장음표시 사용
O Hungarian Natural History Museum and Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Acta Mologica Academicie Scientiarum Hungaricae is published quarterly DomFebruary l 994 other issues in May. August and November) by the Hungarian Natural History Museum and the Biological Section of the Hungarian Academyos Sciences with the financiat support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Actia Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungiariciae 46 3); m. ISI I95. 2000
DARVAS & ANDER SEN. l 996). It also occurs on different cereals in other paris of Europe. but usual ly does not cause significant losses DARVAS et al. l 98l: DAR
genitalia) living in Norway we mund no similar morphological characters. Theaim of this stud y was to follow the postembryonic de vel opment of C. fuScula
Seconci liari cit Stadium The second instar larva extended the tength of the mine to 34 50 nam andits width to i nam in the tipper layer of the mesophyll. The second instar larva sed usualty in the tapper layers hut sonaetimes changed direction and continued the
Fig. 3. Length of Chromatomyiafuscula leas mine cluring larval developinent.
epidermal furface of the lamina Figs 2D-3). The mine was so metimes secondar-ily biotchy in the cases of the fit st 2 smali leaves or heavy infestation on theupper leaves. Faeces were deposited as widely separated particles and were clear
The pupariat phase of the 3 larvat stadium started at l2.5 days, hut the last part of the larvat population reached this phase at l6 days after egg laying Fig. 2E). Approximate ly P0 in of the larvat population pupariated in the leas mine atthe tipper fide. and 30R at the under si de of the lamina. The hal Dcontracted si .e. be fore the anterior pari contracted) larva turn ed toward the epidermis and ope nedit with iis motithhooks. During the contraction of the anterior pari, the anterior spiracles protruded through the epidermis to the out fide. The contracted larva secreted a stic ky drop of faeces to attach it self on the dorsal sui face to the greenishinternat si de of the leafmine. Usualty on the sanae day the contracted larva hecomes a barre l-s haped whi te prepupa. Shortly after the whi te pre-puparium. thecuti cle staris to scieroti Ze and melani Ze. Blackish ΡVV shape stri pes de vel op onthe ventral pupariat si de whicli later en large and merge to a wide black spol. The dorsat si de usualty re mains yellowish and transparent. The pupat mouit tal esplace with in the pupariat sheli. The average weight of a fres lily sceleroti Zed pu- parium is 6.9Φ0. J mg.