The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus

발행: 1850년

분량: 333페이지


분류: 미분류


that cultus here has a genera reserenee, and is no tot restrictedi mere attire. Compare the versionis Walch ei ac in Lebensweiseu' and also that of Botticher machie enig A wand.'' Comitatus. Sed pasSively, a in Cicero, de r. iii. 6 Eodem est instructu ornatuque comitata' ConSult oss. de Anal. iii. p. 26. Per ambitionem. By the appearance hicli the mali in public V Compare Brotier Eae vitia splendore et numeroso comitatu. V - Estimare. πω m an opinionis V Consuli note On estimaret, Chap. V.)-Qucererent famam. Called in queStion hi renown, V i. e. , misse the splendor hichahe had loOked sor in onera renoWned, and there re, egan to doub the very Xistence of that renownitSelf-Pauci interpretarentur. Fe could interpretiis conduci,'' l. e. se undemtood his motives.

Crebro per eos dies, &e. Among the enemies os Agricola may bomentione M. Regulus, Veiento, an Publiu Certus Thei accu-Sations ere made in Seeret, and liene absens accusatus. Omitian however sellaimself the gross injustice of these chargeS, and , there re aequitie Agricola at Once, Without ither notibin himos these accusations O calling upon him so any de num and lienee absens absolutus est This Xplanation illislio the true fore ofabsens here, andio erroneoucis the readingis AuguStinuS, mentione by Ursinus, namely, prasens absolutus est Sin. Fragm. t. Hist. P. 461.-Non crimen ullum, c. crime against the State, nor a complaint stom an individuat wholad eun injuro byhim, V i. e. no Tene either publici private. Compare Walch hein Verbrechen, nichi lagen eines Verietzten. yy -Laudantes. E logi sis. V very ord of prais bestowedipo Agricola ould eracite, of course the ealou Sy of the tyrant. Sileri Tole passed Over in Silenee. - Tot rercitus, dcc This refers to the war illi the Daci Marcomanni, and Quadi, in theyears 86-91, hicli ended illi Domitian's econ moek-triumph. The Romans, hoWever, ere, in aut de Daled, and Domitian asobligoduo conclude caco,ith Decebalus, Ling of themaei, On ery humiliatin termS. Tot militares iri, &c. many me Os militar character, Ogethe withis many cohoris de ate an taken priSOners. V Compar Lucret. iv. 100 Reges etpugnares' and Lir. XXiii. 30 Obsessos fame eaepugnavit. '')-De limite imperii.

This, in ali probability, must o ooked sor in the lineis Roman


202 NoΤEA THE AGRICOLA.-CHA P. AELI. XLII. soris stili visibi belWeen Peterreardei and Becs, O the eis. Compare Manneri, V. p. 170.)-Ripa. The river stanti. ' Thersis no resereno hereri the Rhino. The right bank of tho Danube is meant, a sar a the Quadi and Marcomanni. Funeribus et cladibus. B IOSSes of eader an overthrow of armies. V Funeribus reser to the militares iri mentione previ-ously, and cladibus to the Orce unde thei charge. Dron e adloc. Compare the VerSion O Botticher bedeutendere Manner Tod und rosse lederlagen. ''-Cum inerti et formidine eorum. Mithrili indole ne and pusillanimit of those ho eremo RU-cusedis incapacity), V i. e. by the Oice of the eople. eorum is conjectura readiny the SS. have eorum. Reus is frequently used, no meret in aratricit lega Sense in OppOSition to accusator, petitor, actor, ut illi a more eXtende mean ing malch, ad loc. Dum optimus quisque libertorum, &e. While acli est ne Os


Quo proconsulatum Asire, &c. In hieli he was totara totaso the proconsulateis Asia an Africa . V observe that et has here, in sact, a disjunctive Orce two distinc proconsulates ein madein subjectis tot, and the two senior consular castin tot so the Same. Some editores, theres ore, have conjecture aut for et butthimi unnece SSary, Sinee both province were, in saet, qualindra nsor. Mercer ad Ann. iii. 32 Ernesti, ad loc. Is it a stili thecustom so the legati Casarum an proconSul to ait sive ears besore the again re tot so the provinces Dio Cass. liii. 14), the serio resurrexto in the texi,ouldi the year 89 Or 90. Oeciso Civica The reserenue icto Civica Cerialis, lio, accordingi Suetonius Dom. 10), as ut O death in his proconsulate os Asia, on the charge of meditating naevolt. - Consilium. AdeSSOn. - emplum precedent. Compare the remari os Brotier:


eimeret, nec Domitiano Xemplum, ut virtutem innocentis opprimeret. V

Cogitationum principis periti. Acquainted illi the secret inclinations os the prince, V i. e. his isti that Agricola Should not accepi the fore igia overnment. - Occultius. Some hat distantly. -In approbanda aecusatione. In mal in good his excuse to theem peror i. e. hi excuSe Or Ot Recepting the proeOn Sulate. Compare a regard the fore os approbanda the note Onili Ap. V. -Non jam obscuri Thi i a correctio sor no= tam obscuri, an danswer infinitet belle to primo occultius. Be SideS, ita, O tam, wouldi required. Paratus simulatione. O paratus peditatiι' ' Cic. ad Att., X. 13).

Agi sibi gratias passus est. Obligin person to retur thantis Ora injury as a resin ement in tyrann frequently practice by the wors of the Roman emperors Thus, Seneca de Tranq. n. 14 inform us that Caligula a thanked by those hos ehild re hadbeen ut o death, and whOSe properi ha been confiscaled. Athen ad loc. -Nec erubuit benescii invidia. Nor ius hexat thoinvidious natur of the favor, V i. e. nor did he lusii that Agricolas hould receive a a favoris marked an injury. Observe that insidia is here, in faet, O res invidiosa. Salarium Thi Was an allowanee so the maintenanc O thogo vernor The wOrd is derive sto sal, n mean S, properly, money ivei sor purelias in Sali. Compare Oraee Sat. i. 5, 46 Parochi proebent ligna salemque qua debent.' ' It was rStgranted by Augustus, and amotante somelimes t two hundred an dsist thousand drachmae, Ver Orty thousan doliars. Consul Dio

C s. lii. 23; XXviii. 22.)-Ne quod vetuerat videretur emisse.

his authoritae. Proprium humani ingenii est. It is a principiems human nature. As regard the sentiment eXpreSSed by the clause, compar Seneca de Ira ii. 33 Hoc habent pessimum animi magna fortuna insolentes, quos laserunt, et oderunt.' '-Sciant, quibus moris est, illicita mirari, e . Uiet those no v v hos custonicit icto admire un-laWsul thingS, ' &e. i. e. t admire every Opposition to control. Illicita reser to the contumacia an inanis libertatis jactatio, frequentlyaSSumedi Stoica in thos times as sor example, hen Helvidius Priscus ope ni celebrate the trili da o Brutus an Cassius Consul Dio Caas. lxvi. 12, 13 I5. -Eo laudii ercedere, quo &e


that inclaruerunt i equiValent hereri clarescentes pervenerunt Byabrupta is meant What Tacitus elSeWhere Arm. iv. 20hcalis abrupta contumacia, OppOSed to deforme obsequium. The Sense of the whole passage is thi Obsequium et modestia, si industria ac ior adsint, eo glori perveniunt, quo multi pervenire Solent, per abruptam contumariam mortem ambitiose quarentes, sed rempublicam nihil juvantes'


Finis vita, &c. The death of Agricola as, as his biographerplaint hinis in hat ollows either immediatet caused or certainlyhastene by the emissaries os Domitian who could no bear thepresene os a man Ointed ut by universa seelin a alone sit tomeet the exigeno of times in hicli the Roman arm had sufferedrepeate reverse in Germany and the countries norit os themanube. Dio CaSSius lxvi. 20 says expressi that he was killed by

Domitian. Eaetraneis etiam ignotisque non sine cura fuit. The epigram Of Antiphilus Anthoi Brunck ii. 180hi commoni SuppOSedio reser to the celebrated Agricola. a. Κρηνala λιθάδες, τί πεφεύγατα πολτοσον δωρGTt c γλὰ Ἀρναους esseσεν aeλίου β Δακρυσιν 'Aγρικοῖba τετρυμεθa πῶν δ' ὁσον ημν' ΕΙ ποτον, ἡ κείνου ὁιψὰ et σποδιή whiel Grotius tranStateS: Quo fontis latices, quo copia vestra recessit 'Perpetuus solis quis calor hausit aquas 'Agricola luctu consumimur illius ante Humida, nunc furit putrem lenta siti. Et hic aliud agens populus. and the classultatius themselves out Other people' assaires. V Compare the explanationis Walch Der gesch: tiose, uni fremde ihm nichis avehende Dinge sich hum-mernde grosse aufer SO Forcellini Aliud agere et alias res agere est et de quo agitur dissimulare, pel ad alias res animum advertere.' 'The Xplanatio giveni Pichen is rong, though approve of by ErneSti; namely, iublicas res nihil curans, sed suis negotiis intentus. - Circulos Private circles. Nobis nihil comperti Jrmare ausim. Form OWn part I anno Venture to affrin that an thin has been ound out Dus sor


NΟΤΕΗ HE AGRICOLA.-CHA P. XLIII. XLIV. 205 certain. V Suppi esse aster nihil comperit, an reser nobis to thosam ii and friend of Agricola The clauS i ver obscuret wOrGed, o much SO, indeed, a toclead to the suspicion that the texi hasbeen corrupted. Variou emendationS, there Te have been Suggestud by different editora, but ali more Ordes unsatisfactory. Thebest of these, hoWever, is that OfleeriuampQ Nobis nihil compertum

pare A in. XVi. I Nec defuere qui monerent, magna e parte heredem Caesarem nuncupare, atque ita nepotibus de reliquo consulere. yyy Piissima. MoSt utilat, ' i. e. , OS devotedi assectionate.

Laetatum eum velut honore judicioque. Me was delighted therewithas sit had been an honorabie testimon in his favor. V Honore judicioque is by hendiadys, sor judicio honorisco.

Natus erat Agricola, &c The early editions down to the timoos Ursinus and LipSius have Caio Cas ter con3. Whiel theseidi


teritu Ciceronis in hunc diem colliguntur, unius hominis las.' ' Quantum ad gloriam. UYet, a sar a glory a concerned, V . ., is his

lis is mensured by the glor to hichae alta ined. Impleverat. me ad fuit enjOyed. V Equi valent, in effeci, toplene assecutus erat. Compare the Gree USage in the caSe of αναπλῆσαι Hom. Od. V. 208 , and αναπληρωσαι Lucisin Q. R C. S.


rare an videre Or se duraturum and isurum ma be defende stom Minatusque dedecus amoliri '' Ann., iv. 14 Nusquam eas pecuniaS tutius sanctiusque deponere credentibus' ' Liv. XXiv. IS): An creditis equo animo iis servire' ' Curi. iv. 14, 23). ObSETVe, moreOVer, the Zeugma in ominabatur, and compare the Xplanationos alch, et auguriis ominabatur et votis concupiscebat.' Theomen here alluded O and whicli,ere sal to have oretoid thoelevationi Trajan to the imperia throne, are spolien o b Dio Cassius lxvii. I 2 an Pli ny Paneg. 5, 4). The occurre in the ear 844, an Agricola die in S46.

Non vidit Agricola obsessain curiam. Agricola didio livorio sesthe Senate-hous bestoged. V ConSUlt Suet. Dom. 10, I Plin. , . iii. ID Vii. I9 Dio Cass. IXVii. 12. - Tot consularium cades. Consul Suet. Dom. 10, 15.-Feminarum aesiti et fugas. AS, OreXample, Annia Fannia Gratilla, Flavia Domitilla, and Pontia Domitilla. - Carus Metilis. One of the moSt notorious informers

liast o Juvenal, he was an actor. Una adhuc victoria censebatur. Was rate Das et sorini a single victo , V i. e. Since Saet butone victima ad salien bene athiis accusations, omne could at that time conecive the mischies Whichie was Shorti about libring upon


the nation, and liene his pomerito injure Was asae rate comparativel loW. Et intra Albanam arcem, &c And the counSel O Messalinus refoundex as et inly through the Alba villa, and Massa Baebius himselfhwa even a that time among the accuSed. V The arae Albana a Domitian's villa, hicli e uillis the Via Appia, at thesoot of the Alba Mount. Catullus Messalinus a an informer, concerning Whom See Iuvenal, iv. 113 seqq. and Dio CassiuS,IXvii. I. The meaning O Tacitus is that essalinus had not et venture t beeome an ope an publie insorme a Rome, ut thathis aecusation were a yet Secretines, and confine to the privacyof the Alba villa. assa Bebius, O Baebius, asine of the mOStinsamous informersis the lalter end of the eignis Domitian Heis sirs mentione d in A. D. 70, asine of the procurator in Africa, when heletraye Piso, an is describe by Tacitus as Jam tunc optimo cuique egitiosus ' Hist. iv. 50. He a asterWard gOVerno Of the province Os Baetica, Whichie oppressed Somnulercis ullythat he was accused by the inhabitantsin his return to Rome Thecause of the provinciat was pleadedi Plin the ounge and Herennius Senecio, and asSa was condemne in the Sameaea that Agricola died A. D. 93 butae Seem to have escaped punishment by the favor os Domitian and rom this timete amemne of the informers and great favorites of the tyrant. Nostra manus. ur WiliandS,V i. e. the hand of One Oftur OWn Ody, i. e. a Senator AS Publicius Certus, a member of the senate had Seige upo Helvidius and ted him o prison, Tacitus imputes the crime to the whole Senatorian Order, himself included. Tacitus too his eat in the Senatem a manis praetoria rank aster 841 and he Se the XpreSSion nostra manus, theres Ore Bithoughabsent froni Rome at the time hen the arreSt in queation too place. Compare a regard the assat here allude to the language of theyounge Pli ny Ep., X. 13 anter multa scelera multorum nullum

atrocius idebatur, quam quod in Senatu Senator Senatori, pratorius con- Sulari, reo judeae, manus intulisset.''-Helvidium. This reser to Helvidius the ounger, an notri Helvidius Priscus Wh wasianishedandiuino de ath in exile unde the Emperor Vespasian Helvidius

the Ounger a ReeuSed unde prete nee suas scenico Xodio, sub persona Paridis et oenones, divortium Domitiani cum uetore azasset. yy Suet. Dom. 10.

Nos Maurici Rusticique visus, &e. The Spectacleis Mauricus and Rusticus struccus illi horror, Senecio edewedis illi his innocent lood. his Sentence afford a peculia instance of tho


in ore impudentia multo rubore sinusa. '' Paneg. 48 .-Quo . . . muniebM. The old readin Was, quo Thi might perhapS, meana quo auetilium petens e muniebat. Opportunitate mortis. In the easonabienes O th de ath. ' Compare the language of Cicero, in Speaking of the Orator CrasSus : Ego vero te, Crasse, cum it fore, tum mortis opportunitate, divino consilio et Ortum et eaestinctum arbitror. '' - Constans et libens. Mithfirmnes and cheersulneSS. V-Tamquam pro virili portione, e . AS


wn preSent, hoWever, at Senecio' death, in the ear 846, henti returne stomuli administrationis hi praetoria proVince. Omnia sine dubio, c. Every mar os attention beyonfidoubi, O bestis parenis, Was abundanti renderedinto thee, their honoredolae t. V Literalty at things,Me. abounde so th honor, V i. e. ,sor honoring thee, and making thydaSt moment comsortabie. Compositus est. Thou Wast laid avreSt, ' i. e. thymShes,ere gatheredint thei last resting-plaee, the funera urn. The Ver componere, like the Gree περιστελ λειν, is eSpeciali uSed in thi SenSe. Ompare relli ad Hor. Sat. i. 9, 28 Composui, ut περιστελλειν, belsetZen, de sepultura, imprimis de cineribus collectis atque in urna conditis. Τ' Aliquid. The reserenue is to his davgliter an Tacitus.

Si quis piorum manibit locus. Is thereae an abiding-place sorthe hades of the virtuous. V The religious Opinion of Tacitus par-took of the charaeter of hi age he hadio Stron convictionS, DOse illed belles of a morat Overninent of the worix his love os virtve an his abhorrenuem vice ere purei morat the had n refere ne to a future eXiStence. Compare Ann. iii. 18 i. 22. Onthe preSent OeeaSion, in his, ne of hi earlies productions heliope S, ather than XpectS that the fouis of the departe ma stillliverandi conseious of What is passingi earth; ut in his latest writing there are o traces that his Opes ortis isties ad everripe ne int a belles. Ab infrmo desiderio. From mea regret. -Et immortalibus laudibus, &e. The texi here is ver uncertain. e have ive there ading of the est editions, hicli is adopte also by Bekker Thecommon ex has temporalibus laudibus . . . . militum decoramus. Consuli alther, ad loc. -AEmulatu. By an imitationis thyiX- ample. -Pietas The assectio nate duty. V Famamque ac Muram

animi, c. An eve embrace in thought the glorious Datures os