A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

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in bregulu Vertis Indicative. Conjunctive.

Pres edo edis and es, odit an Pres edam dis is regular. t edimus, editis and estis,


Imp. edebam M. is regular. v. ederem and Essem, ed res andasses M.

Pers edicis regular. Pej. ederim is regular. Plup. ederam is regular Ptim edissem is regular. u . edam is regular. Ibi murus sim M. is regular. Fus Perf. edero is regular. Imperative. Infinitive. . Me andas Plur edite res and Imp. edere andasse. nnes te. Per flanditi p. edisse. Fui. g. edito an esto. s. Fuit esse murus Ac. edito an esto. Geminas an Supines are Plist. q. editote and iste gular. edunto. Participies edens and esurus. ite. The commund are the fame comedo, comedis and comes exedo, ex is, an exes M. e also sta in stopass. estur se editur, Plaut. oen. 4. 2. Isis bilatur, est quasi in popina. Ovid. Pontio. l. 69. Estur ut occulta

vitiata teredine nauis in Celius. 5. 27 3 pari pass. esus, a, um, Gell. 9. 6. Priscian. O. also cites the supino estum. We have also esus in i c. lo edi, Solin. 7 27 . Theyancientissaid edim, is xc sor edam, as, laut Aul. 3. 2. I 6. Capt. S. I. I. cen. 4. 2. 45 3. l. 34. Caecit an Pompon. ad Non. IO. I 8.

H. Fio, factus suin, seri, am, oram made is the passive os lacio instoad os lacior, an in the tenses, whicli come irom the present, sollοW audio the infinitive an perseet with the enses ille e deriveriare conjugated as passives. Indicative. Conjunctive.

. sio, sis, si simus, sitis, res fiam, as, at M. fiunt.


Indicativo. Conjunctive.

Imp. nsibam us a tinc. I p. fieretn es, et &C. Pej sum illi the part fac Petu factus sim M.tus factus suin M. Plup. facilis eram M. Plup. iactus essem M. Fut fiam es, et M. Fut satis.

Imperative. Infinitive.

Pres si fite Fut sito sito I res ait Imia fieri. latote, fiunto. Pers and Plup. factus esse M. factum iri.

Init saciendus. Nese lauium diis is also used . Note. I. The third persona termination in the sing. is osten ista impersonali, sit it happens sebacit happenod factum est factum erat: et sacrum fuerit S also in the conj. sat fieret M. 2. Fimus, iis, fis and the imperative are raret Mund.

stur, Cato apud Prisc. 8 fiebantur, Cato, ibid. fitum est, Liv. in Odyss. p. Non. 7. m. Facior as used brio faciutur, Nigid. v Non. 10 19 sectatur, Titann ibid. Petron. 7l. Al0. . S. Live solare conjugated iis compound Calino, arefio M. :ali commund of facio, which retalia, have so in the pastive; as liquefacio, liquefioinc But those compound whicli change facio into ficio, have the regula passive in ficior, and ais of the inita conjugulon a meso, e tor e ceris M. so conficio, perficio, and offers.


in Irregula Verri. VII. Eo, in orcii, tum, ire, O solioWs the laurili conjugation, an is irregula in but seW instances.

Indicative. COHunctiVe. Pres eo, fit 1imas, ius, eunt. m. eam, eas, eat eamus, eatis, eant.

DF ibam, as, at amus, is, Imp. irem, im iret M.


iri or ii, visu, ivit Pere iverim orierim is, it M.

L P . vero, is it c. M. Pers fatu. Imperative. Infinitive.

Pres Late. Pres and Imp. ire. Pers and Plup. ivisse. Fut it 5, ito itote, eunto. IM. iturus esse. Geonin eundum, di, do M. Pines itum, itu. Pari Pres iens G euntis. Fui ituruS. Note. As, osten fini audisti, audissem &c so audivisti

M. so also isti, issem M. e g. isti, Cic. Phil. I2. Id. Note. a. In ille passive, o have es the inita personaltermination, si e eo Ges no govem an accusative this is used impersonalty as, Pres itur they go Cori eatur Imperfitiatur Com. iretur Peu itum est COU Hum sit Plup. itum erat Conj itum esset: ut ibitur: ut Pers itum fuerit. Ii ille Infinitive ve have, res iri inhichris particulari used so the indirect future os the insin o ali passive ver Peis itum esse. q. Lita eo are conjugate it compotinds, abeo, tae 3 They mostly rejectis in the persect, and the tenses the eram rived as adii, adiisti adisti), adiit, adiimus c. adierint,


adieram, adiissem adissemin, adiero, adiiSse adisse : and thus in the olliet Onapouiads, ambio excepted whicli sollows regulari uae Murth conjugation, like audies ambio is, it imus, itis, iunt Conjunct. ambiana, as M. Parti ambiens G am

bientis, not ambeuntis Circumeo sommimes rejecis mictore uas circuit ser circumit, circuire. VIII. Que can, nequeo can not veneo um Oid

i mi venum sale, an eo ο), solio eo excepi thatthey have, imperative, and that the woraret have nogerundri the lasti gemmds, supines, nor participies Indicative. Conjunctive.

Pro queo, quis, quit quimus, bra queam AS, at remus,quitis, queunt utis, ant. ειρ quibam, a d c. Imp. quIrem, es &C.


is, ita C.

Imperative fuit .ffisitire. Pres an Imp. quire. Pers and Plup. quivisse

and quisse e g. Lucret. 5. imi bt esse quiturus M. Gerulfri sest.. Supine quitum, qui tu .Part. Pres quiens, Apuleii Mel. 6. Itit qui turius. I lius is Colsugate Iiequeo, b prefixin ne throughout iis nequeo, neu luis 3 c. Ole. an paris os queo seldomi Cur a quibo, quiens M. it is the fame illi nequeo When nequeo, nequeunt, nequeam, as, at, amus alis, ant, are osten


'Meyeetive Verbs. c. ap. Diom. l in gutia est, Terenti Hec. a. i. 57, latina in tenebris nosci non quita est so nequitur, Plaut. Rud 4. 4. 2in Sallust Iug. Si S4ὶ Plaut. ap. Fest. nequitum Pacuv. and Cato ap. est. Veneo sollows eo: e have only throughoucto prefix en as, Mi Pres veneo, venis M. Imp. venibam an veniebam. Pers venis o venii, veniisti, veniit M. p. venieram. Fbi venibo. ut Peis veniero M.

O Defective VerbS. Desective verbs are those, os,hicli est the modes,

tenses, numbers, and persons are nocused by the -- ients. Among st these inii uitiei ahle verbs might bo

I. Aio say, flirin, V Me os this the solio ingare used: Indici Pres aio, ais, ait Coni Pres alam, aius aiat:


54. and 74 aierunt, er-ttili de iuga in perscc. 6. I 'ut axi, Plaut. Duc 5 49 Νεev M. Prisc. 10. I iiit alere, Augustin. de Trinit. 9. lo. Pan alem. Aput mel. 6. p. l78. Elme . mentia, i. e. -- firmativa, adfirmantia, Cic. v. l. Me aibant sor aiebant, Acc. ap. Prisc. IO.

Indic. res inquam, inquis, Conj. Pres. - inquius iat. inquit inquimus, inquitis, Plur. Hatis iant. inquiunt. Imp. inquiebam, as,int: mus,atis, anti m. B. inquitat occum Cic. Top. 12.

Per inquit, inquisii Cic. r. 2 64 inquiit Catuli. 0.

14. Plur. - inquistis . Fut inquie=, inquiet.

Plur. inquient.

Imperat Pret inque Terent. and Plaut.)Etu inquito, Plauti

Νote. At thes O Cur many ho ever, ut scidom: in- qii istis is unCertaui; et illi the ther persona terminations, whicli are here omitted, it ma have been in se: inquam and inquit are the mos common alio pari inquiens sincertain.

ΙΙΙ. Me inui remember, odiante, σν have begun, are regula periectioi the thir condugation, and have est the tenses Whicli come rota the persect.


in Defectine Veres.supine, an Consequently non os the tenses whichii Mimedfroui them excepi in me imperat memento.

Indicative. Conjunctive.

vlup. as imp &c. it is of the inita conj an has an insinu. lat. and two patucipies. Indicative. Conjunctive.

Per Podi Phale also I have Per fiderim, is, it M. hared Measter. isti, itM. P γ oderam, as, at M. P . odissem, es et M. Tut suis, Minus it has no ut osurus sim, sis, si Ecc. present the ut pers is used sor it yet we suffodies

Imperat fatis entireb. tis uiue Pres and imp. sali Pers and plup odisse Fut.

osurus esse M.

Gerunda and stipis es do novoccur ii the ancients oet odiendiis Dund Apuleii doct. Plat. s.


in Defectio Verba.

Parι pres. Odiens e g. Odientes, Tertuli adv. Marc. 4. ID. t. osurus.

I alio has a pers parti pass. sive a de nient, mus, a, una in

42 passiv oditur, Tertuli. Amitas odiremur, Hieroniti Ep. 43. l8. ad Marcen.c Coepi, I have begun is a persectam the obsolete coepio, and is regulari os ille thir conjugation. Indicative. Conjunctive. Pres and i . Me notissedci res an imp unusual but but we have coepio Plaut coepiat Plaut. Truc. 2. I. 2I. Nen. 5. 1 57. and coeperet Terent. d. s. 4. 43. a Priscian re swissi severa manus pis:

wen, have coeperit. Pers coePI, IStI XC. Pers coeperim, is itin C. Plup. cceperam, a M lup. Coepissem, es M. Bιture satis coepiam, Cato M. ut coepturus sim M. Festo

coepero, is ii, M. Imperat satis. cause there Isio preMnt. u. m. an imp. satis: et e have coepere, Plaut. m. a. s. l. Pers and p . coepisse Iia coeptunis esse M. Gemias and supines sat Participies. l. Ibi coepturus ad there is alio a pari pers.


so forme and used with infin pass. Ar coepit M. e. g. Pons institui coeptus est, Caes. B. G. 4. IS: materia comportari coepta est, o Coepit, Caes. Ibid. Athenienses bello undique premi Runt clepti, plep. Tim. s. ut coeptus sum pacem facere, &c.would lis inachurate.

Obs Nori. o cis commoni rectaneis ani ut desective verbs; ut incorrecij novicis roni nosco, a cognovi stomcognosco. The signification hac Med gramminans. causethenare ioth rendere sive nosco means amae ire, si

ut so that ibis desective. Os novicit must e furtheris maia , iliaci re Afrfecta ille syllabies vesand vi a novisti,

nosti novistis, nostis noverunt, norunt in noverim, norim: noveris, noris noveram noram noveras, noras novissem, Dossem novisse, nosse. t is the sanae illi ita commundscognosco C. a cognoram, Cognossem &C.

IIII. Aurim I mandare, faxim I mando, are alm

rechone amongst desectives They are raster id persectis, an have the significationis a present asdixerit aliquis one may say, se dicat a fluum stoin the old auserim instea os ausus sim, as

ausi sor ausus sum occum Cat. ap. Prisc. ausis, ausit plur. ausint It is the famem audeam, a MC : E. g. dicere ausim

may weli say, Liv. Praef. h Faxim so fecerim faxis, faSit, imus itis, int, E. g. faxit deus God grant so di faxint, Cic. Verr. S. 35. Ve have also the fui. erf. faxo, is it M. forfecero, is M. Liv. 6 35 23. II: Terent. Heaut 2. S. I :saxem sor sacerem o secissem, Plaut. Pseud Li. 84. Thatthme old persecta inould have ille sense os ille pres conj winnot appea strange to thos, o recollech that ille antaenis coim tinuatly use the pers coiri, sor heims conj., as dixerim I may


say, si quis dixerit is any one Ahali say, sor dicat: so non crodia derim, fecerim I cannot belleve, do M.

V. Forem mightinc. e the fame as essem Orsuturias essem Mem is e the imp co . o the oldver suo i. e. sum , by contractio sex suerem ther Aretorem standsior essem, and somelimes sor fuissem, e g. Ovid. Her. 6. 144. t has the bllowini sorem,sores, foret plur forent. he Infinit sere is ostenused sor futurus esse c., ut is properi the presentan impers, sor it is osten subjoined to either: e. g. scio ore, qui dicant here tris the present sciebam fore, qui dicerent here the imp. o the compounta sorem, adforem, absore, adsereac sor abessem, ade sem ablaturus, adsuturus essem abfuturum esse &c.

VI. Sal , halli e welli an an hane hest lare imperatives os the old verbs salveo, aveo.

a Salve, sali ete: ut salvetoci infinit salveres e g. iubeo te salvere, Terent. I bid ou, ait Cicero has also satiebis e. g. ad Attic. 6. 2. valebis in salvebis a meo Cicerone, forvale, salve hcncerit is clea that it comes sto salveo, hichalso occur Plaut. Duc 2.2.4, here to one Who says salve, mollier answers non salveo Damno well. hau aveis; sit avolo in imii avere. Some also, ite have, havere M. - si alio aveo, Pan wen e g. amemn in grati aci ad Iulian. 29. Note. Some ad to these vale, sero well, valete. But this is rom valeo Pa well, whicli ver is stili in use, and con9list a te throughout In laci, whe we adtires an One wemustis the imperative. et Cicero osten sus valeas and valebis. Vale Properi means,ie welli

VII. Desit, satis is antini nihil defit, nothingi Wanting. n good writer the infinitivo ρfiseri isalso metimes used e g. Terent. IIec. . . :also ut defiet, Liv. s. lici res. 0iri defiat, Plaut