Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


2 Clypeus distinctly denticulate or, at least acutely angulate at sides of median sinuosity 3Clypeus nearly rounded or. at most. obtusely angulate at sides of mediansinuosi ty l23 Elytral interstices subcarinate on preapical declivi ty striae deep. as wideas interstices and willi large transverse punctures. Lenglii β. 0 nam. Ira l

Elytral interstices convex or fiat but not subcarinate toward apex 44 Anterior margin of pronolum not hordei ed β- Anterior margin os pronotum finely bordei ed 95 Shoulder distinctly denticulate 6 Shoulder not denticulate . at most epipleurat carina more or less distinctly angulate at shoulder P6 Elytral interstices Hai. Length 6.0-6.5 mm. Algeria


Clypeat margin acute ly angulate or denticulate at si des of median sinuos-


superior apicat spur seel, ly longer than sit st two tarsal segments: sirst segment os hi nil tarsi as long assollowing three combine l. Maleo pronotum relative ly sonaewhat less convex: inserior apicat spur osmi lille tibiae very shori and phyllis orna: metasternat plate deo ply excavate: aedeagus: Figs Jl-J2. Female pronotum relatively more convex: in serior apicat spur os mi dille lihiae elongate and regu larly acuminate apical ly: metasternat plate con V X. Distribution: Aia endemic species known si ona Morocco Haut Atlas in only. Apari frona thetype locali ty. it is also known si ona Arround and Oukai meden 2600 in a. s. l.) where we had thechance to collect severat specimens in old goat clung in the mi dille os June.

Type locality 'Im mi ille reia unil suillichen Deutschland . Germany .lType depository Museum fur Naturkunde der Humboliti Universitiit. Berlin. DESCrotiori - Length 3 5 .5 mm. Shori, OVal, Strongly convex. Shi ny glabrOUS Fig. 8 l) Black. clypeat margin saintly brown-reddisti: legs piceous willi brown- reddisti larsi: antennal clubtestaceous. Head willi cupulis orna epistoma sine ly irregularly microreticulate, thus sericeous. and impercepti bly punctured on disc. punctation lateralty fomewhat more distinci . irregularly granulose in front os seel,ly curved anterior transverse carina: clypeus angulate ly sinuate at naiddie; obtuselyangulate at sides. distinctly bordei ed. border seel, ly upturiaed. genae obluse, Shortly ciliate. protrud ing more than eyes: frontal sulti re inely impresse l. frons distinctiy. sine ly and sparsely punctured epipharynx: Fig. 45. apex os corypha: Fig. 46. Pro notum transverse; so me hat narrower anteriori y Strongly convex. doub ly punctured: large punctures deep. irregularly sparse, absent anteriori y ondisc. denser on fides, mixed wilh much smallei regularly scat tered punctures: fides seel, ly rounded. iii in ly bordei ed. suintly inward ly sinuate bes ore the obtusely rounded hi nil angles: hase distinctlybi sinuate, hordei ed. Scutellum regularly triangular. 1 inely punctured at base. Elyti a s hori. Stronglyconvex. hackward ly broade neu and willi epipleurat carina subdenticulate at shoulde r. deeply striale: striae willi large and coarse punctures. strongly crenulate. interstices convex. almost impercepit blypunctured. Hi nil tibiae with superior apicat spur longer than sirst tarsal segment: lalter as long as sol lowing three combine l. Maleo pro notum relative ly more transverse less convex and willi large punctures more sparse: naiddie tibiae willi in serior apicat spur very shori and obliquet y truncate apicatly metasternat plate seel, ly concave: aedeagus: Figs 4J 8. Female pro notum relative ly less transverse more convex and willi large punctures more denset y arrange l. naiddie tibiae willi inserior apicat spurmore elongate and regularly acuminale apical ly: metasternat plate flat. Distribution widely distribu ted in Europe snorthwarils up to Sweden; in solith frona Spatia to eorgia. but absent in solitheria ita ly. Corsica; Sardinia. Sicily. Greece and European Tui key). In Asia. recorded si ona Tui kmen istan. Mongotia and Siberia strkuis k region). hut absent in Asia Minor.


Type locali ty 'Tanger, MarokkOV. MorOCCO JType depository Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm. DcXcri Imri - Length d. 0-5. 0 mm. Shori, o Val. Strongly convex, moderately Shiny. glabrotis Fig 52). Black. clypeat margin widely brown-reddisti: legs brown- reddish with tarsi pater: antennalclub testaceotis. Head with cupulis orna epistoma distinci ly sine ly. subregularly punctured on disc. lateralty mixed with fe w large punctures: punctation sine and regular in front os stiori but stronglyrai sed anterior iransverse carina: clypeus widely sinuale at naiddie. sharply denticulate at Sides. verylli in ly bordei ed. border seel, ly upturne l. genae angulose . elongately ciliate, protruding more thaneyes: frontal suture Ginely impressed: si ons sine ly and subregularly punctured: epipharynx: Fig. JJ: apex os corypha: Fig. J8. Pro notum moderate ly transverse, strongly con Vex. doubly punctured: large punctures sparser on disc and absent on anterior quarter. mixed willi sine punctures regularly scat tered throughout: anterior margin inely bordered: si des seel, ly rounde l. distinctly hordei ed: hi nil an- gles obtusely rounded. base not his inuate, rather thic kly bordei ed. Scutellum regularly triangular. irregularly punctured on basal hal f. Elytra strongly convex. seel,ly broade ned backward. striae almost sine. supersici ally punctured. seebly crenulate. interstices very slightly convex willi extreme lysine sparse punctures. Hi nil tibiae with superior apicat spur longer than sit si tarsal segment: lallershorter than folio ing three combine l. Male pro notum willi large punctures relative ly less denselyarran ged: inferior apicat spur os mi id te tibiae very shori. obtusely rounded apical ly: metasternat plate distinctly concave: aedeagus: Figs J9-80. Femate: pronotum Willi large punctures relative ly more denset y arrvnged: inserior apicat spur os hi nil tibiae elongate and regularly acuminate apicatly . meta- sternat plate flat. Distribution: Pori tigal Algarve). Spain Andalus ia), Morocco Atlantic coast).


REDEFlNlTION OF TAXA OE AHERMODONTUS AND AMMOECIUS COL : APHODIIDAE, 29 lDESCrotioιὶ - Length 6. 0-6.5 iram. Oblong-elongate, convex. flainy. glabrotis Fig. 23). Black: clypeui margin and legs dark hrown- reddisti: antennal club testaceotis. Head xv illi cupulis orna epi-Stoma alutaceous, mostly smooth, only Sides willi few large punctures, anteriori y with Strong transverse carina seebly arcuate. in front of whicli regulari y. sinely and granulosely punctured: clypeus widely sinuale at naiddie. distinctly denticulate ut fides. lateralty thickly bordei ed. border stightly up- turn ed. genae obtusely angulate. rallier elongate ly ciliate. distinclly proli Uding more than eyes: frontal suture stio via by sinely impressed laterat vestiges Only: si ons very sine ly and sparsely punctured epipharynx: Fig. ld. apex os corypha: Fig. l8. Pronotum broad ly transverse. Strongly convex. with extremely sine and regularly sparse punctation on disc, only willi se large punctures on fides: lattersubparallel; distinctly hordei ed: hi nil angi es widely rounded: base nol bis inuate. rather thic kly bordei ed. Scutellum regularly triangular, stightly convex, nearly Smooth. Elytra OVal-elongate, Stronglyconvex. seel, ly broadened backward. distinctly denticulate at Shoulder: striae deep. coarsely punctured, moderalely crenutale: intersiices idat on disc. convex lateralty and toward apex. Hi nil tibiae illi superior apicat spur as long us sirst larsul segment: lalter as long as sol lowing three combin ed. Maleo large punctures on pronotat fides relative ly more sparse: inferior apicat spur os mi lille tibiaeshortene l. oblique ly truncate and stightly inward ly hooked apical ly: aedeagus: Figs l9-20. Female large punctures on pro notat fides relatively denser inserior apicat spur of midule tibiae rather e longate and regularly acuminate apical ly. Distribution Algeri u Djurdjura massis).