A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

발행: 1825년

분량: 528페이지

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Comissari, comessari.

Cunctari, colitari percunctari, perconiari me origin is o scure moat retain the sermo spelling. Dumtaxat, duntaxat the originis ibis probabi commund word is unknown.

Fetialis secialis me mer method sem preserabis, cause the Greelis spellci so. Glaeba, gleba. Haud haut the mer m om, ille laueri om οπι most wriis haud. Induciae, indutiae the derivation is unceitain. Vossius derivescit rom endo or iis, and otium, hence it shouldae speltwitha. Perhaps it comes stom ducere bellum oderethenius cararon, War me induciae is in no tengiliening out war, ille cessatio oscit sor a time, a truce. - truce amorest the ancient in early times, was a sortis Peace, o suspensiones hostilities for many ea . Letum, lassium the semer soni derive sto the supinet tum os the old ver leo, hince deseo semctoae derived the

Litus, littus ille oritin is unknown. Mile, milles ut origin is unknown. et mile seenis r serable M inordinia more direct Murce of the Enosti mile, andietis harmoniaing,it the reta, ι.Μcereo, maereo moestus, maestus the originincertain. Nuntius, nunesus uncertes derivation. obscoenus, obscenus 'he forme derived froni coenum, thelarier stom scena, acutatio produce on the Stage.

Oppidum, opidum the lauer inme derive stom opes. Paene, pene some prefer paene is decorum' sata ther fore paenultima, antepaenultima paeninsula.


Post nus, posthumus, hor aster the ather' deatli theforme is generali preserred, bccaus one bor aster his suther's cloathris the las sonu ut since therias son is no at way bornaster his father' death sinne prefer posthumus, post humatum Patrem natus. Saeculun , seculuna the learned generali preser the sormer,

whichris Bund in inscriptions and coins. Mura, satyra. s. Casaubon has inown ibat ille Roman s lire comes sto satura lance, and ther ore, si uld write satira, satura a.decimus, decumus. Sollemnis, solennis in forme some derive fio solius, totus, ha happens very rear the latis sto soleo, halcis


Sollers, solers the orme is alio derived sto solius, oneshilsul in ali hings. Sollicitus, inlicitus ille sermo again stom sonus the lauersrom solum, the round or bouom, and meo l. e. moveo whince soliditus, moved stom his base, inici is almos equivalent tode statu deiici, tote thrown rom his station. Taeter, teter the originis unknown. Tingo, tinguo me sermo is sive pingo, M. the latis is supporte by manuscripta so ungo, unguo, the lalter of hichis supporte unguentum. Unquam umquam both occur in manuscripti it perhaps comes mi unus or unicus, and sta sim unicam, scit partemo rem in ibis case unquam is more correct so nunquam,


IIII. In some, d the spelliniis indisserenit, as:

Delectus, dilectus, the levyinios soldiersci the forme stomdeligo, the lalter froni diligo, to choose out O severat. In O de orp' ediuon of Caesar, dilectus is alwars presenta. Quotidie cotidie coquus, cocus: qu is generali presened: SodoCutus, loquutus secutus sequutus cum quum. It is the Disiligo b Corale


30 in Orthography.

fame illi vicesimus, vigesimus tricesimus, trigesimus canit Mere pronouncta Mike. The more accurate preser vicesimus, tricesimus Caius and Gaius are also iridisserent thesorme is more anClent.

Nole. The fialowing means are sera imabis Hascertainingsto orthography. I. Analogkor resemblance. --Since me, ite auditio, instumiis, e must alio rite conditio in contio G comtio is bel- ter than concio assentia os the eople it probabi is mi tractedam comitio, and like comitia comes rom comire orcoire. Since we have divitiae, sapientia, froni divitis, sapientis, we must rite prudentis prudentia. S audacis audacia soserocis serocia pertinaci I in.

2. Examples of Greeli riters.-- Dio Cassius Writes αὐ- ριτας it sonows that the Roman in his opinion wrote auctoritas. e writo Maecenas, Magnentius, Mauricius, Mausesto Greelis have νωικηνας, Μαγνεντιος, παυρικras. 3. The quantityis vllabies.--Ν one,ill rite preces; precor, sedeo, ith, or m. o knows that the fidit ollabis is inori. et there is inmetimes an anomaly peiero has me se- con syllabio hori, though the rs in iuro is long so voco,


creases the dissicut 'o beginners, and is, no adva lage. thera again use only u. III. The are equali divide ab Uthe separationos syllabies. Some divide exacti a the speah;

limbomas Chthonia I-chthyophagi, neius gnavus innus Pgnus vinis, Ctesiphon intio, ThiaspiA-thleta, molus P tinus, maragdus Asteri-snaus. This orthographnis et intended, ut perhaps inomethodices occasion dissicut is leainers, an has litue use, but raster Minys sume affectation. any go stili further, and divide Ddnus, Smara-gdus, hisbe Al-cmene, though no Word in the Latin languageeven derive stomahe Gree begius Wistran,id, b. I is however os lituo importance hoW,e divide, is me solio the example os the leame in generes, and avoid the ridiculοus. IIII. We also finxi ancient and modern Writings


l. The personaliames of the anCients A. Aulus, C. Caius, Cn. naeus o Cneius D. Declinus, L. Lucius, M. Marcus, Μὰ o M'. Manius, P. Publius Q. Quintus, Ser. Servius, Sorsex. Sextus, Sp. Spurius, T. Titus, Ti. or Tib. Tiberius. Othe wotas, asin. U. C. anno urbis conditae: A.Ρ.R.C. anno post Romam conditam: Cos. Consul, Consulem, Consule: Coss. Consules, Consulum, Consulibus. Antonio et Cicerone Coss. I. E. Consulibus in generat the Oubluicos a letter notes the plurat, Praeit Praetores, Praetoribus, M. C. D. Consul designatus: D. Divus : D. Caesar, Divus Caesar: D. Ο Μ. Deo optimo maximo: D. D. dono dedit: D.D.D. das dicat, dedicat o dono dicat, dedicat: Des designatus Dess designati: D. M. Diis manibus: F. Filius M. C. M. F. amus Cicero arci filius F. F. F. selix, faustum, fortunatum: S. Sestertius, Sestertium, Ccordulga the ConteXt:

Id. Idus a. d. III Id. Oct ante diem tertium idus Octo es: Imp. Imperator: Ι Ο Μ. Iovi optimo maximo: Kal. Kalendae, alendas, M. :Μ. . . Ilarcus Tullius Cicero: Νω Nonae a. d. IlI non. Mai. ante diem tertium N

nas Maias:


P. posuit:

P. F. Publii filius:

Ρ. S. or PS. Plebiscitum Proc. Proconsul: Ρ.Μ. o Ponti ax Pontifex Maximus: S. Salutem, in episti es alio sacrilin: S. D. salutem dicit: S. P. D. salutem plurimam dirit: S. V. B. E. si vales, bene est S.V. B. E. E. V. si vales bene est, ego valeo S. V. B. E. E. Q. V. si vales bene est, quidem valeo. se nil si os abbreviations used by the modems, and Hileis applicabie in Germany is omitte l. The leamercis referre to the notes soran account os me sim o sto hic divide the members of a sentenceor period the author'saccolint, Which ORONAIn thiSplaceti su long and so miicli more suit te to an Englisti grammis that we have thought it expedient is omitrit.-Notes, Translator.


terjection. his is the mos usua division the last seu are also termed particles 'he participie perhapsmight be include in the adjective, and the interjectioni the adverb. et me mosti adhere t What is usual Othemiso the would neuher undercland offers norie understood by thein. e must fiditiive someide of these Wordii Englisti.

i is calle a nou substantive and in Englisti the article theor is generali prefixed as the ather, the mother, theiread aman the man, a thing the stire, a Woman the woman a glios

ille host, c. In the secondi erit is called a noun adjective: a good, long laraad, fine, muta, lute, lach. When I say, thesiasteris moliather is a substantive and good an adjective: ille breta is blata, the Mead i. iis blata and white are asjectives A substantive may stand alone: as, the ather is come, the brea instes o with an adjective; as, the good fallieris com , the whitearead astes hiit an adjective anno standwithout a substantive I cannot say the good is come thewhite instes; hichiobody ould undenta , except the su stantive wenti ore, and could easib M supposta, as, Os WhM colouris ste Metat itis ite Where ille substantive, rearim te readilfunderato . The case, re ille adjectivo is used substantivesnwillae herealter considered. The folloWing


observatio also merita attention Alliersons, and things, towhicli, can attribute tength, readth number, beau ty goodo bad qualiu or,hicli, can Count, ear seel buy, seli, taxe way give, eat, diiuM M. Me substantives. O theconiram the wotas long great, litue, siue reri rem, M., ichil in the qualiu os substantives, are adjeciives. Substam lives are osten used Miliout an aritae: as, Phax Memmen, Masis, horam, Ecc. in Ather, Lmother, my reia, M. :


nations ei ther change te flexibiles oris hange le inflexibiles).A. heirs fouesare Gange te numely,

famem. When, spe single object it is calle thesingula number numeriis singularis); ut os more the pluralnumber numerus pluralis). R The have disserent terminationsto express, the sather, the good ather, os ille good sester, to ibo

also are distinguished into sive disterent Hilds whicli are nam deciensions deesinationes . There are then sive deciensio , or sive wars os chan nithe si cases da here axe momoverin nouns, threeterminations sordisserenti dera genera).2. The verbitu, oscit termination stili osteneri a Iesi spectis ille persons, i, bou, he we, γ' they. The termin tion is one, , - I love another, is thou loves 1 e loves, M. b In respecios number one way, sor the athera es; another,

respecti the mode thus, Plove Lmight ove, I had Ioved, and I si ut have loved require disserent terminatio . e Inis spect of this, hether I do any hing, or ibis done in me as, Ilave, and Lam loved. te. ence it appears that the fissi laurai sis Messare the mos dissiculi. The nolin, prono in and participis, aresaida be declined the verba be conjugated.


conjunction, an interjection, are unchange te i. e. Me netther decline nor conjugated. III. These eight kind os vord are surther, i in luther radicar votas primitiva , Miraim, laus ordin-

of the Noun, und particularly the crun Substantive. The noui substantive is, heresere, eum person orthing, Whicli can exist orie conceived Mone, and witi,

out anOtlierci ut ili alective is liateve can existorie conceived illi a substantive, and anno exist

thout it Since the adjective sono salie substantive in ali respecti, and ther ore, assar a possinte, has

the sam terminations o cases astili substantive, Wemus firs speis of the lalterci et what the adjective has in common,ith the substantive, Will a the fame timete briefly mentioned. In the substantive there are notice I. disserent d nominations 2. the ender 3. the relation os num-ber 4.ythe terminations o eases 50 the sve hi s os deciension:-in es of Whicli the adjective in a great degree partes eS.