장음표시 사용
The original diagno sis of the group and the description of the species are completed as follows. Pro notum without 'distinctV groove or piis etc., in factpro notulan with punctures l-2 PD apatet sin KlMSEY Ω BOI ART). addendum: whichcontinues more fine ly in the shallow depression along posterior margin with trace of sonae minute, tess o uti ined foveolae mediat ly, and with sonae minute irregularpunctures laterat ly. Malar space 0. 3 MOD long and not 0. 8 meas ured at the shori est distance lcf. Fig. 2 MOCZAR l 998ccl). Ped l. J times as long as wide. F-II 2.2 sin KIMSEY 2. 4. Fig. 2 l) times as long as wide. Pro notat disc re markably more deeplypunctured than face. Posterior margin os postscutellum twice deeply excavate l. Scape. pedi cel light brown. T-II with ti ny T-III-IV with fine, scattered, gradu allyden Ser punctures, part ly with do ubi e punctures. Nervulus interstitiai. Abdomen brownish black T-I part ly and ali segments lateralty brown and posterior margins part ly with narro lighter brownish Streat s. Legs part ly yellowish and light brownish. Middie legs, fore coxae, trochanters in front extensive lywhite. Further data sin KIM SEY): face with metallic blue tinis. Pronotum flattenedin profite. Mesopleuron smooth with a s mali scrobal pit anil deep punctures. Propodeum lateralty and metapleuron entire ly smooth, polis hed. T-V e marginate mediat ly. f. nam.
The Catalogue contains the basic taxonomic, nomenclatorial and distribution data of ali species occurring in the Palaearctic Region
INTRODUCTIONA councii meet ing of the SEL Societas Europaeae Lepidopterologica) held in l992 at the ho me of Dr SIGBERT WAGENER, Bochoit, Germany, provided theauthor with the opportunity to look at his large collection of Lepidoptera. The
Noctu idae were of particular interest as many of them were collected frona localities in Tui key and Iran. Among them was a stiori series of a LOPhotergeS species si ona Iran. Dr LASZLO RONKAY. who is currently revising this genus, was ShΟwnthe specimens, and he immediate ly confirmed that it was an undescribed species representing the most easterly member of the L. milliere L. hse Gammeri species
nal line. Fringes whitis h. Underside unicolorous, stightly darker towariis termen. Discat spol and terminal line on hind wing weakly marked. Male genitalia. Valva club- like Fig. 2). broadest at clavus. tapered towards the in id die of the valve: the distat part narrow. finger- like wid th lI3 of the basal part), with parallel fides. Clasper reduced to a scieroti sed narrow bar, sused with the valva. Corona abSent. Tegumen hi gli, narrow penicular lobes sol ming two potiate i. asymmetricat, dentate, 'socii '-proceSSUS pOinting towardS Uncus. The right socius-process vlewed ventrally) narrower and significantly longer. Iuxta mouth- like both lips together). Clavus a Smali. Strong proces s with truncated apex, originating frona a heavi lyScleroti sed, narrow plate. Uncus prominent. distat ly flattened. hooked at apex. Aedeagus narro est bas atly Fig. 3). Carina double-peaked. A large subbasal membranous diverticulum projecis to thelest: the vesica projecis dorsally, curving to the lest with ductus Haculatorius towards aedeagus: three clus ters of shori spinules one subbasalty on right si de and two apical ly. Female genitalia. OVi positor weak. shori, posterior papillae Stightly elongated Fig. 4): inter- segmentat gelati notas plate fine, tess Strongly developed. Ostium bursae calyculate with large scieroti sed plates ventralty and dorsalty symmetrical, hutteri y- like. Dorsal plate considerably smallei . Ventral si de of ductus bursae heavi ly scieroti sed anteriori y. A membranous bulb near the connectionto corpus bursae. Distat part os corpus bursae rugulose, proximal part elliptical, membra notis, fine lyscobinate. Appendix bursae rather shori, conica l. scieroti Zed, sine ly cristate.
perficiat ly dissers frona ali related taxa by iis generat ly brown isti forewing ground colour and less sharply defined lighter costat stripe and whit isti stigmata.
In the male genitalia the conspicuous synapomorphic structure Of the genus are the asymmetricat 'socii '- processes developed frona the tegumen. The shape of the valva resembles that of the L. Cent mi&Siae species-group but the valves are tessasymmetricat, the clasper is complete ly missing and the distat patet of the valva is Straight, not arcuate Or cui Ved. The penicular lobes Os L. miarianniae are Stronglyasymmetrical, with long , acute apical processes: those of L. hoe mammeri are significantly less asymmetricat, tess dentate, and the apical processes are leSS ex
pressed: those of L. milliet ei are similarly Strongly asymmetrical but less Stronglyscleroti sed and the apical processes are less differentialed, e specialty on the lest
Side. The uncus of L. marianniae is stronger than those of the other members of the L. millieret Speci CS-gro Up. The everted vesica resembles those of the other species in the subgenus. The
Vesica of L. martianniae differs frona those of L. millierei and L. hoerhammeri by the apicatly po in ted subbasal diveniculum. and the longer spines of ali three cornuti sield S. The generic apomorphic character of the female genitalia is the large scieroti sed plates in ostium bursae: venti ally and dorsalty with a symmetricat, butte in ly- like scieroti sation. The se male genitalia of L. mariannae differ frona those of the other allied species by iis narrower. higher, more trapeZoidat ostium bursae with stron-ger, larger dorsal plate. The margins of the ductus bursae are almost parallel, nottapering caudat ly as in case of the related taxa. The genitalia of L. millierei and L. hoe mammeri are also illustraled by DU FAY
Bionomics. The habitat sor L. incirianniae are the Ope n. dry mounta in si opes. The imagines areon the wing in June July. The early Stages are unknown. Distribution. The new species is only known froin the type locali ty. Etymology. The species is named in honour Os my patient wila. MARIANN FIBIGER, who, be- cause of her continuous kind support, hi ght y deserves a nanae in lepidopterology. Ac Drulei emen I -l wish to thank MARIANN FIBIGER and MARTIN HONEY. The Natural History Museum. London. sor correcting the Englisti texi: Dr LASZLO RONKAY. Hungarian Natural History useum. Budapest, sor important discussions and suggestions to the description: GERT BROVAD
Zoological Muscum. Coponi, age n. sor the photos: and Dr SIGBERT WA GENER, Bochoit, Germany. sorkindly allowing access to his collection.
Demop Sestini, comprising more than a doZen of known species. The distributionof the genus is characteristicatly Hima lay an . iis range extending fi Om the westernHima layas throughout the main cha in to the nori heria extremities of Indochina an dio Taiwan, and a s maller portion of the Species, is expanded nonhwards along the Pacific Coast to the Russi an Far East, KOrea and Japan. Abo ut half of the recently known species was described in the last two de- cades, as a result of the intensification of the lepidopterological exploration of theso ut heria Hi malayas and the faunistic research in Taiwan YOS HI MOTO l 982.l 983. l 984. l 988iet; b. t 995). The species of the genus are typical of the late autumnal and winter aspecis, and represent an interesting part of the so-called Ρwinter fauna'' of the Himalay an region. In the framework of the research project of the Hungarian Natural HistoryMuseum on the winter fauna of northeria Vietnam the authors had the opponunt tyto stud y the EPOSeStiS material of the Fan-si-pan expeditions carried out in November December, l99J and in November, l999. These expeditions were very successsul, besides the large number of ne ly disco vered Noctu idae species HREBLAY et ah l 999) the materiai contained tela species of sSEStiS. FOur os them were Very unusual in their externat appearance, differing strongly frona allknown taxa of the genus even for the fit si look. The more delailed studies revealed that these mur species helong to four different phyletic lineages of the genus, andare not Only new for the science but display cenain features in the genitalia sespecialty the males). whicli are unique with in EpiPSeStiS. During the sui vey of the Thyatiridae material of the wiit Museum. two of these species were repented ly
found . One of them was represented by a smali series and stom the fame area, whilea few specimens of the second species were mund originating Dom the Kanchen junga maSSiV, eaStern Nepai. The above mentioned other species mund by the expedition are also interest-ing Dom taxonomic and biogeographical potnts of View and with the exception ofE. ni koensis MAJ SUMURA. l92 l), they differ froni the formerly described taxa in certain externat and genital features. This faci indicates the importance of thenorthern mountainous areas of Indochina in the evolution of the genus sand also of the whole Ρwinter fauna'' of eastern Asia), and we belleve that the discovery of additionat new taxa of Epipsestis in this region is very probabie.
The present paper contains the descriptioris of the mur new species, the taxonomic analysis of the remaining taxa hom Vietnam with the furvey of the E. dubia WARREN l9l ) species-complex will be given in a separated article.