장음표시 사용
liast thou notarought to me his virgin And the devi saidci I se in her a sign hicli eare me, that ali strengili is falle in me. The Cypriantes him, an called another devi more strongertha he was. An he aid: I have eard thy
hina non aWa fron her Andine sed ali confused and came tofore Cyprian, and Cyprian aidio im : here is the maid that Psent the fordand the devi said: Iiacknowledge that iam
168 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThetis many thing that Icilial bring e to the a mid-0i. S night. The the devii transfigured himself in the ' lihenes of a maid, and came to this oly virgin,
and said Pam come to the for o live illi thee in hastity, and I pra the that thou a What reward shall, have for to kee us o. And the virgin answered: The reward is great, and thelabour is smali. An the devi said o her: What is that then that God commande whenae sales: Grow and multipi and replenisti the arthi Then, Di sister, I doubi that fise abide in virginitythat we hali malle the wordis God vain, and bealso despising and inobedient, by which, shali fallinio ararievous udgment, here e hali ave noliopem reward but haliciun in great torment and pain. The by the enticenient of the devii theliear of the virgin Was mitte mitti vi thoughis, and was greatly inflamed in destre of the in of the flesti, o that she ould have gone hereto, ut then the virginiam to herself, and considered,hothat it a that spake to her. An anon heblesse her illi the sign of the cross, andalewagainst the devit, and non e vanished Way and meited like ax, and incontinent he was deliveredfrom ali temptation. A littie whil aster, the devii transfigure him in the lihenes of a fair oungman, and entered into her chamber, and found heralone in heraed, and without hame pran into heraed an embraced her, and would have ad adone illi her And when he saw his heaneWwel that it was a iched spirit, and blessed her assile had done tofore, andae melle aWay like WaX. And then by the sufferance of God she was exedwith axes and evers. An the devi ste manymen an beasis, and made tot sal by them that Were demoniac that, a right great mortalit should
THE GOLDEN LEGEND 169be throughout ali Antioch, ut i Justina ould The Lila
consent uni medioc an have Cyprian. Where Γ Ρ fore at the that were sic an languishin in maladies lay at the at o Justina' fallier and friends crying that the shoul marr her and delive the cit of that right great perii. Justina
the would no consent in no ise, and there re
an transfigured him in the fors of Justina for tode ut the fame of Justina, and in Ochin Cypriant, advance hi that he had brought to imJustina And camerio him in likenes of her, and xould have hisse him ascis he had languished forhis love And when Cyprian a him an sup- posed that i had been Justina, he was ali replenishedwith oy, and sais: Thou art welcome, Iustina, thelaires of at women and anon a Cyprian amed Justina, the devit might no suffer the name, but assoon sae heard ita vanished aWay as a sume orsmohe. And when Cyprian a him deceived, he was ali heau an sorrowsul, and was thenmore burnin and destrous in the love of Justina, and woke long at the door of the virgin, and ashim seemedae change him ometimes into a bird by his ari magic, an somelimes into a Woman, butwhenae came to the oor of the virgin he wasneither like oman or bird, ut appeared Cyprianas he was . cladius by the devit' craft, Was anon turne into a parroW, and when e came to the Windo of Justina, as oon a the virgin eheldhim, he was no a parrom, ut home himselfas Acladius, and began to have anguish and dread, for hemight eithe fi ne eap and Justina dread-
and renounc the and ali thy deviis, and garnisti Themiseand mar me illi the signis the cross, and anon O S. the devi departe ali confused JuStina The Cyprian wen to the bishop, and whenthe bisho sa him he weened that he ere cometo ut the christia me in error, and aid Letit suffice uni thee, Cyprian, them that e without forti, for thou mayst nothin prevat against thechurch o God for the virtve of Jesu Christ isjoined thereio, and is notiuercome And Cypriansaid: I am certain that the virtve of ur ordJesu Christ is no overcome, and thenae recountedali that was happened, and di him to e baptized of him. And after, he profited much, as et inscience a in life And when the bisho was dead Cyprian was ordaine bishop, an placed the lesse virgin Justina illi man virgins in amonastery, and ad her abbes ove many olyvirgins. S. Cyprian sent then episties to martyrsand conaforte them in thei martyrdom.
The ear of that country heard of the fame andrenome o Cyprian and Justina, andae made themtoae presente tofore him an demande them is the would do sacrifice. An whenae a thatine abod steadfasti in the faith of Jesu Christ, he commande that he hould e ut in a caldron fuit of waX, pitch, and grease burning and botling. And ali his gave to them arvellous refre8hing, and dixto them noraries ne ain. An the riesto the idol sal to the provos of that place :Command me sire, to stan and to e tofore thecaldron, ando hali non ver come ali heir virtve. An then e came tofore the caldron an said Great is the god Hercules, and Jupiter the ather of gods. And anon the reat ireissues froni unde thoe caldron and 4non con-
1 2 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThe Lives sumed and burn him. Then Cyprian and Justina
liound and were there even days, an after theywere take u an translate to Rome, an ascitis aid, no the res a Placentia. . An theysus red death in the eventi calend of October, about the ear of oues Lord two hundred i and eighty, unde Diocletian. Here follo the Lites of SS. Cosmo and Damian, and sol of thei nam . Cosmo is sald of cosmos, hicli is to a aform, hape, O Ornation Or, after Isidore, cosmos in Gree is sal clea in Latin He was a form to ther in Xample, he was ornate in good virtves, an clean seo ali vices Damianis sat os ama, whicli is a beast umbi and meeh. O damianus is at o dogma, hicli is doctrine, and ana that is bove, or o damum, that is sacrifice. O Damianus is sal ascit ereth hand of ou Lord He had meehnes in conversation, superna doctrine in predication, his sacrisce a in mortificatio of his f est, an hewas the and of ur Lor in medicina curationandaealing. of the ninis Cosmo and Damian. Cosmo and Damian ere rethren germane, that is fine ather and of ne mollier, and ereo the cit Egea, and bor os a religious molliernamed Theodora The were learned in the art
o medicine, and of eechcrast, an receive so The Lives great grace of God that he heale ali maladies o VSainta and languors, no Ont of men but also cure and 0 mψ
withou taking of an reward There a a adywhich had spent ali her good in medicines, and came to these ainis, and non as ealed of herpichness, and then he offered a litile is to S. Damian but he would no receive it Andrahesware and conjured ima horribie allis that hegranted to receiverit, and not for ovetis of thegist, ut for to obe to the devotion of her that offere it, and that he would o b seen to
thei renome he made them to e calle tofore hina, and demande theirmames and their country. An the the oly martyr saidci Our ames e Cosmo and Damian, and we have three therbrethren hichae named Antimas, Leontius, and Euprepius, ou countr is Arabia, ut christianmen no no fortune. The the proconsul orjudge command est them that the should bring forti, heir rethren, and that the should alltogether do sacrifice to the idols. And when in
no is the would do sacrifice, ut despised theidois, e commande the shout be ore tormented in the hand an feet. An When theydespised his tormenis, he commando them to ebound with a chain and thrown into the sea, ut the were non delivered by the ange of ur Lord, and taken ut of the ea, and came again
to e cast into a reat re, ut non the flamespran far rom them an flewmany of them that stood by And then the were commanded to eput o a torment name eculee, ut the were kept by the ange of ou Lord, and the tormentors tormented them bove ali men, and et ere theytaken E ithout uri oraries, an so came allwhole tofore the udge. The the judge command ed the three to e ut in prison, and made Cosmo and Damian to e crucised, and o bestone of the eople, ut the tones returned tothem that thre them, and uri and woundedmany of them Then the udge, replenishe with
The the christia me doubie of the ord
had laboured in the eld about reaping of his
him. And when he came in a secret place the
Felix the eighth ope after . Gregory, id
do mahe a nobi church a Rome of the ainis Cosmo and Damian, and there as a man whicli serve deuoutly the oly martyr in that hvrch, Who a canker ad consumed ali his thigh. Andas he lepi, the hol martyr Cosmo an Damian, appeare to im thei devout servant, bringing illi them an instrument and iniment of homilia one sal to that other : here hall, have flesli,he we have ut way the rotten flesti cst the old placet Then that ollier sal to him :There is an Ethiopia that his day is urie in the churchyar of S. eter ad Vincula, hicli is yet resti, et usaea this thither, and take e ut of that morian's est an fili his place ithal. And so thensetched the thigh of the sic man