An epitome of the priestly life

발행: 1921년

분량: 444페이지


분류: 미분류


I hese evit books, it is true. giVee ression to some false principies, butthe matter is Hosted in ricli and eloquent diction, and they Wili teain you


Soon they are ted astray and begin towaver in the faith. Soon they cease to bring Gery under- standing into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and allow their blind reasonio dominate their faith.


Seek not in them the profane novellies of the writers nor the theories of so-called Science, Seeing that many Who have fouit these things in them, have made


ure os satin in a fragile vage. Do not expose it to danger, knowingiuat iis preservation, even though thou bea priest, does not depend upon thy virtuebui upon my grace. Then again, my son, thou knowest that

faith without good works is dead. What inali it profit thee, theretare, toliave preserved the fatili is thou hast notaccomptished the task, that is is thouliast not preserved thy morais incorrupt3Τheresere thou fhouldst be no tessupon thy mard against books that destroy morais than against those stat ruin faith. See, my son, how the devii tries todeceive thee by a thousand wiles. Sincelie knows from experience stat prieStS,as a rute, abhor implous books, he crastila strives to undemine their sanctity by


nere are sew books, says he, Writtensor recreation stat are absolutely pure


the truth, thou dost osten thunder in the pulpit against those Who read or retain in their possession this hind of literature. And why3 Because thou knowest that impure speech corrupis good morais, that the spirit is prone to evil and that the flesti is Meah. Hast thou, priest though thou ari, divested thyseis of human spirit and human flesli 3 Assuredly not. Thou must indeed be more chaste manthe laity, more holy and more perfeci. But thou art a man, and of thyself thou


Look upon me present With thee and under thine eyes, that penetrate the innermost depilis of thy heari, fulsill thy task. Remember stat I am a lealous Lord cursing him Who does my Worknegligently. See with what reverence ministers of state treat with their kings. And I, my son, am the Κing of hings. the Lord os lords; and when thou sulfillest the obligation os reciting the divine ossice as my minister and the mediator



of men, thou trealest with me of the most important of ali assairs, of the remissionos sins, of the sanctification os fouis, of grace, salvation and eternat glory. And thou darest in so great and holya Work to turn thy mind to other mings;while the angeis praise, the dominations adore and the powers tremble, thoudarest to preSent. so important a case in

Pronounce the Gloria to the Trinityat the end of the psalms with ait theassection of thy foui; thus the wandering