Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


Collection Os Arachnida. Lorand Eotvos Universi ty, Budapest. Hungary LEU), from the scale insect collectioris of the Britisti Museum Natural History) London. England B MN H), and stoin the Australi an Nationat Insect Collection. Canherra, Australia ANIC), and the Transvaal Museum, Solith Africa. Pretosin. The insecis studi ed were mounted on microscope si ides. Or preserved in alcohol. The holotypes os new species are deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Budapest HNHM). Plant Protection Institute. Hungari an Academy of Sciences, Budapest PPI), except the species froin the collection of the BNHM. London. and ANIC, Calaberra. The paralypes are deposited in the following collections Britisti Muscum s Natural History) B MN H): Hungarian Natural Histo Museum HNHM), Plant Protection Institute, Hungari an Academy of Sciences PPI), and NationalMuseum of Natural History, Washington. D. C. USNM . The locali ty data was copied froin the si ides, or Dom the collected materiai s. Terminology sol lows that of MORRISON l 925. l 952). except for sonae new characters found in the present work. The type specimens of earlier described species were studi ed for comparison.


setae near tibial sensorium: trochanter with 4 sensory pores on each surface. OVisac banis complete: wax plates present in wide baiads bet cera legs: wax plate on head complete. Coxat depression sweekly developed. mesad of each coxa. separate, willi cluster of hair- like Setae wax spines, and quadri locular pores. Anterior thoracic spiracles with cluster of 5-l0 quadri locular pores, 4 Rm in the atrium os spiracles, diameter os anterior thoracic spiracles 38. Hair- like setae few. scattered in mediat areas os thorax. with severat fetae near anterior anil laterat edge of OVisac harad. and no segmental rows in ovisac hancl. Quadri locular pores 4 μ m in diameter: tubular quadri locular pores long, protruding hom derin, associaled with wax plates: quadri locul ars present in narrow hancis within ovisac hand and scattered belween wax plates. Abdominal spiracles in rive patrs. Dorsum. Length of hody paris in ymo wax plates coVer most of the furface. Spines at margin os wax plates: elongate. with apicatly rounded apex. 22. Hair- like setae present in marginal ClusterS near posterior edges of marginat wax plates, and near antero laterat and anteromediat edgeos cach dorso mediat wax plate. Quadri locular pores scattered belween wax plates, long tubular


ducis present in wax plates. Anal ring with pore rows: longest anal ring seta 50. shorter than longilios anal ring : ring 83 wide and J8 long. The species is named aster the collecting place.

CommentS. N. IGSmanienSiS is similar to x Samoiana. The differe iace is in the presen ce of long tubular ducis in wax plate baiad s. and the presen ce of shori.

Other materiais: l se male. Australia. NS . Bluc Mi. . Megalong Valle y. 900 m. a. S. l. . 25.l2.l 986. 49a I. BALOGH). The specimen is disserent frona the type having higher number ossetae in wax haniis on the venter of thorax. hecati se of this. it is not included in the type materiai. Description os adult se male. Mounted specimen Fig. 2). Holotype . adult se male l. 2 nam long 0. 8 mm wide. Lenglli os segments and setae in una: Antennae 6- segmented. lst segment l22 2nil segment 90. apicat segment l4J: with hair- like setae ora i si and 2nd segments. with 5 selae onapicat segment: apical seta 83. subapical seta 25. mediat sensory seta 28 re maining setae spine-likC. Venter. Length of body paris in hin: Labium l63. Stylet loop as long as labium. Legs: istcoxa 9 l. trochanter- femur 2 5. tibia-tarsus 326. claw 35. claw digitiales β: 2nd coxa 96 trochantersemur 294. tibia- tarsus 357. claw 34. claw digitules 5. 3rd coxa l08. trochanter- femur 326. tibia- tarsus 45J, claw 38. claw digitules T: with spine- like setae: with a flagellate sensory seta near tibi alsensorium on the 3rd leg trochanter with 4 sensory pores on each surface. Ovisac band complete: wax plates baiads interrupted belween legs: wax plate on head complete. Coxat depressions de-veloped. mesad of each coxa. separate. with a cluster of hair- like setae, and quadri locular pore S. Anterior thoracic spiracles with so me quadri locular pores. 4 ym in diameter, anterior thoracic Spir-


20 l

acles 22 lam in diameter. Hair- like setae. scattereti in mediat areas of thorax, with severat fetae nearanterior and laterat edge os ovisac barad. and segmental rows in ovisac hand. Quadri locular pores clym in diameter tubular quadri locular pores long protruding si ona derna, associaled with wax plates: quadri locul ars and simple pores present in wide han is with in ovisac band and scattered bel-ween wax plates et se here. Abdominal spiracles in sive pati s.


DOrsum. Wax plateS cover Only partly the Sursace. Spines at margin os wax plate elongate l2vm long. Hair- like Setae present in marginal clusters near posterior edges of marginat wax plates, and ne ar anterolaterat and anteromediat edge of each dorso mediat wax plate. Quadri locular pores scattereis belween wax plates: tubular ducis long. present in wax plates. Anal ring willi rows ospores: longest anal ring seta 34, shorter than diameter of rounded anal ring 50). The species is named aster the colanti y os origin os the samples.

Comment S. N. Gustria lienSiS is simi lar to V endroe. i. hut differs frona it byhaVing a Sens ory Seta clo se to tibial sensorium, and large groups of quadri locularand discol dat pores on the margin and on the dorsum.

Other materialso 2 se males. New Guinea. Wau. Nami Cree k. moss. l9. 08. l 968. B 2. J. BALOGH sColl. Arachnida. LEU). The tubular ducis longer than the type. hecati se of this not included in the type serieS. Description os adult se male. Mounted specimen s Fig. 3). Holotype . adult se male 2 nam long. l. t mira wide. Longili os segments and setae in hin. Antennae J- segmented. lst segment l98. 2ndsegment i50. apicat segment 2 ld. willi hair- like setae on ali segments. willi I hair- like setae on apicat segment, apical Seta l02, subapical 43, mediat sensory seta 54. Venter. Longili os hody paris in sena Labium 3l4. Stylet loop as long as labium. Legs: istcoxa lo. trochanter- femur 498, tibia-tarsus 64J. claw 64. claw digitules lor 2nd coxa lJ3. tro chanter-semur fl4. tibia-tarsus 664. claw 65. claw digitules 8: 3rd coxa l98. trochanter-semur 589. tibia tarsus 822. claw J2 claw digitules it. partly with spine- like setae: without flagellate sensorysetae ne ar tibial sensorium trochanter With 3 sensory pores On each sui face. Ovisac band complete: wax plate ban is interrupted belween legs: wax plate On head complete. Coxat depressions weaklydevelo ped. mesad os each coxa. separate. with a cluster of hair- like setae. and quadri locular pores. Anterior thoracic spiracles with sonae quadri locular pores. diameter os anterior thoracic spiracles 38. Hair- like setae, scattered in mediat areas os thorax. with severat fetae near anterior and laterat eclge of ovisac baiad. no segmental rows in ovisac band. Quadri locular porcs 4 μm in diameter tubular quadri locular pores s hori. protruding 1 rom derna. associaled with wax plates quadri locularunis Simple pores scattered belween wax plates et sewhere, abundant with in ovisac baiad. Abdominat spiracles in sive pati S.


Dorsum. Length of hody paris in ymo wax plates couer mostly ali the Sursace. Spines atmargin of wax plate elongate 20 lam long. Hair- like setae present in marginal clusters near posterior edges of marginat wax plates, and near antero laterat and antero mediat edge of each dorsomediat wax plate. Numerous quadri locular pores between wax plates: tubular ducis sit Ort, present in wax plates. Anal ring with rows of pores: longest anal ring seta J3, shorter than tength of anal ring : ring T8 wide and 88 long. Fig. 3. V gullaniae Sp. n.


The species is named after Dr. PENNY GULI AN who collected severat ortheZiids frona Australia, and hel ped with the loan os earlier collected materiai s.

Comments. The two collections frona Victoria Australia) were identi fled the nante of the person, who made the determination is not shown) as Ν. socco Sa. MORRISON l 925) suppo sed that it was an accidental introduction of V floc-coSa to Australia. Although on one of the sit de en vel opes there is a pencit remari from JHM JON MARTIN, B MN H) question ing the correcines s of that identification. Ν. gullanae is different frona the other NewXtecidia species in Australia hyliaving hair- like setae on the antennae. It is similar to V kianayiania TA AGI

the antennae, and the sensory Seta on the apicat segment of the antenna situ alednear the apical Sela. Newsteaclia enitro eclyi Sp. n.

Materiai examin ed: Holotype. se male. Australia. Tasmania, Corri cum ley Mi. . t 2.l2. l 982.

Paralypes: 4 semales frona the fame collection as the holotype. Description os adult semate. Mounted specimen s Fig. 4). Holotype, adult se male l. 4 nam long. l. 0 mira wide. Longili os segments and setae in hin: Antennae 6-segmented. lst segment l86 2 nil segment l60. apicat segment 234 with hair- like setae on sit si two segments. with setose setaeon 3-5th segments and spine- like On 6th segment with 5 setae on apicat segment. apical seta 99. subapical 48. mediat sensory seta 42. Venter. Longili of hody pans in ymo Labium lJ9. Stylet loop as long as labium. Legs: istcoxa li8. trochanter-semur 398. tibia- tarsus 548. claw 36. claw digitules P 2nd coxa l24. trochanter- femur 423. tibia- tarsus 58 l. claw di, claw digitules 8. 3rd coxa l66 trochanter-semur 465. tibia- tarsus 664. claw 40. claw digitules 8, partly with spine-like setae: without flagellate sensorysetae near tibial sensorium: trochanter with 4 sensory pores on each sui face. Ovisac hand interrupted on the body margin: wax plates band only at coxat margin only Smali groups os wax plateson head. Coxat depressions weakly developed mesad os each coxa. separate, with a Cluster of hair- like setae, and quadri locular pores. Anterior thoracic spiracles with a high number os quadri locularpores on the margin . diameter os anterior thoracic spiracles 28 I m. Hair- like setae. scattered in mediat areas of thorax. with severat fetae ncar anterior and laterat edge os ovisac band with segmentalrows in ovis ac baiad. In orae paralype the ovisac band interrupted in the naiddie. Quadri locular pores 6 ym in diameter: tubular quadri locular pores long protruding 1 rom derna. associaled with wax plates: quadri locular pores and discol dat pores present in wide bantis Within ovis ac ba nil and scat- tered he tween wax plates et se here. Abdominal spiracles in live patrs. Dorsum. Length os body paris in ymo Wax plates only part ly cover the sui sace. Spines atmargin os wax plate elongate. l3. Hair- like setae present in marginal clusters near posterior edge os marginat wax plates. and near antero laterat anil antero mediat elige os each dorso mediat wax plate. Quadri locular pores numerotis belween wax plates. long tubular ducis present in wax plates. Anal ring vitii rows os porcs longest anal ring Sota 52. shorter than longili os anal ring ring 5J wide. and 54 long. The species is nam ed aster late Dr. YOUNGA SEBASTIAN ENDRODY. acknowledging his hel pio his to stud y his collections in the Transvaal Muscum that provided the specimens.


Descriptiori os adult se male. Mounted specimen s Fig. β). Holotype . adult se male l. l nam long O. 8 mira wide. Longili os segments and setae in Mino Antennae 4- segmented. lst segment 98.2nd segment 5T. apicat segment l26. with spine- like setae on ali segments. apicat feta li0, Suhapi cal seta absent . mediat sensory seta 23.


tarsus 349. claw 38. claw digitules 6. with spine- like Setae: without flagellate sensory setae ne artibial sensorium: trochanter with 3 sensory pores on each sui face. Ovis ac band not interrupted onthe body margin: wax plate band connected in mi duenter, complex wax plates on head. Coxat depressions weakly developed mes ad of each coxa, separate. with smali number of hair- like Sotae and quadri locular pores. Anterior thoracic spiracles without quadri locular pores, diameter os anterior thoracic spiracles l9. Hair-like setae, scattered in mediat area Os thorax. with severat fetae ne aranterior and laterat elige of ovis ac banci, with segmental rows in ovis ac baiad. Quadri locular pores dyna in diameter tubular quadri locular pores protruding srom derin, associaled with wax plates: quadri locular pores with discol dat pores, 2 sem in diameter present in ban is with in ovisac band and scattered belween wax plates et Se here. Dorsum. Length of body paris in ymo Wax plates only parily co ver body surface. Spines atmargin of wax plate elongate, l2. Hair- like setae present in marginal clusters incar posterior edges of marginat wax plates; and near antero laterat and antero mediat elige of each dorso mediat wax plate. Few quadri locular pores bet ween wax plates: tubular ducis, and tubular quadri locular present

Comi nent s. N. martini is similar to Ν. hiroi. but differs frona it by hau ingrows of hair- like setae inside of the ovis ac band, and long tubular ducis in dorsa lwax plate bantis, and by the ab se iace of wide wax plate haniis on the venter of the thorax. anil also by the prese iace of tibial sens ory Setae.

Newstea clin moniline Sp. n.

Paralypes 8 se males isto in the fame collectiora as the holotype. Description os adult se male. Mounted specimen Fig. 6). Holotype, adult se male l. 4 nam long l. t mna wide. Longili os segments and setae in Wm: Antennae 3- segmented, ist segment l92 2 nil segment l28. apicat segment 606. with hair- like setae ora ali segmenis, apical seta 96. subapical

sus: without flagellate sensory setae near tibial sensorium: trochanter With 4 sensory pores On each sui face. Ovisac band complete: wax plate band only at margin on head and near to coxa. Coxat depressions weakly develo ped. mesad of each coxa, separate. with cluster of hair- like setae, and quadri locular pores. Anterior thoracic spiracles Without quadri locular pores, diameter os anterior thoracic spiracles 23 min. Long. hair-like setae numerous in mediat area of thorax, willi severat fetae near anterior and laterat edge os ovisac banis, without segmental rows with in ovis ac baiad.