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that his enenates aid Then Chrysostom egan to Thereprove ome of the barons, and there re the enu Lis Oswas the more against im. And et he didisther i yg6 thing that moved et more. For EutropiuS, stomprovos of the empire, hicli ad the dignit os
consul, ould have avengedaim o sonae that hedio the church for succour, an studie that a larushould e ordaine by the emperor that Oneshould e to the church, and that the that adbeen therei tofore houlda dram oui. An alitile whil aster Eutropius ad respassed to theemperor, an fled non to the church, and whenthe bisho hear thereos, he came to im, hichwas id unde the altar, an made a homilyagainst im, in the hicli e reprove him right
h did nothinibu chide. And when the emperorsa his ili, he made Eutropius tot borne ut of the church, and id do mite os his ead Andhe reproved harpi man men O diver causes, and theres ore he was alesul to any AndTheophilus, bisho of Alexandria, ould have deposed Jolin Chrysostom, and would have et in his se Isidore the riest, and theres ore e ought diligenti cause to depos him. An the eople, that were sed arvellousty illi the doctrine of S. Jolin, defende him strongly. An Jolin Chrysostom constrained the riest to live after thehol ordinances of Holy Church, and said that theyshould notisse the honour of priesthood, for theydespised the lis of a pries and would not folioruit. And Joh governe not only the bishoprico Constantinople, ut he ordaine to the ther provinces by authorit of the emperor such larusa ,ere much prositable And the when e
In that fame time as a man hich Was mademaster of the chivalry, and was amed Gaimas, of
the lineage of Celtic barbarians, hicli stronglywas is ted up andi stud of tyranny a Corrupto the heres Arian. And that fame Gaimas prayed the emperor that he ould give to in achurch within the cit foraim an his to mahe in thei prayers. And when the emperor had grantedhim, he came to Jolin Chrysostom for o have achurch a Was granted to him by the emperor, butJolin, hicli mas stron in virtve and ali embracedin the love of God sal to the emperor : romisenOt, ne give no such hing, ne hol thing unto dogs. And read the nothing of this barbarian, ut command that, both two e calle tofore thee, and ah heed what hallae aid belween us bothsosely, fores halicio refrain him that he hali nomore dare demand such thing. And when theemperor heard his he was glad, and the ex dayli didra cal that ne and that ther. And asan orator required for him Joh saidci The houseo God is ope in very place to thee, herea noman is arne to adore an pray Andae aid nam os another law, and ake eques thates may have a temple for myseis for I have emprised many ravatis for the common profit os Rome, and theres ore I ought notrio e warne of my petition. And Joh said o him Thou has received manyremard whicli amount o more tha thylains, and has been made master of the nighis, an cladwith the adornments of consul, an it belloveththee o consider What thou wert late and what
to the barbarians an Chased them Way anon.
was apped, e marvelled strongly for e newwel that he hos of the theranight were spreadin ther cities. And then e sent them thesecond time, and the were rechased again by the vision of the angeis And at the ast hecis sued himself,ith them and a the miracle and fled,
and supposed the had been night that ad y
ordaine by S. Jolin Chrysosto foro go illithe hymns, and of the eopte ere many lain onthat ne pari and o that ther. The theemperor move by these hings, defende that the Arians hould in no more hymns in common. An after, this hol man ussered great persecutionfor righteousnes and true doctrine, and was egitedand after repealed again. And et aster, o enuyhe was exiled again. And 8o, after many a greatlabour an nobi doctrine he ende his life being
when his nobi doctor of the church was assedout of this orld the bishops of the west ould in no is commune ne have o do illi the bishops of the east ill that the nam os that hol man S. Joh was et among the bishops his predecessors. And then Theodosius, a right good Christia man, sonis the aid emperor, hicli held the nam and
part of his grandsire, id do bring the hol relics of this doctor in to the roya cit with tapersan lights. The Theodosius id do ut and bur the aid Od of S. Jolin Chrysostom in thechurch of S. Sophia in the monti, o January. An ali the eopte en to meet illi it, and accompanie it illi torches an lighis Andthen Theodosius orshipped devoutly the olyrelics, and visited of his sepulchre, prayinito the holy ain to pardo Arcadius his ather, and Eudoxia his mollier, an to orgive hem that theyli ad done ignoranti against him. And the were
dead long tofore. This emperor as of S great
ilia his cour Was a monastery for therein ere
year of ourior three hundred and ninely.S Here follo eth of S. Cornelius the ope and Martyr, and sol the expositio of his ame. And of S. Caprian.
Cornelius is expounded, and is a much o saya8, entendin in prayer, and the ard in abidingthings utrageous. O Cornelius is aid os cornu, whicli is a much to say a strong, and of leos thatis eopte that is the strength of peopte Cyprianis aidis cypress that uncture, and ana that is high. Then Cyprian is as much to say as uncture of height, for he had uncture of the grace, overeign, and of
virtues. O Cyprian is aid o cypress that is tosay heavines o heritage, o he had heavines of his in and herilage of the heavenly oys. Os S. Cornelius and S. Caprian. S. Cornelius succeeded to Fabia in the papacy, and was sent in exile of Decius Caesar, an his clerks illi im. An there received letters of comfor from Cyprian, bisho o Carthage. Andat the ast he was rought again froni exile and presented o Decius And whenis sa him fastin the faith, e commande that he hould bebeaten illi plummet os lead, and that he houldbe brought to the temple of ars for o do sacrifice, or eis to have his ea smitte os . An a he was led, anight prayed hina that hewould return to his hous hecause of Sallustia his wisse, hicli ad lain sic sive ear of the palsy.
bisho os Carthage, as present in the fame ityand was rought tofore atronus the consul, and when e could o turn him in no is Dom the
Here follo eth the Lis of S. Eufemia, and frs of
the interpretatio of her ame. Eufemia is sal of eu, that i good, and offenim that is a Woman that is to it a profitable, honest an delectabie, o in his trebi manner heis aid good. he was profitable to thersa conversation, honesti ordinance of manners, and delectabierio God O Eufemia is aid of euphonia assweetnes of sound SWeet found is made in three manners that is to it by voice, as in singing, by
Eufemia as aughter os a senator, an saWchristia me in the time o Diocletian so ore tormente and ali to-rent by divers torments thatshe came to the udge an consesse heroo echristian. And he conis orted by Xample thecourages of ther men, and by her constancy. And when the udge lew the christia men theone tofore another, an made ther to e present because the shouldie fear of that the saw theother 8 crueli tormente an brohen, and that the should sacrifice or drea an fear, and when Eufemia fameve thus tofore e the holy ainis, 8he was the more constant by the steadfasines of
the martyrs, and 8pohe to the udge, and said that shesuffered wrong of him. The the udge was glad, meening that he ould have consente to do sacrifice, and when e demande of he wliat wronche had done to her, he sal to im Forsith Pam o nobi lineage, hy pultest thou tofore me the stranger an unknown and mahes themgo o Christ tofore med For it merem pleasuret g thithe by martyrdom tofore them Andthe judge sal to her: I ad supposed thouwoulds have returne in thy thought, an I Wasglad that thou addes remembere thymoblesse. An then he was inclose in the prison, and thoda following, Without onds, a brought tofore the udge. And then he complaine right grievousi Wh against the law of the emperors
should ake a ound that the altrihould turn ii, and thetare hould spring out and ali to-brea andrend the od of the virgina ut by the ordinanceo God the ro that the artillour an maste had in his hand felicio the arth, and ad the OUnd. An the turne hastil so that the wheel burnithemaster of the wor and hept Eufemia ithouthuri, sitiing po the wheel. An the parent of the artillour epi and put the re unde the wheel, and would have burni Eufemia illi the wheel, but the wheel a burni, an Eufemia asun bounde by the ange of God, and was seen to
judge that he had liefer lay himself than ouch
then e entere in and sam illi her many fair virgins prayin With her, and he ad hi tobe christenes illi her admonishments. And thenthe provos di do take the virgin by the atrand hun her hereby, and 8he ver abode constant an immovable. And then e id do