Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


Remar X - The type specimen was not found in B ALTHASAR 's collection atthe Prague Muscum. In the key to Afrotropical Ammoecius PETROVITZ l 964 l89)placed this taxon among those willi the clypeus rounded at si des of median sinuos-ity and with the epistoma fine ly punctured, ne i ther rugose nor granulose in front ofanterior carina. These are the fame distinguishing characters used by BALTHASAR

Remiar X - This taxon shows most of the distinguis hing characters of the genus Pseudiagollini X BORDAT l 994. Being monotypic at the time os iis description the di agnosis os Pseudiagollinus was obvio us ly created on the basis of its type species. PSeu Ggollinus Sinutili eX BORDAT l 994). Howe Ver, so me generic charactei S se. g. elytral interstices apicatly subcarinisorin and sharply bordei ed at each side) do not fit willi tho se of P. Oreoti tigi; thus these characters have to be downgi aded to species levet. The s hape of the parameres is particularly significant. be- cause in P. Orestragi they have an elongate apicat feta. while they are glabrous in P. Sinuesti ES and in P. tonde me ENDRODI. l 980). It must he noted that this disser- ence is also foti nil in the sibi ing species of other genus-group taxa. FOr ex ample, itis found in Pseudopharia hodius ianthri GERSTAEC ER. l8 l) and PSeudo 'hiara



Descriptiori: Length d. 0 min. Shori, ovat. Strongly convex, glabrous. Blackish. Head cupulis orna. epistoma anteri Orly with seeble transverse carina; clypeus suintly sinuate at naiddie, denticulateat fides. th in ly bordei ed laterat ly. bor ter glabrotis: genae widely rounded. faintly protruding morellian eyes: frontal suture feebly rai se l. weakly tuberculate at mi dille. Pronotum transverse doublycoarsely puncture l. base hordei ed. Sculellum Smali, regularly triangular willi curved fides and later- utly with two distinct oblique impressions. Elytra sharply denticulate at shoulder: striae wide, ruther Shiny, Strongly impresse l. distinctly crenulate. punctures granulate at mi dille and joined each other by a sine carinar interstices seel,ly convex. strongly microreticulate . sparsely sinely und irregularly punctured. at each si de willi a superficiat striola along the stria Fig. 6). Fore tibiae distat ly tridentaleand proximal ly saintly serrulute ut ouler margin: upperside smooth. Middie and hi nil tibiae with Strong transverse carinae on otiter sace: apicatly fimbriate willi very shori and equat spinules. Pygidium glabrotis. Strongly microreticulate thus duit. supersici ally confused ly punctured. with trace


os longitudinal groove toward apex. Sextiat dimorphisira probably shown in males semales un-known) main ly by sore tibiae apicui spur stolii. cylindrical. abruptly downward curved toward apex. Aedeagus strongly scieroti Zed with very shori paramera apicatly rounded Figs J-8). Epipharynx ith anterior margin sechly hi sinuate and widely rounded ut fides: cpit arma drop-s hapcd: corypha villi rather stiori and si aut apicat spiculae protruding hcyonii front margin: pedia pubescent toward corypha only and willi severat strong chaetae serialty arranged obliquet y. chaetopariae dense and moderate ly elongale Fig. I) Distribution: Nori heasteria Palearctic region Siberia). Etymology: Namcd in honour os Dr. VI ADIMIR BALTHASAR, describer os the type species.

Rei iter collectionV.

RedeScri lion os male - Longili 4.0 nam. Oblong. Stolli. Strongly Con Vex. Strongly microreii culate thus strongly duli. glabrotis Fig. l). Blackish. clypeat margin and legs dark hrownisti: antennalclub piceous. Head cupulis orna: epistoma strongly microreticulate and indistinctly punctured, anteri- orly with a seebly rai sed transverso stiori carina: clypeus very seebly sinuate ut mi lille, denticulate atsi des. denticles distinctly upturne l. genae widely rounded. shortly and sparsely ciliate. suintly protruding more than eyes: frontal suture sonaewhat more shiny. slightly rai sed lateralty and with a weakmedian tubercle: frons relatively more supersici ally microreticulate, regularly and denset y punctured: epipharynx: Fig. 5. Pronotum feel, ly transverse, Strongly microreticulate, douhly punctured: larger punctures denset y and regularly scat tered throughoui. mixeis much smaller ones: sicles thin lybordei ed. parallel toward base: hi nil angi es obtusely rounded. base satiat ly his inuate. thic kly bordei ed. Scutellum willi a median carina seel, ly rai sed . laterat impressions consu sedly irregularly punctured. Elytra stiori ly oVal. sharply denticulate at shoulder: striae wide, rather Shiny, Stronglyimpresse l. distinctly crenulate. punctures with a sinali central granule joining each other by a Gine carina: interstices seel, ly convex. strongly microreticulate, Sparsely. sine ly and consu sed ly punctured. at cach si de with a supersiciat striola along the stria Fig. 6). Fore tibiae willi apicat spur stolit, cylindrica l. longer than sit si lwo tarsal segmenis combine l. abrupi ly clownward curved toward apex: mid- ille tibiae with in serior apicat spur shorl. oblique ly truncate apical ly. Superior apicat spur os hi nil tibiae ne arly as long as in serior one and distinctly shortor thala Lirsi tarsal segment other segments lacking in the sole specimen uvat labie). Metasternat plate nearly nat, strongly microreticulate, irregu


Distributiori Known only si ona the holotype si ona ille type localily.

more or less shiny. glabrotis. Black. clypeat margin and legs brownish-red: antennal club testaceous. Head wide. cupulis orna: epistoma sine ly or coarsely punctured, anteriorly willi strong transverse carina: clypeus suintly sinuate at mi lille. bidenticulate at e acti fide. in ner tecti, stronger than o uter ones ali ieeth more or less strongly upturne l. lateralty strat glit anil more or less thin ly hordei ed. border glabrotis and more or less distinctly upturned: frontal suture nearly faint or distinctly impressed only lalerat ly. not al ali tuberculate: genae obtusely rounde l. rather ciliate, protruding more than eyes: lat ters mali. Pronotum widely transverse. Strongly convex. doubly punctured: larger punctureS Sparser Ondisc: Ginely bordered ut front or not: laterat margins thinly hordei ed. shortly ciliate toward front an gles: hi nil angi es obtusely rounded. base bordei ed or not. Scutellum Very Small. regillarly triangular seel, ly con Vex unpunctured. Elytra con Vex, Very shiny, OVal-elongate: Striae deep, Strongly punc- iure l. seel, ly or Strongly crenulate. interstices liat or conVex, Sometimes apicatly subcarinate sparsely sine ly punctured: Shoulder strongly denticulate. Fore tibiae distat ly tridentate and proximal ly distinctly serrulate at outer margin upper fide smoolli. Middie and hi nil tibiae willi strong trans Verse carinae on o uter sace. apicatly simbriale with shori and equat spinules. Pygidium withrather dense and moderately elongate pubesce iace, mixed to varii apicat margin sonae Very elongate and stra ight fetae. Sextiat dimorphism shown in males by punctation Os pro notum being more sparseon disc. by inferior apicat spur os mesotibiae strongly shortened and apicatly subtruncate. Aedeagus illi elongate parameres, cui Ved and acuminate apical ly. Epipharynx widely transverse, feel, lybi sinuate at front margin: corypha strongly protruding frontwariis. apicatly rounded and sinuate atmidille: epitorma campanis orna: chaelopariae with ruther elongate and denset y arran ged chaetae chaeiopedia willi sew strong spines arranged in nearly regillar Series. Distribution: SH Palaearctic region Albania. solitheria Spa in and Spanish Morocco).


l Base of pro notum not bordered: epistoma sine ly punctured: elytral inter-stices flat. Black. Length d. 0 mm . Solitheria Spa in Castellon and Valencia provinces) marini BAGUENA . t 930 Base of pro notum distinctly bordered 2


Descrotion - Lenglh d. 0 min. Stout . Strongly con 'ex, shiny, glabrotis Fig. 4). Blackis h. clypeat margin and legs brown- reddis h. antennal club testaceous. He ad large: epistoma faintly gibbo usat naiddie, coarsely regularly punctured throughout . punctation sonaewhal confluent laterat ly. with anterior transverse carina moderately rai sed in front of whicli punctation stightly siner and sparser: clypeus feci, ly sinuate at naiddie. bidenticulate at each side; lateralty siraight and th in ly bordei ed. border feebly upturne l. genae obtusely rounded. ciliate. protruding more than eyes: frontal suture very fine ly impresse l. shiny frons willi punctation sonaewhat siner than epistoma: epipharynx: Fig. 9. Pronotum transverse, Strongly ConVe doub ly punctured: larger punctures rather sparse on disc. denser on fides, mixed willi regularly scattere l. Sm alter punctures throughout: anterior margin fine lybordered: laterat margins subparallel. rather th in ly bordei ed. hordei wilh shori and sparse setae to-ward anterior angi es: hi nil angi es obtusely rounded: base not bis inuate. illic kly bordei ed. Scutellumlaintly convex. 1 inely and sparsely punctured on basal hals. Elytra stiori ly oVal, Strongly conVex sharply denticulate at shoulder: striae deep superficiat ly punctured. faintly crenulate. interstices stightly convex. very sine ly and Sparsely punctured. Hi nil tibiae superior apicat spur longer ilian sis sttai sal segment: latter sonae hat longer than following two combine l. Maleo pro notum relatively lessilens ely punctured on disc. inferior apicat spur os mi dille tibiae distinctly shortened and obliquet y truncate apicatly: aedeagus: Figs l0-ll. Female pronotum relative ly more denset y puntured on disc: inferior apicat spur os mi dille tibiae regularly acuminate toward apex. Distribution: Southern Spain Andalusia: Malaga). Morocco Mel illa)


Descri tiosi offeniale - Length 4. in m. Shori. ovat. strongly con Vex, Shiny. glabi OUS Fig. 2). Blackisti: clypeat margin and legs brown- reddish: antennal club reddisti testaceous. Head withepistoma sine ly microreticulate and almost impercepti bly punctured on disc. lateralty with sew punctures Very large . anteriori y with strong transverse carina in front os whicli the punctation hecomes sine ly granulose: clypeus quadridentate. in ner tecti, stronger and more tipturned than laterat ones subtruncate at mi lille. straight and th in ly bordei ed at sides: genae angulate. rather elongate ly ciliate distinctly protruding more than eyes: frontal suture satiat: frons sonae hat more distinctly punctui edthan epistomat disc: epipharynx: Fig. l . Pronotum transverse, Strongly convex, dotib ly punctured. larger punctures irregularly Sparse. much denser On fides: much smaller punctures throughout regu larly Scattered: fides ne arly stra ight. lli in ly bordere l. border shorlly and sparsely bri siled toward frontangi es: hi nil angi es obtusely rounded. base not bi sinuate at all. very thic kly hordei ed. horder distinctly sunken is compared willi pronotat sui sace. Scutellum regularly triangular, Stightly con Vex impunctate. Elytra strongly convex. seel,ly broade ned backward. sharply denticulate at shouider Striae large, very dee p. cocii Sely punctured, Strongly crenulate. interstices moderate ly convex on disc. more distinctly convex lateralty and subcarinate on pre apical declivi ty. lateralty inici oreticulate sine ly Sparsely punctured. Hi nil tibiae superior apical Spur as long as sit si tarsal segment: lalter aslong as solio ing three combine l.

Distribution: Known only si ona the type locali ty.

Type depository BAGUEN A collectiora. Museo de la Universidad de Valencia. Valencia. DeScrotio 3 - Length abo ut 4. 0 mm. Si aut, strongly convex. shiny. glabrotis Fig. 3). Bluch clypeat margin and legs reddisti: antennal club testaceous. Head strongly con Vex, epistoma anteriori y illi strong transverse carina. qui te sinely and regularly puncture l. punctation someri licit Sparser at center and subrugose lateralty clypeus satiatly sinuate at naiddie. bidenticulate at each fide. laterat lystraight. rallier th in ly bordei ed. border feel, ly u pluriae d. genae obtusely rounde l. ciliate, protruding more than eyes: frontal suture very sine ly impresse l. not at ali tuberculale: frons regularly punctured epipharynx: Fig. l2. Pro notum transverse, do tibi y punctured: larger punctures nearly lacking on disc: sine ly hordei ed at front and at laterat margins: lat ter regularly rounded: base not hordei ed. Scutellum feci, ly convex. smoOth. Elytra o Val-elongate: strongly denticulale at shoulder: deeply striate: striae distinetly puncture l. seel, ly crenutate: interstices ne arly idat. very sparsely finely punctured: epi pleura strong, distinct to sutural angles. Hi nil tibiae superior apicat spur stightly longer than sirst tar- sal segment: lalter longer than following two combine l. Maleo pronotum relative ly less dense lypunctured on disc. inferior apicat spur of middie tibiae siron gly shortened und apicatly subtruncate:


REDEFINITION OF TAXA OF AHERMODONTUS AND AMMOECIUS COI APHOD iiDAE, 28 laedeagus: Figs l3-l4. Female pronotum relative ly more denset y punctured on disc: inferior apical spur of middie tibiae elongate and regularly acuminate apical ly. Distribution Solitheria Spa in Castellon and Valencia pro Vinces).

Type species: Scarabaeus elevatus OLIVIER. lJ89 monotypy).DeXCrstis r - Longili 3. 0-l0. O nam. S mali or medium si Ze species, StOUt Or subOVal. Stronglycon VeX, Shiny, glabrous. Black Some times elytra reddish. sel dona qui te reddisti. He ad cupulis orna: epi Stoma puncture l. rare ly subrugoSe anteriori y, at wayS with distinct transverse carina: clypeus usu atly sinuate at mi dille. ei ther denticulate or angulate ut fides. bordei ed. border glabrous: genae Obtusely rounded. ciliate. protruding more than eyes: lat ter smali: frons without any trace of tubercles. Pro notum Strongly convex, sparsely or denset y punctured: bordei ed at sides and usualty at base. sel dona at front margin . Scutellum smali. triangular, punctured. Elytra Strongly con Vex. widen ed posteriori y. rare ly parallel-side l. Striae deep or super iciat: interstices nat. seel, ly convex. sonae times distinctly convex apical ly. Fore tibiae distat ly tridentate and proximal ly serrulate at OUter margin Up- per side with sew large superficiat punctures irregularly scattei ed. Middie and hi nil tibiae willi strong transverse carinae on Ouler face. fimbriate with apicat spinules stiori and equat. Pygidium willi sine. rather sparse. short and Straight pubesce iace: its apicui margin willi dense and moderate ly elongate cilia. Sextiat dimorphism shown in males by more evident epistomat carina and less dense punctatio non pro nolat disc: by inferior apicat spur os mi lille tibiae shortened and abruptly inward ly bent api catly excepi in A. incultus): by the peculiar sit ape os fore tibial apicat spur sin severat taxa): bymetasternat plate more deeply excavate. Aedeagus willi paramera elongate, apicatly wide ne l. Sinuateor abruptly narrowed: sonae times With membranous processes pre apicalty inserte t. Epipharynx distinctly sinuate at front margin: corypha strongly protruding beyond front margin and distinctlysinuate apical ly: epitorma wide. guttis orna. pedi a with sparse, stout elongate chaetae, anterior Oneshooked: chaetopariae dense and Very elongate. Distribution: Palaearctic and Afrotropical regionS.

alae arctic taxa Southern Afrotropical taxa