Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


Coxat depressions not developed. Anterior thoracic Spiracles With a group of quadrilocular pores diameter of anterior thoracic spiracles 25. Ventrat margin with scattered quadri locular and simple discoidal pores. Hair-like setae, in sinali number in mediat areas of thorax, without rows in ovis achand. Quadri locular and discoidal pores in diameter. present in transverse bands with in ovis ac

Dorsum. Length of body paris in Rin Wax plate bands couer the furface. Spines at marginof wax plate elongate, l6. Two to mur hair- like setae present in marginal clusters near posterior edges of marginat wax plates, and near anterolaterat and anteromediat edge of each dorso mediat wax plate. 20. Quadri locular and discol dat pores scattered belween wax plates, long tubular ducis present in wax plates. Anal ring hard ly visibi e .

si X.

Comments. V Zimmermiani is similar to V gua lalcanalia, by having blunt setae On the antennae and leg s. Venter of thorax of V rimmermani with widebands of wax plates, and the wax plate hands are not interrupted on the median os


dorsum. There are grOups of quadri locular pores On the margin Of the venter. Nofurther collections have been made since the original specimens were collected


Descriptiori os adult lamate: Mounted specimen Fig. id). Holotype . adult female l. 6 inmlong. l. t mm wide. Length of segments and setae in ymo Antennae 5 Or 6- segmented. ist segmentlJ3. 21ad segment l82. apicat segment 236. with spine- like setae on ali segmenis, apical seta 6J, subapicat feta absent, sensory seta 22. Venter. Length of hody paris in hin: Labium l86. Legs: ist coxa l60. trochanter-semur 58l tibia-tarsus T30. claw 53, and claw digitules 23. 2nd coxa l 3, trochanter-femur 623. tibia-tarsusT64. claw 52. claw digitules 24. 3rd coxa l92. trochanter-femur 664. tibia-tarsus 872. claw 55 claw digitules 26. with spine- like setae: with one flagellate sensory setae, l9 near tibial sensorium: trochanter with 4 sensory pores ora each surface. The base of the coxae with unu sual structu res notpore, not duci, not Sela. which may be present in case os other species, but covered by coxa). Manywax plates on the thorax. Coxat depressions not developed. Anterior thoracic spiracles with a large group of quadri locular pores in the atrium, diameter of anterior thoracic spiracles 35. On the ventralmargin quadri locular, and simple discol dat pores scattered. Few hair- like setae, in sinali number in mediat areas of thorax, without rows with in ovis ac band. Quadri locular and discol dat pores in diameter present in baiads with in Ovis ac baiad. Some ten- locular pores present On the margin . Dorsum. Length of body paris in ymo Wax plate baiads coVer the furface. Spines at marginof wax plate elongate. ld. Two to mur hair- like setae present in marginal clus ters near posterior edges of marginat wax plates, and near antero laterat and anteromediat edge of each dorsomediat wax plate. l6 ym long . Quadri locular and discol dat pores Scattered belween wax plates, long tubular ducis absent in wax plates. Anal ring with severat baiads of pores, On both si des with an elong-

Comments. N. Samoaria is Si mi lar to V martini, and V milieri hau ingspine- like seta On the antennae and leg s. hut V samoiana differs frona both byhaving long hair- like setae on the claws, and law setae on apicat segment of the antennae. The similari ty with V tasmanienSis is discus sed under that species.

ILLI AMS and WATSON l 990) mentioned the presen ce of this species in Solomon I s. and on Vanuatu. too. MORRISON l 952) rem arked abo ut sonae differen-ces of the paralype frona Pica. According to present analyses these differen cesbe long to individual variations of the mentioned characters. Newstenilia guassat canalia MORRISON, l9 2


26. On the ventrat margin quadri locular, and simple discol dat pores scattered. Hair- like setae few in mediat areas of thorax, without rows with in ovisac barad. Quadri locular and discol dat porcs 3- in diameter present in bancls with in ovis ac band. Dorsum. Wax plate bands only partly cover the furface. The bantis are interrupted in themiddie of the dorsum. Spines at margin of wax plate elongate, id μm long. Two to mur hair- like setae present in marginal clusters near posterior edges of marginat wax plates, and near anterolat-


eral and anteromediat edge of each dorsomediat wax plate. 23. Quadri locular and discoidal pores forin sinali groups belween wax plates, long tubular ducis, 6 iam long and microtubular ducis, lum long present in wax plates. Anal ring long and ββ wide, anal ring setae 38.

Comments. N. guia Glcanalia is similar to V zimmeraniani, the differencesare discussed under the lalter species. WILLIAM S and WATSON sl 990) gave sonae new records on the distribution of this species in the Solomon Isiands.


. moniline Sp. n. N. milieri Sp. n.

Antennae three-Segmented: with an aggregation os pores On the venter of abdomen N. RuineenSiS Sp. n. Antennae more than 3-segmented Antennae 4- segmented Antennae more thala 4-Segmented Apicat segment of the antennae with more than ten fetae Apicat segment of the antennae less than sive setae

Actia et L hunx. 46. 2000


Antennae J- segmentedum


ll Apical seta of the antennae with more than eight setae l2 Apical seta of the antennae with less than seve setae l3l2 Margin os venter and dorsum only with scattered quadri locular pores

Margin os venter and dorsum with large groups of quadri locular pores



According to MORRISON l92 ) and wILLIAMS l99 l) iliis species was probably introduced to Australia. MAMET l 94J) had an opposite view, accord ing to him perhaps this species was introduced frona Australia to Europe and North America, and he proposed that it has a subtropical origin. However, thedistribution records show that this species lives in colder paris, and usualty athigher elevation of the Palaearctic region. The species Dona Australia was determined by GREEN l 902) describing it as a new subgenus mwstea lia). All the specimens stud ted here mund in the BMNH including the specimen seen hyGREEN. too) and in ANIC helong to Ν. gullanae species described above, and notio Ν. floccoSa fas it was also indicated on sonae si ides by JHM - JON H. MARTINin pencil). N. floccosa differs by having long tubular ducis in the wax platebantis, and a large sensory seta in the naid ille of the apical seta of antennae. Asfor the question os introduction. there are weli recorded data beginning si oml9l4. in the USA. that this species was many times accidentalty introduced frona Europe. Prona that time the establis liment was never recorded D. R. MILLERperS. Comm.). According to these recor is the introduction and establis liment of the European Ν. floccosia in Australia is hight y unlikely.


MORRISON l92β) suggested that this genus has a Holarctic distribution. Later MAMET sl 94J) describing ne w species frona Africa proposed a tropicalorigin hordei ed by the Indian Ocean. According to him the Palaearctic and Nearctic distribution resulis Dona introduction hy humans. He considered that ali Species are tropicat, or subtropical in origin . MORI ISON l 952) with descriptions os new species, questioned this vlew of distribution. and origi n. WILLIAM S l99 l). WILLI AMS and wATSON l 990) also thought. that endemic species areabsent in Australian and the Pacific Regions, and the species found there may bethe result os recent introductions. With our resulis and considering earlier reporis, the species number in the Australi an and the Pacific Regions has increased to ib. whicli is the highest regional number in the worid at this time Fig. id). Sixteen sone of them as fossil) species were previ ous ly described frona alli egions of the worid. In the present paper eleven ne w species were added to thisti st. and the total number has now increased to 2P. Further new Species are tander description frona the Ethiopi an Region MILLER & KOZAR. in prep.). and e Venfurther species are awatting description frona the Oriental and Neotropical Re-