장음표시 사용
The main distinctive characteristi cs of CryPtoScerieci hoelzeli Sp. n. are - elongated prothorax - relative ly long flagellar segments - apari frona iis proximat enit, an evenly broad paramere in laterat view.
Remari s The new species is rather distinct frons ali the hii herto describe l 1 PIOSCEncti species. On the other hand. in sonae respecis se. g. long flagellar segments) il resembles C. hoelzeli sp. n. described a bove. The main distincli ve
- two basal cross we ins in the costat area: - long median flagellar segmen is - peculiar sit ape of the para mere in the male genitalia with abruptly broaden ed caudat ly toothed distat enit.
Elymology - l dedicate illis new coni opterygi d to Dr. PETER OHM the excellent German lacu ropterologist.
F ins 9 12. Helicoconis hoc Ici sp. n. 9 male terminalia. laterat vi e . l0 m male terminalia; venti alvi ew. it m male internat genitalia; laterat view. l2 male internat genitalia. ventral vieri'. Scalc O. 03 min. an appendage os ninth sternite. hm hypandrium. sm stylus; upra ventral projectioia
ii ve characteristi cs of the HelicoconiX hccitia Sp. n. ure - frons distinctly scieroti Zed belween the antennae - pura mere has a Strong dorsal projection.
The known range of this species is restricted to the solith-western part of the Arabian Peninsula ME IN ANDER l9J9. MONS ERRAT l 996).
Thorax pale ochi eous with lighl hrown shoulder spois and futurus. Longi h os sorowing l. 5m m. os hind wing l. 6 nam. ing membrane hyaline. Male terminalia: as in Figs 20 25. Hypandrium in lalerat vicw ahoul as hi gh as 'road. Apodenae along anterior margin venti ally complete. Processus terminalis distinct willi large . Ushaped median apical incision. Ventral part os processus lateralis forming a long. well-separatoclnarrow lobe. while iis dorsal part indistinct. Conarcus extraordinari ly long. beni downwariis. and willi a strong. strai gh l. thorn- like inlernat appendage. Styli sorked: iis oti ter branches very broad.while inner ones forming an arch helow param cres. Paranaeres long with Strong. acule processus apicalis . lalter wilh thin basal duplication mediat ly. Processus ventralis indistinct. Penis consistingos two thin scieritus: lheir potia ted ii ps venti ally curved sorward. Penis scieriles supported by structure originaled si ona the stylus arch below parameres.
Remari s Hecati se of the strat glit caudat thoria on ille gon arcus, ille Sirong, po in ted processus apicalis os parameres; and the similarities in ille structu re os the processus latera lis os the hypandrium, C. χ.) es Poridicultitia resembles C. X.) mucrogoniarcutitia ME IN ANDER. l9J9 ME IN ANDER l0J9. Fig. β). The main distincti ve character istic s of the new species are - ille extraordinari ly long gon arcus:
Description: Structu re os frons and palpi normat. Colour Os studi ed insccts. apart si ona cycsos holotype. losi hos ore examinatiora. Eyes h lack. moderate ly large . Antennae l. l-l. 2 nam. 25-2J- segmenteis. Dedicet one and a hals times as long as bimad. Basal nagellar segmenis abolit as long ashroail. while mi lille onus sonae fiat longer than hroad. Scale- like hairs on apex os flagellar seg-
ments. Setae present on Hagellar segments excepi basal ones. Ordinary hairs sit uated in two rat herii regular whoris. Longili os fore ing l. - l. J mm . of hind wing l. 3-l. 4 in m. Male terminalia as in Figs 26 30. Hypandrium in laterat vicw about twice as hi gh as broail. Apodenae along anterior margin venti ally complete. Processus terminalis caudat ly rounded withshallow median incision. Large part os processus lateralis rather indistinct. a part si ona iis setose Ventral angle. Dorso-caudat ly of this Organ a mostly membraneotis projection present. hut iis distat Fixs 26 30. Conio tot X X. 4 collaris sp. n. 26 male terminalia. laterat View. 2J male terminalia. Ventral vicw. 28 male terminalia. caudat vi e M'. 29 α male internat genitalia. laterat vi exv. 30 minale internat genitalia. ventral vlew. Scale 0. 03 nam
pari more scierotiZed with a distinci caudat elige. Gonarcus stiori hul hroad. and willi a strong. curved internat appendage. Processus ventralis os paramere well-de vel ope l. Processus apiculis wilhtwo dorsal projections: caudat one beni in arus. Besides. a more or less collar like structure originaled si ona processus apicalis os both para meres. and these structu res connected lo cach other hydorsal plate. Styli willi a stronger ventral. and a weaker dorsal branch. Ventral branches forming an arch helow paramores. while dorsal ones attached to aliove - mentioned collar - like structu res. Penis consisting os lwo hooked. in laterat vie w rather wide scierites.
Remari s Hecati se of the s hori and broad gon arcus with strong in ner appendage . and the similarities in the structure os hypandrium, the new species is
- collar- like scieroti Zed structure ab ove the naiddie part of the paramere: - po in ted and curved caudat appendage os ille processus apicalis on the para
- relative ly long slagellar segmenis of the male antennae. Coni opteryx X croconi ODt cryxi malini Lini Sp. n.
Remai ks: Because of the similar structure of the hypandrium. and the long po in ted apical thoria os the gon arcus, and hecati se of the s hori. curved penis and