장음표시 사용
Etymolo . - The species nanae 'nodulosus resers to the nodis orna protuberance of the fit sttergite.
Metasoma abolit as long as head ε meso sona a Combine l. First tergite s Fig. 3P) one-sisthlonger ilian bro ad belli nil pair os spiracles ora a rather up war is directed and nodis orna protuberance. protuberance anteriorly on tergite. laterat margin os scutum strongly crenulate s Fig. 3J-38). Secondtergite less transverse and l. 8 times as long as thirci tergite. iis naiddie sield extending abo ut anterior two- hirus os tergite. together willi sui ther tergitus polis hecl. Suture bet ween tergites 2 3 bi sinuate anil sine ly crenulate. O vi positor si eath somewhat longer than hi nil hasi tarsus hut shorter than has i tarsus ε seconii tarso mere). Posterior end of ovi positor as in Fig. 4 l.
Descriptiori os the semule paralype si ' ). - Similar to the holotype. Body 2.4 mna long. Head in dorsal vlew l. 66 times as broad as long. Antenna with 23 antennomeres. Hi nil semur 3.4
MetasOma aliout as long as head Φ mesosoma combine l. First tergite Fig. 52) just longerthan broad bellinis . pair of spiracles bes ore mi dille os tergite, heyond spiracles tergite moderate ly
The lagrii ne genus Mimohorchmanici PIC. l934 and iis type Species. M. colori PIC.l 922) are rodescribe l. M. ycingi sp. n. is described si ona China, Thallanis and Vicinam. Noteson a possibi e mimetic complex are given. A key sor the identi sication os the two species is presented. Willi l0 sigures. Key woruso laxo nomy. Coleoptera. Tenebrionidae. Lagri ini. Mimohorchmianiti. Oriental. ovi positor. semale genital tube. mimicry
The lagrii ne genus Mimohorchmiania was erected by PIC l 934) sor Nemo-Xtiria colori eX PIC. l 922 and iis three colour varieties frona Tonkin. In his monograph on Horid 'Lagrii lae . HORCHMANN l 93J) presented a more detai ledredescription of the genus sunder ille ui ustis ably emended name os Mimohorch- incinniti) and repetited Pic 's description of the species and varieties. There is nothing et se to say abolit the history of this genus. Recent ly. the two authors independent ly came ac ross specimens which represent a new species of Mimohorchmianiti. Having sui veyed the Insect Collectionos the Institute os Zoology. Academia Sinica Be ij ing). the junior author disco vered si x specimens from Yunia an Province China. In materia is collected recent ly in Thalland and Vietnam. the senior author smund a number of specimens whicli are apparent ly conspecific with the Chine se ones. This paper is devoted to the description of the new species, redescription os the genus and M. coloriPES and a key to the two species.