Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


VIFA AGONA VIETNA MENSIS GEN. ET SP. N. FROM VIETNAM COL. . TENEBRlONIDAE, 323face of head in anterior hal f stat. very sine ly punctate. Basal segments of antennae covered with light


VIETTAGONA VIETNAMENSIS GEN. ET SP. N. FROM VIETNAM COL. . TENEBRIONIDAE, 32βvanishing on apical declivi ty and si agments of a seconis carina. Elytral sui face covered with very sine punctation fine rugosity and si altened pustules. Lateral res exed) pari os elytra finely punctate. Epipleura smooth. Visil,le abdominal ventrites sine ly punctate and covered with light fetae. Inter- coxat process of visit, te abdominal veniri te i depresse l.


The subsequent texi is a translation of the identification key to Blaptini pub-tished by MEDVE DEV 2000. 200l a: 33-38). willi sonae modification, e. g. inclusion of Viettagonia gen. n. The many figures publis hed by him are not repeate dhere. Hor a successi ut identification the reader should use both this key and the figures in the above mentioned book.l IV) Metatarso meres and usu atly also mesolai someres compressed laterni ly but apical declivi ty of elytra always without sutural tubercles. Is compression not apparent. at least one of the following seatures can be observed apicat spur os se male protibia very large . nearly as wide basalty as tibi alapex. apex of para meres with deep and sharp incision: basal piece of aedeagus with apical laterat iobes. apical part of ovi positor scoxi te) in laterat vi e w forming convex sui face at base of apical l obesil ill) Female protibia with one large spur ne arly as wide bas atly as femorat apex. male protibia with two spurso one larger but much narrower than protibia and another smalle r. Eyes not protruding not reaching widlli os temples. Protarso mere i simple subtribe Gnaptorina G. MEDVEDE V. 200l


tength. but base of larger spur considerably narrower than protibia even infe male. Is protibia with one spur Only eyes Very large, Strongly proti Ud-ing. Ventral sui face of apical part of ovi positor convex in laterat view

with shars' carina. Antennae longe r. clearly sui passing anterior elige of pronotum is directed backwarils


9 l 2) In male. inner sui face of at least pro- and mesol ibiae denset y coVered with pale hairs in apical pari. Dorsat margin os in ner sui faceos prosemur sonaetimes dentate l0 li) In male; in ner apical sui face of ali tibiae denset y covered with pale hairs. Pro notum distinctly cordate. with punctation obsolete

il l0) In male, in ner apical sui face of pro- and me sotibiae densely coVered with pale hairs. Pro notum not or at most indistinctly cordate with punctation fine or moderately coarse

sui face. - Dorsat margin of in ner sui face of profemur without tooth or angular prominen cel 3 id) Epipleurat carina visibi e frona above throughout iis entire tength. parallel lo elytral out line. - Parnmeres strongly Clongate, recti


l9 22) Epipleurat carina visibi e frona above in anterior thii d. sometimesal SO near apex. DOrsal sui face of elytra without longitudinalcarinae

20 2 l) Epipleurat carina visibie frona above in anterior third and at elytral apices. Plantar surface of male protarso meres t to 3 and mesolarsomere t with hair brush. Parames es moderately elongate l. 8 times as long as broad), abruptly narro ing in apical part