Cato maior De senectute

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 288페이지


분류: 미분류



uas a sonis a Murater of the lde Africanus, therefore amousin ithe Gracchi. The senate gave him a Ieratio tolergamus, a formiihonorabie exile, in orde to withdra. hi hom the fur of the democrati party. me committe sulcide a Pergamus. - effecerint: Sesseri righti potnis utristiau fecerim could no stan here, since thedemocrati pari ha no itfel done anything omasica, ut ad

o 7 su - - nam this is elliptic, as osten; so γάρ in Greeh. The fui sense ould nee hardi mentio Carbo for etc.' quocumque modo potuimus: We here ethe aristocrati party-P Pter Poenam: i. e. t oul have excite the populace oomuch to attemptrio punish Carbo so oon alter Ti. Gracchus death. - auatinuimus have orne ith . - C. Gracchi autem: but in vero Maximum. The lalter collocation is regular: here autem is put after in orde to mali the contrast et een F. Gracchian C. Graechi more stri hing tribunatu stili in the future atthe time hen Laelius is supposed tot speahing Scipio die in Iasan C. Gracchus id not ecome tribune illo a B C. - serPit: cf. 87. Serrere means here to mali progress imperceptibi or imsinuatingis'. agelsbach, Stilisti DI 29, has rought together agood many instances of this use, and of the word o phrases similarly used a manare, onaei fluere, esten it Iono an tale Forser me es Fin. 3, 6 caritas. . . serpit sensim I ib. 2, 45 homo 'rofectus acari acie domesticorum et suorum serpit Iovis; Ν. D. 3, 5 tua autem, MUM, quae tu a caelo astrisque ducebas quam Iove serpant, non vides 8- Se it . . . Iahitur genera in cope, an intende to ive thereason hy Laelius reade to thin of the future course of Gaius Gracchus. Deinde here is sed proleptically, i. e. t resupposes semes Whic comes after; cf. n. reliqua. The sentenc videtis ... Cassia simpl gives an actua example of this genera principie. proclivis Se res o C. Μ. 38 frequens. - coepit sc labi. Theomission of the infinitive is exceeclingi common it both coepi and debeo. f. Cat. I, o sero quo coepisti. Observe that Cic. an Caesar clo not a Sallust, ivy, and later riters, se coepi absolutely; i. e. an infinitive is alway either expresse or implied - in ta-


magistratibus manaeanaeis Leg. 3, 35 Was carrie by A. Gabinius, tribune in ID B. C., an introduce into elections votinc talionis. e. by writing the nam es the candidat oma tichet o tablet. - Casaia: his lammas came M L. Cassius Longinus Ravilla, tribune in I 37 . , an extende thetallo to the juries in the criminat couris. Cassius as after ard a uine an for his severit calle seopuIus meorum he was the author of the wnc cui bono δ' tr. e. ho gainsbycio vig the offence . The ex uiastellaria o Carbo introduce theballo for votin o laws propose to the comitia. is a cis commoni place in I3 B. C., hut there is no direct evidence fur the date an it may have been severat ears later. - P Pulum . . . multitudinia the change seem made meret for the sine of varie . a. quorsum haec: c. Druso, as in post red ad uir. 5 quorsum stim hae disputo Cf. also tam. 3 Phil. 7, 26 Leg. I, 63 sed quorsus hoc pertinet ρ- igitur note iis positio a thir Wor in the sentence. -- imari casu aliquo noto the wo reasonstarnari an casu aliquo place side by fide unconnecte by a conjunction. Sora praesentibus coram. - ne in final clauses here a negativeis neede a here and 43, 6o, 63 78, ne an ut ne re sed indissedienti by Cicero in consecutive negative clauses ut non generallystands, a below, ut omelimes in ne is found when precaution,

. . . Peccantibus: When inning in ome public matter of impoditance f. the phras summa res publica; also pro Balbo I in ruina re publica versari; also n. nos publica re. - nec Vero: this phrase, hic occurs also in s corresponda to the assirmative expremion et ... quidem, the Phras nec . . . quidem bein raret used by good writers P se n. on 3 - - Themistocle so Acad. 2, a Themissori quem facile Graeciae frincirem sorimus. -imPerator:

- στρατηγόs of the Athenians. The whole Grecia fleet a Salamis a commandeo noti Themistocles but by Eurybiades the Spartan. - invidiam: - διαβολήν inpopulariis'. - viginti annis ante: the ostracismi Themistocles happened in 7 B. C. While the banishmenti Coriolanus hom Rome is assigne to the ear VI on thebanishmenti Themistocles, his relations it the hingis emi and death, Se Curtius, Hist. o Greece, k. 3, Ch a Smit misti os Greece, Ch. a. - Coriolanus heris compares ith Themistoci


ing the deat os both these men, a Cic. himself states in Bruti arund43, Where e refers to huc. I, 38. In Attis, Io, 3 he assumes that Coriolanus die a natural death. - nemo the inferenc intendedis so much Worse are the Roman now tha thei foresathera 'talthan the Greelis of Themistocles time . a. talia: i. e. such a that describeo in I. P. 18. - supplicio a stronger Wor than foena above, a in iis strici sense supplicium means summar execution supplicio

S. nam A say this for ' Alighil elliptic See n. n I. quo audi etc. cf. n. on 24 doctum quendam, an for audis .in Iaudieras. Observe that Cic. Writes abisos, no haberi. - placuisse: some ... have hel a dogmas ' the word placere has osten amuch stronge sense than ur olease'. - mirahitia παράδοξα,

word hic Cic. translate somelimes by mirabilia Acad. 2, 36 ,somelimes by admirabilia Parad. prooem 4 Fin. 4, 74ὶ Sometimes by admiranda. - sed: in contrasto mirariva - paradoxes mdeed, ut'. - partim there is light anacoluthon here the sentenceris close Without the seconisartim hic should corresponesto this, an iis place is ahenis alios a the Minning of the neri semience Both sartim an Hii refero quibusdam Such anacolutha, here oesy one os a patris,ord Such a Mur- alter, alius- alius etc. is expresse and the ther replaceo, in nother Sentence, by Someother expression are ver common in Cita madui has collecte a large number of examples in the firs excursus to his De Finibus. fugiendas etc. Cic. is here vidently imitating a chorus of themippolytus o Euripides, 33 et seq. he sentiment is the fame a that in Sophocles Ajax Mo et seq. - nimias to strong to close'. - aihi for the almost pleonasti us cf. Tusc. 3, 42 omnia sibi in



tentiones es a risu in uias CL also Lucr. 2, w5. - - . here- is ut eas. --ducas . . . remittaa: for ad uerae a ora. tight 'es Verg. Aen. 9, 38 a. Menas Liv. 9, Io quin adducis loriam si Forthe positionis cum velis ae n. οὐ eum summi viri eum amici imi- caput A the hie matter ' es maximum est in heate vivendum in the Latinis Cicero' time there a no ne or torepresent the Gree ευδαμον. - happinos. Cic. himself in nefa sage N. D. I, 93 mine heclineas an MMi do, but di no again se the wores, though theyaecam current later f. 84 enua ua. securitatem Cic. uses his ordos en to expres the εὐθυμ s cheerfulnem ' es Democritus, a the ἀπώσια ' absence of emotion ' of the Stoics, and the ἡδο- o Epicurus. Sesseri . - tamquam parturiat: a hesitating translationi μνειν in the passage of Euripides l. 2593 cf. n. o 49 redamare. S alios: the Cyrenaic an Epicureans es fa omines deliciisaei uenus. - dicere aiunt se n. on C. Μ. 27 dixisse. - inhumanius es humanius in in . a. 8a here Cic. contrast the sordid

view of his late followers. - locum topic . - ante 26 seq.-haheret in quotation Cic. esten ut the past ense here eshould expect the present e. r. N. D. I, o Memque Asinae aerasta esse eum quem omines mem apse IIarent. The change to qua

5 I9; Cf. Η. 495 V. - appetere: - μιθυμειν, ἐφίεσθαι differentho ex sere - προαιρεισθα. - mulierculae this diminutive here expresses ity osten hoWeVer contemPt cf. γύνωον. P. I s. - praeclaram, ironical, as osten; es in Cat. I, 28;TuSc. I, 49. - Solem enim etc. Cf. loselyrao, 22, and for the et phor Att. 9, Io, 3 sol, ut est in tua quadam epistula, e caelo cecidi . a diS: c. arum. - quae almost suanei of What orth Z

hianda: enticing ' an epithet osten applied to the Epicurean M


25 eumpse. -mvitia locis no different in sense hom 4 maiatis

abidini' here almos equivalent totur respectable'. s. cadit in long to', affecta', talis Mithin the province of ' a favorii phras Wit Cic. e. . Acad. I, a Tusc. 3, 2 ad me, o nor, inua enum ae ritudinem tibi tristi,Meri below n. o Ioo. - aliquaa note the .disserence to the sense hic ullas for aliquas Would mise- the disserenoe et ee gettin rid fiso me et ualtroubles saliquas and a II possib Iri troubles ne . . . uuas . motu animi tot tinen in a Wide sense, a the contextishows botho emotions and of intellectua perceptions. The Stoic taught that the wis manishouldie absolutet unaffecte by emotion, hic theyregarde a sinsul. f. Tusc. IV, passim. f. n. ono incommodis. - dico: his has for iis real objec the whole phras inere Mecudem et hominem, hic may be reate a though etween inverte commas, as also the whole phrase hom inur Aominem to eiusdem Some- times Cic. se non dicam for non dico in Such sentences f. also n. o ne iram in a. - truncum aut saxum Cicero a no doubt

is tira δρυό ἐσσι παλαιφάτου, οὐδ' αar πέτρηs, Whic he imitates also in Acad. a Io I For truncus cf. . D. I, 84 qui potest esse in eiusmodi trunco sapientia r- isti the Stoica. - quandam: ostenuse Wit an adjective to osten the statement. H. 456, 2. Cf. in Gree the se of τὶ as in Xen. Μem. I, 3, 2 os δεινήν τινα λέγεις

μναμιν του φιλ εν-το ευαι. - volunt: n. on 29 also volt esse in . - cum . . . tum as... SO . --nis ... incommodis: imbus secundis ... adversis in 7. - diffundatur: sc virtus, ut here,

after Cicero' fashion, o vir Nisaeuus inure. When the in is ex niueae it is suppose to laetulemure, hen contracteae, pain. The



emam anaeresin ea senaeus est ex riminibus aut, etc. The non M.

fore sitis mouid notis required by good Englis idiom, though in

vulgar Englis 'no ... no more than is common for not. . . an morethan - contrahat the subject is probabi quis indefinite, omit- ted as in Deor. I, 3 quo velit quo quis velit. I may be ho ever, as Seineri and Nauch mahe it, the whole clause si . . . eluceae. Thesubjunctive is causat. - supra an expression inadvertently used by Cic. forcit implies ritin an is in plicabie to a speech f. howeverras. In 8,e have in est a Fannio dictum. -il cum contigit cum here simply quotiens o conti it se n. na. For cum .it perfectriens es M. P. 20. - s. aetificio se n. o C. Μ. 56 fore etc. -c r-

Poris . . . animante adversative asyndeton. - praedito rus --

maris is exceptionali use of man it is here made masculine, ut . micis applied to the lowe animais, as i 8I, it is generali feminine. - reclamare coine by Cic. here to express 'ιφώλεῖν anclused by himmo here else it cloes not occur again in Latin literaturetii ver late ua dicam is sed to sesten the harshnes of thisne 'Ord. - remuneratione this appllies to redamare oesy, while vicissitudine applies to both amare and redamare. m. quid p his litti anticipator question, like τι δέ in Gree serves to dra specia attention to What folio s. His meaning reatlyic What do ou hin of this that I am goin to πὰ - adclimus: n. on furimus, 47. - nihil esse etc. it illi seen that thecomparison is no quite perfeci, there Ming two member in the firstbranch nihil . . . rem uuam an three in the second amicitiam ... Domineri ... simili uis . - similitulo: properi this 4hould me similitudinem in the fame constructio a nihil, hucit is attracte into

the fame case with quod Such attractions os case are common. verum esse ut es I sin auum tua veriora ut also 8 a aret . . . in; in spem inerunt ut When the clause after verum est is an infinitive clause, it is regatae as embodying a faci, When an MnclauSe, a ConS quenm o result. The meaning here may be represente thus: ahis result Will e grante a true, o as to lead to the faci that the good love the good . - quasi propinquitate: a sortis relationshim'; oppose to actues propinquitas I9 . - natura natura amni '. appetentius: hen present participies lose the notion es time ancl come adjective the mantake a genitive case. - similium theneuter plures of the adjective in the genitive case sed a substantive Dj0jtjrso by IOO Ie


rs rare. -honis inter honos more emphati than bonis inseris whic Woul have been more Sual. - necesSariam Sc erae.

qui the attractionis the relative in sentences like this is almos reginta in Cicero, an in e in most the writers of the est period; e riis. 37; hil. 3, 39 Pompeio patre, quod imperio suta Romani tamen fuit, exstincto. f. n. nox eam etc. - amicitiae fons: Cf. 32. - inhumana: unkindly' immunis, inserviceable ' literalty fre fro munia o cluties toWard the state ; superba πω tistic'. Themast or is dissiculto translate, as it combines thenotion oppressive proud , dissiculi os approach L-quae:

cum ea.

tum the word proscisci is osten thus use in Cicero' letters of se vices passing et Mee frienes e. r. am. I9, 2 quaecumsue a me ornamenta in te prosciscentur ib. 3, I, I SomeP. Att. 9 4. - tam tumque abest ut . . . ut this clums constructio is a very favoriteone it Cic. Note that wit ali goo writer the ver in auctphrases Mest, Quis etc. is impersonat. See,advig, 44o a and M. I A. 332, ae G. 336, Rem I m. o2 3. - indigentiam a rare ord, scarcet occurring ut o Cicero, Who Sescit above, 27, 29 and Tusc. 4, 6 and I. - praesicli es. 46. - alterius Cic. sesinaei re farinener With a genitive than wit an ablative though thelalter is commoner in silve Latin f. Roby I334-5. - atque here Corrective - καίτοι 'an yet'. - hau sciam an a ell-attested though rare variant for haud scio an es De Or. I, 35 2, 7 anda- the ood os sciam se references tu velim. ne ... quilem: the reason for the negative illis seen is referring to n. o 2 haud scio an. - nihil ...deesse Cic. is here trivinxto rein resent the Gree αυre κη - self ussicient for hic there a noone Wor in Latin. - ubi here sua in re rather than quo in Ioco. Cf. Tusc. 5, Io cur iritur Uitiae desiderentur, aut ubi fauperias beatos esse non sinit ib. III me conscristurum libros arbitror - ubi enim melius uti fossumus hoc ... otio J- stulta nostra the stre than ardor of m affection.

P. 21. - Scipio eguisset se ho everra quid enim H-nus indisens mei 'Sa homines delicii timuentes: me enervate bypi su 'i


Di uere is rathe rare, no occurrim in Caesar, epos Vergil, Horace or Ovid, and onlyince in Cicero' speeches. The homines meantare of co se the Epicureans an Cyrenaim, as in o. - hahent cognitam se n. on C. Μ. 66 solucidam Mere. In suc phrases ehave the fimi temto. ει the conversionis habere into an auxiliaryverb, hic is complete in the Romance languages CL alsos em orarum Meas. See Brache mistorical renc Grammar, Bh a, Par a. - ut Mon conditio that , so a neither o ... f. Ari tolle Eth. ic. 9, 9, 3 οὐθεὶ τὸν nore a at Ἀμὲν σὲ πάνr' σών a M. Cicero's Wores are so ea to Aristotie' as almos tori hlike a translation. agetshach potnis ut that Cic. here isusn to represent μετε φιλῶν μεντε φιλούμενos, an oves Some imstructive remarksin the modes in Latin es replacing the present aditicipi passive. - circumfluere Vere 3 9 istum risus omnibus unaeique re is eludenum circum errasque abundare. - nulla fictes: cf. Ennius, quote in ossi I, 26, uua sancta sociem nec de re nάς Luci har. I, 9a uua es remi sociis Bacon, Essa on Friendshim irinces ... cannot gathe this fruit so friendahip .-henevolentiae . . . fiducia in the best prose Writers es and duci nearly HWaystis the objective genitive s arust in ' the dative ho ever, is founclin the poets, a Verg. Aen. 3, 69 des selum ib. Io, Isa ducis rebus. Eve Wit the phrases dem facere, duciam facere, the constructioni good prose is generali Micuius rei, no Micui rei. 53. quis enim etc. es. Off. I, 97 si Aeacus arus Minos aesceret rivi dum metuant ' Phil. I, 34 in fabulis ipsi tui qui Merinsistim in

mans' dixerit. -lumtaxat ad tempus: hut onlyrior a se on . Dumtaxa Lin the best,riter is meret corrective, introducin an exception Pori Some or o Word preceding, herem coluntur Taxatis probabi a subjunctive of the lost Latin orist here the weahaorist hom an re a formis sonore a nken, Mink . Osca forms,

The formation o saxat wiu e the practicatly the fame a that ofλ . For the dropping of themasal es. σφίγγοι, σφιξα θιγγάνω, θίμ. The origina meaning of dumtaxat woul thus bes providecline lino athe matter' ver saxare is used only in late Latin. - ad tem-



pus es. 27 ad ρ-ddam emus. Si . . . tum n, n 25. - quod: and this ' the sentence from tum to the en is reali explanator of quo . - exsulantem: almoSt parenthetic explanator of tum. - gratiam referre: a mali a retur,' statiam here includes thenotion o disseruice a wellos that o service Cf. Att. ut sciat his norare Hierosol'amius traductor ad plebem quam bonam meis stitiaeissimis orationibus gratiam rettuleriti Sull. nunc secum sic aram tulisse ut solius iniuriam quam rettulisse grauiam videar.54. ilia superbia: for illa, Mell-known', See A. Ioa b G. 292, 2;Η. 45o, For superbia Se n. on m inhumana. - imp rixmitate : ,ro headeonesa perversit ' cf. Cic. Rep. I, 6 nrides unius importunitate et superbii Tarquini nomen hiae populo in odium venisse remum ' - quemquam amicum since the est writer domo us quisquam S an adjective amicum musti tisen asan appositive os quemquam. f. n. O C. . I suemquam senem. - atque - κοὐ μήν, καὶ ἡ now again' so ac in a. multorum opes praepotentium: . ni multae et magnae Noteth positionis praepotentium I ut there it introduces a limitation onmtiurarum, the power of many I mean o thos Who re ver po emfui'. - non solum ipsa: cf. Theocr. Io I ob α-bs no alone τυφλὸs... ὁ πλοῖτο ἀλλἀ χιώφρόροι ros Daos, where the Scholiast quotes Μenandei ὁ πλουτο τυς λόν, τυ ρλob δ' ἐs αυτον ἐμβλέποντα δεικνύει. Pacuvius 66 Ribbeck fortunam insanam esse et caecam et brutam rhiben Milosofhi Plin. a La fortuna ... a plerisque vero et caeca existimam. - fere n. O 2 tum fere. - fastidio et contumacia: the κόρos and ετη or ἔβρι of the Gree dramatisis. Trans A Wantomnes an sitfineckednes.' Seyffert quotes a curious passage of Plin. Ν Η. Isiaci 34 of planis non omnia in omnibus locis nasci docuimus. Hoc alias si fastidio, Mias contumacia, alias imbeciliatav. insipiente fortunato Aristot Rhet a I tallis of the ἀνόητο εὐδαίμων. For the word cf. u. r. I, 3 I quandam e triem strantia mortui Phil. II, et nihil aonti rivato Att. 2, 2I, 5 fortis aenoti. O insistente, fool , se Madvig, 3oI, , ObS. A. 88 an Rem. G. I93 Rem I m. MI, 2. - Videre licet: hen se parentheticallythes Word passe into videlicet, hic Ver Wor Lucret. I, Io uses .it the ordinar constructio os videre licet. - antea proleptic; cf. n. reliqua. - commodis affable' commotatis here has ver much the sense of communis in 3 cf. Μur. 66 quemquamne


omnem ma umem humanisaeis Cornis ad Herenn. 4, 25 contrast theeommodus Wit the se intolerabiti superbia. - imperio potestate: originalty fotestas a Rome ad a very Wide meaning denotin alipo e exercised by public authorit messo includini serium Thenas certain ossicers consul, praetor, dictator haclo erium, hileothers censor, aedile, etc. had not the wor posessas came tot Paditiculari used in connection it the alter classis ossicers. Trans. bysower an ossice . - spemi: the Worda hom rem to inris areexplanator es immutari in such cases the connecting et is este lest ou - an sage calle by grammarians avndeson ex icativum. nnovis su amicitiis dat alter impers passive, MemadVig, 44,4 A. 23o G. M H. 384, 3. SS c Piis ... opibus Ariches, reso ces, prosperi ' the three mordidisse very litile in meaning. Iurimum osse tot very instinentiat . - cetera proleptic. P. 22. - amicos adversative asyndeton. - ut ita dicam Ciciis apparenti translatin κτημα in Such passage a Xen. em 2, 4, πάντων κτημάτων κράτιστον aν 53 ρίλοs. For ut ita dicam in a transi tion cf. n. On 49 redamare for the metaphor in supelia Grat. 8 ora soria quasi supellex; Sen. Ep. 58, I ideae, prorii asonis su lux Acad. 2, 3 an Sen. p. 2, 5, 8 uae inatrumentum. - eius A. I c; G. 365 Η wa w3.-iSisrum :- istarum rerum. - vicit viribus the alliteration is evidenti intentional es. it. 3 in ira vis,also Lael. 43. - Se haec hactenus a common formula for Winffing urione subject an passing on to nother; tu enough of this . Solam. 6, 2, 35ε. constituenti sunt etc. for constituendum est etc. attractionto the constructio of the clause qui sint etc. f. 63 ferspictamur quam sint leves also n. o 35 deserere, and De Or. 2, 3 quaeruntur

quatia sint; ib. 243 Ν. . , II 5 advi on Fin. 3, 38 say this kind of attractio is used only by Cicero. - fines et quasi termini: is Was ver commoni used in the metaphorica sense, Ierminus Iesscommonly; ence thesuaui. - diligendi beware of aking this as