장음표시 사용
lologist generaliscontend that it caninisbe overned by a substantive, and that When it solio canother partos speech, a substantive must be undosiuod e g. -- gaium, or in negotiis, a conceras, in regard to. Sinem homever, this is a mere supposition icis bester neverto have recourse larit, ut in case of clear necessi tyor extreme probability it cannot e dente stat it mustae osten adopted By the genitive, particulari here undercland the genitive os nouns substantive nex os persona μω
tive, When thenare used Mone and Without a substa sive an finalty the gerund in di as amor dei, mes, tui, love a God a me os stoe vitis or illius Q h minis res gestae, the explo iis of this o that person : timor malorum 1 ear of erit cura meorum care tor mine; nihil novi nothinine. cupidus scribendi, eundi M. For hen Muns adjective, pronouns adjective and participies, are Oinexas epithet in the fame case tolli genitive os substantives, the cause of laeIr genitIVemust e thene derived that as epithet me agmemissi thei substantive in gender, number, and case: e. g. amor magni Dei, love os the great God where deii g0Verne by amor, an magni agrees With dei timor gravium periculorum, seis os great dangera; Where periculorum is ovemed by timor, and gravium agre With periculorum so cupidus didycem e lingua M. , heresere, conside the genitive, ascit is orseem tuae overned his Substantives 2. by Ad
Ii ille fit stilae the genitive is governe by a su stantive, hic is distinc stom it in meaning and; ther ore, no in apposition, and whieli accordinitoine ordor os synta precede it, or at leas is supposta to Precede, Since at times it is omitted. his liappens: Ι.ywhon illo genitive denotes an action, or, a theleamed say is used actively, i. e. denotes that one does mything e. g. Peccatum hominis in os a man, i. e. Whic a man commila victoria Caesaris victor os Caesar, hicli Caesar gains orationes Ciceronis orations os Cicero, hicli Cicero spoke o Wroteu ligna miluum figlicos soldiere facta virorum tortium deedsos brave men Cic. ad Div. 6. I3 Io sermo Furini discourse os Furnius Cic. ad Div. 10 4. Planc. o. vulnus Myssis 3 nund os lysses, whicli li inflicted:
Virg. n. 2. 36, et vulnere tardus Ulyssis o Ulixi). is caseris easy, and correspond with the Englisti: it generali a Wers ille question inose Dor of -- ' II. When the genitive denotes a possession or h. sing an is used possessis , i. e. sh-s that the thing
te is ut in the genitive has o possesses Omething. his cas also is easy, and corresponds in the
thes ther, the hook whic belong to the sather, Wilichineri ather has o possesses vestes matris arments of
the mollier, Which belonito the mollier filius Cic ronis Cicero' son fides miniιι credit os the neWs cr
tains, Sall. Iug. 10l. 7. these belong res rationum, Cic. Verr 1. 14. thino s--h ars included in the a count, things accounte for things,hichahe account contains: so, virtus hominis the virtve os a man whicha man possesses odium patris hala whichalio athur has against others. So ali genitives Whicli solio timor, cura, memoria, cuPIditas, umor, religio, studium, vim dicta, voluptas, potestas, iacultas, metus, spes, excusatio, iniuria, proditi M. Me generali used posessively. actis ely, and denote the fear, love care c. Whichone feeis orianisests se any one I Wili ho ever, be astemaias observeri that these last cited, With many offers, are also used objectively. Obseruation.
In illese two Cases, o I. and II., there is include Dis geni-uve of the persona pronouns ego, tu sui nos, Vos, though therelative pronoum is, qui, ille, idem, hic, amised like substam lives, in the genitive: brabem ars substituita the possessivo
pronoum meus, tuus, suus, noster, vester e g. peccatum meum,no mei, myriacit sacrum meum, no mei factum tuum, sinum, nostrum, vestrum, noctui sui, muri, vestri in facia mea, tua, sua nostra, vestra, no mei tui M. vestis mea, tua M. not
timor mei tui, sui lin are sed the senseris quite disterent; via love so me M. Messor me M scar os me M., of whichi in the es t. Yet se findian places here the genitives mei tui sui M. are used sor meua, tuus, suus c. but generali only whenanother genitive is ianed with them: ecl. Cic. ad Div.2.6, eam autem tui sinus o unius tui studio me assequii se confido,
soratio timus illas happens that the may be in the fame case.
Perigonius ad Sanct p. 25l also cites the sollowing two placesseo Cicero satiri. I, civitatis salutem Cum mei unius salute esse coniunctam: arcell. 7, ex unιus tui vita Pendere omnium,sc. Itam et here Cicero mus have used mei and tui sor mea
and tua, stat tho might he in the fame case,ith unitas; butine editions e g. edit. Ernesti have mea, and tua, hichare condemne is Perletonius hac citis an Cortius ad Cic. Eiust 6. Here alio vinctiae sella vire Plaut. Pseud. l. I. a duorum labori parsissem lubens, mei, te rogarus, et tin, respondendi mihi, sor meo vitis sc labori, hywhicli rogandi an respondendi are go vernex here re alid tui are used in apposition wim duorum ho)λii tum in Orde stat the fame Cas may be retained Also ille genitive vestrum is used sor vester Plaut. Men. 5. 9 58. strum patri filii quoteratis i sor vestro Sali Cat. 33. 3, saepe maiores vestrum, asCorvus retas sor vestri in the authoris of Gellius: frequentia Murvin Cic Agr. 2 gi Phil. 4. I e numisiis vestrum, MPHl. 5. i. s. est. 20. 6 omnium vestrum bona, Cic. Att.10. 6. So sui Ar suus, Suet. Caes. 30, neque populi exspectationem quam de addentu sui secerat, sor suo. Is est these passages are correct and were reatly thus expresse by thei authors, the must be noticed a peculiarities. On the contra , v shali scio hau to notice odio tuo hate against thee, sor odio tui observantia tua, sor tui, and other like instances.
IIIJ hin the genitive is used Qectively, i. e. denotes the object, hether person or thium t Whichtho actio is directed in ita ea fecit is expressed in Englisti by vario us reposition as, lotitia Dei knowledge of God, o God, knowledge amor mei love sex me amor patris love os a sather. These genitives are somelimes Hain, smetimes dipscuit.
A. The genitive os ita pronouns persona ego tu,
Ofth Gem e. sud nos, vos ure plain since me genitives mei tui, sui nostri, vestri are alWay used Objectives' riui the se exceptions ab ove reserresto amor mei Ioveso mea amor tui, et Icc love so thee, him c. sorwhicli, may ala in amor erga advero', in me, te, Se noδ, vo M. odium mei habe t gainst me; odium tui sui c. sor,hic odium erga adverδuδ, Orm me M. may be ustaci desiderium mei tui, miraec. longiuisor me M. studium mei tui M. For thesepromuns, e ma notis the possessive meus tuus,
amor mei; the forme means my Iove, ine love Which seel sor another: in odium meum tuum c. thehatros ita I seel, inita thou oelestrior another; desiderium meum the longing hicli I feel o anything. et e somelimes find meus, tuus, Suus. Ster, vester, used sor the genitives mei tui, sui M. Sall. Iug. 14. 8, vos in mea iniuria despecti estis, sor iniuriamei, erga me injuryrio me Sali Cat. 51. II, neque cuiquam mortalium iniuriae suae parvas videntur, flar mior erga se injuriesis, to himseis crimina mea against me uv. 35. 19 amori nonro, i. e. erga nos, Cic. ad Div. 5. I 2 10 24 3 Plane omnes gratas amicitias atque etiam pias propinquitates in tua observantia, imdulgentia, assiduitate vincam Where tua olservantia is respect so thoe, insteta os tui Terent. Phorm. 5.8. 27,
nam neqlle ἐegligentia tua, neque Id odio fecit tum sornegligentia tui, o erga te, an odio tui or ad οὐ te: Terent ineaut 2 2 26, et lacrymis opplet os totum sibi, ut facile scires, desiderio id fieri tuo, Ar tui, hom
ni sata M. instead os causa mei tui M.
B. he genitive os substantivos and the relative Pronouns hic ille, is, qui iste, idem c. are osten disificuli, Mea e thesmus frequently be translated p sessivelfo activelfas,eli as objectively accordangis the context e. g. amor Dei, Objectively Iove OKarda God but actively, God stove toWard others. henceamor Dei mustino be used Objectivel untes the coim textiliani indicates it; thermis it is Miter ω sayamor erga Deum It is the fame, illi amor eius, huius, illius, eiusdem c. e. g. amor cognitιoni' Cic. in. 4. 7. So with other morta; as odium hominis eius, illius M., objectively means haire against man him&c., Τ irent. Iec. 2. I. 22 Ovid. Met. 14. Ici soservitutis, Cic. hil. 6. 14, i. e. against lavery actives it means, an one, haued against another: tim matris objectively sear of the mollior, hicli one seelsoslier e g. Llv. 9 26, timor eius fear sellifanother of him actively the mollier Diear of another. It is the fame missi metus as metus hostium ear of theene , est is othera, Liv. 31. 23 so existimationis Cic. Vere 1 37 therwis the nemies fear, hichthey seel memoria homi is rei, memor os, about an me e g. memoria nominis mei, Cic. at 3 also any one' memor' e. g. Cic. Phil. l0 3 graitissima memoria omnium civium, the most thanksul recollectionos ali the citi gens se a ut any one : cura patris Cares inne' sather e g. cuam hospitis, Ovid. Her. I 6. 304:reriin Cic. Offa s: rerum publicarum Sassi lag. 3:also the Ather' care, hic he eeis pudor patris ahame or respecti Hone's sather, erent Andr. I. 5. 27; also the aster' shame, o respect, hic hes eis:
e. g. notitiam habereseminae, Caes. B. G. s. 20 Uttitia
nitio causarum, Cic. Top. Id mod knowledges conmspectu malamn the right os missortunes, Liv. in Prael: conspectus hominis, a man, ficti, hic he has osanything e. g. Venire in convectum hominis cupiditas rei destre of thingie. g. triumphi, Cic. Pis 26: cupiditas hominis a man, destre religio Dei religionlaward God e g. Cic Phil. l. 6, in mes deorum immortalium religio homilias a mana religion studium rei agemes for a thini studium hominis a manlaeagernos volupta rei, plemure an a thing e. g. Quinti 5 13 6 noti taliationis accusandi, ibid. 11. I. 57 discendi, Cic. OTI . . of Wllic Aee hereaster ;voluptas omani pie ure Whic a man feeis animi Cic. ad Div. 2.9. 3. -- old mei Cic. Fin I. 18: aurium, Quintil. l. 10 ei ti rei excuses ita astin alloWs, . . temporis, Cic. ad Div. 10 4 2. Planc. hominia eicumtis excuse Whic a mammam; testus rei pomer in or ove a sting hominis a man'sp-er, Whichae hasis exercises ira bini angerina count of the war, Sall. p. Mithrid ad Arsac. Sofugae, Liv. 27. dicta tori creatι i. e. ob dictatorem creatum, Idv. 2l. 2 ira hominis a man, anger apestri phi ope os a triumph Cic. ad Div. 2 l2 5; ve IalluiS, i. e. de δalutes spes hominis, hic a maniaeis periculum dicendi dangeris speising Cic. Phil. I. 6 hominis daver os a man labor discendi lamuros leaming Cic. ff. 3. 2 hominis a man, labo ur: iniuria priris II harnio alather; e. r. Ociora , i. e. in socios, Sall. Iug. 52 or,hicli a satheriora in others. To these inan more may be added e g. Mincium Verris, ille udgement orariat os Verres confused
signati os the consul elech i. e. propter conδulam drai natum, Cic. ur 2 iniuriarum, Cic. Vere 2.27 mandati, Cic. Nat Deor. 3. 30 comitia retorum, asse lyso choosin praetors comitia comulum, Liv. 3. 20: censorum, Cic. Att. 4 2 Quinti fratris, ibid. I. 4: proditio hominis reacher against any one e g. amicitiarum rerum publicarum, Cic. Acad. 4 9 negligentia deis, i. e. erga deos Liv. 3. 20, and many offers. Yet in mos os these examples a repositio ma be ed instea of the genitive os odium adversus ali quem, in aliquem Ar odium alicuius. bis the inhients commoni have recourserio, When an obscuriis uidaris seo the use of the genitive. he contexi must
decido,hether the genitive inouldhe ahen objecti lyor actives': e. g. amor dei erga nos est magnus here deicis evidently put actively debemus amore dei fi grare here it is platiit love so God, and de is used objectively, sor hic erga in adueraua deum mulit be substituita Nocte There are more dissiculi example os ste genitive, hic must be explained by a
cit Ann. II 8 dejectore patris ut for a patre Suo: Suet Claud. 29, in cono tu dilecti adrimentuli con fossus, i. e. cum dilecto adolescentulo Caes. B. G.
2. 17, eorum dierum cs Lyuetudo, i. e. Consuetudo per
eos dies this last may be defenderi since there fosso itineris nostri exercitus Where itineris iam is Duemed by consuetudo. The sentenceris, eorum dierum coimsuetudine itineris Itostri exercitus perspecta c. Cic.
IV. Τlae genitive is also governed by sOme substantives, whicli are generatinnot accounte substantives,
beo e thesare translated into Englisti by adjectivesor ad Verta suta a instar, nihil, and the ablatives causa, gratia, ergo on account os
. Instar as, amo eum instar patris I love hi like alathera ad is underato , since instar means animage, liheness, portrait, sketch also orth hind, hape, look e. g. quod primum operis instar suit, Plin. H. . 34. 7 ut navalis belli imstur emceret, Flor. 3. 5 est tanquam animi instar in corpore, Cic. r. 14 i. e. an equivalent so the foui puncti instar obtinet, in Tusc. 1. I7 thence ad instar . ,hicli, as,illaeshewn hereas aer, instar is used as, ad instar patris, aster o a conlinito the likenem, ina 'ook c. os ille Ather a thesester, lita cie saltar, me samerus thesiaster Cic. r. id est tanquam instar animi in corpore, i. e. his a foulain. Cic. ad
Div. 15 4 Eranam, quile tuu IIOnici instar sed urbis, i. e. notlike a villam M. instar muri, Caes. B. G. 2 7 epistola instar luminis, Cic. Att. O. C: Virg. n. 2. II, instar montis equum aedificant, i. e. ad instar montis, a grea as a mountain
Cic. Rabir Perd. 8, erat mortis ianuar, as modas Massi instar sitae Cic. ad Div. 9 6 Plato est mihi instar omnium, Cic. t. 51 insisad os v. Metiri 2 266 as it ma Mara lated alio in inme of the a ve-ched passages habet instar septu ginta epistolanim), a ut sevent M. Cic. Att. 6. 5 in Hirti Alex. 9 Varr. R. R. l. I. When ibis translatestiis, as modas c., it man consideria as a nominative R CIC. r. ol, Plato mihi unus instar est omnium, literalty Plato is to me tho regem hi ance Osail; i. e. When one Sees Plato it is a good a isone sa est Plato is to me a good as ali, may stand in the placeo ali in his many of the ab e passages may be added. 2. Nihil nothinnio oriones as, nihil pecuniae, nothinios
mone , Ora Ione : nihil libro m liabeo, I have n hooks nihil pulchri, nihil magni &c e. g. nihil eius lias tui a ruburctret ignis Liv. s. 13. i. e. non of the lancea nihil rerum humanarum, Cic. Red Quir. 5 nisu istorum, Cic. 2. Fr. S. 9. et we fiud nihil in the fame case Min the adfective stat sollows: a Cic. r. I. 3I, 1uhil reconditum, nihil exspectati M. Cic. Amic o natura Usit in nihil amat Cic. ad Att. I. 13, --hil honestum and esse ere Note nihil, ii medio nonhelangs notiere. S. Causa, properis in the cause, i. e. on account of ibrine sari os e. g. patris causa, amoris causa, M. Theio sessive pronouns mea, tua sua, nostra, vestra, are osten Mnedio it as, mea causa, ris sata tua causa, sorali sata M. et notises causa, tui causa M. 4. Gratia sive eclusa, o account os e. g. patris gratia, amoris gratia M., on account os in sester, properly from savor tomydather M. in mea gratia, tua gratia c., sor my sata M.
5. Ergo, me Gree ἔργου, - account os, o the sis es: e. g. Nep. Paus a, eius victoriae ergo Apollini donum dedisse, on account os that victoo Liv. 37 47, victoria ergo uv. 1.18, honoris ergo Cic. Att. s. 25 legis ergo Virg. I . 6. 670,
illius ergo venimus, o his account c. in XII. Tabui neve Iessumhneris ergo liabento, quoted by Cic. Leg. 2. 23, 25 aealso quotes pl. Gen. r. 7 a decree of the Athenian withthe words, eum donari virtutis ergo M. Lucret. 5. I245:Liv. 33. 49.
Note. heseritu oe ords, causa, gratia, ergo, re et aster their genitive, as appears stom the examples. So ep. Lys. I, se Lacedamoruorum causa sacere Sali Cat. 23 probri gratia M. SO mea causa, tua Causa, ea causa Sin. et we osten findcausa presxed a Terent Eun. l. 2. 122 et quidquid huius seci eausa virginis ieci Liv. 31. I siem causa expianda violationis eius templi D. 14, ne quis coisse, aut convenisse causa sacrorum velit 40 4i, causa igminum decretum: