A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

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2l O Defectine Verri. Rud. 3. 4. 63.men. l. 4. 2. Gellius 20. . has also defiunt VIII. Isit egins osten occurs in Poeta e g. sarier infit o infit, scit diceres: e. g. Liv. 3. 1. ibi infit. s. Ovid. et M. 475 Virg. aeneid. 10 860. The plur insunt, an Cap. 2 inse, in Glossis a cordino in riscian , Varro used ita no more os

IX. Ce lo teli, say, gives sing. an plur. it is a peculia imperative unlescit be raster the ver cedo, cessi c. I ield, mini, stat omething e said, oven . In Plautus me even find the plura cedite,

and conu ceste: erc. . . . ceu dextras nunc: Cette manus vestras, Enn ap. Non. 2. 122 cis vestro

imperat quaese, Plauti M. Non. I. 2I3. XL From dari, fari, me fin no the fret persons indic. and conjunct. dor der sor, erci e there re, do notiosus them: et thenare mentione by the grammaria Diomedes. XII. Scio does nocinae sci in the imperat Scito is used insteta. XIII. Os page, apage te, egone, WV-Withyou nostin more occurs: hich may be accountinsor, sincerit is properly the Gree imperat ἄ- , a,


ον Impersona Verti. 219 apage te, means lata thyses away, egones in Pollio ad Cic. in Epp. Cic. ad Div. 10 32 duxit se a Gadibus, i. e. abiit, an ducere se is a times used by Plautus se ire. When apage stand Mone, te must bounderet d. It is selsevident that it caesoni be Medos tho secondierson sing. XIV. From nare exuit, triumph, careel more

cur in writers stan ovat, ovet, ovaret, ovandi, ovans, ovatus Persius and ovaturus is more occurritaliouldbe rem ked.

person Ing. is used, and without a precedinigrarn-matical person o. g. pater, res homo M. Or, in other Woias Wit ut a nom. of the subject as, oportet itis necessary, statur icis stood, thenstand. They aroosmo kiiidsci ome have an active, thera a passive terminatim: I. Some have an active termination, and come Domverbs in libet o lubet it pie es, licet it is lawsul, piget merit irri me, . g. sor the la ur, taedet it aries me, o pertaedet lucescit, or lucisci . it grow danight of hic me generallyin only thothir person, without nominative. et omelimes amminative precedes, and thenare used personalty :e. g. quod libet, Cic. Quint. 30 quae libuissent, Sueton. Caes. 20 quantum liceat vobis, Cic. Rab. Post 5 quid liceat, Cic. anil. 19 quae licent, Senec.

Controv. 4 25 omnia liceant, nec de Clement. I. 18:

id ei licet, Cic. Phil. l3 5 quod se cuius rei piget,


3. 3. 2I nonae lucescunt, vid. Fast. 5. 4Ιr hoc' ciscit lucescithiam, it Wili4- day, Plaut Amph. 3. I. 45 Terent. Heaut 3 1. Ici sol lucescit, Virg. ML 6 37 ego 'cepi taedere captivitatis, Hieron invita alchi, quae parit et taeduit animam Lactant. 4. 19. these are added, l. decet ui omest, dedecet it becomest nox miseret it pillest scit me, Iliave compassion sor,hicli miserescit an misereturare used oportet it is necessary, pudet it shameth

me , poenitet it repenteth me; bicli are commonjused only in the stita permn sing. and wiil ut a pr

cedininominative. et ure find them used also personalty parti Wit a nominative of the subjeci, and parti in offer perso Laod deceat, Cic. Rab. Post 5: id quemque decet, Cic. m. i. 31 quam se aliena deceant, ibid. haec me vestis deceat, Plaut. ost. l. 3. IF quae corona possit crines, Phoebe, decere tuos, vid. Fast. 2. 105 si quid dedeceat, Cic. OTI. 4l dedecui Stat Theb l0 334 nec dominam motae dedecuere comae, vid. m. l. 7. 2 miseret ipse sui, Lucret. 3. 894 miserete anuis for unus , Enn. . Non. 7. 58 cogebant hostes, ut misererent, Enn. . Priscian 8 pudeo, Plauti Cas. 5. 2 3 pudeat tacitus, Gell. 5. non te haec pudeI1tl ebent. Ad. q. 7. 36 quem saeva pudebunt, Lucan. 8. 496 υγ-los, si poenitere possint, posse et incolumes esse, Liv. 36. 22 nunc poenitebunt, Pacuv. ap. On. 7. 63' Ath nienses primi poenitere coeperunt, Iustin. 11. 3 opo tent an oportebant stan in some editions o Terent. And. 3. 2. I Heaut 3 2. 25 Where more editions have oportet an oportebat miseresco an mis


theresere cali these verbs impersonat, heneve ἄπhave no a nominative. alienare, hoWever, lihewiseused personali an in the plures a Iupiter tonabat, 'Op. 4. I. Iupiter lana, Senec. ed. 63l: figies, quae pluit, Plin. II. N. 2. 56 tantum glandis pluit, Virg. Geor. 4. I bellaria pluebant, Stat Sylv. 1. 6. 10: ningunt, Lucret. 2. 627 Iove fulgurante, Cic. Div. 2. I 8 theresere the said Iupiter ωlgurat coelo ve perascente, Nep. Pelop. 2. die vesperascente, Tacit. An n. 16 34 wheno the mus have sat coelum, dies vesperascit Finalty in these belong. s. sonicverbs of hicli the thir persona termination is in-deed used personalin bufonly impersonalty i. e. Wiit, out a nom. prefixed in a particula signification in interest it concerns, interes means, is amongst, refertit concerns also, o relates, vacat there is eisure,

there is room t whicli the add, constat it is clearo manifest, praestat it is bouer, fit it happens, iuvat it deligitis, attinet adt. it pertains ad me , conducit itis aduanta geous, contingit it besals accidit it besais,


in Imperio ut Verti. evenit it occura, convenit it suila, expedit it is adv-

Yet these are osten Med Wit a nominative of the subjeci, as res mira accidit inenare, ster ore, no in

themselves impersonat, as interest, refert, vacat: ean only say that themare osten us et without a nominative of the subject, i. e. impersonalty But the wemus addisore e g. potrat as, potest fieri est pus, est notum c. e might also divide impersona verbs, parti into thos Whicli are sometimescio, parti intostose Whicli are alWays So. Also any one Wh cau

conjugate ma directist Wbieli conjugation e chos siem belongs: viet those in atrio the fidit inose in et to the second interest is like sum refert is line

resero c. I. To the farsi a tonat, tonabat, tonuit, tonuerat, tonabit, tonuerit: o, . tonet, tonaret, M. Infinit tonare, tonitisse soni urat M. 2. To the seconi oportet oportebat, oportuit, oportuerat,

opo tetiit, Opol tueIit: COII OPUrteat, OPO telet, oportUerit, OPΟ tuisset Imperat satis Gnfinit oportere oportuisseu tris ostentranslate must, as Oportet ni discere. Or Oportet ego discam,

must learnain. lius are conjugate ali et a poenitet mein poenitebat lin. Piget, pigebat, piguit, o pigitum est: Decet, decebat, decuit Pudet, uit oratum est. But miseret malim miserebat, misertum o miseritum est: e havo alio miserevirior miseret Libet mihi), libebat, libuit and libitum est Iacet niihi; licebat, licuitandiicitum est: sedet, taedebat,

taesum est, Plaut. ost. l. 4. 4. o taeduit, Sidon. p. s. i5: Lactant. 4. I9; so pertaedet, pertaesum est &C. Rote Libitum and licitum ais mean whatileases, is allowed whenc libitum est, it pleases, citum est, it is allowed in libitum erat, erit M.

3. To me inies as accidit, contingit miserescit e g. merui; λ whicli, have miseret an miseretur.


4. the iussi a convenit, conveniebat M. 5. Lilce stim interest intererat, intersuit, interfuerat, in- inierit, interfuerit Conj intersit, interesset M. Note. An these impersonat verbs have an infinitive, butio imperative, sor Which. en necessarγ, the conj is used Pas pudeat te, let it inamo heri M. They have alio in pari, no gemias, supines, nor participies; et e findicenitens Cic. Phil. 12 2. Sallust ap. Charis. 3. Sueton. Claud. 43 poeniturus, a, um, Sallust ap. Quintil. 9. 3. 2 poeniturum acc cum infinit. Acc. ap. Non. Q. GH, poenitendus, a, um, Liv. I. 35. Colum. 2. Q. Sueton Vesp. I. Sallust Iug. 85. 89ὶ Gell. l. 3 gerund. poenitendi, in Tusc. 4. 37. Liv. 24. 26 ad poenitendum,

Plata. 5.5.8 poenitendo, Cic. v. Lactant. 6 24 ad pude dum Cic. Briit. 5o pudendo is iname, Cic. r. I. 26 alio Fidens al. modest pudentior pudendus, a, um, Mili substantives pigendus, a, um, Prop. 4. l. 76. 74 libens a . Miling, licens adj. ree.

ILL me have a passive termination, ut O theneut gender, Where in En isti me must prescit for

ma be sermed rom ali verbs both transitive, as scribitur they write, bibitur thenesin M. an intra biive neut , a sis, statur, the stand curro, curritur they mn, sedeo, sedetur the SIt, and lius through allthe tenses a sedetur the sit, sedebatur the Were sitiing, sessum est the have sat sessum erat, sede bitur, sessum fuerit Cori sedeatur, sederetur, sessum

sit, sessum esset c. SO Persuadetur, persuadebatur, persuasum est, c. venitur the come, Ventum est

cus. Note. Ali these impersonias have an infinit. Maturi, ederi, per Seladeri c. Soraessum SSe cursum esse, ventum esse e


Portici Lare modifier os nouns substanti vera rised rom verbs, which like n iis adjective, and pr

nouns adjective beino unite to nouns substantive in the Same ender, number, an case, are there re de

ver amo deum, amans deum, amor a deo, amatus

a deo; 4. that the include the notion os time, as amans n-Joving, in the pres. or one Who Wa loving: amaturus ones incla love amatus one alaeta loved, one ho has been loved Since, in his Way thenina Aurioid anne paritae it thei verbs, thenare calle participies smin particeps partising. any grammarians consider the last viet the notion os time, a the oesy signis distinction belween participies and nouns adjective or pronouus adjective 'ut this is erromous offer is nocturnus, munus, hesternus Wouldie participies, even in a more accurate sense, si e the denote time more accurately than participies. Besides, participies are osten sed without ille notionos time, as homo deum amans felix est, laudamus h minem virtuti studentem M. e must heres e minprehend est tho seu distinctions particularly the twom id die signimust notist neglected Their deciensionis the samerus that os adjectives.


Porii piri. 225We remis os them a sinows: I. Participies are abbreviations os sentences as, homo amans deum est felix sor homo, qui amat deum,

est felix amans o qui amat. For homo, si deumanin est elix, e manals SV hom deum amans

est sella. Oreover, Augusto imperante sectum est , se tum, in Augustus imperabat: ithridate victo, Sulla Romam rediit, se postquam ilhridates victus eratac. heise os participies illust theresere be early leami, ii, Wout leam it correctly II. At verbs in o transitive or intransitive, have commovisse participies l. ires. and impers inrus. 2. future in mas, a, m. Passives, When they have

three persons, i. e. O me rom verbs whiel, gover an

aecusative, have also tW participies Q. pers and Plup. in us a um 20 ut i in dus, a, um Which lastis osten used of the present oriast time, missi a Wordos, desinite timo almos liae the Gree a isq; as, occupatus sum literis scribendis, Lam busfwith writingletters;-here it is used of a present time o circumstance heri occupatus sui literis scribendis, y lard VI was c. s. past time. Gahe contrary passives

have regularis iam pass. thereibre a pari sui indus me do nes correcti say, studendus, persuademdus oc Further, neuter passives have three partici-PleS, II nS, S, andis Ius a gaudeo, gaudens, gaVisus, gavisurus c. Deponenis,hich gover an accus have ali seu participies at Me via. l. ires acti inius; as hortans sequens 20 sui aci in rus; as hortaturus, secuturum 3. pers in us as hortatus, secutus 4. sui pass. in diis as hortandus, sequendus to e fol-


three participies in s us, and rus a utenS, USUS, usurus : the laurili inius satis Uc anno correctUsafutendus, smendus.

et in rom man verbs which govem no accusative me stili findatus pari in dus a carendus sto careo regnandus fiom

regno M. so utendus, ruendus, sto utor, ruor: et we findan accusative illi utor alio fruor the thereiore are Dot exceptions it is the fame it alutendus an iurandus, since deo and iuro at times have an accus.

partinusta passivelf e. g. cessatus se nn cesso, ovid. Fast. 4.6I7 Largaque provenit essatis messis in arvis deflagratus seo deflagro, Cic. Catil. d. f. in cinere deflagrati imperii desitus stom desino, Cic. ad Div. s. p. l. Q qui limus Papirius est vocari desitusci titubatus sto titubo, Virg. n. 5. 332. vestigia presso haud tenuit titubata solo successus

uom succedo, Cic fit in ere Cic. ad div. I6 ep. 2 l. 5. nam cum omnia mea causa velles mihi successa in erratus, sestia natus, lab ratus, persuasus, triumphatus vigilatus, and ossiem: 1et sonte os these at times in the active ista an accus. e. g. se uno, persuadeo, desino M. byparti as intransitive; as adultus, i. e. qui adolevit o. g. aetas adulta, Cic. verr. s. 68 virgo


adulta, Hor. d. 3. 2 8 so coenatus. i. e. lui Coenavit, Cic. Att. 2. 6 Cic. Div. I. 27 Cic. Deiot. iuratus, i. e. qui

ivravix iurati iudices are rum used by Cicero, and therwriters To theses linigkalso osus, whio missi ea us, perosio, has an active sense, qui th and Duma an occu3. e. g. exosus Tmianos, Viig. En 5.687 plos nomen consulum -- perosa erat, in s. 34. 3cc. to these some aio emersus Cic. Div. a. Gς in Vatin 7 i. e. qui postquam morsit butiliis is ston emergor i. e. emerm me vi The participi presentis transitive veri, is osten used passivel o reciprocatly a vertens, i. e. qui venitur, e. g.

Nep. Ages. 4. quod iter Xerxes, amo vertente, Cons erat, i. e. dum annus vertebatur, in ne ear we IIIa uiso under- stand dum annus se vertebat s ais volventibus annis, in due

time, astor th revolution o nian years Virg. n. I. 234 238.), certe hinc Romanos olim volventibus annis hinc sorod , i. e. dum anni volverentur, o volverent se.

5. The participies of iii an deponent also areisse passivela as Adeptus gained Cic. Seneci. e. d. Griov. sene tus, quam ut adipiscantur, omnes optant, eandem accusant

adeptum, here M. Emest has adepti: et adeptus, a, um is osten used passively as, adepta liberinis, Sallust Cat. 7. M. Cori. adeptam libertatem, Sallust Iug. lol: adepto primcipatu Tacit. Ann. l. 7 palmas adeptas, vid. Dist. 4 8. I9 in adipistatur is uso passively, Plaut. Trin. 2.2.82:

Comitatus accompanted Virg. n. l. Si 2 8l6. uno comitatus Achates: Cic. Catilin. 2. 2 quod ex urbe parum comita tus exierit Confes Rug. Cic. Verr. S. 56 quam manifestam, quam consessam rem pecunia c., an elsewhere, Quintil. 1. 5 5 14 8. 3 Detestatus, detested Horat. d. . l. 4.

la matribus detestata Dignatus, thouot Worstr Virg. n. a. 475 Coniugio Anchisa Veneris diis imisuperbo: Dimensus demensus), Senectio 7 a quo illa essent dimem et, studebe tiere, a Caes. B. G. 4. 17 Cic. r. Is Virg. V eor i. gal so Smensus, Liv. 2 l. 30 mulio maior pars itineris emenso, d et scwhere, a Val. Hac 5 18i Ementitus, Cic. M. D. Q 2