장음표시 사용
St. Ambrose, St. Thomas, the Venerable Bede and so many othera devoted them-Selves to study and reading. He who neglecis study is like a soldier
Son, to acquire Virtue and piety, read the lives of the Fasters and of holybishops and priesis. Considering welltheir example and the end of their conversation, thou shali imitate their faith. Oh, how great is the power of example lΜuch greater, indeed, stan that os
them in the footsteps of the Lord, let usascend with them to the home of the Godos Iacob. Sacred study, my son, will be a liratio thy mind, a spur to thy Will, a guide
Wisdom and science 3 Dost thouwish to acquire judgment, justice and the knowledge of doctrine ΤΙncline thy heari to study Scripture, delue for it more than sor a treaSure, seek it besore wealth. Soon thou inali abound and shali see that the knowledge of Scripture is above the acquisition os silver and gold, thatit is more precious than ali riches and that nothing that may be destred can
I am thy Lord, and thou ari my Servant. In the Scriptures I have iniselledine commandments stat Ι have given to
And I have commanded thee stat thoushouldst meditate upon them, sitiing in thy house, Walking abroad, sleeping andrising. Keep the law, my son; read What is Wriuen, sor it was written sor stine instruction. I am Κing of the whole worid and thou ari my minister, set apari precisely for this that the words, whicli I have given to thee in the Scriptures, thou
account of the eternat reward whicli theypromise thee.
Read the Scripture, and in thy judg-
unbeli evers. What participationhath that justice sor whicli thou ari striv-