A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

발행: 1825년

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438 Additions and ores. ω notice mann nos imperceptibi stiades and nic ties and ecause gramma seem to dwelliso inuehon whacis minute an subue, many are disposed tostin it tristing. ut initie recollected that ille elements of allanowledgesare What Liu calis miracula literarum, the letters of the alphabet; and that ali realand effective knowledgeris attained by descendiniinto minute disserences, it Wil hardi be necessis to vim dicate gramma stom his reproach. Ne quis igitis ianiquam parva fastidia grammatices elementa non

quia magna sit operae consonantes a vocalibus discernere, pasque ea In SemIvocalium numerum, mriminique partiri sed quia interiora velut sacri huius adeuntibus apparebit multa rerum subtilitas, qriae non modo acuere ingenia puerilia, sed exercere altissimam quoque eruditionem ac scientiam possit, Quintil. l. 4. Levia quidem haec, et parvi sorte, si per se spectentur, momenti. Sed ex elementis constant, ex principiis oriuntur, Omnia et ex iudicii consuetudine in rebus minutis adhibita pendet saepissime etiam in maximuvera atque accurata scientia Claia Praes ad Iliad. Hom. Si quis igitur vestrum ad accuratam Graecarum literarum scientiam aspirat, is probabilem sibi accentuum i. e. elementorum levissimorum,notitiam quam matur rime comparet, in propositoque perstet, scurrarum dicacitate et stultorum irrisione immotus,torson ad Eurip. Μed. I. P. 2. No gramma canicat ali complete or seselutiles it ilotice notini ille genera rules of the langvage, Whicli are equali common is ali languVM,

but ais the principes exceptions and peculiar idioma, .hieli constitute the individua character os any one


as thoircinodeis, an 'aditali forme in inflexionand idio in os thei language as ne arinas they could toste Greeh, it is esear that a comparison,ith theore Will alWay be necessa ri get a clear vie os the, ture an analog of the Latin. For proos that the Latin and Gree are independent derivatives stomata fame Orion, besides the intrinsic resemblance, the reade is reseraeda Laneti Saraio di

Lingua Etrusca In iis autem Italiae antiquae linguis principia ac primordia Vetustissimae linguae Graecae, inquinata scilicet et corrupta, latuisse, nemo qui ac tissimi Langi de hac re doctissimum opus inspexerit, dubitare poterit,mnight. Prol. Ηοm. f. M. P. 3. he solio ing seems a better arrangement of gramma tuto seu paris L ste pronunciatis of ess 2 the hi , variation, an sense os Words 3 the constructionis ord an sentences 4. the rhythm and metre of Word in prose an verse. Ρ. 5. , whon in the fame syllabierit precedes a Other vowel becomes a consonant, an is then more convenienti initte J.

Ρ. II. There seem uo modimund sors p ingstat the found os II Was ever suppresse is accurate


On the ancient Pronunciation V G1Hk and Laristi knowledge of the ancient prommetation is necessary that,e ma clearly understand the principies o quantity, and the analog A the language. It may be ascertained is not illi absolute certainty, et ii, reason te probabilib. Since so man word Were adopte into Latin smin the Gree wio the origines spelliniand pronunciation, it Willie necessa 'o m fide the two linguages conj0intly. Wishali consido 1 the found of the lotior : . the division o syllabies 3 the quanti of syllabies: 4. the accent.

The sollamiu principies may be premista:

4. That the found of the diphthong was that os


their component vomeis, in Whic one os stetW pr dominated. These principies are confirmedi considering the manne in Whic theto Hos the Latin letters is e pressed in Grea an reciprocatly that non os thoancient,riters Who expressi treat of the poWers of theletters eve mentio an vari and that the umchangesile mund of the letters is distincti assertodb some of them. hus Dionysius of HalicarnasSus, and Quintilian expressi mentio the found of the different letters, Without noscingahat avis them hin, founds. Quintilia also observes optho letter ,

cum sit c litera, quae ad omnes Vocales vim Suam Pe

ferat: and St. Augustine rematas, cum dico lege, in his duabus syllabis, aliud Graecus, aliud Latinus intelligit proving that the Latinis an Gree Hli ad thesam found Quintilia further observes, hic enim usus est literarum, ut custodiant voces, et velut depositum reddant legentibus itaque id exprimere debent, quod dicturi stimus no this couldae true ninon me suppositio that 'no letter ad more stan one

The --lcare naturali an generalty inori ThelongioWeis have generalifarisen hom the contractionos Wo vowel or syllabies into One, o the omission Ofone or more consonanis Long --is, When icisi cessary may be distinguished by the mar set overthem the mar is quila superfluous.



mυι ι

and the had the mund of the singli in fandis in



of the Division of Syllabies. syllabi always terminated in a voWel except L The fines syllabie or in compound Orci, the fines syllabie os eae pari Whicli terminates Wit, the

taris the following consonant.


Ad tition arta Mes

the Quantis of Syllabis The quantity os a vowel and os ille syllablo,hieli

is nature When it contains a long --bor diphthong; though in verso it is inmetimes ad shori yiosiation. Whether ahor o longin nature, a syllabiecis lWay loniis position When the voWe is succeededis any tW consonanis, except v, or a mute an lia quid othemise i is ghori, excepi somelimes in Verse, as millie notice in prosody. Though there is much variet in the langi os syllabies, yet in verse alli risyllabies are considere eques, an ali long syllabi double thecilior Ones. in socerit The author has spoliis of the quantit os syllabies unde thes me os accent, but has entiret neglected iste subjec os accent, properins called. e subjoin

Shor account collected stom Priscian. Accent is quit different rom quantity quantityrespecis the leuth of syllabies, ut accentris the et vation os the tone os one syllabis in a, des ovo theothere There is My one accent, in acute in e syllabies Which have no accent are technically, ut i correctly said is have the grave accent. Sometimes When a syllabie is long is nature, theri meriarchas the acute, the lauer, accent, and tho syllabie is saidio have in circumflex accent. Only one syllabie is accented in the fame Word nor an the accent beria ther stomahe eo os ille, d than the antepenultima.


Addulans and Notes The solio iniare the generat miles os Latin accent: In Polysyllabies, is the penultima be inori, ille ani penultima is acuted cis lang the penultima is acuted: but is the penultima be long is nature, and the ultimashori, the penultima is circumflexed. In Dissultabies the penultima is acuted except Whenthe penultima is longin nature, and the ultima sit hanesilien the penultima is circumflexed.

Μonosyllabies inor is nature, are acuted is lannare circumflexed. There Me mme exception Do sies miles and GDA Word expressed in Latin character solio ille Grea accent Τhe quantit os evor vowel and the accent are inessentiat par of each Word and the changes os quam tib and accent in each deciensi in and conjugation arean essentiat par os inem. The quantit an accentlagether constitute the rhythm os each Word.

in the Englio Promoriation os Greest and Latin. The principio os the Ensisti pronunciation os Greeh

and Latin is to divide and pronounc eversam te asa similar combination would be pronounced in English: but the Latin accent is retalae bes in Latin and Grea: and when ita penultima is accented, ita Vowe is pronounce longis in English. Besides this, the Latin lettera, and the Grea missi some restri

sons, are madesto undem allata varieties os ille equb valent Molin letters.


The Englisti pronunciation o Latin and Greek, theresere, does no resemble theriore inor the ancient pronunciati . t subveris ste quantii an rhythmboth in prose and verse altera ille Grea accent to thes Latin destroy the consistenc os the Gree and Latinianguages, and their mutua analogn and above est, has ste signa distavantage stat there is no conne tion bet en the quantity and pronunciation, and that te ners have to acquire the quantit os ever syllabie by the aid os memor' and Without an assistance imm

It wouldie eas to give a long lis os Latin words derive seo the Greek, Whic are disguised by the change os pronunciation Perhaps every one has beenstruch missi in inferiorit os the semer language in

Another and perhaps preserable method Muldie, to systematig the present mode os pronunciation, and miserit corresponda the real quantity, Whicli micti


be essected by the lal Wing simple an intelliginie

ne tunc.

The Quantam os his method is stat it m a s uso

Isnglisti ear and whicli are Hready adopte in the penultima a Greek and Latin Woias that it approaches very near ille triae pronunciation, and accurates pr serves the quantityis ac syllabie, the rhythm of ach H and vera' and the analogy of the Wo languages: thacu admits of the trito division os syllabies; accent&c. that it precisel distinguishes the quantit ofevery voWel so that in learne acquires the quantityos thesino languages a naturali as ste pronuncia nos Engliis. It is not apparent stat an objection canae madesto suta a change, excepi that at isscit appear strange is ille ear bucinis Would wear ama missi amitte me, and then, probabj, his ne mei 1-vid solum evenPreserable