장음표시 사용
But there is no sese of havin recourse to this hypothesis for hen ever u men is spolienis even in the e Testament, it is ver represente in the fame Way asaein regulated in righteousness, accordin totho ork of ver individual See Acts xvii. 31 2 Cor. V. 10 Ol. iii. 24, 25 Rev. XX. 12; xii. 12.It Willi a ju ment, conducted accordinito the per et res of justice, With no respectis persons, illi no regar to individual a sueti, hetherhigh ordoW, muchis litile favoured a tomutu ard privileges, but accordingio hat thei conduci has been, unde the circumstanees of thei case.
With rogard to the constructionis his passage, 6 10 it mu be observed that it is forme aecordin to the Ode fiebre parallelisna, many instances of hich e meet illi even in the prose ritings of tho Ne Testament. Non of the ancients no any of the Oderus, elareth tim o Bisho Loreth, understood muchi the peculiar character of the Hebre style. Ad the anomalles, noticed by Caloin instanti vanish, When the passage is O arranged, as O exhibit the correspondendem iis different paris It consist o tW genera portions the rs includes three Verses, , , and 8; the ther, the remaining three verses Thesam things are maint inelude in both portions, ni in the alter hereare ome things additional, an explanat0ry, and the Orde is reVersed sothat the passage end with What corresponds With iis eginning To sese the holeri a connected form it is necessar to et it doWn inclines in the
petition is for the sine of producin an impression The charaeter of the righteous in therars pari, is thati persevering in d0ing good the seelagio , hono , an immortality and thoi reWard is to e terna liso the character of the wichedris that of ein contentious, disobedient to the truth, and obedientu unrighteousness and thei reWard is to e indignation and wrath. The character of therarsi in the secondiari, is that the work ood and of themther, that the wOr evit: and the reWardos therars is glory, honour, and peace and the reWard of the ther, dis- tres and anguisti vhicli ure the esseetsi indignation and Urath, as glory, honour, an peste are the fruits o the constituent paris of terna lila. It is tot observe that priorit in happiness, as Heli a priorit in misery, is ascribe to the JeW.-Ed.
II. For there is no respectis per 11. Siquidem non eSt acceptio perisons With God sonarum apud DeUm.12. For a many as have inne 12. Quicunque enim sine ego without laW, shail also perish Without peccaverunt sine Lege etiam perilam an a many as have inned in bunt; quicunque ero in Lege pec-
the law, shallae udged by the laW, caverunt per Legem judicabuntur, 13. For no the emers of the 13. Non enim Legis auditores la are jus besore God, ut the justi sunt apud Deum, sed qui Legem doers of the la shallae justised faciunt justificabuntur
The Ord greMrωποληψία, respectis persons, is ound in three therplaces, Eph. vi. 9 Col. iii 25 and James ii L and in these the refer-onceris to conditions in lila. In Acts x. 34, the ord is in another form,
An argument has de liene taken to oppos the doctrinem election; but this suo applyrio a particula thin What elong entiret an exelusivel to another. his belong to the administrationis justice, but electio is the exorcise of mercy. ven Grotius admits that God manifest sa disserende in bestosingipnefiis, but not in exercising udgment. Indeed, in the present instanee, With regard to the subjectaandled by the Apostle, there as a manifest differetice the Gentile ad ni the la o nature, but the Je had a revoaled law. et when rought to judgment there
have nos the laW, do by natur the Legem non habent, natura quae Lethings containe in the laW, these, is sunt faciant, ipsae, Legem non harin no the law, are a la unio sabentes, sibi ipsae sunt Lex: themselves: 15. Whiel sile the work of the 15. Quae ostendunt opus egisla initte in thei hearis, thei seriptum in cordibus suis, simul at- consciene ais bearing Witness, and testante ipSOrum conscientia et cOthei thought the mean hile ac gitationibus inter se accusantibus
cusing else excuSing mne an aut etiam eXcusantibus,other,
16. In the a When God shali 16. In die qua judicabit Deus
judg the secret os me by Jesus Occulta hominum, secundum Evan- Christ, accordinito, gospei. gelium meum, per Iesum Christum.
Calain seems to conside that the laiter partis the verse is ni an expansioni an expositionis the preceding clause respecting conscienceu