The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints

발행: 1900년

분량: 275페이지


분류: 미분류


virgin triumphant in virginity, retaining the mitre, deserved to e clad illi the croinn, by hose merit the wiched enem is anquished, and Priscus, her adversar and judge, is vercome. The virgin is ave seo the furnace of fire, hard stones e converte into powder, Wild east hemade mee and tame, an incline down theirnecks, and ali anne of pain and torments by her orations and prayers e vercome. And attheciast, mitte With a Word, he est the cloister

virgin commendeth to the thy church, and good Lord, et her pra to the foris sinners, and this virgin, ithout corruption Ourishing get uni us that ou destres may be grante of thee.

si interpretatio of his name.

Lambertus is aid os lampos in Greek, hichrisas much to a a burning, and of thus, that is




Lamber Was of a nobi lineage, ut he was more nobi by holiness, and was informe in lettrure in his sirs age. So, for his holiness, hewas love of at the eopte in such wis that aster his master Theodardus, he deserve to e promoted o b bisho os trecht. Whom Childeric, hingi France, loved much and ad im alwaysdear e re ther bishops. ut hen the malice of the Jews greW, the felon put immutis his

honour Without cause, and et Ferramund in his chair And Lamber entere into a monastery, and was there and conversed even ear goodly. O a night when e rose ro prayer, he et

go ut to the ros bares ot And anon LambertWent ut to the ros bare o in his air, and was there and went in the nomand in the rostwhen the rethren hau sed them after atins. An the abbo demanded here Lamber Was, an a rother aid that he wa gone to the cro88b his command ment. He id do callisim, and then the abbo an his monks require hi topardo them, ut e not ni pardoned them, ut

also reache to them the virtve of patience. An after even ear Ferramund a put ut, an S. Lambert was rought again by the com-


mandment of epin to his firs see, and there e The Lise

brother of the fame common Oman, and officer

in suffering of eath, than to leye his hol handsin the lood of the felons. An this hol man

Here beginneth the Lis of S. Matthem, an iratos si interpretation of his name. Matthew was amed by twain ames, that Was


Thetis hast gist, or a iver of counset, or it is aido S. atthew of magnus, and theos that is God as ''it ere a reat God. or os manus, that is ahand, and theos that is God ascit mere the ando God He was a gis of hastines by asty

dication, great o God by perfectio os life and the hand of God by riling of the gospe o God.

Lev is interpreted assumpt, or applied, o putio, or et He Was assumpi and ahen waystoni gathering of tolis, he was applied to thenumber of the postles, he was ut to the company of the evangelisis, and et to the catalogue of


the ower uni heaven hich ceased by confusion The Lise

our ord that which e ould have committed in me, Iciliould soon execute n ou. An Whenthe eopte ere assembled, e commande thedragon that the should depart ithout urtingo any, and the Went anon. An the apostle there made a reat sermon fili glor of paradis terrestriat, saying that itappeared bove ali the mountain and was nighunt heaven, and that there ere either horns ne ocks, and that the lilies an roses JourishedalWays and waxed neve old ut the eopte Were there alWays young, and the ound of angelssounde there always, and the bird came nonas the were called. An sal that ut of this paradis Wa a man cast, ut he was calle tolli paradis of heaven by the nativit of Our Lord. An as e said these Word to the eople, non a


15 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThe Lila a temple and an mage And then the foresaidos S eunuch, keeper of the queen Candace, ad the ΜAttust enelianter to e kepi, and sent for the apoSile. And when the apostle was comem made his prayerand aised the ing' son non. And then the king, Which Was amed Egippus, sent for at themen in his provinces sayin to them Come and see e God in the likenes of a man. Andthen the eopte came illi crowns of old and divers anne os sacrifices, and would have

commandment of him the made a great hvrch of

And after his, Hirtacus succeede to the hing, and ovete the aid virgin Ephigenia, and promise to the postl half his realin f he would

mahe e consent orae his isse; and the postlesaid o him that after the customis his predecessor he hould come o the Sunda to the church, and



consumed ali that Was therein that non es capedsave the in and his son only. And the sonwas avishe of the devi and egan to cry and conses his ather' sins, and wen to the sepulchre of the aposite. And the fallier a made a foui mesel, and whenae a that he might notae cured,

he te himself illi his own and with a Word. And the eopte then established for tote hing the brother of Ephigenia Whom the postle had baptiZed, and reigned sevent years, and established his son foro be in after im, and increased much the honour os christia men, and replenishedali Ethiopia illi oble churches of ur ord. An then Zaroes and Arphaxat te into Persiarro the da that the apostle alsed the sonis thehing, ut S. Simon an S. Jude anquished themthere Andonow e that our hings e principali considere in the lessed . atthew. The firstris the hastines of obedience, for a Soonas urior calle him, he est ali an doubted nothing of the Lord, and est the rechoning of his receipis imperfeci, and oine him perfecti tomur Lord Jesu Christ. An for his ast obediencesome ook occasioni error in them selves, like asS Jerome recordeth in the original pon the resaid place sayin in that place : Porphyry and Julian Augustus reproveth in the sanae place the folly of the stor lying, saying that a the storysaith like a the followed suddent the Saviour, that the would as hastil folio another man that


showed him a publican The ther evangelisis, assaith the gloss aecause of shame, and for thehonour of the evangelist they et not thei commonname, but ascit is writtem: The jus is sirst accuser of himself And atthewmamed himself publican, first ecause that he howed that non convertedought no mistrus of health, like a he was ad of publican an postle an evangelist Secondiy,



Ρaut be reliearsed e re ther scriptures, hichbe more os ter recite in the church. An thisis the reaso that ames Witnesseth that there bethree manne os ins that is to it the sino pride, o lechery, and of avarice. In the sinos pride inned Saul, o Saul by the in os pridepersecuted the church ove proudly. David sinned in the in o lechery fora made adultery, and for the adulter he ste Uriali, his ruehnight. And atthe sinne in the in ofavarice, covetousnes he eddled in ofvillainous ain. For e mas in a portis the ea where e received the tot and custom of shipsan merchandige. And howbei that the weresinners, et alWays uri ord too thei penance in re and was pleased herewith so that hepardone them nolint thei sins, ut multiplied in them his gist os grace For in that was a right cruei persecutor, he made a right ruepreacher, an him that ad been adultere and homicide, he made a prophet, and in that coueted go villainous gain, e made apostle and evangelist. An theres ore these foresai threebe of recited that no a that Wouldie converted