Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


cept sor Very narrow area under each eyes coVered with sine isodiametric mes hes, invisibie even athigh magnification. Pronotum l.40-l. 4 times as wide as long widest in anterior third just belli nil laterat fetigerous pores, with sides rounded anteriori y and stra ightly or weakly sinuate ly covergent in posterior hals Figs 3 i). Anterior and posterior margins more or less straight. lalter a litile narrower than sit mer and notably narrower than elytrat base belween humeat angi es. Apicat angies smali and acute. eukly protruding. very narro ly rounded ut ii p. Basai angi es obtusangular, more or less narro lyrounded at apex. Laterat surro es narrow anteriori y and mediat ly. weakly wide ned bes ore basal an gles anil usualty su sed there with smali and shallow basal foveae forming comparatively deep uni ted laterobasal deppressions: laterat margins ut basal angles stightly res exed. Mediobasal portion os pron Oum Very convex. Punctures in laterobasal depressions most coarse and osten confluent. Microsculpture invisibi e . Elytra widest at mi dille. in male l.40-l.44 times as long as wide. 2.32-2.43 times as long and l. lJ-l. 2J times as wide as pro notum: in se male these indices l.46-l. 4. 2.58-2. Pl anil l .l9-l. 28. respectively. Humeri prominent, sharp at apex. without denticles. Suturni angi es acutangular, nur-rowly rounded at apex. Hasal edge rather strongly sinuate lateralty and meet ing laterat margin inweakly obtuse or nearly right an gle. Intervals strongly narrowed bes ore apex. Striae sonae hat thin. Marginal series consisting of 6 hasal and J apicat umbilicate pores. Microsculpture visi hie in se maleon ly on two laterat interva is throughout anil usu atly also in narrow basal portion os ali other intervat s.consisting of fine and narrow transverse mes hes. in male obliterate mesties visibi e sonaetimes only in apical portion os laterat intervat s. Fixs 8-ll. Nornati ici megiac hialia sp. n. Median iobe os aedeagus. dorsal 8) and lateral 9) aspects. Stylus, laterat aspect si0). Stylus and valviser. Ventral aspect li). Scale 0. 5 nam


Median iobe os aedeagus arcuate. with apical portion curved dorsad laterat aspect) and torighl: terminat lamella asymmetricat, longer than wide, moderate ly broad. narrowly rounded ut apex with sides round ly convergent apicad dorsat aspect). internat fac willi dorso-lalerat longitudinalcha in os sinali spineS. Etymolo . The species epithet is derived si ona the Greek. megias big) and ce hale heud). referring to the re markabie seature os the new species. Distributio H - Known only frona the type locali ty. Norna lup-Walpole Nature Park. in the





At present only 20 species of Scia hiXomia LEACH are recorded frona NewGuinea OB L l9Jβ). That illis nullaber res locis ruther in adequate knowledge thanthe diversi ty of the group is stlown by the present study. A collection os Scia his )mia taken at hi gh altitudes of the Mount Wilhelm Ρapua New Guinea. consis is os sive species. ali new to science. The aedeagat characters of the se species indicate relations hips to members of the S. unicolor g roup that is widely distribu ted in the Oriental realm hul unknown si ona Australia. New Caledonia and Fhi. As in mem-hers of the S. unicolor the aedeagi are hight y deri veil. with the hasal bulb of the me di an iobe comparative ly smali. the apical process si altened and asymmetricat the internat fac consisting of a membranous iube and a long flagellum that is free tolarge ex te nil and the parameres weakly scieroti Zed. The new species coming si omthe Mount Wilhelm may be distinguished si ona the Asian allied by the median iobe of the aedeagus lacking prominent articular process. the s hape of the body that is weakly narrowed apicatly and comparative ly parallel, the shori metasternum and the large head . In addition they share narrow subcoxat areas, elytra lacking basal striae, very fine punctation, and apicat abdominat segments with punctulate micro- sculpture. Obvio us ly they forna a distinci species groti p. Metalloscc hia LOBL thatis based on a single species, M. PaPuti LOBL, exhibiis characters of the lalter g rou p. MetallOSCGPhia Via uia was separated frona the species-ricli and widely distribu ted Scia hi voma LEACH main ly hecati se of iis conspicuous ly elongate 3rd antennalsegments and the bo ly shape. However. the tengili os the 3rd antennat segment anilthe shape of the hody are more variable than firmer presumed. The study os large



This species is known only si om hi gh altitudes of the Mi. Abi lata. FinisterreMt s. Papua New Guinea. lt may be distinguished frona it congeners, the new species described below include l. by the metallic siti ne os iis body the comparative lyparallel body shape and the paranae res of the aedeagus bearing each a large . membranous, apical iobe, in combination.


posterior basal l hird, si ona widest poliat moderate ly narrowed toward apices. Laterat elytral contoursslightly arcuate in apical hals. Staturat margin not rai sed . Inner apical angle lying posterior levet os otiter apicat angi es: apicat margins edentate. arcuate. Suturat striae fine. diverging 1 rom apices to-ward mi lille third of sutural tength. parallel in anterior third of sutural longili, en ling posterior line os pronotat iobe. not curved laterat ly. Laterat margin riclge not visibi e at dorsal vlew. Laterat striae curved ut base . not extending along basal margin . Punctation os elytra similar to that on pronotum. Metat horacic wings strongly reduce l. presentas si lament- like rudiments. Ventral fide os thorax lacking microsculpture anil very sine ly punctate. Mesepi merat ridge Stightly longer ita an intervat to

coxae, lacking impressions. Mesocoxat lines parallel to coxae, indistinctly punctate. Mesocoxat areas narrow 0. 02 nam long about as long as one-third Os shortest intervat to metacoxae. Metepisterna wide apical ly. Strongly narrowed anteriori y with in ner margin stightly arcuate. hard ly impressed be-low plane os metasternum. Abdomen very tinely punctate and with punctulate microsculpture. lalter absent si om lsi ex posed sternite. Metacoxat lines parallel. 0. 03 nam long with distinci marginalpunctures. Tibiae stra ight. Stender.

Male sexuat characters. Protarsi hard ly wide ne l. Aeduagus Figs i & 2) 0. 35-0 40 nam long. Median iobe with very long sinuate apical process and basal bulb weakly scieroli Zed, prominent anilnarrowed apical ly. Apical process of median iobe strongly curved venti ally and very thin laterat Vie ). tapering at dorsal vlew. Paranae res symmetricat, Strongly wide ned apical ly. Internat fac wii hextruded part os flagellum Very long

Comments. GPhisomia Coeruleum resembles S. Pia uia by iis metallic sit in eos iis body. These two species are the only known Scaphiso malini that have a metallic shine. The other scaphicli in es with body having a metallic shine are membersos the genus Scia hidium OLIVIER. S. coeruleum may be eas ity distinguis hed from S. Via uia by the blue pro notum and elytra, the s horter antennat segment 3 and theparanae res comparative ly longer wide ned apicatly and lacking membranous iobes.

Scaphisona a seneStrutum SP. n.

Description. Length 2. 0-2.l min. Body clark hrown to h lack. Elytra euch with one smali round ochreotis spol situaled posterior mi d-length. in otiter part os disc. Anterior margin os spois reaching elytral in id-length, posterior margin Os spol reaching apicat third of elytron: apical foui th oselytra ochi eous. Apicat abdominat segments lighter than most os hody sui sace. Femora and tibiae reddish-hrown or ochreous, antennae and tarsi ochi eous. Longili ratio os antennat segments as: III 6.

as long us wide, narrower than segment III. segments V and VI subequa l. each abolit 3 times as longas wide. distinctly wider than segment IV. segment VII moderate ly wide ne l. about 4 times as long aswide, segment Vlli comparati Vely narrow. 4 times as long as wide: segment XI ovat. 3 times as long


as wide holotype). Eyes conspicuous ly large . ccavering laterat paris of head . Pro notum moderate lylong. widest at base, strongly narrowed anteriori y. with laterat contours oblique near base. slightly arcuate in anterior hal f. Laterat pro notat ridges not visibi e in dorsal vlew. Pronotat punctation sparse extremely fine and shallow. Tip os scutellum ex posed. Elytra very weakly narrowed toward base. idest posterior basal foui th. frona widest poliat moderate ly narrowed toward apices. Laterat elytral contours stightly arcuate in apicat thii d. struighi in mi dille thii d. Stilurat margin rui sed in apical hal fio apicat two-thirils . in ner apical angle posterior levet os outer apical ungi es: apicat margins edentate arcuate. Suturat striae sairly deep. diverging frona apices abo ut up to mi d-length, parallel in most os anterior half extending anteriori y almost to or up to line os scutellar ti p. not or shortly curved oti t-wariis. is curved not exlending along basal margins os elytra. Laterat margin ridge visibi e in dorsalvi ew: laterat striae curved ut base. extending shortly along basal margin . Punctation os elytra similarto but stightly less Gine than iliat os pron olum. Metuthoracic wings Strongly reduce l. present as filument- like rudiments. Ventral si de of thorax lacking microsculpture anil very fine ly punctate. Mesepi merat ridge abo ut as long as intervat to mesocoxa. Metas ternum comparati Vely ShOrt. Very wenklyconvex in median part. lacking impressions. Me Socoxat lines parallel to coxae. indistinctly punctate. Mesocoxat areas narrow. O. 02-0. 03 nam long about as long as third of shortest intervat to metucoxae. Melepisterna wide, moderate ly narrowed anteriori y. with in ner margin strat glit, hard ly impressed be-low plane os metasternum. Abdomen very sine ly punctate and with punctulate microsculpture. lalter absent frona ist ex posed sternite. Metacoxat lines parallel. 0. 03 nam long with distinct marginalpunctures. Tibiae straight. Stender. Male sexuat characters. Protarsi hard ly widen ed. Aedeagus Figs 3 & 4) 0. J5 nam long. Median iobe willi long. arcuate apical process laterat Vie ) and basal bulb weakly scieroli Zed, prominent and wide ned apical ly. Apical process strongly curved venti ally. abo ut equat ly wide ut dorsal and laterat views. tapering at laterat View. Para meres asymmetricat. Strongly wide ned und weakly scieroti Zed. Iniemal sac with extruded part os id agellum Very long.

Comments. This species resembles S. Pia uia and S. Coeruleum in most diag

nostic characters but lacks metallic shine, has a characteristic smali elytrat spol comparative ly shorter 3rd antennat segment anil larger hody. The aedeagus of S. sene utriatum dissers conspicuous ly si ona that of iis allied S. frontiale except. by the very large, weakly Sclei Oti Zed para meres.

Scaphis ima infirmum Sp. n.

Description. Most externat diagnostic characters as in S. fenestratum. It dissers as sol lows Length l. 8-2. 0 nam. Body clark hrown. elytra euch with subapicat, oblique ochreous fascia. Lalter entire or interrupted at naiddie, extended almost to suturat stria and out wards, almost totiching laterat stria. Apices os elytra lighter than most os elytral disc. Apex os abdomen stightly lighter than rem ainder os hody. Femora as dark as hody. tibiae. tarsi and antennae lighter. Lengili ratio os antennal seg-


narrow. V and Vl only hard ly wider than segment IV. segment V almost 6 times as long as wide, Segment VI well 5 times as long as wide: segment VII abo ut 3 times as long as wide: segment Vlli muchwider than segment VI. abolit 3 times as long as wide: segment XI OVal. abo ut twice as long as wide. Elytral punctation stightly coarser than in S. fenestriatum. coarser than pronotat punctation. Meta- thoracic wings weli de vel ope l. Metasternum longer than in S. seneXIriatum. Mesocoxat areas 0. 03 nam long. about as One sis th of shortest intervat to me tacoxae. Metacoxat lines subparallel. Male sexuat characters. Protarsal segments hard ly wide ne l. Aedeagus Figs & 6) 0. 0 nam long. Apical process of median iobe similar to that in X fenestrarum. hut basal bulb ovai and paramereS Strongly aSymmetrical. Lest paramere Strongly wide ne l. right paramere narrow.

segment VII much wider than segment V l. segments VII and Vlli each abolit 3 times as wide as long. segment XI ovat; broad. hard ly twice as long as wide. Eyes not conspicuousty large, not entii ely COV-ering laterat paris of head . Pro notum moderate ly long. Strongly narrowed anteriori y. with laterat con-lours arcuale. Laterat pro notat ridges not visi hie in dorsal vlew. or exposcit at naiddie. Pro notat punctation sparse, extreme ly sine and shallo . Exposed lip os scutellum minute. Elyli a distinctly nar-rowed toward base. widest posterior basal sifth. si ona widest poliat moderate ly narrowed loward apicat third of laterat tength. distinctly narrowed in apicat thir l. Laterat elytral contours arcuate in apicalthir l. strat glit in mi lille thii d. Suturat margin rat sed in apical hals to apicat two-l hirtis. In ner apicalangle os elytra situ aled posterior line os oti ter apicat angi es: apicat margins edentate, arcuate. Suluralstriae Shallow. almost parallel, extending anteriori y ulmost to line os scutellar ii p. stightly curved out-wariis. Punctation os elytra similar lo that os pron olum although slightly less sine. Metat horaci cwings almost complete ly atrophi ed. Ventral si de of thorax lacking microsculpture anil very sinelypunctate. Mesepi merat ridge shorter than interVal to mesocoxa. Metasternum Shori. weakly convex in median pari. lacking impressions. Mesocoxat lines parallel to coxae, indistinctly punctate. Meso- coxat areas narro . 0. 03 nam long about as long as hals of shortest intervat to metacoxae. Metepi sterna wide, Strongly narrowed anteriori y. willi in ner margin almost stra ight. impressed below planeos metas ternum. Abdomen very fine ly punctate and willi punctulate microsculpture. latter absents rom lsi ex posed sternite. Metacoxat lines parallel. 0.03 nam long with distinct marginal punctures. Tibiae stra ight. Stendes. Male sexuat characters. Frons with a large impression coVered by a patch os adpresse l. Very dense. light pubescetace. Protarsi weakly wide ned. Aedeagus Figs P and 8) 0. 54-0. 5 nam long sim-