장음표시 사용
The totai area of an average C. fuscula leas mine is approx. 80 nam' and is formed in ei ther the tipper or the lower me sophyllic tissues. Some of the completely infested lamina contained approximate ly 50 puparia. Pu al stadium in the Puoartat 3hellPupat mouit occurred with in the pupariat sheli 2-3 days after the whi te pre- pupariat phase Fig. 2E). The larvat cephalopharyngeat skeleton mouits frona the pupat head and rem alias attached to the pupariat sheli. A cryptocephalic phase l. e. inside the pupariat sheli and pupat cuticle with une verted head and part ly in vaginated legs and wings) and a phanerocephalic phase si .e., inside the pupari alfheli and pupat cuticle with everted imaginat head and in vaginated thoracic appendages. i. e. . imaginat diSks migration are completed) were clearly recogni sed . Phiarate Phase imago in the Pu arial Sheli During the following 4 days. the imaginat transformation takes place. The imaginat integument is not a mouit ing conseque iace of the mostly polyplo id larvalipupat one, hut is rebullt - like a mosaic - frona the imaginat discs. The con-tour of the pharate phase adult is visibie inside the pupariat sheli and pupat cuticle. The number of visibi e pupariat segments is i l. The head localises in l-3 the thorax in 4 6. and the abdomen in J-ll pupariat segments. Wing buds were mund belween β-6 pupariat segments. Aster 2 days, the wing buds en large and set up be tween segments 5 and 8. Five Jays after the imaginat transformation ille pharate phase adult with white eye changes to the orange eye phase. The nexi Jay the red eye phase appears. A clay later bri sile formation occurs. Wings and bris-lles are greyis h. later turning to black. Early adult Sitidium One or 2 days after bri sile formation the proculi cle phase adult opens thepti pariat case si aps with the pulsation of hae molympii in iis Ptilinum and emerges frona the pupariat sheli. The Ptilinum is a pharate phase adult organ. the ptilina lintegument in the head . Aster emerge iace, the ptilinal sack retracis and the lunula of the head closes. Haemolympi, presses toward the wing buds and expand sthem. Scleroti Zed and melani Zed adulis Fig. l) were not interested in Decling. They were not attracted by yoting or old spring barley planis but were looking fora sheltered humid place in the i solator chamber in which to hibernate. An imaginat aestivation and hibernation period stat ted here.
Chromatomyia species living in monocotyledons are hard to distinguis h. GRI EPITHS sl 980) describe d Chromialon ia fuscula superspecies to whicli C. fuS- cum and the boreal species Chromatomyia Puccinelliae SPENCER. l 969). Chro-
was reclassisied later as C. Pucci relliae. In the case of C. fuScula frona Norway, the most basal appendage of the phallus is thin and helter scieroti Zed. the mediatone thick and uneven ly scieroti Zed. In lower magnification it looks as is two appendages were there. Cf. DARVAS and PAPΡ l 985 Fig. ld. The most anterior
crani al) appendage is long less scieroti Zed and Strongly but rather angulate ly
guis habie hom iis closest relati VeS. Gi ven the difficulties in determining species based on male genitalia, uncertainty may exist in determining their larvae. The minimum, maximum and aver- age numbers of the digiis and pores of the agromyZid larvat anterior anil posterior spiracles have their respective values. The C. fuScula si 8 20 digiis and β 8
C. fuscula overwinters in the adult stadium. Our resulis suggest this sume uncommon OVerwintering Strategy as weli: none of the adulis Dona the new generation
reproductive rate of C. nigra was drasticatly reduced by warm temperature
mines explains the differences i) an A. megaloPSiS fe male lays eggS near eachother in the hasal third of the lamina: the biotchy pseudo-polylarvat mine moves toward the tip and usu atly reaches the edge of the lamina. The larvae complete lyeat the mesophyli and therelare the re maining non-damaged lamina declines asweli in the direction of the tip. Thus, A. megalo Sis larvae cause more losseS dueto the extent and effect of their mines, si i) a C. fuscula female lays one egg in the
apicat third of the lamina: the single narrow linear mine created by the larva mostly moves toward the base. The leafmine is no wider than 2 mm and neverreaches the edge of the lamina. Except the last instar the earlier larvat instars eaton ly a part of the mesophyli Figs 2B-D. 3). Thus C. fuscula larvae cause lessdamage to the leas frona their mines. Neverthel ess, harley helongs to Poales has uni faciat si .e . . both sides of leas have similar tis sue structure) and disticholis leaves si .e., they inserted on the stem at l80 degrees frona one another: DAHI GREN R CLIPEORD l 982) which have ad vantages using the energy of in Solation for photosynthesis. In a single leas. although the sileath has similar tis suestructure as lamina A. megcrimSiS and C. fuScula never attacks Sheath. Thus. in the case of a 'totai V laminae clamage caused by these 2 species a Significant assimilation capaci ty rem alias in the sileat lis DARVAS & ANDER SEN l 996).
publis hed 2l si September. 2000
Volume J J Anthon iidae Lachinidae
The Catalogue contains the basic taxonomic, nomenclatorial and distribution data os ali species occurring in the Palaearctic Region illi the fundamental morphological features for the majority of thei ly groupS. Volume l3 lisis the names of 460 genera, 38 subgenera and 2389 species assigned to three familieS. Furthei more, 6J2 Synonymous generic and 24JJ specific names, l80J emendationS, errorS, nomina dubia and dotabimi genera and species are listed. The period of the Catalogue extends Dona lJβ8 to 3l December, l982. Contenis: Explication to distributiora. Type-species designations in Volume l3. New name proposed in Volume l3. Families: Antho- mytidae A. DELY-DRASKOVIJ S). Rhinophoridae s B. HERTING). Tachinidae B. HERTING and A. DELY-DRASKOVIJ S). Bibliography. IndCX.
Acta Mologica Academicie Scientiarum Hungaricae 46 IJ, m. I9 229, 2000
The pui pose of the present work is to provide a comprehensive revision of the genus New Ioadia including descriptions of new species Dona the Australi an and Pacific RegionS.
The insccts described in this study were collected mostly by using Berlese inneis and arefrom Zoological sample collecting expeditions os soli arthropods. The specimens studied are Domthe Collection of Arachnida, Hungarian Natural History Museum. Budapest. Hungary sHNHM).