Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


Despite the relative ly high number of species of the reservoir at the individual sampling locations numbers were low. This means that the reservoir was nothomogeneous. In comparison with the other water hodies the hi gli species richnessos the reservo ir reflected the effect of sonae e specialty rich habitais se. g. id or l8 species). At the fame moment only a few species were collected in the basin at AbadsZatok se. g. l. 3 or I species). The composition of the di agon sty satina of thebas in at AbadsZatok reflected ille negative consequences of a profound human influe iace. Bathing and other aquatic sporis motor-boat and j et ski) resulted in theimpo verishment of the locat fauna through destruction of the submerged macro- Vegetation and marshy vegetation. Mole stones deposited along the beach also in- creased the disturbance. The stones also hindered the setilement of marshy vegetation. Under these conditions only a few dragonidy species LPmtyCnemis Perini ES PALLAS. lj l); Ischnuria elegiaris Ponticia SCHVlDT l 938. Orthetrum Cian Cell&lum LlNNs lJβ8). Orthelrum albistylum S LYS-LONGCHAM PS. t 848)J can sui vive: these tolerated the disturbance better than the other species MULLER et es

The average number of species was also low in the leaking canals . There was

a strong human influe iace in this type of water body. The hi gli fluctuation of the water levet and the excavation of the channei h ad strong influence on the dragoni yfauna; limiting the diversi ty. There was just orae species mPetrum sonSColombii SELYS LONGCHAM PS. t 840)J which was detected only in this water body type.

The river Tis Za was species-poor. There were three species characteristic to

River Tisga was the least diverse both for the frequent and the rare species, as was expected in the case of ri vers. it is followed by the reservoir: then the leaking canals followed by the in- and out flows. Finalty the native water bocly was the most diverse type of the water hodies. The diversi ty prosiles of the dragoni y latina os the water hodies did not cross each other whicli means that the ordei s ac cor ling to the diversi ty were ille sanae for the rare, moderately frequent. and the frequently occurring species. This may be interpreted in the following way the basic structure of the fauna was similar for the whole set of studi ed water hodies. Each water boclywas characteri Zed by a stabie or relatively stabie, typical dragoni y assem blage. In the case of dramatic changes of the fauna and or strong degradation, or in the caseos uias table faunistic composition the shape of the diversi ty profites are usu atly different and they cros s each other. This was not the case for the studi ed water hodies.


Based on the clus ter analysis of the faunistic composition of the studi ed water bodies the reservoli the native water hodies; and the in- and Outflows were similar Fig. 3.). These water bodies h ad direct connection to the reservoir. By the clusteranalysis they constitute essentialty a group of closely similar water hodies based on the similari ty of their dragonfly fauna. In the case of the leaking canalsystem there was no direct connection to the reservo ir: these were connected to there servo ir by pumping stations. The dragons y fauna of this water body type was stighily separated frona the previ ous group of water bodies. The River Tis Za separated with the highest levet frona the others by the clus ter analysis. It was lower in every species richness meastire compared to the other four water body types.



Natura I History of the




The supra- specific system of the subtribe Anisodactylina is the most ad-vanced and phylogeneti catly the most substantiated with in Harpalini than ks large lyto the fundamentat works of NOONAN l9 3. l9J6). This subtribe comprises abo ut 40 valid genera and subgenera with abolit 340 species distribu ted in ali major Zoo- geographical region s. predo minantly in temperate Zones. The Australi an fauna hasnot been adequale ly studi ed and nee is revision. The modern catalogue of ali described taxa with information abolit their distribution has been published by MOORE et til. l98J). The Australi an Anisodactylina includes the rather primitive genera

condition os labium with complete transverse future between mentum and sub- mentum. Os these genera. Only CenogmuS is endemic to Australia. Other genera extend more widely but. except for Notiobici. are most diverse also in the Australi an region. The rather diverse genus Milobici sensu lato) is distribu ted in the NewWorid. Africa and Australia. hile working on the collections of Harpalini in the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Budapest, I found a series of the hight y peculiar species of the tribe Anisodactilina captured in the Nornatu p-walpole Nature Park south-western Australia. which. in my Opinion, be long S to a new species and a new genus. Their descriptions are provided in the preSent paper.



The holotype of the new species is deposited in the Australi an Nationat Insect Collection ANIC) Calaberra. Most of the paralypes are kept in the collection os Hungarian Natural History Mu-seum, Budapest. and sonae in the collection of Zoological institute of the Russi an Academy os Sci

Meas ure ments were taken as sol lows: body tengili frona anterior margin os clypeus to elytral apex: width of head as maximum linear distance acros f head . including compound eyes, and as minimum linear distance ac ros s neck constriction just bellind eyes: tength of pronotum along iis medianline: tengili os elytra frona basal ridge in scutellar region to apex os sutural angle: width os pronotum and elytra at their broadest place.

DictgHOSiS - He ad Very large punctate dors atly and with smali eyes widely separated frona buccat fissure ventrally: fronto- clypeal suture deepe ne d and continuing to de ep clypeo-ocular prolongation: mentum with prominent mediat tooth and separated frona submentum by complete transverse future: ligula not expande dat apex and with only two ventroterminal setae: elytra each with one discat pore on3rd intervat and without scutellar stria: first metatarso mere rather long and anal sternite in male with one pair of setae at apicat margin .

DESCrotion - Wingless. Eody smali. elongate and convex, glabrous on dorsat fide. He ad very large, longer and only a litile narrower than pronotum. distinctly even is sine ly and sparsely. punctate dorsally, with smali stat eyes very broad ly separated frona buccat fissure venti ally: genae broad. nearly as wide aS eyes Fig. l). Temples long very convex and rather abruptly descend ing to neck. Fronto-clypeal suture clearly deepened, conlinuing posterio- lateralty loward S eyes asrather deel' clypeo-ocular prolongation reaching in ner margin os eye: additional groove extendedfrom clypeus to apical portion os supraorbitat surrow externalty of clypeo-ocular prolongation and parallel to it forming convex he ad at hase of mandi ble. Labrat apex not conca Ve, more Or less straight. Clypeus with one laterat fetigerous pore on e acti fide. scarce ly e marginate anteriori y and labral basenot exposcit. Manili bles sto ut lest clearly truncate at apex Fig. 2). Labium Fig. P) with mentum and SUbmentum completely separated by transverse future. Sub mentum with two laterat fetae on e achside sin ner feta much longer than external). Mentum with weli developed acute median tooth and with a pair of median setae. Ligular scierite moderate ly broad. not expanded apical ly, with two ventroterminal setae and without dorsat fetae. Paraglossae glabrous, narro , notably extending be-yonil ligular scierite and separated distat ly frona it by deep notch. Penultimate labial palpomere approximately as long as terminat. with two long and severat s 3 i) shorter fetae at anterior margin and willi one Ventroapicat feta. Antennae stender. pubescent frona apical hals of 3rd segment on. Pronotum relatively smali and convex. willi uni setose fides convergent bas ad . Anterior margin bordered only lateralty be ad along posterior margin complete. Sui face, except for smali centralpari, coarSely punctate. Basal pronotat edge glabrous.


A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF AN ISODACTYLINA FROM SOUTH. EsTERN AUSTRA LlΛ l JβElytra oblong-o Val. moderate ly convex. with prominent angulate humerat angi es and Some-what deep subapical sinuations. Striae stightly dee pene l. et ther smooth or irregularly punctate and weakly crenulate. Ninth stria separaled si ona laterat surrow by narrow flat area. Se venili stria withocellate pore bes ore apex. Scutellar stria absent. hasal pore large . separated si ona basal edge. Intervals eukly con Vex. in Some specimens co vering by indistinct punctation. Third intervat willi one discalpore belli nil mi lille in one specimen willi lwo on one elytron): Ith and Pth intervals without pores. Marginal series widely interrupted mediat ly consisting os basal and apical groups os umbilicate pores. Basal elytral edge glabroUS. Ventral sui face of hody. except sor obligatory setae and Very sine pubesce iace on pro- and metas ternum. glabrous. Apex os prosternat iobe with severat fetae. Anal sternite rounded at apex in male sonaetimes scarcely truncate), willi one pair os Setigerous pores along apicat margin in male and with two patrs in se male. Apex os anal tergite in both sexes round ly angulate hut in male more nar-rowly than in se male. Legs flender. Fore tibia with two apicat spines at outer margin and one spine at apex of verysmali ventroapicat tubercle: apicat spur stender, lanceolate. Hi Iad femur with two setigerous pores athliad margin . Tarsi dorsalty impunctate and glabrotis: fifth segment with usualty two. so metimes three patrs of latero- ventral setae. Metatarsus Shorter than width of head meas ured at neck constriction: l Si segment Stender. approximale ly as long as 2 nil and 3rd together and abolit three limes as longas wide at iis apical pari. Pro- and mesolarsi os male weakly dilated and carring spongy adhesive

vestiture Underne ath.

fetae: apicat segment arcuate. sonaewhat shai se apical ly, with one fetu on in ner margin bes ore apex. Dymology - The generic name is se male. referring to ille type loca lily. Norna lup- alpole Nature Park.

Included species - The new genus includes a single species m mcitu iti

tives of the genus Chydiaeus CHAUDOIR l854 but possesses the labium with

mentum and sub mentum separat ed by a complete transverse future and there fore

like ali the other Australi an taxa of the subtribe Anisodactylina. be long s to the noti obio id ma in branch sensu NOONAN l9J3). With in this branch. the genus

seems to be rather separated hom other grOups and is weli recogniZable on the basis of the combination os characters lis ted in the diagno sis. Some of the se charac ters smali eyes, weli dentate mentum, comparati Vely narrow apex of ligula, Onepair of setae on anal sternite of male) are common to both mrriclit Pici gen. n. and

the New Zealand genus Allo inmus BROUN l 903. but ille lat ter is eas ity distinguis hed by having the frontal fovea puncti forna, me te pisterna wider than long unal sternite os se male with only one pair of setae and median iobe of aede agus with

s horter membranous area. Based on ruther long first segment of hi nil tarsus and





prese iace of only one discat pore on third elytral intervat, the new genus seems to bemost related to the genus Notiobici PERTY. l830 represented in Australian Regionby the subgenus Anisotia ratis CHAUDOIR l83 Diti horomerus CHAUDOIR.l843) hut weli differs in rather peculiar characteristics of the he ad fgreat si Ze. pres- ence os dorsal punctation. very broad genae . deepe ned fronto-clypeal suture continuing to deel' clypeo-ocular prolongation etc.). It is apparent that at least sonae of these seatures; in particular the great si Ze of head and Very broad genae, are adaptive but. tinfortunate ly the mode of life of the new genus is stili unknown to under- stand their real functional significance. The unique morphological features of thene w genus and iis loca lily suggest that this taxon may be an old relict. It is wellknown that solith-western corner of western Australia is one of the major centersos en demism of Australi an fauna and flora with many old elements related to the temperate fornas os Solith America, more rare ly of Sotitii Africa e. g. MARCHANTl9J3. HO DEN l98 l. MAIN l98 l). In this connection it should be interesting to compare in detati the new genus with the uni nown to me in nature, monobasic genus Nema loXXa SOL iER l849 frona Chile. which. according to BALI in REI CHARDT l9JJ 424). also belongs to the notio bio id complex. This genus is dissimilar to other groups of Neotropical Aniueo iactilina and has been included in the subtribe Pelmatelina sol mei ly. Some of iis distinctive generic features listed by BALL l. c.) in particular smali si Ze, very shori me tepisterna and reduced wings are similar to those of the niali iti gen. n. Based on the original description SOLIER l849). Nemaglosueti differs frona the new genus at least in tesser head

bro ader paraglossae and impunctate dorsum. Norna lupi a mellucet halu Sp. n.