A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

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298 Adbeetino, Provirum 4 e. Ora Subsumitiis ea. vacane culpa est Mame pro patria mori est oleo et docorum Or accordinito the arrarigement f ΙΙOra Θ, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori didιcine multa est audivi, quam nihil scire: Iav. 2. I 2, et lacere, et pati sortia Romanum est Cic. ad Div.7. 3, vacare culpa magnum est solatium. o theseaelo II many X-ples Whic osten arenotrecognised on account os theis inventa ordo: as, facile est videre, it is eas la see; sis videre est facile, to Me is easy Cic. ad Div. s. s. 9,sacillimum erit impetrare; sor impetrare erit sacillimum: So meum est discere, sor digcere est meum tuum est recte agere, sor recte agere est tuum se ossicissi SoWhen, say, stultum est ea alios vine docere, quae non didiceris, itis scolisti, to wisti lateata offers, What youhave noclearnt,-the direct orderiis, velle docere alio ea, quae nou didiceris, est stultum.

Also Participies osten stand Mone, and substantively, and ther ore cerae tot epithetsi predicates e g.

1 in Participies in m as mintes, it se Wholove, severa amam is 4rae amotis integratio est, Terent Andri s. 3. 23: eminus sc. homines inunters, Phaed. l. 2. 7 natantes Q. bestiaemhes, Virg. Geor. S. 54I volante, in bestiae inrrri, Lucie 2. IOSE:

Virg. m. 6. 289 728. 2. The nominative parti poesiam neut ver osten in Ura; mg. I. 53, quin ea arie bellandi)aequasset superiores reges md Fgeneratum in aliis huic quoque decori se virtuti belli hos

CIsset, o degeneratio faeta in aliis 4. 49, Tentatum ab L. Sextio tribuno plebis, ut rogationem ferret,-per intercessionem Collegarum , dis ussu in est sor tentatio facta a,Sexti, di cussa est M. Ibid. 59 Cum pronuntiatum repente, ne quis praeter armatos violaretur, reliquam omnem multitudinem volu


initam exuit armis sor pronuritiatio repentina, the sudden proclarnation &C. 7. 8, diu non perlitatum inruierat dictatorem, the sacrisce no having been du0 performed, ad letain Icc :28. 26, cum auditum, Omnem exercitum proficisci, metu liber

vit eos, when the nem, that M. See more examplas by Gmnov. Liv. 3. 2O. So the accus. nihil praeter uvilistum habeo, i. e. prae infamam, Cic. Off. l. lo. More common in lances aresectum a de , avium an underinxit it uvam dictum dista, e natum mirato, Νem Dion. s. dcc. s. The abi absolute of the peri part Pass. e. g. Liv. l. l, tum demum anilumfacto, et comploratione in regia orta M. ubring the actast made publie M. Tac Ami. 4. 36, absolvitur,

e in eris, ficta in eum crimina M., it Mam k-- M. Liv. 28. 7, audi , achanidam refugisse, it bini Maia M. : Plaut Bacch. s. s. 66, exaudis si e Ama arguo: Plaut.

Merc. 5. 2. 62, de avidulo nuntia. i. e. sima. Sometimes adjectives areis used Liv. 28. II, haud cuiquam dubio, opprimi posse Cicero does no appea to Milo this usage. Perletonius ad Sanct p. 462 produces indeed seo Cic. ad Div. S. I. IS, tibi de nostris rebus nihil sum ante mandaturus Per iteras, quam λη'erat' coram me tecum agere posse. ut in the editions os

Cicero, Wo here in desperam is desperavero, no desperato: he was perhaps Mesed by an error os the press.

4. these belong also the pari neut in dum, hiCh, honused ithout a stitistantive is teri ed the gemitu os necessit3;as est scribendum, erat scribendum est eundum M.

Other Words also, Whicli are not declined a namesos liners, imperatives, adverbs, an allis G consudered meret missi resere e to thoi letters, manstandSubstantively, and tae an alective; as v. Her. 13. l4, triste vah, a ad sarewelici Virg. Ecl. 3. 79, longum


300 Adjectiora, Pronouna he wu4 Subitantives. auribus acciperet, dixit Pers. 5. 68, cras hesteratim: ibid. aliud eras. e manalso say, mensa est disv labum mus est mosyιωbum Το these, may reser Pers. 3. I, clarum mane: ut mane is also as ih stantive Plauti Pers. I. 3. 33, mane est Ovid. Fast. I. 647 6 I99, mane erat, mane fuerit Cic. ML 6 4, multo mane, very early Varr. R. R. 3 9, mane Plaut Poen. 3. 3. 37 a mani Virg. Geor. 3. 325, novum mane : Auct B. Air. 42 a mane diei.

me pronis rure at times superfluous as,

1. Ille illi quidem in the following and simila examples Cic. Amic I9, novitates autem, si spem adsertim non sunt illae quidem repudiandae vetiistas tamen M. nex Mendinips-are nescindeta iste rejecte linc. Senecl. 18, ac morositasimen et ea vitia quae dixi, habent aliquid excusationis, non illivi quidem iustae, sed quae probari posse videatur, have mine

excuse, no inde satisfacto Icc. thus Cicero osten speata: e. g. T. q. 6 . in Marcell. 3. 4 ad Div. 5. 15; Q. 9:we ma unitate it, anci say, habeo libros, in illos quidem mulios, sed tamen pulchros have not man inde , ut beautifulbooks in is quidem, Cic. Att. IS IO.

Q. Hoc id, illud, istud osten Mand superfluousjictore ineaccusative illi the infinitive, and alio bes, ut that as, hoc

tibi persuadeas velim, me nihil omisisses id credas, me omnia facturum. Iereon se the he nninios Chap. 6 of phonasm. I hus quod ais seem tote superfluous, hen t refers to the Ρreceding, particulari besole si, nisi, an somelimes e re

utinam, ut, ne, ubi, cum theresore quod si, quod nisi areosten sed by Cicero a the eginninios a perio sor si, nisi. et it must alwars have inme reserunce to the antecedent; as, miror me abs te tantopere vituperari. Quod si credis, me laude omni indignum esse M. Theres e quod bi, quod nisi


The pronou is, Wisi et, atque o qtie so the definition os a substantive is repeate in the Same case, an expresses the Englis and that arid Meed as, habeo multos libros eosque Or et eos M. pulchros, have many and thos beautila books e. g. Cie. Tusc. 5. 3, quoddani genus, idque ingenuum Liv. 4. 57, uno, utque eo facili belles Cic. ad Div. 9. 21. 3, privatas causas, et eas tenues agimus subtilius, private causes and thos smas A c. Cic. Cat. 4. 4 vincula, eaque sempiterna Varr. R. R. 2. 9, satis esse duo canes et id marem et feminam Colum. l. 3, plurimis, idque angustis. So With nec Ar et non Cic. Phil 2. 18, certa flagitii merces, nec ea parva, and that notsmali. So the neuter id is used referrinito a vem, o a Whole sentence, Cic. ad Div. 10 I4 3, equidem exspectabam iam tuas literas, idque cum multis, and that M. Where id resere to exspectabam literas c.

a single adjective, pronou O participietas an epithetis more substantives unite is et Minus it


am aleotiris, μο-- 4e Uita Subsicinum. Would Mincertam to Whicli substantive ille adjective belonged; ut themrathe either repeatali epithet, asnostra villa et nostra domui particulari When thes stantives are os disserent gendere; as, habeo multas villas, et multos agros orahentiae another epithet ita resembles the rst as, habeo. multas villas,

non paucos agros habe praeclaram mentem, et egregium animum o the redo te et as habe multas et villas et agros nostra et domus et villa amisi omnem et rem et spem omnis et res et spes M. In thi Wanit is eas to se stat the epithet belong toboth substantives, and these are the mos usuali thods. et thensomelimes connect both substantis with a single et as, habeo multos agros et villas, rhabeo villas et ac ros multos, o habeo multas villas otagros, o babe agros et villas multas m habeo cha tam et pennam praeclaram, O habeo praeclaram chartam et pennam: et so that 1. the opithes stand cister besere thedrst, or aster the las substantives it Wouldbe incorrecto say, habe chartam praeclaram et pennam, habeo chartam et praeclaram pemum Arthen praeclaram, id notae reseraeda, si substam lives. 2. Τhe epithetalso agrees in gende RIth thene est substantive, as habeo tutus villas et agros, orhabeo villas et agros multos M. e. g. Sallusti Cat Ii a corpus aramumque virilem effeminat. et places occur Where the epithe solioWin both substantives agrees it the former, e g. Liv. 6 44 speakin os the Gavis gens est cui natura corpora, animosque

magna magis quam ima dederit Where magna and

firma reser Mincio animos and corpora, but a ree With corpora only magnos, firmos Mould hau been more correcti ae perhum magna an firma area


W feriises, Pro rerum se. Usth utitimum. 303ther predicates stan epitheis and we ma translate, Itis anation, to hic nature has ivei dies and muls

whic are rather great listi stroii g. It wil soon heobserved that the neuter pluralis ad declives consideredas predicates are usuali amexto disserent substantives Os ali gendere.

noumor Participis, uredi a Predicate. When the ancientit two or more substantives unitea predicate. Whether nouialective, pronoun adjective, O Participle, e must consider, .hwhether ille substantiveste os the fame gentar 2. ,hester singularor plures. i. Isine substantives are os the sanie gender and of the plurid

number, there ramo dissiculi3 the predicate must belui in illosam number an gendo asim villa et domus sunt meaea sunt emtae sunt pulchraea c. 2. Is thesare substantive os the samo gende an in thesing., it must be considered, whether the copula sum, fio maneo, orither verbs which tali a nom. aster them, is in the sing. orseur. so the predicate rus conespond with t. Properly the ver esse should alwaysi in the phirat, ii Ether the subinjecta be animate or inanimate; as, pater et frater mortui sunt: villa et domus sunt amissae: haec charta et penna sunt meae: caput et pectus sunt sera anda: so Veli. I. Id Firmum et

Castrii occupata. et with inanimat things, the ver sum and the predicate ma Mised in the sing. When the predicateon e re Me with och subieci as, villa et domus amissa

est haec charia et penna est mea r caput et pectus est servam dum sor villa est amissa, et domus est antissa Ac. his use osthe sing. is ver common illi the ancients e. g. domus et


villa est venalis res et spes est vinissa din. ut is ille pretem cate cannot e rei Med illi ac subjech ossicit an movem musti in the plur. e. g. Grammatice quondam et M sic junctae fuerunt, Quint. l. 16 since E could o sayGraniniatice fuit iuncta et usice sui iuncta. But with animat things, the ver an predicate a re alway used in theptur. as, state et pater sunt mortui, not est mortuus servus

et equus sunt amissi M. Excepi hen the two subjecta Meunite is me doubie conjunctions et et c., ori tum tum, cum tum, aeque ac non minus quam, non magis quam, non tantum sed etiam M. inen in sing. is used as, et irater et Pater mortuus est Sc. et e someliines sit Mili two ormore persons the ver in the sing. e. g. Gorgias, Thrasymachus, Protagoras, Prodicus, Hippias in honore fui , sor fuerunt, Cic.

BIul. 8: ut Cir perides proximus et Eschines et Lycurgus, Orfuerant, ibid. 9 . cur Lysias et Hyperides amatur gibid. I7, et ante hos Brutus, et paulo post eum C. Bilienus summus e aerat, ibid. 7 cum esset Cotta et Hortensius M.

Ibid. M.

S. It the substantives are o different endem, an in thesing. we nius consider hether the copula stiould e sing. orptur si e the predicate follows it 'eiere observe, a Properly the verbisiui the predicate sito ut be in thephil a numberci since two subjecis in the sing. mahe a pluralit, this also is the common usam. 'ut we have stilla in

quire the gender of the predicate. I both subjecis are livingstires, particularly persons, it agrem illi the masculine as, pater et mala sunt mortui, o mater et pater sunt mortui: soror et fater sunt sum M. So iv. 5. 54, iuventas ag dem rimitivaque a god maximo gaudio patrum nostrinrum moveri se non passi sc sunt). Here passi is correct sorthe ure persons alid Perminus ii the IaasCuline But is both subjecta are inanimate, the predicate is neuter e. g. Liv. 5. 4, Labor Toluptasque dissimillima natura, societate quadan inter se naturali iuncta sunt Liv. 26 21, Merico urbs agerque in

Sicilia iussa sc sunt dari Sall. - 4, his inua, Mah


eloquent a prope equalia suere Sall. Iug. 38 noa, atque pra, da Castrorum hostes remorata sunt This is me mostigua method. The neuter is used hecauserit is dissiculi is deterruine

inhicli gender of the precedin subjecta the predicat should soll- Sometimes the neuter plures is used, when, o tWo sum jecta, one is animate, the offer not ais, pater et domus sunt combusta it wouldie betis expresseri pater cum domo combustus hir domus cum patre combusta est. Liv. 8.1 Latium C puaque agro 1mιωati singular bubi standosor Latini Campanique &c. et wissi inanima te things also, the predicate

with the copula may remain in the Singi it then agrees in genderwith the nearest subject as, ager et dolnus direpta rat, Ordomus et ager direptus est as,illae fortit illi noticed.

b I however the ver is sing. bicli occurs wit inanimalethings, ille subjecis,illi connected by et, and the predic te agres illi the nemus suineci as, calamus et charta est

amissa, oricharta et calamus est amissus. So Sall. Iug. 8 2, ultro illi et gloriam et regnum venturum esse) where venturum agrees illi the neares subject regnum : I bid. III, l I9 1,

an iacitiam, foedus, Numidis partem, quam nunc peteret, ultro adventuram so esse). Some critic perhaps in both places would preser uis neut pl. Centura and adventura, hic amabo

more usual sorms. The solio re exampla departaro usam: Cic ad Div. IO. 25. 2, istamque operam tuam, navitatem. Nnium in rempublicam celeritati praeturae an ponendum censeo; where anteponenda or anteponendum ould e moro usual: Hanc M. Cic. ad Div. o. 24. 3, amor enim tuus ac iudicium de me utrum mihi plus in perpetuum dignitatis a voluptatis quintidie sit ad laturus, non iacile dicam ses adlaturuis it agrees

in amor a the principat. Me Is the above-mentione Conjunctions et et, tum tum &c hei sed, the sing. must hei sed and agree In gend with the neareSt sulfeci: E. g. Et ager Et domu Sestamissa, O et domus et ager est amissus this is especiali usual

illi inanimate hings. So illi aut repeated in hicli case illi persons, and inanimato things, the predicate Qui the ver is sing. an agrem vi gend with the neares subject a Terent. A r.


S. l. 5, utinam ut hi surdus, aut liae muta facta sit hemight v, utinam aut haec muta, aut hic surdus factus sit.

4. But is ille subiecis are os disserent grammatical indemand in the plures, it is set evident that the ver willie in the

plurat. In his caese, his the subjecta a re persons, the predicate sollows the masci, as Iratres, Sororesqli sunt mortui, IIot mortuae: so cari, amandi MC. his somelimes happens, whenoesy one subject denotes persons, a Sall. lug. 49 5, Cum n

tura loci, tum dolo ipsi Νumidae , atque signa militaria obscu-rtiti sunt. Also Min disserent numbers a Virg. m. i. 583. 587, assem, sociosque receptos. et somelimes the neut is used, a San Iug. 7, sed quae loca et mitiones ob calorem aut asperitatem, item solitu lates minus freque Maia sunt: iri 32.3s, naves et captiuos, quae ad Chium eapta erant. Butis tho subjecis are entiret inanimato the predi at is ei ther In the neuter, o Sometimes agrees illi the neares subject as, agri et domus sunt direpta, o agri et tomus sunt direptae. Is howeve there are more than two subjecis, and of three ditarent

gendos the neuter ni is sed a Cic. T. I. 32, regna, sitates, honores, divisis in casu sua sunt. It is ste fame. in the inanimale subjecis are os diment numbere; a Sali Cat. 5, huic ab adolescentia bella intestina, ramis, tardita es vilis grata suere Ibid eo diritiae, decus, g ria in oculis sita sunt But when both subjecta are os ditiisentium-hers, hut the fame gender inmetimes the predicate retain the fame gender a Sall. Iug. O. Et ex tuo illi gloria opeaque in-mentae, here the neuter inventa Would have been con ech andis preterre is Cortius. Albinose remacts are service te sor understanding the am

writer mustinitate som os uae examples,hich have been adduce seon ancient authors, and with inanimate bing put thepredicate in the neuter, or malae it agree with me marest subjecti


ed in the subjecti iv. O. I, capita Colaiuliationis virgis caesi, et securi percussi sor caesa an percussa : in E ii capita heads leaders, men re understo . his es pecialty happens with ord os multitude a pars, quisque, Cohors M. e. g.

Liv. o. clo, inde pars per agros dilapii, pura urbes petunt finitimas, sine ullo duce aut consensu, suam quisque spem sua coimsilia, communibus deploratis, exsequentes; since parcis equiv lenta nonnulli, and quisque is omnes Sall. Iug. 58, magna pura vulneris aut occisi: tu G. 44, quanquam utraque pars aridi certaminis erant Ovid. et t. 93, nec supplex turba timebam iudicis ora sui, sed erant sine vindice triti Liv. 37. 39,

duo millia relicti ibid. 4O, armati diis pnillia 3λiasn Flor. I. Et, ex ipso equestris ordinis flore ac senatu duo milia electi, qui mori iuberentur.

2. Ibis alio remarisiae, ita in the ancient one substantiveis united in another by the preposition cum instea os et, and

the two alae considered in the fame case, with whic the predicate agrees in the phira number as Nep. hoc. 2.2, D mosthenes eum ceteris in ex illiu in erant e rilsi sor erat expulsus rSall. Fragm. I. 965 ed Cori. et dux hostium C. Herennius cum urbe Valentia et exercitu deleti Auct B. Ase de Iuba cum Labieno capti in potestatem Caesaris venissent Eutrop. 8.12, Opilius deinde acrinus cum silio Diadumeno faeti imp ratores Lis 2 i. 60, dua cum principibus eo niur. See os ille Nominative, i. 6. 3.