaenidae) si ona solitheasteria BraZil. Materiai examined derives principalty frona ille Gagar in Collection os solitheasteria BraZilian Lepido plera, pari of whicli resides at ille Milwau kee Public Museum sMPM). Milwau kee, Wiscons in . The collection includes samples of buttersites collecte dilui ing the fit si sive decades of the 2 )lli Centvry and . consequently . contains Significant materiat predat ing destruction of many os solitheasteria BraZi s constat foresis and various upland biomes. The major focus os ille series will he 'unequivocat ' new species. that i s. taxa so distinct frona previoris ly known relatives that species status is stra ighi forward and not arbitrated by relative taxonomic 'lum1 ing V or 'spliti ingV. Taxonomic treat ments wili sol low the generic si amework sor Eumae in i most recent ly revie wed by JOHNSON & KROENI ElN l 993) and BRlD GES sl 994). A brief taxonomic introduction will he provided sor each groti p. Newspecies are described with the belles that overati diversi ly and species limiis in Various eumaei ne genera cannot be sully appreciated without format descriptionos distinctive new entities; even is these he os exire me ly limited distribution orpossib ly extinci. Further, experie iace has shown that additional specimens os pre-' Research Associate. Florida State Collection os Arthropods. Gainesville. Florida 326l4. USA


Vious ly unde scribed taxa are usu atly localed after format descriptioris appear in the literature, not before. We have been informed by Dr. K. S. BRO N. Jr. Campinas, BraZil) that other portions of the Gagarin Collection stili reside in Bragil principalty at the Universi clade Federat do Parana. Curiti ba): it is thus probab lethat additional specimens of ali species described in this series will he found intho se Sample S.


band os disjunci oblongale pasches. The baiadlike pulches are more or less pronounced dependingon the exterat os ille clarker griZZled distat protinus characteriZing individual pecimens. Genitalia Fig. 9). Brusti organs ELIOT l973 384. 1 oot nolei are lacking. The male genitalvalvae has hil obes and caudat extensiolas both gradually tapereis and os aliout equat longili. the sor-mor is cataly slightly more robust than the lalter. Female genitalia show a robust. tubular. consiguration willi respective posterior and anterior clements joined by a narrower neck terminal clements exhibit caudat ly directed prongs. The holotype deposited in The Natural History Museum. London. examineis by JOHNSON l 9923. Type locali ty ΡΗraZil .

Distributiori . Specimens are known si ona throughoui lowland tropical ra in forest of the Amaron Bas in and solithward into solitheasteria Bragii and immediate ly adjacent Argentina and Paraguny. Remai ks. The de riva subgroup mentioned above is now seen to contain D. Acrii Via. D. Hic iggcic, and the new Species described helow. Male genitalia os this subgroup have an elongate saccus and diminutive valvat hases compared to thene w subgroup described here aster. Male genii alia of this latter subgroup are insonae ways reminiscent of the 'mi donici species-grotis V of Denium. In the se male genitalia os D. doni via the nec k is in early trans parent. the posterior element shoribui greatly fluted to a pronounced antrum. and the terminal prongs robust s see JOHNSON l 992. sigs 23 23 P). Hemales os ille new subgroup show less extremedi vision os ille anterior and posterior duciat elements and . in known species. laci terminal prongS.

nreus ure minimi Zed anit, particularly this minimi Zing causes the mediat baiad touppear more as a set os meandering black lines ovei laying bare ly visibi e heige. Genitalia. The saccus has the elongate, club-ended. shape typical os the leni uti subgroup but it is stee per ilian iliat in most specimens of D. denti ci.


Remai ks. Habitat . apparent endem is m, and sympatric sister species. BRO N in lit t. to JOHNSON) notes concerning the type locali ty 'hotet to thesouili os Campos de Iordao in ille hi gli Serra de Mantique ira at l600 2200 m. . 22 45' β' 35': temperate forest anil open fiet is, heavy frosis ali winter. Gagarinspent summers here and found saniastic Patagoni an satina . Ait ille new Denti iti species describe d here in derive frona this locali ty and . in severat papers JOHNSON in variotis publications not elaborated here) has described other unique taxa frona Una tiarama. Ouistanding dissere iaces bet ween the Doniviti taxa described here in involve not only wing and tali structure. along willi colour and pat-teria. hut also lite genitalia and internat anil externat secondary sexuat characters. Considering these. it must he concluded that the habitat s collecled by Gagarin al

De nivia Secundu SP. n.


confused willi certa in litidi, Simia species. we siress this because our sit si vie v os the taxon. prior to dissection and hecati se of the parallel baniis on the VHw. wasthai it was a species os Res iXXimia. Gi ven ille genitalia. howevcr. the VHW patieria appe ars io only represent a reduction of the overati sussu sive patierias common to Doni viti. This is particular ly apparent in s res her specimens like the para- type se male abo ve) which show hrown suffusion acros f the anat area inside ille post mediat baiad.