The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints

발행: 1900년

분량: 275페이지


분류: 미분류


of our ouis tofore God, and this representation is Thein three manners. First, the represent ur east

prayers tofore God, and this satili obit the est,hkhi

the love in offering the destres an bringinggis is, an moveth her and pleasethaim. Sixthly, the ought to e honoured for the be the right noble nights of the in perdurabie, after that Job saith in the wenty-sifth hapter Is no this the nobi number of his nighic For as e see in the nights of sonae hing that ome of themdwel always in the hal of the ing, and accom- pany the ing, and in honour an solace to thehing, and ome ther kee the cities an casties of the ing, and ther figlit against the nemies of the ing thus is it of the night o Christ. Some e in the hali royal that is to a in the heaven imperiat, an accompany tWay the ing



religion, hereo Isaiah aithci Upon the walis of Jerusalem I have establishedaeepers. Othersthere e that figli and anquisti the nemies of God of hom it is aid in the Apocalypse Thereis a batile made in heaven that is, after Ome X-

position in the ch ch militant, ichael an his anget fought illi the dragon. The evenili and

set an be boystous Secondly, in heepin stomimpatience, and this satili David me ath commande his anget to kee the in ali thy ways. Thirdly, in refreshin and lessing that tribulation, and that is signised in Daniel, the thir chapter,

there hereas the ange of ourior descended in the furnace illi three child ren, and ad themiddie of the furnace ascit had been a in blowing ith a sost dem By thes ensamples e may understand that we ought o ive honou to the holy company of angeis, and to pra them to heepus in his retched lis e froni our nemies the devit, the worid, and in festi that after, hen


qui sine fine vivit et regnat in secula seculorum.


Jeronimus is aid o gerar, that is oly, and of

legend that erome is interprete a hol law.He a farforti holy that is to a firmis cleanor dyed of lood, o deputed to oly usage, liheas esset of the temple e sat hol for the beordained to oly usage. He was holy that is tosa steadiast, in hol Wor by long perseverance, he was clea in in by purity, he was yed in blood by thinhing of the passion of ur ordJesu Christ, he was deputexto holy sage by the exposition o hol Scripture, he was sal a holywood by the conversatio that he ometimes didan abod in the ood. An he was aid lawfor the rules of his discipline hichae aught tollis monks, or ecause e Xpounded an interpreted the hol iam and Scripture. Jerome also is interprete the vision of beaut o judging ords. There is beaut mani ld. First is spiritual, whicli is in the foui. Second, morat, hicli is in honest os manners. The hird is intellectual, whicli is in the angeis. The fourti, is substantiat,


etoo THE GOLDEN LEGENDThe Lila in divergit o virtvex the morat ad he in theoi S honest of his life he had intellectual in the 'Vψm excellence of purity he had the substantia in

burning charity he had the celestia in the perdurabie and Xcellent clearnes o clarte Hejudged the speeches and words, his own et examined in clearly pronouncing the thers eingtrue in confirming the false condemning and confusing and the doubiful in expounding. bd Iereme. Jerome a the on o a nobi man amed Eusebius bor of the own Stridon, hicli is in the ulter end of Dalmatia and of annonia. He, being et a child, en to Rome and was there taught in letters of Greeh, Latin and Hebrew.He ad for his eacher in gramma Donatus, in rhetori Victorinus, the orator, an he was day an night occupied, and exercised himself in divine Scriptures, hicli e re covetously, and aftershed it ut abundantly And a he writeth in an episti to Eustochius thatis a time sine read ona a Plato, an in the night Tuli destrously, because that he book of the propheis leased him

ronian, and no Christian an, herea thy reaSureis, there is thy eart. Then S. Jeronae a still


there. An he weening that he had been hisown, di themon, and so lothe came in to thechurch, and this id the that ad enu at him

he had learned of him the hol Scripture an holy



Then his penance thus done, he returned to thelow of Bethlehem, here asin is and a prudent

study he had translated, and the books e read,


an si monilis, an rem aine a pure virgin unio

in his legend that he was ver a Virgin, et ever-

whereon e lai and held his and for o lift uphimself that he might do the service of God asmuch as hemight. On a da toward even erome sat illi his brethren foro hea the oly lesson, and a ioncame attin sud dent in to the monastery, and when the rethren a him, non the fled, and Jerome came against hii as e liould come

against his guest, and then the lion howe to him his footiein huri. The he called his rethren, and commanded them to wash his feei and diligentlyto see and earch for the wound And that done, the plant of the oot of the lion a sore hur and priched with a thorn. The this oly ma puttheret diligent cure, and healed him, and he abole

ever after a a tam beast illi them Then

S. erome a that God ad sent in to them, notisnt for the ealth of his fost, ut also forthei profit, and oine to the lion an ossice, by theae ordis his brethren, and that was that heraliould conduci and ea an as to his pasture hichbrought home ood, and should hee hi goingand coming, and so e id For e id that which he was commanded, and e the ins thus


ii and theras came for o have thei refectio and se tomahe theras to do the or accustomed.

O a time it happe that the s was in his pasture, and the lion lepi fast, an certain mercliant passed by illi camel and saw the assalone, and stole him and ted him aWay And anon after, the lion woke and when e s undiso his fellow, he ran roaning hithe and thither, and when e sa that he could not in him hewas much sorrowsul an durs no come in butaboderat the gate of the church of the mona8tery, and was astianae that he came ithout the ass. And when the rethren a that he a comemore late than he was Wont, and without the ass.

the supposed thati constra in of hunge he had

eaten the 8s, and would not ive to in his portio accustomed an sal to him G and eatthat other par of theras that thou has devoured,

and sit thy gluttony Andaecause the doubted, and the would wit i he had so eaten, hey enito the pastures of the toWn to se is the could have an demonstrance of the death of the ass, and thens und nothing, an returne an tot itto Jerome, and thenae command ed them to enjoin himo do the office of the ass. The theyhewed down bushes an bough and laid ponhim, andae suffere it eaceably Andis a daywhen he had done his office, he went ut to theseid an began t run hithe and thither destringio no What a done to his fellow, and sarusrom a merclianis that came illi camel chargedand laden, and the 8 going tofore them. It was the anne of that regio that when the eople


brother an fawne them illi his tali, like a helia demande pardo of the trespas that he haddone. An S. erome, hichone weli liat

abbot, an require of him pardon. And heraised an made them to standis goodly, and

It was anciently the custo that hosomeverruould might in in the church so that Theodosius the emperor, a Joh Beleth aith, required and praye Damasus the ope that he would commit


ii sent froni Bethlehem uni the pope. Whicli at was approved and ratified of him and of the cardinals for to e sed perpetuatly and sol

Afier his, in the outh of the spelunke or cavet whicli ou Lor lay, he id do mahe his monumen or sepulture And when he had accomplislied ighty-eight years and si monilis he was there buried. In What reverence S. Austin ad in in it appeareth in his episties that he sent to im in ne of the which he wrote in his manner : To his right dea friend most best elove an mos clea in observin andembracing of hastity unto erome, Austin, etc. And in another place he writeth thus of him S. Jerome, priest, earned in letters of Greek, Latin, and HebreW, and in holy rilings approved unio his ast age of hom the oblenes of his ain eloquence ath resplended rom the eas uni the west, like uni the learnes of the un. Prospersaith also of him in his Chronicies : erome, prie8t, was in Bethlehem ometime, clear to at the worid, os obteingine, and live in translating and writing