장음표시 사용
marginat wax plates, and near antero laterat and anteromediat edge of each dorso mediat wax plate. Quadrilocular pores scattered belween wax plates, long tubular ducis present in wax plates. Anal ringwith rows of pores: longest anes ring seta 34, shorter than longili os anal ring. ring 62 wide and 60 long. The species is named aster the daia gliter of the second author, Moni ka Horvath.
Paralypes: β semales Dona the fame collection as the holotype. Description os adult semate. Mounted specimen Fig. T). Holotype . adult se male 0. 9 nam long. 0. nam wide. Lengili os segments and setae in Wm: Antennae 4- segmented, ist segment l08 2nd segment 72. apicat segment l86. with spine- like setae On ali segments: apical seta J4. Subapi
Venter. Length of body paris in ymo Labium lib. Legs: lst coxa 84. trochanter- femur 230 tibia- tarsus 3l T. claw 3l, claw digitules ib. 2nd coxa 98. trochanter- femur 240 tibia- tarsus 324. claw 3 l. claw digitules l5: 3rd coxa l l . trochanter-femur 282. tibia-tarsus 398. claw 30 claw digitulos i , with spine- like setae: with flagellate sensory setae near tibial sensorium: trochanter illi 4 sensory pores on each Surface. Ovisac barid complete: wax plate band only at margin os coxa wax plates on head. Coxat depressions weakly developed, mes ad of each coxa, Separate. with clus ter of hair- like setae, and quadri locular pores. Anterior thoracic spiracles with sonae quadri locularpores, diameter of anterior thoracic spiracles 23. Hair-like setae. in s mali number in mediat areas os thorax. with severat fetae near anterior and laterat edge of Ovisac harad. with segmental rows withinovi fac barad. Quadri locular pores 4 ym in diameter tubular quadri locular pores protruding si om terna. associaled with wax plates: quadri locular pores and discol dat pores present in wide transverse ban is with in ovis ac band and scattered hetween wax plates et sewhere. Dorsum. Length of hody paris in ymo Wax plates Only part ly coVer the sursace. Spines atmargin of wax plate elongate, l2. One hair- like seta present in marginal clusters near posterior edges of marginat wax plates, and near anterolaterat and anteromediat elige of each dorso mediat wax plate. Quadri locular pores present in wax plates, but absent belween wax plates, tubular ducis
absent Dona wax plates. Anal ring with rows of pores: longest anal ring seta 35. shorter than tengilios anal ring : ring 3J wide and 36 long. The species is named after the country of origi n.
Comments. N. CaledonienSis similar to V halo hi, but differs frona lalter hythe absence of quadri locular pores bet ween wax plates on the dorsum os ille thorax, and the long tubular ducis in wax plate band s. The ovis ac band is not interrupted in the naiddie.
other materialso 2 females, New Caledonia. Ite des Plias, G di Foresis, Archemorus forest litter, l8-24. 05. l98J. NC8J B-T. I. BALOGH Coll. Arachnida, LEU). Because of the deforme l. and variable num her of the segments of the antennae, not included in the type series.
Description os adult semate. Mounted specimen s Fig. 8). Holotype. adult se male l. 3 nam long. l. 0 mna wide. Length of segments and setae in ymo Antennae 4-segmented, ist segment l22.2nd segment l08. apicat segment 2ll. with spine- like setae on ali segments. apical seta 76 semion g, Subapical Seta abSent. Sen Sory Seta l9. Venter. Longili of hody paris in Mino Labium l4T. Legs: ist coxa 96, trochanter-semur 349 tibia-tarsus 448. claw 35. claw digitules l0: 2nd coxa lid. trochanter-semur 3J4. tibia-tarsus 498 claw 34 claw digitules l0. 3rd coxa l26. trochanter- femur 398. tibia-tarsus 564, claw 36, claw digitules l0: with spine- like setae: without flagellate sensory setae near tibial sensorium trochanter with 4 sensory pores on e acti sui face. Ovisac band interrupted in the naiddie: wax plate band only at margin os coxa: wax plates on head. Coxat depressions weakly develo ped. mesad os each coxa separate. with cluster of hair-like setae, and quadri locular pores. Anterior thoracic spiracles withsonae quadri locular pores, diameter os anterior thoracic Spiracles 67. Hair- like setae, in s mali number in mediat areas of thorax, with severat fetae near anterior and laterat edge os ovisac baiad. wilhout rows in ovisac baiad. Quadri locular pores 5 μm in diameter: tubular quadri locular pores protruding sto in clerna. associaled with wax plates: quadri locular pores and discol dat porcs 3 μm in diameter present in haraus within ovis ac band and scattered belween wax plates et sewhere. Dorsum. Longili os bo ly paris in ymo Wax plates only partly cover the Sursace. Spines atmargin os wax plate elongate l6. One hair- like Seta present in marginal clusters near posterior edges of marginat wax plates. and near anterolaterat anil antero mediat edge of each dorso mediat wax plate. Quadri locular and discol dat pores scattered he tween wax plates, tubular ducis present in wax plates. Anal ring with rows os pores: longest anal ring seta 3J, shorter than longili os anal ring :ring 50 wide and 48 long. The species is named aster Prosessor Dr. JΛNOS BALOG H. acknowledging his great heis' inoffering his arachnological collection sor study.
Comments. N. Daloghi is similar to Ν. caledoniensiS, the differen ces are discus sed under that species. It differs frona ali other NewStecidici species by the interrupted ovis ac balad. Newsteaclia hiroi Sp. n.
rium: trochanter with 3 sensory pores ora each sui sace. Wax plate han is developed on the thorax. Coxat depressions not de vel oped. Anterior thoracic spiracles willi sonae quadri locular pores. diameter of anterior thoracic spiracles 20 ym. Hair-like setae, in s mali number in mediat areas os thorax. with severat fetae ne ar anterior and laterat edge os ovisac band without rows in ovisac
hand. Quadri locular and discol dat pores 3-5 μm in diameter present in hands with in ovisac bancl. shori tubular quadri locular pores protruding frona derna. associaled with wax plates. Dorsum. Length of hody paris in ymo Wax plates couer the Surface. Spines at margin of wax plate elongate. ll. Two-three hair- like setae present in marginal clusters near posterior edges os marginat wax plates. and near antero laterat and antero mediat edge of each dorso mediat wax plate.
Comments. N. Di mi is similar to Ν. martini, the differe iaces are discus sed under the lalter Specie S. Newstendia guineel SiS Sp. n.
The species is named aster the country os origi n.
Comments. N. guinee et SiS is similar to N. milieri by having three- segmente dantennae in both. It differs by having hair- like setae on apicat segment of the antennae, and by the ab se iace of strong seta on the hase of the trochanter. It differs frona ali other NewStetidia species by the prese iace the grouped quadri locular and simple pol e S.
Comments. V milieri is similar to N. guineenSiX, the differen ces are discus sed under the lalter species. Ν. milieri differs stom ali Newstendia species by having a strong spine at the base of each trochanter. Newsteaclia myersi GREEN. l 929