Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


Etymology - I name this new species in honour os Dr. V. N. MA KARKIN. the excellent Russi an iacui Opterologi St. FixS 31-36. Conio toryx X.) mci ar ini sp. n. 3l α male terminalia, laterat View. 32 male terminalia. Ventral vie . 33 male terminalia. caudat view. 34 α male internat genitalia. laterat view. 35 α male intemat genitalia. ventral vlew. 36 m caudat pari os paramere; dorso-laterat vicw. Scale 0. 03 nam


Descriptiori Structu re os frons and palpi normal. Vertex and frons pale yello vis h brown. genae and clypeus medium brown. Eyes h lack. Antennae l. 0 l. 2 mm, 2 28-Segmen led. bi O n. hut flagellum sonae hal clarker than pedicet. The laller almost One and a hals times as long ashron l. while si ape os flagellar segments ruther variab leo in sonae cases basai flagellar segments as long as broad. while in other cases one and a hals times as broad as long . In sonae cases median si a gellar segments ab aut as long as broad. while in other cases distinctly longor than broad . Setae present on flagellar segments and pediceti as weli. Most os ordinary hairs arran ged in two more ortes s regular whoris . hut so me os them are betwecia these ones. Scale- like hairs helire u horis os ordinary linirS. Thorax mostly pale ochi eous. but iis ventral paris . legs and shoulder spois bro n. Length offore wing l. -2.l min. os hind wing l. 5-l. 9 min. Wing membra ne suscOus brown. Male terminalia: as in Figs 3J l. Hypandrium in laterat view sonaewhat hi glier than broad. lis anterior apode me venti ally complete. hent backwariis. and divi ted into branches. Processus terminalis broad with distinct. U-s haped median incision. Processus lateralis rather indistinct. howevo r. a strong internat hyaline projeclion erected si ona iis ventral pari. Conarcus diro ad with strongventral apode me. lis caudat end with a venti ally siluate i. sto ut thorn. while suba picatly a long internat projectiora ora the gon arcus. Styli unsorked without arch below paramercs. Internat projection an processus apiculis Os paramere extreme ly large, and curved outwariis and back variis. Caudat projeCtion os processus apicalis rounded lance-Shaped. An unu Sual. wide. U-Shaped scierite. situ uted helow processus apicalis and connected to para mere hy a chilinous bound originat ing at s mali proCessus ventralis. and in connection with penis scierite as well. Lalter consisting os lwo potiate d

Remari s Be cause of the structure of the processus lateralis of hypandrium and the long internat projection os gon arcus; the new species is clo se to the Co

3). The main distinctive features of COHisPtet X χ.) miliarici Sp. n. are - Strong, Stout caudat thoria of the gon arcus togellier with a long internat projection: - Curious, cui Ved out ward and backward internat projection os the processus apicalis os para mere. - unu sual vide; U-Shaped scierite venti ally of the para mere. whicli is connected to the penis and the parum Cres. Coni opteryx Coni Opteryx) cur Vicauilutu Sp. n.

Holotype male Yemen. Humana Ali. August β. l99 l. beaten si ona Citrus. VAN HARTENV deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Muscum. BudapcSt. Description Structu re os frons and palpi normat. Colour os studi ed inscct apari isto in cyestost ne fore investigation. Eyes black. Antennae l. 0 min. 26-segmented. Pyris orna pedicet abo ut aslong as 'road. Basai flagellar segments twice, median ones one and a hals times as broad as long. Set ne present on flagellar segments. Ordinary hairs situ aled in irregular way on most segments. huton has al ones mostly in lwo. more or less regular whoris. Scale- like hairs ora whole sui face os pedi-cel. and ora apical part os flagellar segments. Lengili os sore ing 2.l in m. of hind wing l. J nam. Male terminalia: as in Figs 42 6. Hypandrium in laterat vie w about as hi gh as broad. Vcntrat ly Complete anterior apodenae separated si ona anterior margin, and Strongly curved hackwariis


mediat ly. Processus terminalis moderate ly long. lis caudat pari curvod up variis: in laterat vi e vhooked. Median apical incision in caudat vi exu distinct. U-s hapud. Processus lateralis well-chitiniIed. long iis caudat ouge rounded. Slyli sorked. Their orater branches ralher xvide. while inlacrones sol ming an arcti bolow parameres. Para meres long willi distinct processus venit alis. Caudulpari os para mores stighily S-s haped without distinct processus apiculis. Penis consisting os lxvorather long and flendor scieriles. Fixs 42 6. Conio tor) C.) curvi iuuialia Sp. n. 42 male terminalia. laterat vicw. 43 hypandrium, venit ut vicw. 44 α male terminalia, caudat vicw. 45 α male internat genitalia. laterat vicw.46α male internat genitalia. vcnlral vlew. Scale 0. 03 nam


Male terminalia: as in Figs 48-53. Hypandrium in laterat vicw almost twice as hi gh ashroad. Apode me a long anterior margin Venti ally complete. Processus terminalis si ort. broad withrather shallow median apical incision. Lower angle os processus lateralis acute. Apode me a longventral si de os gonarcus narrow. Styli sorked. Their outer branches long. po inted and curved sor-warus. In ner branches sol ming a narrow arch below para meres. Parameres long hent anil flender.with distinct processus ventralis. Caudat pari os paramures curved clownwarils with a li ille sin latcrat vi e w blunt) subapical dorso-caudat projection sprocessus apicalis). Penis consisting of two narro . POinted scierites.

Remai ks: Because of the lilii e processus apicalis on cui Ved downwariis pura mero. the so mewhat similar sit ape of the median apical incision of the proces usterminalis of the hypandrium. and hec ause of the wide flagellar segments of the antennae, ille new species is close to the wides pread Palae arctic coni opterygi d

ME IN ANDER l9J2ci. Fig. i5 ). The main distinctive character istic s of Conio te-


Hariter illis species xvas recorded only si ona Hast Africa . howe ver recent lyV. MONS ERRAT imund two male specimens in Yemen MONS ERRAT l 90J). lis relative ly large number in the present material shows that S. X olli might be a common species in this country.


Semidalis tenui Penni S Sp. n.



A Zoogeographical evaluation os the Yemenian coni opterygicis xvili he pub-tished in separate paper S IRA Kl l 99J). and in sonae respecis it has ali eady been done MONS ERRAT i 096). Howeve r. it is worili to mention iliat the coni opterygi classemblage of this country is equat ly close to that of the eremial part of the Pulaearchic and of East Africa. On the other hancl. ille presen ce of the genus Cry tDXCeneti is extreme ly interesting. and ii shows sonae connections xv illi the satina os ille Indo-Malayan is lancis. In this connection the Norlli Equatorial Current may have played a i Ole.