장음표시 사용
t stat horo tho main se of circumcision, and proceod to
mention of the prope and true character of igns, and direct his holo discourso against thei perverte interpretation.
more value ithout circumcision than illo circumcision os
For the very word os Paul leadis to this viow- alio Gontiis,' ho says, 'eingin hooper of the law, hali judg thee, Who artis transgressor thoughaesis uncircumcised, and thoulias tho litora circumcision.
thon signiso tho mortificatio of tho holo flesti. 29. Whata thon adds, in the spirit, o in tiae letter, un- derstand thus II calis the outward rito, Without piety the letter, and the spiritua design of this rite, the spirit for
Hypallage, substitution algure of speech by hicli amoumor an adjective is putri a formiisserent fro iis obvious import. Ed. The rendering of this clause is rather obscure, ,h by the lette and circumcision dos transgress the laν. V The preposition δια, has no doubi
patience. The the version sotadae, ,ho, ein With, o having tholetter an circumcision dos transgress the law.V The letter' means the writtendaW. That this is the meanin is evident Do the context. Both Grotius and Machnight give the fame construetion It is belle totae deiter,' i. e. the laW, and circumcision' separate, than to amalgamate thema a rhetorica figure, ascis donea Calvin and others. Ho ejusti says that this is More scite to the contexi, as nothin is aidhere of spiritual circumcision. The Ord γράμμα letter has various memings-1. What is commonlycalle letter, the character, Luke xxiii. 38;-2. What is ritien, a bondo contraci, in xvi. 6; 3. In the plural letters episties, Acts xviii. 21;-q. The rit te laW, as here, an in the plural the old Testament Scriptures, 'im iii 15; 5. What is conveyed by riling, earning, JOh Vii. 15 Acts xxvi. 24; and 6. The utWard pers mance O thelaW itieing Written, as opposed to has is spiritualis inWard as in thelast verse of this chapter, and ii Cor sit. 6.-Ed.
in sincerit os heari, ill remali in the lottor that is in thodoad writing but hunci penetrates into tho dari, it is
1. What advantage then AEath I. Quae igitur praerogativa Iuviei, the Je- or hat proiit is herem aut quae utilitas circumcisionis
circumcision Θ2. uch very Way chiefly be 2. Multa per omnem modum ae cause that uni them ere commit primum quidem, quod illis creditate the oracles of Od. Sunt Oracula Dei.
I. Though Paul has cloarly proved that bare circumcision
The Word πρω ν is thus used in other places. Seemati. i. 33; a invii 27 Peter i. 20. Ed. Λογια, oracula mean in ree authors, divine responses. Hesychius explainscit by Θέσφα τα divine dictates. The or is sed Dur times in the e Testament. In Acts vii. 38, it means speciscatly the la ofΜοses here it ineludes the hole of the old Testament in Heb. v. 12, Η
3. For hat i s me id not be 3. Quid enim si quidem fueruntliove Θ hali thoi unbelle malae tho incredulii num incredulitas eorumfaithis God without ossee, fidem Dei faciet irritam ΘΑ. God orbid: ea let God bo g. Ne ita sit; quin Sit Deus e-true, but every an a liar ascit is raX, omnis autem homo mendaX;Written, That thou mightestae jus quemadmodum scriptum St, ut juSti sed in thy sayings, an mightest tificeris in sermonibus tuis, et vineas Overcome heia thou art udged quum judicaris.
an in 1 Peter iv. II, it embra eos the truth of the Gospel. The divine character of the Scripturescis by this ord attestem the are the oracles of God his dictates, o communications rom him. Ed. The referendes in the margin are the folloWing: Rom. ix. 6 aim. ii Ix Jolin ii. 334 Ps. xvi. 1lu i. q.
no Set these two things in opposition the ne to the ther,
unsaithminess, that it thoi ob shinos sorti an appear more evident, accordinito tho testimon o David, ho says that
418 0MMENTAKIES O THE ΗΑΡ. III. 5.5. But is our unrighteousnes com 5. Quod si injustitia nostra Dei mend the righteougnes of God What justitiam commendat, quid dice-shall, say Is God nrighteous mus num injustus est Deus qui Whoclineth vengeanee Pspea a infert iram 8 Secundum hominem man dico. 6. God sorbid for theniuo shali . Ne ita sit nam quomodo ju-God judg the w0rid Θ dicabit Deus mundum Θ7. For i the truthis God ath 7. Si enim veritas Dei per meum more ab unded through mycli unto mendacium excelluit in ejus gloriam; his glor Why et ames also judged quid etiamnum et ego velut peccatoras a sinne Θ judicor
iliat e say, Letis do evit, that unt quidam nos dicere Faciamus good a comes Whose damnation mala, ut veniant bona 8 quorum is ust dieium justum est.
an active ense; hil Erasmus, Grotius, Venemα, and thers, contendla the passive meaning. Drusius, Hammond, and Do ri e rende it,