장음표시 사용
were in s great in heaeholdeth to have been in Themisos great grace. An it is tot considere that, O S after . Ambrose some thing ought to e noted Ritne in the conversio os . atthew, that is to itfomeWhat of the part of the eech, and ome of the part of the sic to e ealed. In the eechwere three things, that is to it Wisdo by hichhe neW the oot of the malady, and the ountyby hicli e ministere the medicine, and thepowe by hicha healed him so oon. O thesethree aith S. Ambrose in the person of the aid
tii commandmen a imprinted in me by charity. And a to the hird : ood Lord, come oon andopen my ound Iest any nolesul humour corruptne ro the id passions and wasti them that e ui and cleans them. Hi gospei that he had written illi his own and was found with thebones of S. Barnabas, the which gospe Barnabas bare illi him, and laid them po them that eresich, and non the were ealed by the merit of the martyr, and were founde in the ear of our
Lord sive hundred. Here folio eu the Lis of S. Maurice, and irat
o mauron, hicli, after Isidore, in Gree is aidblach. He had bitternes for his evit idolatry and dilationis his country he was vomiting by covetise of things superfluous hard and firmo suffertorments counsello by the admonishment of
o Thebes thei city And that region is in the The Lila paris of the ast beyon the paris of Arabia, IS and it is es of richesses, lenteous o fruit, de 'V ς'
lectabie of rees. The indwellers of that regionbe of great odies an nobi in arms, stron in batile, subile in engine, and right abundant inwisdom. An this cit ha a undred gates, of whicli is sat this verse: Ecce vetus Thebea centum jacet obruta portis that is o say Thelow of hebes illi a hundred gates right strongis no overthrown To them James the brotheros ur ord reached the Ospe of ur ord. In that time Diocletian and aXimian emperor8,would have ulteri destroyed the faith of ur Lord Jesu Christ, an sent suci episties unio allthe provinces here christia me dweli. Isanythin bellove to e determine or to beknown, an ali the worid ere assemblexo thatone party, and Rome alone ere of that ne party, ali the world hould e a vanquished and Over- come, and Rome only should abide in the highnessos science And wheres ore then, e thati no buta litile eople, and contrar to the commandmento her, refuse e so follily the establishments of the cit os Romel heres Ore receive e thes aith of the od immortat, or eis sentence irrevocabie of damnation hali e pronounce against you. An then the christian eopte received these letters, and sent again thei messenger allvoid ithout answer. An the Diocletian and Magimian move by great ire and wrath, sentunt ali the province and commande that theyshould come o Rome ready in arnis flatile forto disconis at the rebel of the empirem Rome.
The the letters of the emperors er Seni and
directe to the Thebans, hich eopte aster the
Themis commandmenti God the rendered o God thatos S. a due o him, and to the Caesar that a longingΜRuriς to thim. The assembled his hose legion ofknighis, that is to it si thousand si hundredand fixty-si knighis, and were sent to the emperor for o hel in thei jus and lawful batiles, an notio bear arm again8 christia men, ut ather todefend them And the nobi man, aurice, Wasduhe of this hol legion and the that governedunde him, hicli are the anners, ere amed S. Candidus, . Innocent, . EXsuperius, . Victor, and S. Constantine, ali these ere captains. Diocletian then sent against the renclimen, Maximian whichae had made fellow ithaim in the empire, an delivere to hi great strengthwithout number, and adjoine to im the legiono Thebans. An the had been exhorte os Marcet, the ope, that the should ather sufferdeath than to corrupi the faith of Jesu Christ. An when his reat hos Without number ad passe the mountains and came eneath, theemperor commande that at the that ere illi him hould sacrifice to the idols, an on themthat Would not the should 8wearao rumupo themas rebeis, tot destroyed, and speciali on christianmen And when the oly nighis eard that, the departe frona the os eight miles farther, and too there a certain place delectabie, by therive of Rhone, hich was named Aganum Andwhen aximianane it, he sent night to them, an commande that the should come hastilyunt the sacrifices of the god with the ther and the answered that the might no sola because
THE GOLDEN LEGEND 161 the religio Roman is despised illi me. Now The Lila
hasted that ne tofore that ther o come to the
emperor, an have ahen arm to the desience of the common eat in us is no reason ne dread,
we e ready to receive for im ali torments and we hali no depari froni hi faith. Then Caesar commande that his host hould enviro ali that legion o knighis, o that non stiould escape. The were enutroned the nights of Jesu Christwith nights of the devit, that ne of them hould
head and hands, and rodde unde the ee of the hor8e8, and were sacred martyr o Christ. Andthe suffered eath in the ear of ou Lord two hundred and ighty. Nevertheles there scapedsonae by the wil of ou Lord, and came into other region8, and preached the nam o Jesu Christ, and had in ther places victor o martyrdom. Andit is sal that Solutor and Adventor and Octavius went uni Turin, and AleXander o Pergamos, Secundus unio Ventimiglia, and Victor, Constantine, and Ursin and ther escaped. And when thebulcher divided the re amongst them, and ate together, the 8a an id ma named Victor passforti by, and they ad hi come an eat withthem, an he egan to demand themihow theymight eat with o amon 8 many men lain and dead And when he had ear that the were christia men sighin he wailed greatly, and saidhe had been et blessed i he had been lain illi them And when the apperceived that he was
christia man, the anon an pon him an fleWhim.
Aster his, aximia at itan and Diocletiana Nicomedia in one a forsoo thei purpleclothin and laid it down for to lea a more simpletisse, and the that ere Ounger, a ConStantine,
Maximian would again reig an command as a tyrant, he was purSue o Constantius, hi Step-8on,
and finished his life by anging. An after his the oly bod of Innocent, ne of that legionwhicli ad been cast in the rive of Rhone Wasfound arida Domitian os Genanence and Gratus of Autun and rothase of the fame bishops, in thei church is honourabi buried. And there as a paynim, a Workma that wrought to make the church illi thers, but hewrought notaut o the Sundays in the time henmen an and ad solemnit os masses in thesaid churci, and there came to him a company offainis hicli avished him, and beat him, an also reprove him, ecause he wrought in ma8onrywhen other did the divine service and me in the church, and then, he so corrected, an to thechurch, to the bishop, and requiresto b christe ed. And Ambrose aith thus of these martyr in his preface The company of these true christianmen enlumine with divine light comin froni the farther end of the worid, hicli,ere arme with spiritual arnis, and hie to thei martyrdom illi stabi faith an diligent constancy, Whom thecrue tyrant for to ea them tithed two times by the flaughter of the word, and after, he eeing them constant in the faith, command ed them ali toliave thei heads mitte off. But the burned inso great charit that the cas and threw Waythei arm and harness, and neelin O theirknees received sufferabi With a joyous hear thesword of them that martyre them, among homMaurice embraced in the love an faith of Jesu
the tempest aros in the ak of Lausanne in suchwis that he hi Was in peril he et the chasse with the relic against the aves of mater, and anon the tempesticeased and the waves of the
I happed in the ear of ourior nine hundredand siXty-three, that ome monks by the accord of Charies lia impetred and gotienis Nicholas the pope, theiod of S. Urban, pope, and of S. Tiburtius, martyr Anfreturning the visited the churcho the oly martyrs, an impetred an gat of the abbo an monks that the transporte the Odyo S. aurice and the ead of S. Innocent unio Auxerre, into the church that S. Germain ad dedicated in themanae of these martyrs, and brought
liave in the church. And as Oon a he had said that, non came thunde and lighining rom heaven in anne of a Word, and entere into his mouthout o whicli issue the blasphemies, and anon hewas extinc an die suddenly. Then let u devovit beseech Almight God that by the meriis of this hol martyr S. aurice an his hol fellowshi the legion, hicli is si thousan si hundredan siXty-siX, that suffere martyrdom, as hereto- fore is reliearsed, e may after his transitor life come uni the evertastingatis in heaven, Where he
Justina is sald of justice, o by justice herendere to very ach that Was his that is towit, o God obedience uni her superior prelate, reverence to her like and semblabie concord tothem that were beneath and inferior, discipline toller nemies, patience unto retches an to themi distress compassion and ork of ity; odio herself, holiness.
And when the mother of he had told i unt herfather in his ed Jesu Christ appeare to them With his angels saying : Comerio me, I hal giveto ou the ingdom of heaven. And when ea oke, non the did them to e baptized iththeir aughter. An this virgin Was Stronglygrieved and vexed o Cyprian, and at the last heconverte hin to the faith of Jesu Christ. AndCyprian rom his hildhoodiad been an enchanter,
for frona the time that he was even ear old hewas consecrated by his parent to the devii Andhe sed the crast of necromancy, and made omen to turn into juments and east a them Seemed an many the things emblable Andhe was ovetous of the love of Justina, and burni in the concupiscence of her, and resorte to his art
man ut o Paradise, and procured that Cain leWhis brother, and ad the Jerus o la Christ, and have tro ted the men, trowest thoues may no dothat thou have a maid illi thee, an us her at