Cato maior De senectute

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분량: 288페이지


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quod quidem uiae sit f. Academ a Ia quo intelum quale sit via erat. - quihusdam the limitation for hic se n. on 6 umaeam is perhaps due to the fact insiste on in . D. a I 29 that

man creatures abando thei em When laid. - ita amant: cf. Aristi Eth. ic. 8, I, 3. - ad quoddam tempus: . D. 2, 29 usque ad eum nem dum fossint se ipsa defendere. - sensus: feelini impulse', i. e. as oppose to the calculationis advantages mentione a ve. - quae ... potest 'his is contraste Wit ad quo am empus bove. - simili SenSu amoris: M. e. sensus amoris cari et rarentum similis for the brevit scommon in comparisons cf. n. Onia quam ab imbecillim e. - exstitit se n. C. Μ. 53. - si aliquem si has almost the Same sense a cum here, and was perhaps used because the repetitioni cum ould have beena kward. Aliquem after si is perhaps more vivi than quem omeactua person ' f. n. on a si quando. - moribus et natura: the collocatio natura et moribus is more natura an common. Cf. Wit n. - quasi serves, as Sual, to ostent the metaphor n. 33, hic hoWeve is a very common ne cf. m. I 2, 5, 3 virtutis euae lumen ς fi I, Im probi veni lumen ς HS Lael. Io virtus... oriendi suum tamen ; 48 si qua signi cario virtutis eluceas. - Perspicere videamur G. 34I, Rem a M. 3I6 IL I. as nihil . . . amabilius the fame orda re in . D. I, 2I, With hic ci Off. I, 53 2 I7. - quo numquam vidimus cf. . D. I, 2ν nrtuae, quam qui adeptus erit ubicumque erit gentium a nobis diu eur a Stoic ulterance. - Fabrici. . . Curi See nn On 8. memoriam usurpet Aloes ove his recollections '. murrarem sus ri re implying a Word --ristus is stricti to eige on forose';hence m constanti to ut a thin into practice, or of thoughis, o

sc Vecellinum es mi. Consul in 493 . . an conclude a reatywit the Latins consul for the thir time in V an admitte the Hemicans to the league, ut in the fame ear having rought for-war a lex amaria a suspecte of aimin a despoti power, and trie an put o death Liv. , I . - Maelium: also suspectedo aimin a tyranny because e gave Way cor to the oor. In 439 Cincinnatus havini e made dictator, sent his visu equi- eum Ahala, to summoniaelius. Whenmaelius refused to obe thesummon Ahala ha hi puto death Liv. 4, 43. - alter . . . alterum in Osi I, a Cic. mahes the fame comparison etWeen



Pyrrhus and Hannibal The traditiones Roma vis es Hannibalis expresse bymorace' abominaeus Hanniba s Emis Isi 83, et thecharges mught against him cani thoro hi disprove even homthe informatio preserve by Roman historians. Se e. r. iv. I, 2I 23, 7 27, 28 f. n. o C. Μ. 75 ostis Pyrrhus consuli Iaddeli, Histor of Rome Bh 3 Ch. 6. - offerit here futi ind.;

ove, maius: a more dissiculi marier' es. 69 maximum C. . Imaior. - etiam this mould naturali come efore in ora aut isthrust aside in orde to complete a soon a possibi the constructionis in ... vel in. - quid se reference On C. . I uiae. - eat . . . Si moveantur a common om of the conditiones sentence in Cicero; es Academ I, 7 sme Zenonem sequare marmum eis. The senae

here is i the supposition e madethat et '. - cum videantur: etim referring to the repetitionis an action osten as ' ,heneve ', ever time that' though generali accompanie by the indicative, is ometimes, as here, se Wit the subjunctive. The subjunctive gives a more hypothetica coloring to the ver statemen an has out the foro es a generat condition. See advig, 339 cf. A. 3aa; G. 585 Rem. H. F7, 3. - coniuncti here o participi bat amere adjective so an otherias participies in Cic. lose thei pa

ticipia force, particulari commendarus. - tudio: c. -ici. consuetudine ' familiariis'. P. 13. - motum animi irationem an mi in 7 a narrowersense than that in o. - et amoris for amor is princeps addenomiam iam contanonaeam; see 26. - adhibitis in sense almost additis. - imbecillitate: 26, 23 m. D. I, 22 ne omines quidem censetis, nisi imbecilli essent, inuituros bene os et benignos fuisse ρ quiSque See n. on 6. - generosum lit. high- m an sothe metaphor is modified by ut ita dicam for hic se n. o 49.

So Tusc. 2, 6 quaedam generosa virtus. - volunt: Suppose'. - minimum ... Se M. 26, 46 De Or. I, 23 ut in quoque oratore urimum esset; ib. a Iaa si quid est in me. - ad amicitiam aptissimus A. 234, b G. 336, Rem 3 H MI IL I, a . M. ut enim etc. this question is discussed by Aristolle Eth.

duce by ut quisque. - munitus est: cf. the eae a Meminium a of Lucretius also Attius quote in Cic. Div. I, 45 sapientia munia eum sectus, an St PauPs breastplateis righteo nos Hor. p.



I, I 6 hic murus Aeneus est ni constare sibi, nulla pauescere M . - nullo Cic. uses the abi. an gen o nullus a substantives, toreplace the abi. and gen. o nemo, hic Her no in se. e molos, however, the se of nuutis, nutu, nullum a Substantives, an evenprefers nemo omo, sapiens etc. to virus homo etc. or cloes Cic.

Write nulli nom. plur. by itself, since nemo expresses the fame sense Generali the Republica an Augustan writer agre With Cic. in his reaimen o nemo an nuuus. Seemaduig, 91 G. 3o end M. 457, 2. - suaque etc. for the sense cf. 7. ior que Aeen o a virosque - quid enim p like ou exclamation why, nowl - Africanua indigena: the ro sariens of the Stoicsystem Was μάρκxis, sussicient for imaeli. Chrysippus Seneca Ep. 9 dre a fine distinction, that here a nothing the wis manneeded though there ere many things it Was advisabi for his ohave --uua re indirere et tamen multis tui re a sus esse. CL Plato, Lysis I DB. - indigena the omission both, an interrogative partici and of erat render the question more emphatic. ac: an assuredly' ac o aeque at the uiset os a sentenc osten introduces a statement emphaticalty Cic. and the the writers of the est perio neverisse ne . quirim, the place of Whic is ostentaken is ac, o et, or atque follo ed by ne ... quidem. - ego Scidilexi, to e supplied rom dilexit. Cf. Phil. a 38. - virtutia

eius the se of a genitive dependent on another is commones in Cic. When, as here, the dependent genitive is a pronoun. f. 37Mitis furoris. - opinione ... hahehat: a SomeWhat ounda ut mode os expression Cf. Att. 7, 2, 5 e opinione et seq. - f tasse non nulla marinthe ho o modes . - hahehat. . . dilexit the change of tense shouldie observed the imperfeci denotes that Africanus a some time in comin to his conclusion a ut Laelius dilexi potnis to the momen his decision too effect -- multae et magnae: he two adjectives are in agreement Wit thesam noun Cic. generali connecis them With et where Englismidiomwould osten require them to e ut fide by fide. When miatus isone of two adjectives the conjunctio is aret lest ut es Greehusage - σω ἁ- ἡ κακά), but is muleus is ne of three adjective there ometimes isappears. Cf. Verr. 5, II multi turmis dolores, but Fam 5, 7, 3 multis fortissimis atque o imis viris; ro Imp. n. Pomp. 6 mainu. . . ma na et gramia bella. - causae diligendix aaomewhat pleonasti phrase it Mould have been enough to sanciat



love no the cause of love staris hom hope. f. however in I, a rerum gerendarum initia prosciscuntur a volu Me aut a dolore; Tac mist. I, 39 initio caeris orio Liv. 32, 34, 7 ab Eus frinci umbelli ortum est C. Μ. 75 curaum equorum. 31 faeneramur etc. cf. Aristot Eth. ic. 8, δι σὲ χρήσιμον φιλία των γρα- i. e. elongcto mercenar persona ;Fin a, Ι7; . D. I, 22 Sen. Ben. I, 2, 3 turpia faeneratio est bene scium exrensum ferre sto mali hindnes a matter o book-keeping ;Sen. p. 9, Io negotiatio est non amicitia quae quid consecurum suis reas. - in ipso amore for the change here from amicitiam to amore es Ioo me amor sim amicitia for the generat sense Fam. 3, 3, a mihi propono fructum amicidiae nostrae issam amicitiam. 32. his neuter; Iis sententiis ci I ut in flerisque Theantecedent of qui is the subjectis aetarentiunt the referenoe is tothes Epiaurea . - pecudum ritu in on O; Parad. I, 4 quae quidem Mi vox voluptuum esse summum bonum secudum Metur

esse, non hominum. - ad . . . referunt: a formis expression e

ceedingi common in Cicero' philosophica moris. Se n. on . . 43. CL also Musas omnia metiri Fin. , 56 De Ori 3 62ὶ, ML

rere omnia voluptate Fin a, I . - magnificum: με γαλοπρεπέ ;Cf. n. On I. -RC Cf. n. O M atque. - Suspicere: look upto' for the metaphorica sense cf. Off. 2, 36 eos viros sus ciunt; orat. 97 eloquentia quam suspicerent omnes Fam Io 9, 2 onores praemiaque vestra sufficio De Or. 3, 22. - iecerunt: have d gradeo' es Leg. I, 2 nam cum ceteras animantes natura abiecisset pastum, solum hominem erexit et ad caeli conspectum excisamit. contemptam here, as osten, o despised', ut despicabies .

henevolentiae se n. o 2 benevolentia et carisaee. - facta etc. :

when intimation has Men give o morat worth'. f. 27 las Semtence 48 last sentence, an I . P. 14. - usu: - consuetudine intima ' S iety'. pareae aequales s 56 pariter aequaliterque orat. 23 far et aequalis oratio; De r. I. 83 virtutes esse inter se aequalis et paris. The mordaequalis means properi even ' or in the sameraevel , par havi the fame quantityi siete'; ut in thei secondar applications the two Word hecome convertibie es. Orat. o im ribus an aequauibus. For the expression in amore rares f. Properi I, I, 32 suis et in auso semper amore rares an for the sense seq. Wit the nn. - haec



nem. - quam ab imbecillitate: αἴ-m si ab imberiuuale esset; for the brevit of the expression cf. n. O 27 similis sensus amoris. am notisetclom in Cic. precedes the comparative e. r. ff. I, 75 quamvis sit eius nomen quam Soloniis IIustrius. - gravior et verior gramior, hecause restingis ethical rounos verior ' more reat', hecause thos Who aim at the expedient ove notis much the friend

Irarior et maris a natura profecta causa. - utilitas expedi- ency'. - conglutinaret See n. On C. Μ. 72 coarmensumt con meinarit. - eadem . . . diSSolveret: es Aristot Eth. ic. 8, 4, 2. - commutata Se n. on a servatam. - nisi quid ad haec:

M. icere. Laelius is a ut o procee now letos turn to nother par of our subject when Fannius interrupis f. Tusc. 2, 42 ib. 4, 6 exspecto quid ad tria. - tu vero perge: bes, o go on'. 'o Academ I, I tu vero, inquit, sero, Varro De r. 2, 24. - meo

See Introd. p. X.

m. optimi viri a formis addres commoni ironical, though nolso here. In C. Μ. 39 Cato addresses Scipio an Laelius as optimi adulescenses. - quamquam ille quidem καίτοι μεῖνό γε cf. 97. amquam seem to impi that Laelius di no altogether agre with

Scipio on his subjeci. - exPediret: sc utrique. - Sentiretur: sc ab utroque. - Saepe: probabi to taken it minari, notwith dicebar so that alias . . . alias is an expansion or explanation offaere For alias se n. o I. -eTemplum et in exemtam myiebat ex similitudine there is the fame in os pleonasmos bove, frunt causae iurenaei profectae. - praeteπta toga n. o I. M. perduxissent: sc pueri amicitiam se n. o C. Μ. o femduxisse se studia agri colendii. - condicionis: - δε condicione. Conae io, even Mithout the additioni uxoria, este means a proposaior agreemen to mar match 'ὶ Nep. Ait Ia I nuuius conricionis non habere potestatem. - Iahefactari Sc amicitiam, ghich is probabi viso the subjectis dirimi a ve though Seineri maris the subjectis both infinitive to e the fame a the subjectis se uxissent. It would e possibi torus dirimi os persona, but carcely IMefactari



with the sense a b rendered changesta'. - amicitiia a dativus commori'. f. Off. 2 9 consuetudo ... honerauum ab utili se secernens ... qua nulla semicies maior hominum uae fotuit inerri. --- optimia quihusque so Arch a otimus quisque gloria maxime ducitur. The love o fame the las infirmit o notae minos . In optimis fui sue we have a very rare sage. The best,riter uae the pluralo quisque ni in the neuter, and that wit a superlative adjective, no the em or achere the maSc. Hurai. P. 15. 3S. ivata: e. ith good eason on ne id o theother. - Iihiclinia ministri Liv. 3, 44 6 minisse decemviri libidianis. - adiutores ... ad the common constructionis auri Ior in Cic. is With a genitive of the thing wherein id is given, hut dative of the person to hom id is oven a in a cf. however Flacco adius racrem persciendam. dismare ad adiumen um ad Ofte Occur. --- quod conjunction. - deaerere: for the infinitive dependent onthe personat armerentur instea of the impersonat constructiomaro retur eos deserere, cf. n. ut Meris also Rosci Am. 37 occlaeisseratrem Sex. Roscius amuitur; also quaeruntur in I6. - quidvia: anythin and verythini'. - omnia: no different in sense from quidvis above f. Att. 9, 8, 3 ad omnia descensurum s Mouldistichat nothing ' . - sempiterna in contrastri amicitiae se iureae in 32. - quasi: sed to sesten the metaphori eum is se osten init poetica sense of mors o interitus. - felicitatis good fortune'. - diceret athi videri these moros tali the place of erari, whichwould e sed is the sentence mere entiret logical. Cf. De r. a, et 8 illud Sicuti otii eum familiaris quidam quereresur quod dicere uxorem suam sussendisse se de M. . . Simila example are exceedinglycommon in Cicero se Roby, 746 A. 34I, Rem. G. MI, Rem a ;Η. SI HI I The subjectis videri is of murae suturavere.

See Introd. p. X.

as quatenus etc. ho far affection hout lea us to proceed in dealin Mith friendship'. his paragraph is reali inconsistent with M ere Laelius says sentio nisi in bonis amicitiam esse non posse. f. 56 qui sint in amicitia ne et quasi remini iugenaei and



ior promeaei 34 in amicitia provecti the limits of friendi service are discusse also in Off. 3, 3. - numne a rare form found in . D. i, 88 quid deum issum numne vidisti The ne render the num more emphatic. - Coriolanus a brave but proud patrician, exiled in m . . because in time o famineae proposed to give the plebebans o Ahare of the grain, sent by Gelonii Syracuse, unti the hadgive up thei tribunes. In leagum it the Volscians he the marchedagainst Rome, and was dissuade fromoaring the cit onl by thetear an supplications of his mother an other matrons See Liv. 2, 34-w he hole account has a legendar coloring See Ihne, Histor o Rotae, Bh a Ch. 4 Μommsen, h. 2 Ch. 2.-Vecellinum ... Maelium: nn o 28.

37 vexantem Cicero uniformi speak of the Gracchi a traiiorsan iure caesi. - Tuberone sonis a sister of Africanus minor; plebeia tribune in I 33 a vigorous opponent of Gracchus a trici Stoic. - aequalibus amicis thos of his contemporaries howere his hienos'. Carbo an Cato, mentioned a the end of 39, were ovi prose aequales Brut 96ὶ - videbamus: the imperfeci mcause referre to vexantem sa hi during the whole of his seditious action' cf. 6 4ribuebatur. - Cumanus hospes mmae di no receive the Roman hanchise ill after the Socia War. The Blosi or Blossii .ere a nobi famil a Cumae Cic. Leg. Agr. 2 93 LiV. 23 7 8 27, 3, 5 . his member of the famil was a Stoic philosopher an pupil of Antipater o Tarsus the incident

mos important institution in both the public and the private lilao the Romans There a deepi ingratne in the Roman in afeeling that no person havin serious usines to transact, hether private or ossiciat, ought o procee withou taking the opinion esthos best qualifie to advis him. Theiod of adviseriis the comsitium. The senat was the consilium of the ing, and then ecameth standin consilium of the consuls. Ossiciat exercisin judicialfunctions generali summone to their id eadin lamers in the



Gracchus an his tollower ino place For Rupilius cf. 73 and

Introd. p. v. in Laelius Val. Max. I, I says consulo eius consuissi sitius an Larenasi praecipue inebamur. - tanti See A. 252 a; G. 379 H. 4 , and n. I. - fecisset. . . putaret faceres could nothave been writte hecause Gracchus was deis, but the in havi once been cara ted bac to the past, it is permissibi torus the imperfecta vine andrinaret to denote that o longos Gracchus continue to live the opinioni Blossius continue achere describession the ood es fecisset se Rob' 744 A. 3al, a G. MI H. 516,

II. - etiamne re hoc Mares ρ- dixit sc se fuisse factumum. - temeritati: infatuation . - illiu furoria n. on 3 virtutis


P. 16. - hac amentia etc. observe that in his sentenc the clauses remo connecte by particies. The omission is intentional, sulting the aste o Blossius. me amentis in his ad state'. - quaestione novas speciat cour of nqui nova susualty rillen wit quaestio extra ordinem, or ex mordinaria. in Asiam ... ad hostia hecioine Aristonicus, the retende to thethronem Pergamus, then in arm against the Romana. When Ari tonicus a finalty delaated Blossius committe sulcide, achis Stoictenet permitte himo do. - rei publicae the counu is the offende party, and the penalty is regarde a a dis clue is it peccati in Stronger ord than culpa a translatio of the Stoicαμαρτήματον- Sin. - Peccaveris perfeci subjunctive in the r iasis of a genera condition See references o C. . a exerceas.

- conciliatrix Cic. is particularision of these feminine nouns in trix many of Whic he manufacture himself he frequently μplies them, as here, to inanimate objecis es. 89 assensatio adiutrix. Concilia rix occurs in Plautus in the sense of match-maher'. virtutis: - δε virtv c cf. 34 conuntio condicionis. M. Si statuerimus ... a simus: doubie rotasis; eas a kWardhere than in an passages, because the quidem marks the secondprotasis a distincti subordinate to the first. - perfecta . . . SRPienti etc. Cf. CloSely 8, m. - res etc. A the practice ould leadtomo Wrong ' Vitium here almos - MI the formiui se n. o C. . I praemi. - ex hoc numero: - ex Ararum umero, thelalter ein a formo expression hic Cic. very Mely uses. In De Or. 2, 56, have ex . . . numero eorum qui Vat. 4 in tuorum


quidem here concessive, o inmative 'though specially' -- qui ... accedunt these are the Persona mentione in I a viros

honos etc.

m. videmus here, as in s an osten, urei um videmus. f. Academ a Ia nobilis disciplina, cuius, ut scriptum νι deo, strinceps Xenophanes. See n. οὐ C. Μ. 26 Memus. - Aemilium Luscino Q. Aemilius Papus an C. Fabricrus Luscinus se n. nI8 were colleagues in the consulfhi in Ma an a78 an in the cem sorshimi 275 B. C. Familiaris, like amicus, takes a dative hen it istreate a an adjective, an a genitive hen it is a substantive Formpum Aemilium, the coxnomen pu fore the nomen a practice e tremel common in acitus an his contemporaries 3 cf. Q. r. 2, 4,

Macer Licinitis. - Sic the clause bis... censura re explanatoryo sic. - patrihua: - maioribus, though in Masursa tres nostros farre has the strict ense. Mote the omissionis fuisse. - tum: this probabi has no a tempora meaning here, but dein e lex inorder', a though primum ad preceded. - Curium . . . Coruncanium: n. on 8. - memoriae: See n. o C. Μ. 63. - igitur:

here liketur phrase weli then' serves to introduce a ne ste in the statement. The positio os irim a fimi Wor in the sentence, though regula in Sallus and ver common in succeedin writers is in Cicero exceptiones an emphatic A. 56, e an is G. okandRem. H. 554 IV. 3. - ne suspicari quidem this implies thecontrast much les can, belleve'. - contendisse so the constructio consendere aliquid ab aliquo a pres Some ne for Something cf. Planc. I meum benescium ad eum fotius detuli qui a me con uniuerat Verr. 2, 3 Aic amistratus a populo summa ambitione consenditum in claus Wit ut osten takes the place of the accusative. - fidem: a promise , or a pledge'. hoc quidem: a re-ques of this hind', dependent on metraturum, notis dicere. contendisset: sc Miquis ex eis for the omission of the subjectoo the ver es. n. o 59 esset osurus. - sanctissimi viri A the purest

O men'. - rogatum no in agreement With aliquiae, but it theunexpresse subject aliquem - τινά of the infinitive facere; cf. m ei below.-at vero: tu truly' Laelius intend this sentenceto carrnwit it the inferenc that the friendshi belween Gracchuso the ne and an Carbo Cato etc. o the ther, a no true friendship. - Carbo: cf. I, 96 C. Papirius Carbo ecame after the deat of Ti. Gracchus, ne of the commissioners o carrying out


the agraria law. He was tribune in a B C. an introduced voleb ballo a the passing of la a in the Comitia. A consul in Iaohe trie to reconcite himself,it the aristocrata ut falled. ii 19he was prosecute for his hare in the Gracchan troubles an committe sulci . - Cato a grandson of the censor, an also os Paulus Macedonicus, hos claughter arrie the sonis the censor. This Cato a consul in II an condemne for corruption in connection it Iugurtha. - minime: qualifies acer to e supplied from accerrimus, ahen no very ealous, though now exceed ingly so Tum refers to the perio immediatet alter the deat o Ti. Gracchus nunc, to the time es the Suppose conversation, IN B. C. In the wor acerrimus here is chini at the suspicio that C. Gracchus

Gaius se n. On 3. o. neque ... nec common in Cic. O ne . nec nec ... neque,

however, is rare Arch. 293 f. a. - minime accipienda: notto berullo ed So πρόσγασιν or σκῆψιν αποδέχεσθα τινοs. P. 17. - nos: Romani, no simpi Laelius an his Aon inda . - maiorum: dependa on spatio curriculoque etaphors homracin are common in Cicero es. e. r. Academ a II a C. Μ. 4, 33, 83. Cf. also below, IOI. That there is litti difference in meaning between ratium an curriculum here perhaps course an career' is hown by passages like Orat Ia Academiae spatia sunt curricula multiplicium variorumque sermonum S tium refera atheroo the holeraround of the race-course, curriculum to the trachis portionpasseclive in running. 1. remum occupare to est lis a monarchy In Veli Pater. 2 4 4 Scipio Vs of Ti. Gracchus A si occupandae rei sublicae animum habuisset vel: - vel solitis. - is quidem: - ἐκεῖνό γε, or

γε as in Homers ot neede for the sense, but adde in orde topoint attentio more closely to the subjectis the verb. - audierat: the modern equivalent for hearine of suc a matter ould e re ingabout it in histo So the Greelis sa ἀκουομεν , know fro history', ἁκεκoos in an ignorant of history'. - P. Scipione P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio, the murdere o Ti. Gracchus. eis somelimes calle sontifex se. g. in Cat. I, 3 to distinguis him from Africanus, ut in ther pasSage meret P. Scipio as here es Leg. 3, o Planc. 88 His fallier is mentione in Ioi Nasica Serapio