Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


out an restruint.


But it is labour in alii socio connec theS Vices, acto malae them dependent ne on another, sine this a not



put os tho si si assections os natur toWard their Wn relations Acho mentions the want of meronas an evidenc os human natur bella depraved Augustine, in arguin agninStthe Stolos, concludes that mero is a Christia virtuo.

The three Ords, ἔνστας, αεροφάνους, and αλαζόνας, eem to designate

Caluin has bustitiam Vasere, though judicium 'cis givo in the text.


and are approved there is no more an hopem reformation.

I. Therelare thoiari inexcusabie. 1. Propterea inexcusabilis es, man, hosOeve thou ar that judgest homo, quicunque judicas : in quo for,herein thou udgest another, thou enim judica alterum, teipsum con condemnest thyselfisor thou that judg demnas eadem enim facis dum est d0est the fame things judicas. 2. But,e are furentiat the udgmen 2 Novimus autem quod judio God is aecordin to truth against cium Dei est secundum veritateminem hicli commit such things. in eos qui talia agunt.


adulterer, o a tanderer, thendi no meret condem thopersons, ut hos ver vices hic adhered to themsolves.

It is confessed by mos that the illative, M at the eginning of the

verse, an hardi be accounte for The insereno Dom the precedin is no very evident. It is in m vieW, an instance of Hebraism and theresereno is notri What has preceded, but o liat is to come It is notproperi an illative, ut it anticipales a reason afterWard given, conveyed by for, or because Iis meaning ill e een in the solioWin version on this account, inexcusabimari thou O man whosoeve thouae hoeondemnest nother, hecause, in inat thou condemnest another tho condemnes thyseis for thou ho condemnest doest the samethings. The verb, κρίνω, has here theride os condemning oris passing udgment; to ju eris no sufficienti distinct. Ed.


thing though tho b applaudo by the worid, and though

3. And thinhest thou this, O man, 3. Existimas autem, o homo, qHIthat judgest tho vhicli do suci judicas eos qui talia faciunt, et things, and doest the fame, that thou eadem facis, quod ipse effugies judi-shali escape the udgment of οὐ eium Dei Θ4. O despisest thou the riches of 4. An divitias ionitatis ipsius

his Oodness, and sorbearance, an tolerantiaeque, ac lenitatis contem-

long-sussering not novin that is ignorans quod bonitas Dei te the goodnes of God leadeth the to ad poenitentiam deducit Θ

state of the case, Without an partiality, or aceordinito hat is ust indequitabim so Grotius tinescit. It correspondiu mord in HebreW, n N,


86 0MMENTARIES O ΤΗΕ ΗΑΡ. II. 3. 5. ut, after th hardnes and 5. Sed juxta duritiam tuam, et

impenitent heari, treas est Uprunt cor poenitere nescium, theSaurigas

thyset Wrath against the da os tibi iram in diem irae et revelationis Wrath an revelatio of the right justi judicii Dol; eous udgmentis God;

6. Who ill rende to ever man 6. Qui redditurus est unicuique accordinito his deed : secundam ipsius opera: 7. o them ho by patient con 7 Iis quidem, qui per boni operistinuance in Well-doing Seellar glory, perseVerantiam, gloriam et honoremand honour, and immortality eterna et immortalitatem quaerunt, vitam illa aeternam; S, But uni them that are con 8 Iis vero qui sunt contentiosi, tentiolas, and domo obe the truth, ac veritati immorigeri, injustitiae but be unrighteousness, indigna autem obtemperant, XeandeScentia, tion and wrath, ira, tribulatio, 9. Tribtilation and anguisti upo 9. Et anxietas in omnem animamevery fouli man stat doethivit, o hominis perpetrantis malum, Iudanthede first, and also of the Gentile: primum simul et Graeci: 10 But glory, hono , andieaee, 10. t gloria et honor et pax to very ma that Worketh good rio omni operanti bonum, Iudaeo pri-theiae first, and ais to the Gen mum simul et Graeco. tile.


as an extreme ichedness, that he had been made orso

tionem respuit a min&Whieli rejecis ver improvement.' tris an im- penitableuather than an impenitent heari, alia is a lieari incapable os repenting. See Eph. v. 19. d.