A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

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in the --uime. ille contexti iam in undemiand the Whole se lance, me inest no dist misti stela different nomin lives anxit is osten, flight matter o decide ponine subjeci nominative, si ascit is calle in schoes' in nominative even in greates philologist have consesse sies in illinis determine it in some dissiculi passage of the ancients. Ac potnt of great importanc sor understanding the ancients, we shHI

determine besse ne proceed furitier: e. g. virtus reddit nos felices, virlue render usa py is,e had selices nos virtus reddit, o reddit nos virtus felices,

stili virtus is the subject again, pater tuus est O us,t Taster is leamed, o doctus est pater tuus pater

tuus is the subject in both so, omnes homines sunt mortales, o mortales sunt omnes homines omnes

homines is the subject in both. It is the fame in comnecte sentenoes; as, pater imperavit, ut filio libri traderentur in therarat sentence pater, in the secondlibri, is the subject Note. hough properisitshould precede only the indicative and conjunctive, yet som timescit is besere Iythe imperative e g. aperite aliquis, Ar aperiat, Terent. Ad 4. 4. 24 aperite atque

Erotium aliquis evocato, Plaut. Μen. 4 2 2. the infinitive in narrations se aster, O 2. M. 4.


Eaec lanx his principes nominative osten satis A. Whenes may bo insit underet d it is then

generali omitte& e. g. a. Tite pronoum ego tu, nos, vos, are generalis omitted, cause Ming the oesy nomina aves in their proper terminations,

the are easti underatood e. g. oro te, ut ad me venias, Oreg oro te, ut tu ad me venias. So Cic. Cat. I. 2, abelnus enim for nos liahemus ibid. vivis et vivis non ad deponendum,sor tu vivis ibid. cupio me esse clementem for ego cupio et ad

Div. 4. II, si vales bene est, valeo sor si tu vales- , ego valeo ad Div. 16. Is omnia a te data mihi putabo, si te valentem videro. Summa cura exspectabam, Where alimetimes si ius ovid. Am. s. 4. 17, nitimur in vetitum, cupimusque negata, Where nos -- fans: Cic. ann 2 causa quaesit, videtis and so eo nuesb. te. et stes pronouns must be expresse i),hen an emphasis is intended, uiat is, when thenare pronou ed witha certain tress as amata egone sum thou has done it no the man), tu secisti. o Virg. En l. I, ille ego, qui

quondam gracili modulatus avena - arma, Virumque Cano: Virg. n. 7 335, Iuno say to the suo Alecto, tu Potes una nimes armare in proelia fratres: erent Andr. I. I. l. Nos istaec

inuo auferte, mi there, ahe δα. ibid. 2. I. in tu, si hic sis: Cic. Cat. I. g, at nos vicesimum iam diem patinivr hebescere aciem horum auctoritatis: somelimes in promuncis evendoubledior great emphasis; oc Cat. l. I, nos, nos, dico aperte, consules desumus. 2.3 in an antissimis; as, ego sum PauPer, tu dives: frater tuus me amat, tu me odisti: Auct ad Ilerenti.

4. Is ego reges eieci, vos tJl annos introducitis: ego libertatem, quae non erat, eseerici Os Partam servare non vultis Hor. Epist. l. O. 6,u niduni servas, ego laudo ruris amoeni rivos

Virg. Ecl. I. 5, nos patriam fugimus, tu, Tityre, lentus in umbra formosam resonare doces Amaryllida silvas. et me amsomelimes used, hero sto tot be milita an non tu quidem, M. Cic. Fat. q. I.


Q. Socisse, is, an other nominati .es arct omitted, is they have been latet expressed e g. pater te Binat, et in PerPetuum amabit sor et pater o et ille hin perpetuum cc. where it is evident that pateri ille sc pater is underat d with amabit: and w in ollier instances.

Note. A nominative is osten omitted hin nobilael but omeother nominativo las preceded, is it ma be readit undinisod:

e. g. pater filio imperavit, ut ad se veniret: so in questions audivistine reni t audivi. Et the ollowine omissionis the nominative is rathe liarsi , Liv. 45. Eo, omnibus serin II ltius muneribusque et praesens est cultus Attaliis et proficiscentem prosecuti sunt; i. e. Romani prosecuti sunt Without Romam is

haris, since Attalus is the precedinis ject it mas weverbo explain clita aiunt sc homines Uimsecuti sunt, mi mines ibid. 28, ubi et asia quidem visa, misim ab Em. Paulo et Iovem veluti praesentem intuens motus animo est: c. 2 illos Paulus. Sin harine is Sall. In Iol. 5, dum eo modo equites praeliantur, Bocchus cum peditibus, quos Volux

filius eius adduXerat, neque in priore pugna in itinere morati, aluerant, postremam Romanorul aciem invadunt. Here a nominative is antinito B diueralit for neque in prior et qui non in priores ould have been more aecurate. 3. The nominative satis to the stita person os certain verbs, especialinthose whicli mean, to say to teli MC. Maiunt, di Cunt, serunt, AC homines otiis nominative seo popular sage eingcommoni omitted. his sometimes also iappens,ith other Verbs a credunt, arbitrantur, admirantur M. e. g. Cic. T.

2. II, nemo iustus esse potest, qui anteponiti aximeque a uinantur homines eum, qui pecunia non movetur quod, in quo viri perspectum sit, hunc igni spera tum antiruntur.

d. x nominativa very osten fatis illi the third personis sum, when qui follows and represent the subuect as, est qu dicat,

is est aliquis or homo'inlascat sunt qui dicant, or sunt alia qui M. qui dicant fuerunt qui dicerent erunt qui dicantac. rin est, ubi possis declarare sapi ruriam tuam est locus Aec. This nominaiive is usualli num in the ancients.


5. The pronoun is ostendatis, when ibis immediates Bllowedor precede is qui as, Alta est Ox0, qui deum amat o qui deum amat, is felix est in errat, qui hoc credit, or qui hoc credis errat M. B. illi certain verbs, a nominative is alWays WanNing, nor camany be underetood:

1. Wit the inita person singula o passives, whi h have no the other persons, hecause their active in o does notinoveman E Cusatives thesare used impersonalty,or,ithout a preced- in subuect an in the percalae partica pleris neu t. a parcitur

mihi, Lam sparta, parcitur ubi, parcisu patri, parcitu nobis, vobis, parentibus : and so through ast tenses; as, parcebatur mihi, parcitum est mihi M. V persuadetur mihi, tibidin. I a persuade M. persuadebatur sibi, persuasum est mihi M. et inme os these vere ars at times found wissian accusative a persuadere aliquem Petron 62 64 Gn. ap. Serv. ad Virg. En. O. m. hen e also the passiverisu sed personalty a persuasus est, Cic. ad Div. 6. 7. Caec. persuasus erit, Ovid. Art. S. 679 animus persuasus videtur, Auct ad Her. I. 6 persuasa est, Phaed. I. 8. 7 Persuasum

am mascd Caes. B. G. 7. 2. With the neuter os the pari sui pass. when it is used impersonalty and has the name os a gerunda af est eundum or

betidum est mihi, I must,rite Note a These gem stare always predicates Whos in jecis ad theres e the proper ordo is est eundum M. thoughi may be reversed in wriling. . b gerund os verbs, whicli dono tali an accusative are impersonal, and do not admita n minative helhre them though of many e find an entire participie a fruendus, a, um, utendus, a, um : E. g. laCie fruenda mihi, Ovid. Her. 2O. II in fruenda sapientia est, Cic. Fin. l. I: uti uor and utor tali ino an accusative: ut the gerund orneuter of the ut pari pass. rom verbs hic Fuer an ac

cusative, may be used as participies, and have a nominativei sere them; as, hoc est scribendum, legendum thesare aliis used


the minimuinem ille inhoriendere; as, liber est scribendus, elusis est scrubenda, sistrae sunt scribendae M. 3. With the impersonat verbs os an active terminali , he nominative regularissatis aso in poenitet, pudet, miseret, inlet, piget. et since, say poenitet me laboris, det me fata, miseret me tui, taedet me studii piget me operae, it Mem stat

these genitives are put so nominatives, and ar governe hy a nominative omitaed, e g. by negotiumci as, negotium laboris me poenitetine. e also sa poenitet me fecisse, c., where theinfinitive fecisse may be considere a a nominative. o these long interest patris, interest mea M. e. g. discere, it concer

M. unlem discere M the subjeci nominative: decetias, me decet amare virtutem, ij comes me M. unles amare bestiae

nominative s. oportet as, oportet me discere, it belloves me M. unles here also discere bo the noemnaiixe. e also findoportet ut ego discam, here ut ego discam in Mahe nom.

It is hence ciear, that whe wein homo oportet mortem, ditetur, o hominem oportet mortem meditari, e must reser homo and hominem notri oportet, but o meditetur, meditari. Note. e also find these impei soliat vertis illi a nominative as,iorma viros neglecta decet Ovid. Art. l. 5Oin id decet, Cic. T. I. Si deceant, ibid. also pudeo This has heen o

served Par I chap. 3. 8. l. o these also beloniningit, pluit, tona M., which were inere mentioned, and with whicli inmeundemiand coelum, deus M.

C. The nominative satis in the expression venit mihi in mentem illius diei reiaco that day, thinginc comes

titam so that negotium diei standa Or Iesci ome

suppi memoria, Whic is tes probabie but the wholematis is meres conjectural


D. Sometimes se ille principat nominative, findan accusative, When qui solio Ws asaerent Eun. 4.3. II, Eunuchum, quem dedisti nobis, quantas dedit turbas sor Eunuchus me must explain Eunuchum by quod attinet ad is Eunuchum quem a be tahentogether, is ein understoo wit dedit. So Virg. m. I. 573 577), urbem quam statu vestra est serurbs. his accusative ser a principes nominative is ostentoverne by a verb: Caes. B. G. 1. 39, rem frumentariam ut satis commode supportari posset, timere dicebant sertimere dicebant, ut ea frumentaria M. : Terent Eun. l. 2. 86, et istam nunc times, quae abducta est, ne illum iraeripiat tibi sor times, ne isti illum praeripiat c. ibid. 5. 8. 5, scin me in quibus sim gaudiis se scin in quibus ego sim gaudiis Cic. ad Div. 8. I0. 8. COA., nosti Marcinum quam tardus sit; sor nosti, quam tardus sit Marcellus. So in Englisti, Thou knowest the man, ho sto heris c. E. Sometimes the nominative, Whicli satis must be

the places quo ted above scin me in quibus sim gaudiis&c. especiali Liv. I. I et, in quem primum egressi sunt locum, Troia vocatur, Where ille nom. hic mintheir cedin locum is underasto missi vocatur oraester, et locus In quem egressi sunt aroia voeatur. Domine solio ing Liv. L 14 variatur agrι, quod inter urbem ac Fidenas est there,as in much lan laid Waste a Was beMeen Rome M. id salis Wit agri,


Ofthe ominative. F. Ometimes the nominative standitia improperplace, as in the fini sentence When it ought to e in

the se ony e. g. pote 8 enii accidere promissum aliquod et conventum, utri essici sit inutile, Cic. ff. l. 10 sor potest enim accidere, ut promissum c. um less,e preser, potest enim accidere, promissum aliquod et conventum ut essici sit inutile. Observcuiom. Os the subjeci or principat nominative,ema surther

obserVe; l. Sometimes in the ancient two or more subjeci nominatives stand together, orae denotinia hole, the Other a pari, and there re the forine is put so the genitive: e. g. Liv. 9. 27 Consules Sulpicius in dextro, Poetelius in laevo cornu consistunt, sorconsulum Drahen horC read consulum m. 24, Onerari

pars maxima ad Egimurum illae adversus urbem ipsam ad Calidas Aquas delatae sunt sor onerariariam. his may be considered in apposition, and was a se realed os under stat

2. For qui, quae, quod, we osteni si quis, si qua M., and in the plurat where is, ea, id precedes o sello in timescis omitted: e. g. Cic. ad Qu. H. l. i. is, mutare animum et, si quid est penitus insitum moribus, id subito evellere soret, quod est moribus Vere. 5. 5, iste Verres si qui senes aut des me erant, eos in hostium numero ducit ad Diris.

II S, non tam id laboro, ut ii qui mihi obtrectent, a te relatentur, here ii fatis sorit, qui mihi obtrectent, ii dcc. his is ver usual in Cicero and others a Sall. Iug. 1Ol. , ceteri . corpora tegere si e tegebant istisι qui In manus venerant, ol

truncare: et ille prope sense os si in these instances is alm regata . S. The plura os qui, when asin subjec it Aes after it the


W4M Nominative. predicate pauci or multi, alWars sin s in the nominative, thoughin Englisti the genitive is uised as, cave iminicos, γι multi sunt, os hom there are many sodomus, quae murae sunt in hac urbe. But is multi and pauci arma parcos qui, qui is change inis quorum, multi or pauci Minime subjecthas, habui amicos i numeros, quorum paues adhuc vivunt o quorum multi iam

mortui sunt. Vis the fame illi quot we manno say, Howmany are there of Foud quot suII vestrum t ut quotestic forvos is the subject and quo the predicates: so, Quot sunt hi homine i ho many are ther of these ment ut is, mea a

Pari, and say, floW many of ou amores rou Will rea thisbook the we se Quot vestrum here quo is ste subjectistis shouldies resuli observed. 4. I has been besore observia, chap. I. I S, that ipse i thego, tu dcc., is more usual in the nominative, even when the lauerare in other cases as ego ipse mihi ipse tibi ipse mihi ipse displiceo, se ipse interfecit M.

II. The subjecti principes nominative aes the ver asteriit in the fame person Thus ego Aes the ver in tho fini person ego amo : tu in the second:

Other nomInatives sing. in the thisy an s of the plures. Observationa.

l. These persones terminations o person folio even enthe nominatives persono aro ouj supposta as, quanquam te amo, tamen me odisti Ecc. sor tamen tu me odisti S c. Sol trem rogavi quidem, sed noluit precibus meis satisfacere pateror ille se pater is understood besore noluit rogamus ut ametis virtutem, quia vos reddere potest felices iere nos is understood with rogamus vo with ametis, Virtus With Potest: errant, qui

putant; homines orcii is underatoo wit errant. 2. Qui, quae, quod manstand in the place of ali persons, and therelare si aster ices the personat terminations hon-


mus conside to what person it refers e. g. ego, qui te Pro amico habui, valde erravi here qui reser to ego, and thereserelahes a steriit the firs person tu Vita literas an as, non potes; herei reser in tu an inhes the secon person: homo qui ita vivit,

felix est nos, qui literarum cupidi Montis, rogamus M.; here qui resera o nos and ahes the fimi person: vos, quit virtutem Odistra, timere debetis: hombiesquiperemit non debent mirari Also ego, non is sum, qui omnia Ham, Lam notine that niustino allinings tu non is es, qui omnia sinu pater non is est, qui omnia uiat an in in ilia plural. his si ut be caresuli nos d.

since the English ahes a thir person througii Out, litCh m: ymi flead ales in ner. his also tahes place when qui is put sol ut ego, ut tu C. O Cum ego, Cum tu &C: as, sum dignus qui lauder, Udeserve tote pratsedci es dignus qui lauderisci virtus

est digna quae laudetur so ego qui cum ego scirem rem ita se habere, eo prosectus sum, i, since Iane M. tu me odisse potes, qui a me semper amatus in P non possum tibi credere, me epefUellem non possita patrem odisse, qui me tam topere amet laudatis sequi rimis vestra laude indigni: nai damus nos, qui tam praeclare viri tu M. 3. Quoi, when it inquires a ut the wbole number, aves inerat an ille persons; as, Quot sumus hoW many are Minoi, quot sunt nostrum t Quot estis not, quot sunt vestrum tIt is ilio fame with the answer, Nos sumus decem, eam ten inalty vos estis viginti illi sunt Centum tot Sumus, e re oman tot estisci tot sunt illi. t is somewhat disserent ith

quot sim nostrum, Vestrum &C. nostrum sunt decem fleta since

ther express a part as,io many os us t i. e. rom ortu ofour number M. and w of the ossiem. 4. From,hat precedes it is clear, that the subjeci nomin live cania used oninwith the finite ver folic, vini; that is,h sore the paris of the verbishich have a persona termination,

uig the indicativo and conjunctive not, heresere, elare theinfinitive. The e in the expressimas dicitur pater venisse, diacuntur milites , fugisse, videtur res certa esse luta, the, nomin uves pater, nullius, and res, aro noti emed is dicitur, di-


Cuntura c. hut precede them, and there re dolo piecede venis gerae . he orde os construction is pater dicitur ve Iusseri milites dicuntur fugisse &c. therelare venisse, fugisse C. aregovemed by the precedire ver accordinito the rute, that when two verbs come together the lauer is in tho infinitive. Vel the nominaiive vernosis occursis a subjec besore theisin. imp. but oesy in narrations as, Caesar proficisci, imperare M. Caesar marches, ordem M. Nothiniis more common,ith historians e g. Caes. B. G. I. 16, interim Caesar I uos mi-

mentum, quot essent publice polliciti,scio ita re Liv. I. , ita geniti, ita educati venando peragrare circa saltusci Sali Cat. 6.4, pallii ex amicis auxilio esse, sor erant. Orators and poets, Sethe fame torma Cic. verr. 2 76, arere homo Mersam rubere

Virg.AEn.2.685, nos pavidi trepidare metu itis called the narrative inta It is supposed tote govemed bycoepi, coepit M., whichosten, n , ars applies e g. Sall. IV m milites neque pro opere ocimiatere propter iniquitatem loci, neque inter vineas εine periculo. sinistrare optimus quisque cadere M. Wherei

tuerunt, not coeperunt, may be underetood illi consistere admunistrare. Perhaps illi these infinitives the ancient understoodno verbs at all. It is the sanu cap. 97, neque virtus, neque arma satis tegere: here is somethinimus Minderst Od l O-terant is helter than coeperant. Cum since, readily stand be-sore this iniri. Sall. Iug. 98 2, iamque dies consumtus erat, eum tamen barbari fail remittere, atque acrius tristare: ocum

Appius ius disere, Liv. 2. 27 alio Min an accus of the in ject e g. cim inierim ripem oerceri sarcum lexererreretur, Lis. 4. 5a, here, however, an accus with an infin precedes.

me at disserent is iam l. 35, cum se non rem novam petere; where cum ouldae helter away also the nom. somelimes precedes the imperatives Se aliove D. I.

III. The subjecti principes nominative ahes the ver aster it in the fame number, ascis evident osilaeis When heresere this nominative is sing. o plar. ine

te docet, filii discunt, nuptias sunt sactae, literae sunt scriptae c.