장음표시 사용
QM Non mutive Eaeception3. i. Aster noum os multitude or collective nouns, stat is nounsos ille sing. numb. whicli denote a multitude, o more stan onestinio pereon, a pars, multitudo, nobilitas the nobilio ornobtes), quisque, alius sor alii when alius se alii sollows,
si ac they resera the sense, iii ito in the mere grammaticalnumher, xve osten ii the aiicient sin a plura ver E. g. Liv. l. 5O, si se audianti domum suam quemque uide abuti rGs 34.
47, ad quod signum pura mestor recepereris sese SalL Cat. 23. 6, namque antea pleraque nobilitas invidia aestuabat, et quasi pol lui consulatum credetant Iug. 14.15, pars in crucem acti,gurra bestiis ollecti Q. sunt Viig. Georg. 4 378, pars epulis orie runt mensas et plena reponunt pocula inpars secant vertibusque riunt, Virg. n. l. 2l2 2l6) paras is eae, en parave
terent, Liv. 9. 4 pars utraque avidi erunt, Liv. m. 44: magna pars cresi sunt in Liv. 6 24 s also tantum so ma ἐν IS used with stellur. Plaut Poen. S. S. 5, sed quid huc tantum hominum si e tot liomines incedimi ecquidnam adferimi. Amongst collectives, mar in a certain sense recta substam
lives in the sing. whicli are united by eum; as duae cum principibus cupetrentur os Which - spo in ore n. 6. 3. Q. Vi e also findilaces in the ancients, where iste verbagremnes tib ilio subjeci or principat nominative, but Mui ille predicate, Whicli howeve is desective an viis desectis en orinem to have arisen homirinxing the predicate e g. Terent. Andr. S. S. 23, Amantium ira amoris integratio est: it should properi he sunt, agreeini illi irae huc cause integratio is intei posed TerenCe, O rathe the person there spealcing, romtiaste, an hecauserit is in his memory, ahes integratio so the
subjeci. In this way it must alwarsi accounte is Sall. Iug. IB. II, digressi possedere ea loca, quae proxume Carthaonem Nw-ria ad uatur here again Numidia is prefixed: Cic. Div. g. 43, non omnis e D stultitia est dicenda Iam l. a, gen universa Veneli amitati: Iav. l. 35, ea ri ad friti ovid Arti Am. a. me, vestes, quas geritis, sordida lana fuit,
sor fuerunt somethin similar a remarhed above Secl. 3. 2 6.hos qui a Cic. Sext. 42 ConventiCula homInum, quae postea civitates nominata sunt: Sall. Cat. 55, est locus in
carcere quod Tullianum adpellatur: illi more passages in the salie place: here also it was remis, , stat this occursonly with the ver a M. , ne M. 3. We also findilaces here the ver agrees no with the principat nominative, ut illi the substantives xed soceri planation calle Apposition) e. g. Plin. Η Ν. 3I 2, Tungrceiritus Galliae, sontem habet insignem; sor habent. et his is unusues illi Cicero and his contemporaries. e raster says, Cic. ad Div. 7. I. 6, deliciae tuae, noster Mopus, eiusmodi fuit, nes fuerunt: - Esopus, no deliciae, is the principes nomin
lixe. et he has onceused a sing. Verbaster a non . Plur. he-
cause quisque as it it Off. I. 4l, ut enim pictomisti qui signa fabricantur, et vero etiam poeta suum quisque opus a vulgo considerari vult for volunt Sc pictores, ii qui M. et poetae): herrimo ver, he Promed in spea of them in theptur hique et secum et cum aliis exquirunt. lime placessi uid be nou d; and it si uidie rem ked whether more os the fame litas cur in Mod wrilem. 4. We osten finesesso places, where ille ver filiis, biclimusti undemtood e g. verum haec hactenus, ut so sar his sc diximus, scripsimus, Cic ad Div. 12 25 sed tu melius se nosti or scis ibid. 23 verum haec coram sc loquemuo,
Cic. Att. 6. 1 7 3 particulari the ver esse e g. omnia prae lata rnra sunt , Cic. Anal C. I agro mulctati sunt), Liv. 8. 1 pars obiecti sunt, Sall. Iug. Id quemque abituros esse), Liv. I. D.
IV. The subjecti principaliori linativi ta kes asterit e g. iter sum, es c. the predicate in the same
number indiendo. Me hereon, I. n. II in IIl. V. The subjeci or principes nominati ,hichcedes the ver is,
in tae ominative. I. generali a substantive; as, pater docet, filius est assiduus M. 2. osten an alective sed substanti vely, i. e. ithout a substantive; as, musti credunt ori es sciunt parti Culari a neuter et as, honestum est praeserendun utili honeata sunt praeserenda utilibus timium virium ei datum est, quantum operae adhibitum est in omne, omnia M. to these also longiar ucipies When me are sed substantiveb; as amante iovem M. Mesa in Sect. s.' Io n. La. osten a pronoun; as ego, in c. also others hic standutii ut substantives as ille, hic M. hic est pater tuus hae est mater mea, no hoc: speciali the neuter; as, hoc est num M. αὶ osten also an infinitive axwiihout a case; as, errare humanum est discere est honestius quam non ducere: here discere an non discere Me two subjecta: so interest mea cerer poenitet me fecisse patris est docere venit mihi in mentem vereri: here discere, secisse M. Me subjecta: so the ordo is secisse pinnitet me discere est meum docere est pa tris officium Liac. vitia it case aiid all,hich belongsto it; as, patris est alere liberos: here alere liberos is the subjeci: for the orde is, alere liberos to supportiis Childrenyest patris ossicium o negotium): so boni pastoris est properi esse tondere pecus, non iubere, Sueton Tib*. 22.where the orderis tondere pecus c. o vacare Nipa magnum est solatium,
Cic. ad Div. 7 3 ssidis Hesdellifer artes emollit mores, nec sinit esse seros, Ovid. Poni. g. 9 47 so Ovid. Art. 2. 438, non facilis est aequa inmmoda more pati: 60s, exigua est virtus praestare silentia rebus Liv. 2. I Retfacere et pati fortia Ro
manum est Ct C. Verr. d. I b, est hon uidi Cis amis e rebus
coniecturam facere uniuscuiusque et upuiuatis et incontinentis. 5.hosten alio a whola sentence as, a the accusative os the subuect with the insin. as, te non istud audivisse intrum Est: Cic. Verr. I. 66, facinus est vincii Romanum civem Scelus Disjtiro b Corale
verberari prope parricidium est necari ut orde is, civem Romanum inciri &c. Ovid. Am. I O. 26, turpe erit ingenium mitius esse fris: so, interest filii patrem diu vivere necesse est deum esse iustum oportet hominem multa discere: byto thesethe sentences seem to bering wbere necesse est, accidit, fit M. are Hllowed by ut and the conjunctive e g. necesse est ut)homo moriatur, stat a man die is necessa isteresese ut homo moriatur is the subjeci, and necesse est the predicate. Sesa odit ut pater moreretur the ordor is tu pater moreretur aces-dit saepe fit, ut homines multa nesciant lin. 6. The participio also os ille neut lend. is used by Livsas a subject 7 8, diu non perlitatuin tenuerat lictatorem, ne M. : id, quod diu non perlitatum erat, or perlitatio diu non facta: 28. 26, haud procul iam Carthagine ab ant, cura ab obviis
auditum, postero die omnem exercitum cum M. Silano in Lac tanos profi Cisci, non meti DN do omni liberavit eos, sed C., liere auditum agra su hec nominative helongsto libet avit, and is
used sor auditio or fama see more examples bove 3. Ulo n. Q. 7. Sometimes adverbs stan sor substantives, and theresi eas subjecis e g. cras istud quando venit Mart. 5. 59 2:
aliud cras ege fit hos annos, Pers. I. 68 r O clai uim nrane s nestras intrat, Pers. S. D mane est, Plaut. Pers. l. 3. 33: mane elat Ovid. Fast. I. 547 mane ubi bis suerit, ibid. 6 199
butilane is perhaps a rea Substantive, the orning thencemulto mane Cic. Att. θ. 4. See more example above, ecl. 3.3II. S. Othe word ma stan a substantives and thenc assubjecta, hen considere meret as,ord with no regar totheir meanini as, amo est activum amor est passivum Parnare est praesens infinitivi ex est praepositio this was noli fabove, Secti S. Di I.
Note Sincesso much depend o the knowledge of the subisject besore, procee to the union of two subjecis, we shalladi the solio niminaias sorte em: I. The subuec osten cloes no stan in iis right place i. e.
teacher to salse explanations. et in theordei os construCtion, whic musti known in the translation os ac sentence, it musti supposed and ahente re ita verba e g. when e find, doctus est patera miseri sunt hominec rex adpellatus est Dei
larus pato, homines, Deiotarius is ille subjeci The infinitives occasion more dissiculty as, humanum est errare, sor errare est humanum venit mihi in mentem vereri, se vereri venit M. : equorum est hinnire boni pasioris est tondere pecus non de glabere Where hinnire, tondere, deglubere pecus are subjecta. Particularifossicium is inmetimes incorrecti tis aes a subject hecauserit precedes, though it is reali a predicate: as, offici in paIentum est alere liberos. Here the learne wouldie inclutexto us alendi aster officium, hic accorditicis hi si tion precedes : and is heraea seo the teacher that tho ancientsHway use alere, without the reason being explained hecis pu
sed is know,lis ossicium must at one time have an infinitive, at another time a gerund aster it But in lac the infinitive domnes sello is vince the oriter is, alere liberos est ossicium parem tu ,hice it is clea that alendi anno Mised since alere
ossicium is sis predicate. 2. Beginnem ostentea os the accusative illi the infinitive
Minivsed serit, quod, an quin ibe should a the fame timebo in med whince ibis accusative is iste in n. . at is the principes hing, whici, wordalio accusative inould M. Thisis alWay the subjector principes nominative, and noother: e. g. scio consulem te adpellatum esse : liere te no consulein is the accusative wit the infinitive it is used instea os scio, quod tu es adpellatus consul; herest is the subuec t. o audio tibi a patre multos libros datum iri, o quod multi libri dabuntur tibi a patre t audio multos libros patrem tibi daturum esse, Arquod pater dabitior daturus est,multos libros ubi in the formerinstanc multos libros, in the latis patrem, is the accusative Min the infinitive. Someumes the arranomen occasion diς ficulin particularis en a ne infestive is introducta: et isone can determine ille subjecti there is thenio dissicusty e. g.
audio dici venturum esse patrem, o venturii dici patrem. Here the ordis is audio patrem dici venturum esse, Phea that ille sather is sal to e coming for audio quod pater dicitur
VI. Is tW o more subjecti or principes nomin lives of ille II1gula number, connected by the combimetiolis et, ac c. Whicli, o ver, somelimes aid precede the ob the ver Whicli reserario tam is in the plures since these subjecis represent a pluraliW: e. g. pater et mater adime munt, pater et mater gunt sani. he Englisti in suci instances, ometimes, though inaccurates' use the singulari Whicli deceives the leamer Virg. n. 2. 2l6, furor Daque mentem praecipitant Ovid. m. 1. 6. 59, o. et amor, vinumque nihil moderabile uadent. Especiali When oneos the subjecis is plur. a Cic. ff. 2 QR visa, mora, Mitiae, paupertas omnes homines vehementissime pem
Observations. I. A plures verb4hould properly HWV fosso ,hen twoor more subjecta denote animat things, o persons; 'pater et mater rimunt, not nivit unies et be reperita, as et pater et mater ripit, an hicli caseoli singula is coneci, bis is common: e. g. ereati sunt censores Sulpicius et Postumius, Liv. 6 27 Furius, Horretius, Servilius et Geganius Femgunt, ibid. grandiores natu fuerunt Flamimus, Varro,
Maaimus, Metellus, Lentulus, Crassus, i C. Brut. 9 anc socontinually. But with inaniniate limgs a sing. ver osten sol-lows, a Cic. Seneci. I9, mens enim et 1 alio et eonsilium in senibus est, formiu: si . l. 23, sed cum tempus necessitasque postiauit, decertandum manu est, or post mi Ossic. 2. II,
atque, mea quidem sententia, omnis rati atque inititutio vitae adiumenta hominum desiderat ibid. S. 6. qua sc societate humuni generis sublata, beneficentia, liberalitus, bonitas, ius
me Nomimitivetitia unditus tollitur. Particularly ben the subjecta areumted is et remaled a Cic. ad Div. 5. 7. 5, scribam aperte,
sicut e mea natura et nostra amicitia postulat here the sing. must talain. The singulis is a times used even when one os the subjecta is plur is it e no the last a Liv. I. T, dia te penates patriique, et patris imago, et domus regia, et in domo
regali solii m et nomen Tarquin ut creat vocatque rege in . ADte. Alao with two o more person rie fini a sing. verbet e g. Gomoas, Irasymachus, Protagoras, Prodicus, Hippias in honoro fit, sor fuerunt, Cic. Bruti 8 Huic Hyperides proximus et .Escrines fiat et Iseurins ibid. 17 curassia et Hyperides amatur ' se amantur, ibid. 17 ante lios Brutus et paulo post eum, C. Buismis innitu evaserat, is simini evaserant, ibid. 47 cum esset Cotta et Hortentius, ibad Oo. g. A collatave noum a pars, multitudo, quisque cc., Wasosten o dered by the ancients as a pluralit os subjecta:
hisce the nre at times Oined to a plur vertici as, turba ruunt, Imrs caeduntur, pars obiecti, pars caesi. Such instances vere cited and considered, Sect a b I S. l. o these belong theremaricabie passage, Liv. 2. I 2, hoc tibi iuventus romana india rima bellum iuventus romana is sor nos iuvenes romani. s. 'E somelimes in a plur ver aster a single subjec orperson, hicli ho eum, sinite to another sub Vis eum: sine inenare there regatae a two subjecis o nominativestas Iam et I 60, atque ipse dux eum aliquot principibus evountur, is capitur; hic is milier harin Sociali Iug. 10i. meehus eum peditibus sostremam romanam aciem muι-dunt Nepos Phoc. 2, Demosthenes eum ceteriis populiscito in exsilium erant expulsi. o Iuba mim Labieno capit inis
testatem Caesaris enis ιt, Auct B. Ahlc.22. Uro novius at
the place cited romatur quotes Virg. En I. 292 296 , Remo eum fratre Quirinus Iura dabunt: ut the whole passage is Cana Fides et Vesta, Remo cum fratre Quirinus, Iura dabunt: mo that dabunt reser alio in Cana Fides an Vesta. remarkable instance occurs, Liv. l. 32, here the
riualis speis os himsel and os me Romaniinple, Ego populusque Romanus populis priscorum Latinorum hominibusque priscis Latinis bellum indico facioque yet here, ego an P
pulus are notis arde a Mesentires distinc subjecis, hodeclare var, ut ille etialis speaks meretnin the tua me of the ItVIIJ BI PEDI'le. hos messenge hecis an regard himself asidenti fled illi the Roman state. It is a sortis apposition as
VIL Issevera subjecis o principes nominatives
precede, o disterent grammatica PerSOns, e g the
fini and thir ego et pater, the secon and third tu et pater M., unite by the conjunctions et, ac δή, the ver in ille plura agrees incit persona terminationwith the principes person the firstaeing preserre toste second, and the second 'to the stird e g. ego et tu selices sunius here the ver must be plures, because ego and tu are , subjecis, and indeed Mo persons: also sumus musti used because ego is the firstie son. The orde manalso e tu et ego inmunselices, since the personis the ver does no dependi ste der So ego et pater selices sumus, pater et ego mlices sumus e tu et pater felices estis, pater et tu selices estis: Cic. ad Div. 14. 5, si tu et Tullia, lux nostra, valetis ego et suavissimus Cicero valemus. e also finest thus, When neque is repeMed Terent. Adelph. l. 2. 23, haec si neque ego, neque tu fecimu3, Whicli rasome hat harsher for this,e migh say, haec si neque ego feci, neque tu, or neque ego, neque tu fecisti.
when the two substantive represent a single subjeci, o may be regardedis a collective noun, sorminiwiththe verbisne sentenceis in the precediniexa les.
of the Nominative But When thesmo subjectiare in united missi a singloverb, stat the stili form two distinc sentences i. e. When Each subjectinas a distinc adverbis otheris, ordwith in then the ver agrees With the ne est subjectin number and person: as ego misere, tu feliciterimis or, ego misere vivo, tu seliciteri here vivimus Wouldie incorrect S also, ego multos libros, frater paucos, habet; or, ego multos hiseo libros, frater paucos, Where habemus Wout be incorrect the fame aves place, en et is inserted as ego multos libros, et frater Paucos habet, not habemus c. VIII. Whρ the pluralis sum follows tW subjecta of the sing. - . an os disserent genders, an a
noua adjective, pronoun adjective, or participieris putastor the verba a predicast, his predicato in ita caselos inim ite hings agrees With the masculine Subjeci,
in the Pressitates Minative, i. e. the Nominatis, ita in the oris of constructiori folioin the Vera. I. Aster me verbs there stand a nominative,
whicli expresses the predicate of the precedin subjeci, and may theresere e name the predicate- -- native. In suta instances there are , nominatives:
. ,hich denote existence, as sum an serem e g. ego
sum felix, tu es fella, pater est felix, nos sumus felicesine. Si doetior esses, felicior ores, i tho wert more leam , thouwouldst e more happy wissi esses an sores the subjec tu stula, and the predicates doctior and felicior precede the direct de is, si tu esse doctior, tu fores Hicior Horat Epist. I. 2. 62, ira j viro brevis est Where the ordo is, ira est ror brevis. Note. The ver osten-e g. Terent. A r. 5. 6. pater at in sum , sc est Cic. Anala. 2i, omnia praeclara rara, sc sunt Sali Cat. 15, color exarasma,suod oculi ritus
modo, modo tardus inCessus, C. erat Iug. 14. 15, pars ilicrucem acti, pars bestiis Obiecti, c. sunt Virg. Ecl. S. M, triste lupus stabulis ML sc est. Q. Verri in hicli existencoris implied as Q mane re main sincesto rem ain meatis inae Continuatis e. g. deus manet iustusci Virg. En l. 26 SU , manet alta mente repostum, iudicium Paridis; liere iudicium is the suhjec and repostum repositum the predicate quod munitiones integra manebant, Caes. B. G. 6. 32, where in rae is the predicate; ec se thesortification remat ned entire so permaneo, e g. corpora Per m eunt diuturna Cic. Tusc. i. 45 ne tua permuneum Ovid.
non omnes homines fiunt o evadunt docti, emine learned: non omnes redduntur felices Nep. Epam 2 postquam ephobus factus est Cic. Rosc. Am. 2, his de causis ego huic causae patramis exstiti, have si di in the defender Cic. Bruti orde Clar orati,sci, perfectus Epicureus evaserat, his tu ed out a complete Epicurem.
Note madere in means testinue in something, o proce long nota iliis place a Terenti Adelph. s. 4 64, --