장음표시 사용
2.2l e ita et falsa M. in Cic. Hul es 45 Exsecratus, Cic. Phil. I. g. illius semitae columine: so Cato ap. Prisc. 8: alio exsecratissimi, Plin. H. N. 28. 2 Interpretatus, ac Lin. 2 iet Graecum interpretatum nomen tenemus in Cic. H
nesses, whi Ch are osten used passively in Cicero and elae lime; as, Cic. T. I. O. cum essent cum hoste pactae induciae a
iurecusaster, quod dierum essent pactae. Ad this proves, stat deponent has malim actives in o as experio, esto, memtio Mis,hicli,ere gradually disiis , a the deponenis eresubstituita es stem.
III. Participies osten completes tine the nature ofiimans adjective, o 'ther are complete nou tale
sve vig. I. The mures lose the notion os time; as, sapiens ise, ironi sapio, madens prudent conu sor providens, fio pro rideo provide, tutus sala stom tueor tuor, conu instead os tu tus it propoly means de ded: And perhaps ali adjectives inis and tus, e reali participies, though thri ver arenostias quadrupedans, praegnans, viridans elegans, auraius,
crinitus, stetus, praeditus, latireatus, personatus, sordidatus, tuseritus, peritus also elixus 8 c. Except those hici, evidently come rom substantives as amens, demens and thos Compounded inith in un); a imperitus, illicitus, illaesus M., hichdo no come sto the verba illaedo &c cause in vit verba has nodia negative sense the contrar cannoti inserre Dominfitiari, though it e derive indirecti seo lateor, sincerit ma come directi sto infitias: eo the BDwing.
is Dona infringo reah, here in is a plepo Sition in his way the doubie explanationis infractus is cleary so impatiens, insipiens M. s. When the lose their goveritinent, or tata another aspatiens frigoris, amans de M. Here amans is an adjective, hecauserit tahes a gelaiti veri ut is, sar amans deum, hiclialso is correct it is a participis. 4. When thesia alio degre is comi, soli, whicli many do: as amans, amantior more laving, amantissimus most lavim: egens, enitior, entissimus munitus, ior issimus optatus, ior, issimus tutus, ior issimus exercitatus, ior issimus: hic perhaps, are the mos usual, vise any ther s. any have
oianuae Comparatium, a teCtu S, tecti Orci many only the superinlative a deditus deditissimus meritus, naei tisSimus; ρομSuasum, PenuasissImum M. Hi these osten occur.
ste omne are called parte orationis, parta Oi Speech .
The othera are calle prepositions conjuncti0ns, undinterjections. Adverta sto ad an verbum perhaps adverbius is reatly an adjective, Whince adverbia sc vocabula , properi adjuncis to verse, arma hinesos Word Whichare Oinedes. principalisto verba whenc their name is express the notion o time, place or an Other cidicumstance or quality aegrotabam yesterda I s sita, agri aegrotabat Iba very sita; si Iwas there c. Theiice . Osten is nouns adjective
ον Adverti. an participies a valde doctus very earned valde tristis, nimis tristis M. 3. Osten tesoster adverbs; a nimis it to quichly, valde bono very weli c. 4. Finalty gometimes, though arely, O bi in substantive a populus late rex sar ut in peopte in Virgil heri se, e lenitas, in master, continuat genueness, in Tereiice se sempiterna) uendeat is
The have many terminations, hicli are atrimaesta coisses; as m sensim is degrees, membratim is paris: a , cras, alias ubi, ibi ies, toties, quoties, millies is hic, sic o cito, crebro manifeSto, Certo, tuto Whichore, more accurately, ablatives rom theneulcos citus δω used adverbialis Se here ter :ita, una us, intus particularly comparatives, as do
tius is, nimis, satisci e bene, deinde eri nuper se liter l, innit semel um, quorsum, dudum quam an que, unquam, Squam, usque, ubique a , mox r
positions as intus trona in Substantives a membra
tim is paris, sto membrum summatim, On the Whole,smm summa adjectives in e lites como sum admnetive os the setan deesention comm ly end in eo ori a doctus docte, malus male, pulcher pulchre, tutus tuto, certus certe or certo, creber crebro thoughthmo Whicli terminam in o laniare primeri adjectis os the neut gend. as tuto sim tutum, si s ; viris,srom certum, certainty, i. e. illi susely, certainty
humane an humaniter hom parvus, parum serparve seo multus, multum so multe cc. hose
Whicli come rom adjectives of the thir deciensionmosi j en in ter as sortis sortiter, lenis leniter prudens prudenter, acer acriter sella feliciter rit facile instea of tho more unusual faciliter), seo facilis, is an exception so vulgare, Cic. ad div. I, 69. se vulgariter: et in latis is retesne Edd. Gustu. Emest. So rom suavis, ta both suaviter and suavE lenis, leniter lene an other adverbs in e stomalectives of the thir decie Ion. III he are parti simple, parti comp0unded. They are comp0unde in varinus Ways:
l. With amoim and pronoun; as hodie, stom hoc and die: so quare fi om qua an re is considere is an adverb. e. Wissi a nou an adverb; a saepenumero uiam ita vidi Writie Mawo wotas osten; pro ny, osten an number, si om saepe an numerus: so nudius tertius, three Mysam, quartus M. mustio contracto sto nunc dies oridius, whicli the ancients used sor dies est tertius, quarius; though Perigonius ad Sanc min. in Addend. p. 64. belleves that nudius is contracted stom nomiarus, i. e. novus dies. s. Wissi se noum a maximopere, surimopere, nimi pere, minimopere, sto maximo opere, summo opere, nimio opere, minimo opere, since, ostem n stem inus divided,
4. With a mnou an preposition a quampini , sor Propter quae so postea, interea, limi ea bus thesesare btwo Worda, a post in M. and are osten so wrium.
I. With a pi epositio an noun a denuo rom de and novo wχXtemplo, fro templo, or ascis more lived stomo tempulo, i. e. tempore.
O Adverti. 6. Willi an adverbisti verb; as ubivis every here, pr Perly where o will, ironi ubi and vis, volo quolibet, stomquo an libet, properly where it pleases.
7. With two verta; as videsicet stom videre licetione may see, scilicet, si om scire licet one v knowὶ so ilicet wemst comedim ire licetione may Q.
S. It two advertigi a sicli Dor sicuti, rom sic an ut oruti quousque stom quo hister an usque.
9. Wissi a conjunctio an adverb; as sicubi, properissorsi alicubi, here ali is omitte a in si quando, si quis se si aliquando, si aliquis in necubi se ne alicubi M. 10. With a prepositio an adverb; a Persaepe stom Perand saepe adhuc stom ad and huc ineses raster stom ad hoc sc temptio, proinde, perinde, deinde, rom pro per de and
inde. ll. Wit two repositions a dein, seo de and in soinde, sto in an de or even with three prepositions a d
inde, de in de proinde, perinde M.t2. Wissi advertis an an additiona sullabie a que deIn M. thus ubique ibidem M.
IV. Accordinii thei siniscation, MLare di
videdrint numerous classes, and ac clas has ita ain propriate Latin ame. In sach on account of theiriminiber an manisold significations ther cannot comveniently be divide into classes nor is it os mutause. It is oni necessar to understandoliem theyma then, at pleas e be distribute into classes. We shall, however brinis Ward some os inem.
I. Some denote a place a to the question, heret thetermination iis iccis here usual as ibi there, ubi here, hoth interrogatives an relatively ubique every bere, ubicunque wheres ver in hicli que and cunque are amed hic here,
isti an illic inere. io ille question, Whisterit in hich
ille termination ue, o, orsum are usual a huc illier, istuc anil illuc thither, quo uitlier, eo aither, eodem to the fame Place, quocunque hi themoever, ultro citroque hi the and hi ther, isto illither, intro in inard alio elsewhither, dextrorsum to the right sinistrorsum to the lest, deorsum doWnWatas, sum
sum upWard M. c to the question, he et in hicli theterminations in an de are usual as hinc hen , istinc and illinc inence inde the e unde hince both interrogativeband other se, undecunque hinces ver, undique sor undeque smin ali fides, aliundo sto esse ere, alicunde rom som Where M. Note. The wortas hic, huc, hinc, in ille Episum os Cicero denote the place of the writer istic, istuc istinc, the
place of lilii to Iulioni the lette is sent illic, illiic illinc athir places e. g. hen Cicero rite in aut scire velim, quid isti agatur, istic moans in Gallia istuc mittam, i. e. in
Galliam cisti , i. e. e Gallia. Is in the fame letterae speissos Spain, heises illic, illuc, illinc a scire velim quid illis ger tur, i e in Hispania iuue misi, i. e. in Hispaniam. 2. me denote a me a quando hen, Min and without a question quandocunque and quandoque Whenmer crast in rom hodie inciar, nunc nom iam Hready mane early, sero late, olim avsome itine, eitheriast, present, or future; diu long ubi when, Nithout a question as, whendieard. in I an hear dum While, untii quotidie auri nuper Mein modo justio , of pari time; as, Phave just no Mardit cum .
3. Some ars used seris coning a primum sns deinde
noxior secondiy, tum notis thiesin praeterea more eri besides, urtiit M. so e may use in orde postea, Porro insuper,aiu place at the end denique, postremo astin xve manals repeat tum and deinde semel once, his twice, ter thrice, quaterisu times, quinquiesive times, sexies si times septies seventimes, octies novies decies, vicies, tricies, centies, millies M.
To these are added saepe and crebro properi Ab. osten, se ruinquo ni unciam properi Ab in seldom, aliquoties soni
4. Some amised in questions a quomodo howi propolymo Wotas, quo rom quis, an modo, in ha mannerit quihow as, qui si ho comes it ubi here ubinam,herethen unde hen et quando,hent quamdiu ho long t quo ither cur, quare, here rei the latis is two vords, quare. Num an an re particulail thus used e g. Dun me amas, o an me amas t os thou love mea and indirectly νιescio an me ames Iano no Whether thoumve me thus utrum is
used iiii an in a question about two opposite inires; as utrum me amas an odisti dos thou love oriato mei and findirecuri nescio utrum me ames an oderis, Irimo no whester iliou loveor bai me may alio me ne in interrogations as ama edos illo lavet o Mili an is ting as, amasne an odisti idost thou love ortate ρ5. Some areisse in comparisons acutis uti, sicut orticus, velut orbesus, quemadmodum properi three Wotas, quem ad modum, as tanquam, qu si ascis perindo sormitata proinde alio is usta, seque even in as est: ita acor atque, as osten mows e. g. amo te seque ac fratrem I love theca wel a sty brother: tasia O as, tam dives A richrquam ho or as, quam pulcher O beautiful. Quam also osten follo sciam; as, tam dives quam Croesus, a ric asCroesus magis more, minus tess.
6. Some express assimation asia verib, utique certainly,
prosecto in laci, vere in truth, tr y verissime mos truly, satae fureb, certo or certe certaint, haud dubie oubiless. ostes bolong the oath of the ancients a mehercle or Hercle,
Mecastor, Pol Edepol, mediuindius M. 7. Some expres uncertaint oriare probataliW; as forsan, sorsitan, ortassis, fortasse, Perhaps. 8. Somo expres negation a non, haud not mininis nodiat an nedum nes to v e. g. Nescit legere, nedum scribere, he canno reari, nota say, ite.
90 Some exaggerate hat precedes a potius athel, Inoon the contrarI, ea resilier, quin ea raster. io. Some, denote the exclusita es oster th v as solium, modo tantum, tantumniodo, duntaxah oesy II. Some expres ille huid and mannera a bene well, me .lius et ter optime very well, est pulchre beariti fully pu chrius more beauulully, Pulclaerritate naos heautisulis audacter, audacius, audacissime prudenter Pindenuat, sapienter Wisely,
diligento diligently caresully studiose mym, recte righur, mulo badj, stulte laolishly, large largeb, coram veni' clam vij, omnino hiab, ait ther; docte leamessin amice
ni j piose planiatili , lalairo in longe sis ob raptim
hasub, simul together, a to time; incat buce, virium inanhry man, memia in by paris, celeriter, is quichly ερα is may sussice, for the are to numerous is besali cited alid exples d. Mannare techonem in the whicli aro notadverbs iis uesperi in the nitet, abi. -- diu is My in the poet x nomii is mos are abi. sto the obsolete dius, noctus merito deservedj, abi stom meritum deseri, and meam is desert e g. merito accepisti: so crebro, esto, tuto, salso vero, imo, sero M. Me reatly abl smin creber hin. Age,
ichris translated come, agedum, and plur agite, agitedum is the imperat. Iom ago, an means aCt: O quare, quamobrem, quomodo, are nothin eis than qua re, quam ob rem, quomodo cc. Certain prepositions a Circa circiter, Contra Sta ., an ali hicli are,sed Minout a case, re ala inelu damo si adverta.
V. Μan adverbs admit os comparison, and solio tho adjectives smm,hicli thesare derived. l. Whenthe adjective enos in us a, er, a um, ille asve comm j ends in though the latior areproperi ablat. , . g. doctus, a, um, docte malus male pulcher pulchre certus certe an certo tutustulo. et smin multus multum, parvus parum, hum nus humaniter an humone. But is the adjectives be
auperlative of the adu is forme iro that of the adj. by Aunonius into, a doctissimus doctissime, Utimus optime. e theresse have docte doctius do tissime, male peius pessime, bene melius optime, similiter sinultus simillimo, fortiter sortius sortissime, feliciter felicius elicissime, valde se valide validius validissime, lacile facilius lacissime, magnifice magnificentius magnificentissime c. It is, heresere, necessar to kno the comparisor os ad sp tives in orderisano that Oi adverbs. I the adjectives ibm their degrem is prefixing magis or maxime the adverbio the fame; as egregius, magis egregius M. egregie, magis egregie c. t ther adverbs, hicli are nes derived minas
jectives have is degree os comparison a saepe sarpius saepissime diu diutius diutissime nuper nuperrime. Some have no positive a magis maxime, ius ocissime potius potissimum oster no supe lative a satis satius, secus secius ses m tempori, an id abi sor tempore, in time Cic. Sext. 37. undosten in Ρlautus and Cato , we have temporius o temperius Cic. ad div. 9. I 6 20. temperius fiat: - ΡΗ-lad. in Febr. p. inmare 4 temporius, Colum. 2. I 8.T 8 4 3: ep. in fragm. Ovid. Μet. 4. Ι98. d. Heius. Where Ed Bum has temperius.
in repositiom. Prepositions praepositiones, more intelligibi' pa
tions thenare amb com dis, re Se Ve, ne. I. Ambistoin the Gree ἀμ- round or ab tras in ambio go round ambarvalia, ambigo M. Besore consonant ita
comes an a anquiro Me a ut, anceps, intactus M. 2. Com cum illi means illi together, and retains, betore the labials b, m p as COInbibo, Commeo, Compono MC. Belare ther consonant', is hanged intola a cons ingo,
coniungo, contrabo, convinco D m, sto the force os ancientusam, is osten change imo the Allowing consonant acco, ligo, conuo, se conligo, conruo M. Besore a vowel orin mis ected a coalesco meo, coire cooperio cohabito, exceptire comedo, comitia somelimes co excludes the sollowingvowel a cogo sor coago. 3. Dis o di afunder denotes division though his meaning beio stlways perceptible as disiicio scalter throw nfunder, dissono, divertere tum afunder, digero arrange diligo, diiudico.