Cato maior De senectute

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amicum, quo in se ipsum; also the whole passage there from 63 toclo. - alteram this is the opinion es hos Who regard frientata as abarteris services se belo , 58. - pariter aequaliterque n. n32 rares etc. - quanti See n. on 37 anti. SI. prorsus: goes Wit nutu, no Wit assentior to non a ait . - faceremus etc. for the sense f. 26. - causa amicorum:

the repetitionis causa, hic is esten testiui in the secon place asin si is no doub clue to the destre to complete the chiasmus. precari note the omission es aliquid. - Eupplicare: sc alicui. acerrius invehi insectari vehementius chiasmus. -non alia:

no very . - multaeque e Sunt etc. notrior mulsaeque aliae res sunt etc., but this claus repeat an gives more exacti the genera statemen containe in the word quam multa ... amicorum.

viri honi etc. it illi seen that in this sectio Cicero gives a peculia turn to the meaning of the first opinion of the three above enumer- Med. Η takes it to impi that a man must alWays th regardio his frien jus ache would in his own case, but the opinion itsed probabimhad regardiotrio actio butrio laeting an implied that Los e tween friend should e qual It is in this sense that Cic. himselfunderstand the opinion in Tusc. 3 73 fraeclarum illud est et, si qua

ris, reclum quoque et verum ut eos qui nobis carissimi esse debeant aeque - nosmet issos amemus. The opinion in fac was an answe to thequestion discussedi Aristoti in Eth. Nic. 9 c. 8 πότερον δεῖ φιλειν ἐαυτὶ μάλιστα δε ελλον τινά an in the word of the ex claus itae niebat amicitiam paribus,rim satibus. 5s definit: restricis friendshimio an equat interchange of services

an feelingi'. - exigue et exiliter: wit minutenes an exactinem'. - calculos: Properi the ebbles se in the abacus forcountang here to an account'. CL Mneramur in I. - ratio Receptorum es closely 26, 3I. - latorum the sua contrast toacceptorum in the language of Roman book-keepin is expensorum. The phras accepti expensique ratio 4 deblor an creditor account cis common. - clivitior Cic. se this formonot itior, and FH Asiamus, no aeuissimus. - ΟhServare etc. Aristolle Eth. Nic. 8 7 and 8, 3 I lay dom that there is a classis friendships κω μεροπεν here there cannoti an equat exchange of services. P. 23. - acceperit subjunc Wit quam A. 332,4; Η F2, 2 - neque enim etc. i. e. f the friendshi be rue ali such fears


Ss aerapae n. se ipse. - quihusdam the person heremeant are the 4mall,soule men' --ψυχοι describe b Aristoti Eth. Nic. 4, 3, 35. - eum: auiam virum. - ille referring to the fame person to hic eum refers. ad iue been lenisu the subjectis est might have been ahen tot amicus supplied from amici in the precedin clause. It was necessar therefore to infert a pronoun, and accordingrio Latin sag the change hom eum to tum a needed; to repeat is Mould have been unusues. The followin example are precisel similar: est. 7 et ad eum Ham eius adduxit, tit, Ilerii amisariem maeroris sui de meret Prov. Cons. I Monam me animo in eos esse orariet, cuius iII siautem pro plenore tradiderunt. So ad rό an ἐκεῖνο esten refer in the fame sentence to the fame person e g. Plato, haedo III B as δὲ ama αὐτοὶ κρασιν ἔχειν

the subjectis the ver is the samerus the nexpresse subjectis the infinitive amares f. 62 8 ipsum. - adduci by a common idiom, positive ver sdicebat must e supplied hom nevabat a Vς. Putaretur: sc dictum esse. - Biante the Mincis ascribe to Bias of Priene by Aristolle Rhet a I 3, 3 Whenc Cic. Who kne the Rhetori .ell, probabi too it an Diog. Laert. I, 87, ut o Chilon another of the even, b Gellius, oci Att. I, 3, o Thesentiment a putis Sophocles into the mout o Aiax se nn.on si, an is remate by Demosth. Aristoc. p. 66O. - septem:

on 39 Aemilium Luscino. - peccet n. on 37 eccaui. - Sihi: the person meant is the fame a the unexpressed subjectis the infinitive cupererandis are atris rathe rem habie to find sibi followingimmediatet on a ver the subjectit,hichris a different person.

tamquam qualifies the metaphor in ansas. - ansas ad the sual constructio is ansam dare, o praebere alicuius rei. -- repreheniendum Ador criticis ' it is possibi howeve that reprehemdendum has here the litera sense a calchiold os as in Acad. 2, 3 revocat

virius vel 'otius refrehendit manu. ω comparandis: so in I, 66 amicitias comparare. - ut ne: n. o 42 ne. - minus felices: euphemis for in liras ς' so minus

imme in i nec faciatim in m. - ferendum Diog. Laert. I, o



P. 24. - ελ. me vita exceptione attributive. - aut caput agatur aut fama for the arrangement of the worda f. n. ona eum etc. Caput is meus, o conditio regardin civilis his, hic in the Roman La was iewe wit referenoe to liber cissaeus uberiadis , citiaenshi suum re auris , an domestic positio sua in familiae . See Hadley's, o Hunter's, Introd. to Roman Law. The cases alludedi are those hic might lea to deminutio capitis, the os o civilrighta. Infama the referen clario trials involvim infamia a partis the punishment hic ma resul from them. - declinandum devia ait o the nice questionis casuist , hoW far ne is to condone the wroni ings es a friend Laelius is convenienti vague, as Gelliua in his criticism of this passage Ν t. Att. I, 3, 4 complains. The passages comes the more unsatisfactor .he we go baccio Laelius Mst principie in I nisi in bonis amicitiam esse non posse Aristolle discussionis the matter Eth. Nic. 9 4, 3 is more caretu though stillvague Roman popular moralit require a man to go much greater tengths in assisting a friend than would be allowed even by the popularmoralit of our time this is expressed in the wores modo ne summa turpituis sequarum- possit: subjunctive es characteristic munus is here a relative adverb. Roby IMO, I 686. - nec . . . fama:

r. e. ro re amicum. - res haere sublicas res. - telum forthe metaphoricalisse es the old line quote by Cic. ninam. 7, si et usquequaque sapere osor et id eris telum acerrimum. - hianditii et Maeniando it is no osten that Cic. mines the gerund thus ange it a noun though the sue is exceeclingi common in Tacitus and his contemporaries f. in. 3, 34. m. cuius ... de amicitia Afrom homentiret proceeded the di course concerning friendship' not whose hole discoum Was offrienGhim'. litigentiores more ainstakini', i. e. than in friendshim - capras et ovis imitate from Xenoph. em.

signa quaedam et notas a tentative translationi the Gree ereva ονο πι- ριον, hic Cic. elsewhere render is suae sum Academ. ρυ-rim o nos meretns Acad. 2 843 cf. also . D. I, Ia certo udicandi



et aurena nae nom. In Xen. Μem 2 6 Socrate describe in signa that hovi lea to the cho in es a friend. - firmi etc. these adjectives describe the vir moeris, gramisas Ming the chie par of the

idea Roma character. - expertum acta masc. almos equata expertus Sis. - praecurrit: νθάνει ovistripa

ut arctator cauufus ... equos sustinebo Att. 3, 2I,3 Fam 9 8 I me sustinebam. - utamur ... temPlatia es. 68 satur ... ineraria Io. f.

Theognis II9; Aristot Eth. Ni 8, 3 8 Mamur, findy. - periclitatis: sed in a passive sense like Misaeus and a large number ofother deponent participies, the usage Ming quite common in Cicero;

se n. o C. Μ. 4 adeptam. - perspiciuntur Se n. on 6 conseruetiendi sunt qui sint es. - quam sint leve n. On . . IS. movere non potuit: could no have tanged'. For his sena es movere s- de natu movere es pro Scauro fragm. 45 quem sum muremus non commovit eum Sardorum mastruca minavit J-ain vero: a rare combinationi particles Cic. early alWays V si ero.

honore magistratus no essentiali different hom im Hi eramus, for hic se M. P. 25. - ohscuratum iri the thin thei fauit mill e largot-ten si e in the blage of thei prosperiWὶ.- amicitia the repet,lion is maderio the sahe of emphasis. ε . hi invenias i. e. si quaeras; ut ad ove, ubi inveniemus Withthe future the search is looked nos likelyrio in place Wit thesubjunctive a not likely. - quid n o F. - haec ut omittam: observe the fondnes of Cic. for placing ut second word in the clauseo sentence Me early tWay says-- ut non ut, sic ut and theliis an no vice versa. - descentant es descendere in certamen, also in causam Cic. Phil. 8, 4 , and the similarisses it a currere, devenire. Ennius se n. o C. . I also Sellar, Roman Poets of the Republic Ch. 4. - recte: the omission es a verbum dicendiis particulari common in quotations. - amicus etc. the line is known onlydrom this passage. It appeam tote imitate&from Euripides, Hecuba I 226 ἐν τοῖς κακοῖς γὰρ γαθοὶ σωρέστατοι νέλοι - aut Si . . . aut the omission of the secon si is awkWard possibi cum has fallen ut after the secon aut es Fin. 2, 3 si aut . . . aut inm.

- in honis rebus re suis. - contemnunt sc amicos. - in maliS V. amicorum. - utraque in re ... in amicitia: ome halcaretem Writing. - ex ... genere Sc erae.


miati ex in ur passage f. also elo M. - tortuosum this .or is generali used os complicate logical argumenta, as in Acasta, P es Tusc. 3, 22 consortius ib. 2, 42 contortis conclusiunculis - neque vero m. o 42. inferentis ... oblatis chiramus. fit Ad shown to M'. - quod ... dixi in I8. P. 26. - honi viri ... sapientem es. 8, m. - fictum ... Brumulatum the fame ord in a6. - aperte vel octisse: a m

here in the fame senseras in Vergilla line venus voleus puer venus e sudoris frank - cultare stronger than celare; implies deliberate an habitua concealment. - semper . . . violatum theclauseris an explanatio of the ne mord suspiciosum. ω auaritas P es Aristot Eth. Nic. 8 6 I. - in omni re et attributive. - ilia quilem: See n. o 4 is quidem.

ετ quaestio here like the πορ. o Aristolle, a problem to besolved. - vetulis this mor usuali expresses omethingis contempt, a When applied to a Woman vetula . - indigna homine duhitatio in apposition to ali es ne sentenc that precedes; LII

odiosum onus 7 rarum onus. - Veterrima quaeque n. o Moptimis quibusque For the comparison es. C., 6 sic se res etc. - quod dicitur: n. o I crassa Minerva. - modios viis es. Eth. Nic. 8, 3 8 Eth. Eudem. 7, 2. - ut . . . Sit i. e. to Chieve

M. Spem afferunt ut: cf. n. on verum est ut in '-herhis: here etherareen hoot os com Senseri quotes V. Her. 7, 63 sed nimium properas et adhuc tua messis in herba est. - fanacthua: a Horace, Od. 3, I, 3 cali an unproductive farm mendax f. also Tibullus, 2 I, 9 et se es erudit messem a IIaeibus herbis. fructu appareat: c. futurus. - illae quidem: aee above, 66. vetustatis vetusti is esten Sed lone or visus --icissae es.



con nrios a beto. 74. - .a equo 'even in the case of thohorse . - quin A. 3IR, G. 336, Rem 6, 35o, Rem 3 H. 5 , - qu nauerit: sc uti. - montuosi etiam: the ancientagenerali fel littimor no admiration for Mild and mountainous scener Cicero had more laetinisor Wil picturesquenes than mos Romana. εs maximum: QUM est in S; cf. 29 quod maius eri. - Superi rem etc. superiorem is explaine by o Haeriundiam vir, is, inreni, fortunae. Cf. 32 sintque fames in amore et aequales also m.

των μὲν ἐν ισμαντι φέ- εντ- των δὲ aeas μεροπήν . P. 27. - excellentiae quaedam: certain superiorities ' - δπερωχα τι-s es. 73 quamvis exestuas Aristot Eth. ic. 8, 3 I. grege the wordirex as osten applied to philosophica schoola, ain De Or. I, a philosophorum reos, it Whic es Acad. I, 34 Polemo et Craus unaque Cravior in Academia congregat Trans. in uris h. ifes may so calicit . For in ira iram sed like quasi, tamquam, quidam etc. to qualis expression either o Strong or unu- sua es. 49 it n. - Phila... Rupilio ... Mummio se Introd. P. V. Marimum: i. e. Q. Fadius Maximus Aemilianrus, the inclest sonis Paulus acedonicus, an adopte into the famil of the Fabii Africanus gave prio him his share in the inheritance of their common father. See Paradoxa 48 Iiberniauarem Africani qui Patita hereduatis Q. Maximo findit 'artem suam concessit. - omnino here - no doubes', ' indeed it is rue' so here ho evero contrast is introduce by auum, as in C. Μ. 45 sed, and in C. Μ.28, Tusc. 2, 35 by Maamen. - is the insertioni a pronou Wasnecessary, themis the subjectrio anuibat might have been supposed tot Africatius, supplied hom sibi. - auosque omnia et: ae III 'Muas in sorores. Io at note si folio ed by M, the suppositioni in parallel, and no contraste Wit each other. ad the been contrasteo sise ----or si- si Woul have been needed. In one sentence in Livn , 5, s si is thus eight times repeated. - imbecilliore animo vel fortuna:


pes . . . dignitati: chiasmus, since res refers o fortuna, onori et dignitati to animo. Done' friendris imberiuo animo μπό rimosin, i. e. thinhing meant of himself, ne must tryrio confer distinctio on him; is hecis poor, ealth. - honori in on D cordi. -fahulia: legend. . such as that o Romulus and Remus to hic the wor deorum passores ather potnt. - ignorationem: ome of thecim ferior SS. have ignomantiam, a Word whichrismo found in only one passage of Cicero in good editions via Acad. I, a, and even there it cannot buti suspected a W now possessio S. of that portionis Cicero olde than the fifteent centu . The ni other passages in good prose heresi norantia occursore Caes. B. C. 3, 68, 2 and ep. Ages. 8, 5 Pelop. I, I. -atirpi et generis: stoc an fatis'; the ni difference ein that stirpis is the wider ord of the wo. Ηo si hi the difference is may be Men hom the folioWin passagear Verg. Aen. 4, 622 stirpem et genus omnefuturum exercete odiis; ib. 8, 6a tuis onus omne Murae stirpis iis Ascanio ita , ω durum Musere genus Seneca Oedip. a stirris semissae onus inurimin Ablius M Ribbeck summum serierum minaminari seirrem ac misceri onus. - famulatu: - θητε. De service, as oppose to servimu71. coniunctionisque: the conitinctio is the natura association produce is hinshimand the like mentioned in I - superiorea: for the constructio superior esse in inqua re es pro Balbo 35 in o dere inferior. - non dolere the true mendships, Aristolle says, are De hom offence ἀδιάβλσποι Eth. ic. 8 6, 7 ἀνέγκλητοι ib. 9,a, 7 . - queant que is raret used in assirmative sentences by good writera, but the usage is mel atteste Withi narro limita cf. TuSc. 5 IAE; C. . a me ep. a 6 also found in Sallus and Columella. See n. ni. Μ. 32. - odiosum genua in appos, tion it plerique es. 67, 79. - ossicia exprohrantium: Sessere

quotes Demosth. De Cor. 3I νομίζω. .. ὀνειδιοσιν Ter Andri I, I, 6 nam tuae commemoratio quasi exprobratio et immemoris bene i Seneca, De Beneficiis a Io 4 inter Hima praecessa et maxime necessaria Sit, ne umquam ex obmem, immo ne admoneam quidem. Haec enim bene si inare duos lex est aure statim oblisisci debet dati, aure accere numquam.

commemorare n. O IS.

Ia submittere tot modest . - sic etc. i. e. sic Meneri qui susteriores sunt exsollere eos qui sunt inferiores.

P. 28. - contemni: slighted or neglected Contemnere is


the notionis gradation - P tuit . . . non Potuit: cf. n. on In

cere fere Mould notis here, since facere Miquem consulem means to vote for some one' electio a consul . I . corro ratia ... aetatihua: the con masai corroboria aetasis the time es Iala immediatet succeedi Iouth, the καθει κυια ηλικια of hucydides es pro Caelio 4 qua Narissas non modo haec aetas sis iam corriso tu caperetur The opposite expression is in missimum semus ae ris in Acad. 2 9 Flacc. 5. - hahere the constructionis carried on a though osorie iudicare de amicitiis o something similarhad preceded old edd. indeed infert ponet, hic is unnecessar In Fin a, Io quod si dies notandus fuit, eumne praeius quo natus an eum quo Viens faedus est the Word osoriet nomo have to e supplied from notandus. In his n. theremadui excellenti illustrates the age both from Latin and rom Greeh. - isto modo: in that

principie'. - nutrices et paedagogi a Rome these ere generali flaves. - vetuStatia n. on 68. - quidem here concessive, M admit', a in I 3. - ait quodam modo: n. Οὐ&-m re eici mores is probabi in the accusative, not a Lahm. Suggesis, in the nomini iv - homines dissaribus moribus homines sequuntur studia is certaini notiatin. Forahe morum similitudo as a necessarycondition es triendshi es. I 5, 27, 33 sminari ... mores , o HS AriS- tolle Eth. ic I, I, 6 8, 3, 6 8 8, 3 9, 3, 3. -honi. . . P Ssunt: cf. 8.-nia quod used after negative statementario introduce alimitationis exception advig, 442, , Obs 3 G. 592, Rem 3 H. 333, ΙΙΙ. I. - distantia a vox Ciceroniana The mor is in good Latin neve used os distanc in pace. Aristolle severa times dia.


cusses the question hoWareat a differenc in character orithe circumstances is require t rende frienclfhips impossibie. Cf. Eth. Nic. 8 7 4-IS. quaedam n οὐ ario quodam . - nee enim fossowed by et saepe instea os nec for the Alight anacoluthon es. 79 I 4. fabulas: n. on o cf. ff. 3, 4 ut redeamus ad fabulas. - Neoptolemus o Pyrrhus, son o Achilles by Deidamia, aughter of Lycomedes, in o Scyros. e appear in the Philoctetes as an ambassado to that hero, Without whose bow it Mas fate Troy should no fall. Melcher hinks that Cicero here refers to a scene in clostpla o Sophocles entille αἱ κύριαι. - impedientem: See n. C. . II mi enti. P. s. - molliaque the que meret connecis in mus Wit malus an does no correspond wit in firs et In Cicero and the est riter ei and que do no corresponcl. Trans. is nolint wea and

effeminate, but also ...'. - parum iustus: far irom reason le'; rum almost non a minus in 3.

- in omni re in ever occasion'. - iam enim etc. the erae

amicitiae or se resae are emptumae se 3 an Aristot Eth. Nic. 8, 3 7 The questio of the dissolutioni friendships was partiali di cussed in a seq. an is considered by Aristoti in Eth. Νic. 9, 3. Sapientium: - virorum bonorum a define in 'I. - volgaris amicitias these disserint in degre from the verae amicitiae, Mi base on a les degre es virtus, since virtus a carisas Nosti non Moriret 3οὶ, henc the must not e confounde with the φιλία based onvb ηδ an τ ῶφέλιμον hic Aristolle so osten discusses melalter frienclfhips Cicero refuses to cleat with se 58 etc. - orati delabitur so Io oratio desurit: cf. u. r. I, I, I adfraecipiendi

rationem delassa est oratio mea. For the sense also Io is tot compared. - tum . . . tum here purei temporal, ' at ne time, at am


scelus in Verg. Aen. 6, 74a. - ut Catonem dicere audiri Ihave been tot Cato se to no have Mard Cato in 'πhic movi require ae metem o cum Deret Se res o C. Μ. 3 mirantis. - dissuendae etc. cf. γ. I, 2 amici a maris docere censensua enus sensim Euere euam rerentu praecidere; elow, 78 exstinetari eius quam oppressae. Observe maris in the ne place a poetas in the other, for hic es. n. - 27. - exarserit isom examdescere, the verbis Mere occurring oni in eo late Latin, as in the Vulgate. The metaphorica us is exceeclingi coninio in Cicero; cf. 29. - atatim es Aristoti Eth. icis 3 a. II. aut morum aut aruliorum the Mat in corresponda in auu

shouldi changed into et cf. 74 morum euriorumque. -e mmutatio ... a iet i, minari etiam mores hominum saepe. - in rei

Nicae artihua: i. e. in connection it politica parties . communihua: Goliaribus in 76. - Q. Pompei etc. the granssifather of the Pompeius mentione in a he esse himself to the comsulfhimas a novus 4remo in I4 B. Q. Brut m Verr. 5, 8I . Laelius as a candidate an Pompeius as sal to have promise Scipio thathe would no stan himself ut suppor Laelius. - Metella s. e. Macedonico, the praetor es Io, Who commande in Greece illo α hen heaetumin and was the letaer of the anti-Scipioni party. The quarret, Whic Wa very famous, hegan with the despatch of uninitus, ho a connecte With the Scipios, to command in Achaia. etellus e me consul in I 3 after Wo fallures, an commande against Viriathus. In 3 he was censor and live tit II 5. Me Was an augur ;hence columi Laelius. - et this does no correspond with are, buto inere ac moisrare go together and formone expression. Et and are domo correspond in Cic. cf. n. na motusque. Is quam O rem ... iniuriam these sentences Summarim andemptaticali repea the sense of the two precedin sectio . - ut exstinctae etc. cf. C., 7 I. P. 30. - quae agrem With the Iast ont of the three Word iumma, maledicta, consumeliae. - honos ... trihuendus: AE, Aristoti Eth. ic. 9, 3, 3. - omnino here to sum up ' Mooking at themarier a a Whole . - una cautio eat for the formis expressiones Acad. 2, 3 omnium inanium isorum una depulsio est. In both passages the verba nou in iis convey the notion o possibility. - ut ne Se n. o 42. - non dignos putrio iurimos, appamently because of di ni autem folio ing. Dj0jtjrso by IOO Ie