장음표시 사용
Figs. 9-li. Genitalia os certain Deniviti species: 9 α male genitalia. D. donii a. data as in Fig. l. l0α Male genitalia, D. gres via. holotype: il male genitalia. D. Secundia. holotype. let t. lemale genitalia. allotype. right. Black line and at lest os vinculum indicate, respective ly. extem and location olabutiment os brusti organs
The solio ving two species; although assignable to the 'donivra species-grotis V disser mari eclly frona other members os ille deni via grotis' by their lack os a caudat ly distended H i. e. the 'anal tali ). The different Hw shape, alongwith ollier characters of wing patieria and morphology, suggest a distinci subgroup with in the nives species-grotis V containing the two sister species described below. Although these two new species disser notably in ille hue of their dorsat colour. Uw brand shape, and ventral patieria de tall. the most remarkabledisserences occur in the genitalia. For brevi ty. in describing this new species patriue sit si provide a det alled di agnosis os one species and then. based thereon, u
Male genitalia sFig. l2). Brus h organs occur along the vincular dorsum. The Vinculum is narrow nut os generalty even contour with a s hori and parabolic Saccus: the valvae have greatly rounded shoulders at the hil obes whicli contrast shori and narrow caudat extensioras: the labi des and falces are diminutive the aede agus exceeds the rest os the genitalia by aliout the caecum tength. lat- ter dis placed sonae 45 frona the plane os the aedeagal shast. Holotype. male Fig. 6) BR AZIL. Unauarama. Est . de S. Paulo . t 800 m. . 3-lβ do 2-l93 P. leg. Gagarin . ex. J. R. NE IDHOEFER Collectiora acquired si ona P. GAGARIN. Milwau kee Public Vu-
Remari s. Habitat - Remari S under the D. gria Via periclin.
Etymology. The nanae combines a Latin suffix mean ing marked likeV to the nanae os a Eumaei ni genus. PonS. and refers to superficiat similari ty het ween the s hort-tailed members os that genus and this crypti catly marked new species os Doniviti.
Diagno sis. Wings. Moderate in si Ze FH ld. 0-lβ. 0 mm) and differing frona D. PonSGHOtia as det alled in the pre violis en try and summari Zed here as follows. Male dorsum lavender-hued blue dorsum with obscure narrow fuscous hordei s and on F large i 4 4 mmi ovate black brancis. Venter with greatly contras ted light bei ge and dark brown gri ZZled grotinus formed into prominent bancis media land post mediat on FW: mediat. post mediat; and sub marginal on HW. Female similar to male on Venter, dors atly coloured more duli tu Vender-gray. Genitalia. Male genitalia greatly contrasting D. Pon Scinotia lacking brusti organs and with vinculum widely parabolic and showing a broad saccus.
Uernale . Extremoly similar to malo. dissering only in the lack os EW branus. und sho ving adulter lavender-gray dorsul pround colour. Fw tength l . 0 nam sal lolype). Male genitalia Fig. l33. No brusti organs along dorsum os vinculum. Vinculum widely parabolic xviiij xvi de and parabolic saccus: valvae wilh hilo hes greatly shouidereis and willi a seconds mali stioulder at the juncture to the caudat extensions. caudat exiensions elongate and tapercu labidos very cia large l. scamowliat venti ally overi apping the widely arched salces: aedeagus clongate anu robust. longili ex ccccling rest os genitalia by ab aut caecum longi h. caecum and sh ast holli ho ecl. Eo male genitalia Fig. l3i. Ductus bursae an elongale robust lube stared both at posterior anuanterior. posterior staring to widely expande l. patre l. elliptic lamellae separated by a wide conii alsissuro anterior nared to a s volicia cervix hursae iacit qui te as distat ly expansive as the posterior
There is also a se male VPM hich wc do nol make a paralype hecause it has two labet s.cach independe iacia. 900 m. . Petropolis - E. do Rio. l2- in l039. Gagarin si 2 Oci. V. ilicse dual lubet sand ille disserent location si ona the types suggesting labe is may have been previoris ly misassociared. Figs l2-l3. l2 α Male genitalia. D. Potisti nom. holotype l3 Male genitalia; l . Stricitia. holotype .lest. se male genitalia. allotype. right. Black line and at lcsi os vinculum indicate. respective ly. ex lentand location os abutiment os hi us h organs
Remai ks. Habitat - Remai ks under D. gravia pertain. Morphology - Thewide saccus and wide and shouldered valvat hase in male genitalia of this speciesare reminiscent of so me seatures typisying the 'laudonia species-group of Deni-
t ita. Etymology. The Latin name refers to the striped appearance Os the Venter.
Frona placement of speci mens at the M PM. early wOrkers On Gagar in mu-terial spei haps in Bragil) appear to have considered each of D. deniva and D. M Gνει and D. VOHSGHOm and D. Stricitia; the sanae species saliliough non e was identis ed). The great dissere iaces in these species' morphologies illustrates a stili persistent problem concerning the identification of Eumaei ni silie Neotropicat Thoc. of old common usage see DRAUDT l9l9l). Even to lay workers ostencluster specimens by vague and generat similarities, osten picking one or two arbitrary externat Characters as a guide se. g. with the species here in . most like lywing shape in D. Acrii via r D. gria via, generat ventral similari ty in D. PonScin otia ID. Stricitia). Other dissereiaces, as elaborated here in for wing paltern and externalSCCOndary Sexuat Organs, are usualty o Veri OOked. Our resulis stlow that morphology in these entities differs in ne arly e very element of the male genitalia af wellas iis associaled secondary sexuat structu res. The known se males also differ sori . denti a see JOHNSON l 992). This circumstance strongly supporis our vlew thata major ei fori to describe variotis unique Eumaei ni si ona the Gagarin Collectionis indispensabie to a fuller undet standing of the original butters ly fauna os fouth eastern BraZil.
The Fauna of the Bilis Nationat Par
Since ME IN ANDER is sit si monograph on Coniopterygidae s ME IN ANDER l9J2Ω): many ne w species and interesting data have been publis hed on the coni opterygid satina os ille Arabian Peninsula ME IN ANDER l9JJ. l9J9. MONSER RAT l 904. l 996. S ZIRA Kl l 9923. With in this large area. sui ely because of the presence of wood laniis, the species richness is the highesi in Yemen. and probab ly. ille number of the hilherio undescribe d species may he rather hi gh as weli. This is supporied by the present material in whicli the majori ty of the included species belongs to unde scribed ones.
in the extraordinari ly large coni opicrygiis material sabout 800 speci mens) collecled mostlyhy A. VAN HARTEN in Yemen. there were 399 male specimens. The majori ty os the coni apterygius was captured by lighi traps or willi Malai se trap at Sana. hut sonae specimens was soli nil in ollier localities os the country. Is the collecting method was other than mentioned aliove . it is noted in thetext. Similarly. the collectory na me is mentioned is il is ollier ilian A. VAN HARTEN.As regariis the male terminalia. I sol low the termino logy used by MEI NANDER l9J2a). howevcr. in the case os sonae unusual scierites or structu res the questionable dotalis are labelled on thecorresponding sigureS.
lia the examineu materiat there was also a large number os semales and in sonae cases it was possit, te to malch them to the corresponding males willi rallier hi gli probabili ty. Howevcr. the majori ty os the data concerning the se males will he publis hed in another paper. Only Aleuro loryXiartihicia swhich was represented by two se males) is presented in this report.
Material Shu tra. Laudar. Marcii 2 l. l 993 one se male specimen: Masmaq; Chamis Bani Saad. March 9. l 993 an other semate specimen.
As the ei donomic features of the examined specimens agree welt with tho se described by ME IN ANDER in the case of the male holotype ME IN ANDER l9J J) the two collected specimen may be regni ded as se males of A. Grtihic a. Since after the original description this species was ali eady mentioned by MONS ERRAT l 996) from Yomen; it is presum ab ly not rare in this COUntry. Hiscon Sia circibicia SZIRARI. l 992Material udi Hana. Marcii 20. l 993 one male specimen.
Holotype male. YYemen. Sana. May l99 l. VAN HARTENV - deposited in the Hungari an Natural History Muscum. BudapeSt. Description Frons moderate ly. hut distinctly sci croti Ied hetween lite antennae. Maxillarypalpi flendor. Colour of the head capsule and of the thorax mostly lost dies ore the examinatiora. yes smali and black. Antennae l. 3 min, 24 segmented. Pedicet one and a half times as long aswido hasal flagellar segments aliout as long as wide. median flagellar segments almosi twice aslong us wide. Ali sui face of the id agellar segments and os pedicet co vered by sine ordinary hairs. The elongated prothorax one and a hals times as long as wide. Selae on sit si semur thin. hut longurthan those on meso- . and metathoracal ones. Longili os fore ing 2.4 nam, os hind wing 2. 0 nam. Both wing pati s two and a hals times as long as 'road. Venation typicat for the genus. Longitudinalucitas light hrown. Anal region os hind wing nari O . si ingers rather long. Male terminalia: as in Figs l . Horder botween ninlli and lenili tergites indiscerni hic. Anterior elige of ninth sternite willi distinct apocleme. Coxopodites flaiked. their base silualed almost mediat ly. At hase os sinu aled styli ventral to parameres a narrow. Strongly chitini Zed beli present.
aramores ab aut as long us ponis. and in laterat vicw hroad. Their distat pari toothod venti ally. Denis acute caudat ly. most os il tubular.
Remai ks: The nexu species greatly dissors si ona the earlier known Cry Io-Xconoes; hul resembles C. Ohmi described belo hecati se os ille long flagellai segments and the broad paramere.